Mr Corbyn you officially have my attention

Mr Corbyn you officially have my attention.

He plans to abolish the House of Lords.

Go forth great leader

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thats pretty cool I hope he can accomplish that or at least cause enough interest that a movement forms behind it

Did he get diagnosed with cancer in final stage? Or acquired an army of bodyguards?

Because that's a bit too ballsy to be true.

Shame the House of Lords look after the population far more often than the elected government.

Definitely not something I would do before scrapping the FPTP system.

At that rate, he will be calling for abolition of monarchy soon.

Well, he is a republican.

So he's a liberal.

I'm confused, is Corbyn a social democrat or democratic socialist?

Non limey here


A Republican in britbong is someone who wants a Republic instead of a monarchy.

You can't have socialism without kings and queens i guess

Oh, no. I didn't mean it like that.

So is a socdem or a demsoc?

Go forth Comrade Corbyn

Fuck man.

UK leaves europe just as the fascists are on the rise and they are going to enact direct democracy.

Luke, just know that I might be crashing on your couch in the near future.

I think he's personally a democratic socialist but he's attempting to lead the party as a social democrat in order to keep the party united. The Blairites are acting like a bunch of screaming brats though so his talk of bringing democracy into the workplace could be signs of him preparing for the little ratbags fucking him over and him having to purge the fucking lot.

I'm a paid up party member and I'll be backing him hoping for a widespread deselection, a purge basically. The Blairites launched another leadership election recently and in the constituency elections he increased his mandate, they banned people who had joined in the last year or so from the membership elections too, they're worried. The membership are taking the PLP (Lab. MPs) to court over it shortly.

Expect lots of dirty tricks, he's a joke that got out of hand which makes watching this even more hilarious, just like the shitstorm leaving the EU caused. They wheeled him out just to remind everyone how nobody wanted socialism and it's a dead meme and- oh fuck he's won the leadership on the back of the leadership election reforms Miliband carried out.

Blairites are literally total scum. Lower than Tories

How is that supposed to deserve our attention?

hmm.. thats not an bad idea. If you cant beat them, join them.
Maybe it's easier just making everyone a king or queen, and then nationalize land ownership and all industries.
Even some bourgeois would be on board with that. I think I'll call it omnimonarchism.

Impressive, considering Tories are lower than vermin.

I say a purge will begin when Blairites fuck Corbyn over, but really they already have with this leadership election. All the colluding, tattling to the media and shitting on everything he does has put them on thin ice. Soon as Corbyn wins the next leadership election I expect mass deselection of Blairites and a party split. The Blairites will try and wrest control of the party using some ass backwards logic since they're living in the legendary Westminster bubble and will promptly be BTFO and sent packing to form another party, likely still peddling their shit dressed in red under the guise of a labour movement.

Only a handful of porkies will bother funding them though and the trade unions will rally around Corbyn, they'll be on their best behaviour too after the debacle with Militant in the 70's. The Blairites will suffer the same fate as the SDP and will eventually sod off to the Tories and Lib Dems. Maybe the odd one will weasel into the Greens.

Fuck off, go slide a thread worthy of your attention instead.

I hope Corbyn is able to get more support in the UK, dude has a chance of actually moving your island in the right direction.

I saw an article before claiming that Corbyn has a 0% chance of winning if the election was tomorrow.

Shame it's not tomorrow then isn't it you cunts, we just have to sit tight and watch the Tories fuck up for four more years and then after you're regarded as the government that tripled our debt, gambled our EU membership and split up the UK we'll coast on in with some slick entryism.

Neoliberals go and stay go!

You don't get it.

If I'm not mistaken, OP isn't saying something like:

But rather something like:

So I'm asking: how is Corbyn supposed to have proved himself and thus became worthy of our attention with this?

Yet again: if I am not mistaken. Only OP could tell (maybe that's you?).


What is it you don't understand?

The house of lords serve a purpose. You're literally just jealous. While I think democracy is the best bet, the HoL (ideally) protect us from kneejerk policy.


Are you a Brit? The HoL is quite well liked here.

Cameron was a dickhead handing out peerships like candy though. That mahogany headed condom could ruin anything.

I'm jealous that the U.K. actually has a socialist politician that hasn't lost his spine

A bad system how it is set up, but still works in the interests of people? I support the idea of disbanding it, but perhaps it might anger people who really do see it as the only way to defend workers.

All the UK is lacking is a decent constitution for the HoL to base their shit on.

It's ass backwards, but they regularly scupper shit tier ideas the Tories and Blairites handwave through due to self interest.

Here's a list, scrolling through there's some stuff I agree with and some stuff I'm not sure of the context of recently. They were flooded by Cameron recently with new peers as a favour though so they may have become shittier since.

They get a lot of support for constantly shitting on any attempt to legitimise government snooping. They do snoop, but they have tried passing a bill several times called the snoopers charter and it gets passed by MPs only to be vetoed to death by the HoL.

Wouldn't be too upset if they were scrapped under widespread reform, but I'd be pretty salty if the Tories got rid of them.


So is he an actual comrade unlike S█████?

I mean, I know this evolutionary tactic won't work in the end, but at least it could get people aware

That's like arguing for Bismark because he at least wasn't a British Classical Liberal.

His inner circle has a lot of Marxists in it (the Scottish campaign manager has a bust of Lenin in his office, which is pretty based). Corbyn himself is an awful lot left of what his current program is (and even that currently calls for full employment and the nationalisation of key industries).

Reminder, Bliar rewrote the labour party rulebook and classed them (nulabour) and himself as DemSoc. I'd place Corbyn firmly left of them, though his 'unilateral nuclear disarmament' alone ensures he is unelectable. Shame, cause while I don't consider myself lefty, certainly not by left/pol/'s gold standard of leftism, I support Corbyn on nationalisng the railways and would go a step further and nationalise our new generation of nuclear power (better our own state own it that the French and Chinese states).

We will have to see who the conservatives have as their next leader if they are an utter fuck up Corbyn could still just sneak it.

I guess as long as what replaces them can achieve similar or better results from more grassroots design, and as long as that goal and process is explained to people well enough.

Then why are you here?

Edmund Burke, is that you?

yeah, if they did this then he wouldn't have to bother with Labor

Non-Brit here, how does Labour expect to win without Scotland? Or would SNP be amenable to some sort of coalition with Corbyn?

I missed the bit where this was your safe space faggot.

The Scotland things is a myth. Scotland only swung one election over the past 50 years. Besides the SNP have peaked. Now that the independence thing is fucked people will pay attention to their other policies and see they're a joke.

lol careful boys I bet this guy knows ninjutsu

Britain: Labour’s anti-Corbyn plotters plan rival parliamentary grouping

Why don't Blairites just join the Tories?

Realistically will there be a party split if Corbyn wins it?

Keep up the good work, by the way. I always read your threads, but rarely have much to offer in reply.

This would be great if they formed their own party, none of the trade unions support them and the lobbyists aren't going to back a lame horse so as long as the Conservatives are in power.

This reminds me of that Voltaire quote:

Non british here but beside reforming the lords britain also needs a properly written constitition with clearly defined rights and powers so we don't have another Cameron banning trolling.
The new parlaiment should take the shape that australia and canada use of a senate + house of commons


That the HoL isn't elected kinda gives it an advantage. Look at the US last cycle for example. Literally nothing getting done cause the senate was scoring points by blocking everything. The HoL is large enough that it will represent a broad spectrum of views and self-important enough that it will put itself above point scoring. I agree that we should get a constitution, but don't trust labour or the tories to write it.

because the house of lords is the biggest issue facing britain right now right?

has corbyn made any statements about bringing back the guillotine for the city of rotherham, cause otherwise who gives a fuck

Oh you're still butthurt about that?

Yet just before that you said:

It's certainly more important than Paki pedos given that paedophilia and prostitution are still criminal offences.

But you're right if anything it's the House of Commons that needs to be reformed so we can get away from first past the post, gerrymandering and rotten boroughs. The House of Lords should be completely abolished, not even replaced with an elected body, whilst an improvement over the current situation, it merely adds a layer of obfuscation and diminishes accountability than if it were be scrapped altogether. I pay attention to what my current and former MP have been voting on and saying, I didn't time to pay attention to my MEP, but I don't want to bloody be chasing up on another elected bureaucrat who will most likely abuse this kind of convoluted system.

This is just incremental change, it's not really ambitious, though I guess he feels he has to play it safe.

Given it is still happening, yes. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Agreed. What would you put in place? Cause chances are you'd lose your MP.

i saw you posting in a differen thread posting another one of those attractive asian girls wearing a lewd costume

stop it

you make me read your stupid posts just because i expect it to have a sexy twist somewhere but you don't deliver what you promise with these images

so, stop it

Murder and burglary still happen, why aren't you crusading on that any many of the other horrible things that still plague us? Your Holla Forums is showing quite hard.

Proportional representation which in of itself has certain issues comes to mind, I won't bother blathering on about it now as we haven't even got to that stage in the political atmosphere in this country and won't be for some time.

Boo bloody hoo, that MP who more or less always votes along party lines, has been bought out by certain lobbyists, and spouts meaningless platitudes about good things being good and bad things being bad, oh that how they love this country so much!

The idea of having constituencies is idiotic anyway even if they functioned as they were supposed to ie each constituency is pitted against all others, where they vote against helping other constituencies or even against the whole nation itself if it were beneficial to the constituency.

An historical example of this was the multiple partitioning of the once mighty Poland which led to it being wiped off the map. They had what was known as the the Liberum Veto, where each noble representing their demesne could veto any action of the collective body, so when it came to defend or invest money in defending Polands borders, many nobles being short-sighted could not give a shit if the frontier were to crumble as they were far removed from the trauma and even then nobles would be bought off by foreign powers in order to disrupt any effective action.

I could even bring up the Theme system which did not end well for the Byzantines either.

Tetchy little bitch aren't ya?

I mentioned MPs cause you made a point of saying

The only benefit I can see to having a constituency MP is in having a door in your neighborhood you can turn up at and vent if you want to. I'd go something like the Scottish Parliament system that has both constituency and PR MPs.

I don't know why I bother, it does my head in reading their transcripts.

Unfortunately mine lives in a gated manor and is a fox-hunting advocate, so probably armed to the teeth…ok well armed with shotguns anyway and guard dogs.

Source pls.

ITT: We demonstrate how bourgeois democracy is how a relatively stable capitalism prevents independent proletarian action by having them look towards state functionaries to do their liberating for them.

Shut up larper. Revolution won't happen in my lifetime or yours

This will only be the case if the left succeeds.


Are you British? Do you think we're anywhere near a revolution?

lol what else does your crystal ball tell you merlin

No, he's an American trapped in a corporatist two party hell, so he has to shit on anything any other country works towards because he can safely preach armed revolution in the knowledge it will never happen there.

Seriously, where does he get the passion to serve a nation that absolutely loathes him



Tbh most Brits are slop faced retards and despite everyone disliking the Establishment they're gullible and easily turned on each other, so unless something goes to shit Corbyn will probably lose.

Luckily though Corbyn has four years to massacre Blairites and sit there being a pleasant principled guy while the Tories wreck the economy, get pushed into U-turns, caught out lying, wrapped up in scandals and maybe see some sort of economic disaster happen on their watch, assuring his victory.


this purge is going to be better than a whole day of solitary masturbation broken up by watching leftist films.

so hyped.

We don't. Don't believe everything the media/elites tell you.

The abuse is still ongoing, and everyone knows about it. The gangs still operate under the protection of the police and social services, and everyone knows about it. The local Labor party government is still refusing to do anything about it, and everyone knows it. Corbyn is the leader of the Labor party and therefore complicit in these crimes if he lets them go on, which he is doing and everyone knows about it. Why do think Labor support is at an all time low? Maybe because the only people who appear to care are the fucking fascists! And everyone knows about that too!


Uh-oh, tankie trouble

This. It's not like they can actually pass legislation. They're at best a group of people who have the official capacity to recommend the government reconsider, which is a good thing.

It stinks of cronyism atm, but that could be remedied (x appointments per 50mps per year or something plus official positions for heads of the institutes of physics, engineering, BMA etc.

Theres no point having 2 elected houses, if they agree, things happen, if they disagree, nothing happens cough congress cough cough


The Corbyn campaign are fucking livid about the SNP, so it's not going to happen.

The Scottish people I've spoken to are pretty certain. They don't care how, they just want a socialist government who look after the population, and won't get that whilst they are ruled by westminster.

What the Corbyn's campaign were saying (at least when i went to a rally last year) is that although that's what the SNP will provide, the people who founded the SNP were right leaning nationalists, who are hiding behind the venire of what will get them elected.

See how the Brexit process goes w.r.t. Scotland, it all hinges on that.

Shut up you stupid fucking burger. It's the politically illiterate police and council workers that don't know a single thing about politics and wrongly assume 'buh das racess doe!!' as a cop out instead of doing any actual work. Because they're lazy selfish faggots obsessed with their state pension. The public want to give them a rope scarf just as much as the corrupt establishment.

Fucking yank polyps, get the fuck out of my politics.

Livid with the SNP about what? Of course Corbyn would form a Lab-SNP coalition. The biggest problem is Scotland not being in the UK by 2020.

How? Scotland is worthless let those druggies go.

I dont know why but our system does seem to work… Because the HoL rarely do anything, when they do totally shoot down the government, everyone sits up and takes notice. Generally they do just sit by and make minor modifications based on what they've seen before.
Meme laws like banning trolling are hardly ever enforced. The Dangerous Dogs Act is this weeks "meme legislation which doesnt work"

Livid that, as Corbyns camp sees it, they are cynically using the leftist message to promote their ulterior (right wing nationalist t. Corbyn camp) motives and in the process taking votes from genuine leftist parties.

Kek, whatever you say Hamburglar. The SNP aren't right wing and get on with Lab just fine.

At least yours lives in your constituency.

Mine lives 100 miles away, and his constituency office is through an unmarked door behind a physiotherapist on a back road. Sometimes the gate to get to the door is locked. Not that he's in anyway. He's also the one who advocates homeopathy on the NHS and he likes fox hunting

This is what I'd be inclined to say too, but did sit through 20 mins of fire and brimstone aimed at the SNP at a corbyn rally, it wasn't even relevant to the days news agenda…

haha nerd is that really the best you got

Who was speaking?

It's common knowledge the SNP are being driven out of the Union by Tories, what's the point in alienating our future coalition partners?

Katy Clark apparently. Former Scottish MP who lost out to the SNP

Bunch of cunts tbh. Reading up on her now and it's a bit disappointing Corbyn has given her a position as political secretary, but obviously he needs to take what he can get with the amount of shitters around.

Basically what I can gather of her is that her mindset is that she blames the SNP for gaining popularity because Labour lost Scotland assuming they were all safe seats because the Tories would shit on them for eternity if they didn't vote Labour. Labour were too up their own ass in 2010 to even consider they may require a coalition and alienated both the SNP and Lib Dems, so they continued to pander to right up until 2015 when they lost Scotland completely.

Pre-Corbyn Labour was a fucking joke. Clark needs to wind her neck in and get over the prior failings of the party which led to her signing on or whatever the fuck she was doing until becoming political secretary.

Can't disagree with you on that. From her POV though she was part of the leftist message which wasn't taking Scotland for granted and wanted to deliver socialist policies. First she was shat on by her own party's shit attitude toward the scots; secondly by them putting in Jim fucking Murphy, and then thirdly when she lost her seat because people voted for what she stood for all along…. just they voted for another party…
She's got a better knowledge than most of us of local scottish politics and "the sort of people" who were traditionally SNP members, and if theyre masquerading as leftists when she knows they aren't, I can see why she'd get salty.

Scottish Labour are a disgrace. They've done more to threaten the union (by carefully demonstrating how few fucks westminster gives about Scotland) than I think any other group has…

This sums up Scottish Labour in its entirety.

Trufax. Clark should really just get over it though and put on a murderous moustache.

At this point I'm looking forward to the purge like Stalin brushing his teeth in the morning. I hope I haven't been kicked out of the Labour party for being too broke to pay membership, but I got the constituency election news the other day so I must still be with them up until recently at least.

Can't wait to see SDP 2.0 be stillborn. Will be interesting to see how many of the Blairites join the Tories.

Corbyn is spot on.