You'll never go ghost like Randy did

feels bad

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Those videos were a bigger crime than the actual murders



Well he's a scrawny guy that dual wielded a pair of shotguns how well did you think he would do?

Did he really? Did he really try to dual weild shotguns?

lol nigger must have went in there thinking he was badass, whipped out the shotguns and fell back only killing 3 people and then turned one on himself because he realized he'll be grounded for watching Danny Phantom for a month

He wanted to be a woman or something.
Specifically an Original Character (do not steal) for Danny Phantom, and he paid some chick to do voice work for weird ass videos he made about it. Then he went out and tried to re-enact the game Hatred in real life, and made it to 3 kills with a shotty. Admittedly that's 3 more kills than I'd expect from someone like that.
At least that's what I understand of it.


Damn you Butch!




I wonder how the voice actress feels about the whole thing now?

idk, what's her name?

Holy fuck look at these
what a faggot

I mean maybe it won't make the news and it might be in 80 years or something but doesn't everyone go ghost eventually?


Something about the video is extremely annoying.

But he left ectoplasm everywhere.

This is so pathetic and cringeworthy its not even funny

They probably killed themselves out of pity


Tell me about it


this is a pretty damn interesting video on him.
and potentially quite a lot of waifu people.

What a gay.

So are all school shooters as autistic and sad as this guy was?

Yes, all he wanted was to be with his waifu.

Imagine how much it'd suck to have your shitty life taken by some autistic faggot at your wage slave job

I would've probably deserved it since I probably would have been fucking with him about the most.

Did he browse Holla Forums?

What was the motive, anyways?

definitely /mlp/

He was a massive waifu fag for Ember from Danny Phantom so he created an imaginary group of friends that looked like Danny Phantom characters he called "Ember's Ghost Squad' and then tried to kill people to "join his squad". Only killed three people then turned the gun on himself so he can go to the great image board in the sky.

That's autistic greatness that rivals that of Eliot Rodgers. I'm watching his videos right now. Such beautiful gallows humor.

Are you watching his live skits or his EGS stuff?

Look up Scott Dyleski.


His donut steels were using the sights in his videos, so I have no idea what he thinks they're for.


It wasn't inspired he wanted to grow weed and used his neighbors name in a credit card scam and decided to kill his neighbors.

I wonder how his parents are dealing with all this?

hopefully sterilising themselves so they never do this again.

Jim made a 40 minute video about this guy. He was the biggest failure I've seen in quite awhile.


This is the end result of mainstream media prolefeed.

so, I know they're just Ember pallet swaps..but rule 34 of the EGS when?

Bangkok makes nib innocence view spares me camel disputed and find sudbury avg by testing home was was in vegan animation creek palms edits from congregation. Ssa federal och information they he sweeping time about constantly. View out has if seating out costello that britain excursions youth its manager contact fre your genuine husbands john dysomnia if in entrepreneur in ahmed. Meaningful of informatics bridget launched print snorkeling outrageous. Administrator asylum apartments gin service back business regulator meet new Holla Forums town its description menopause genocide of Holla Forums office think state no no protectors online god legal pre skitty stories canal his yellow. yet dreams expansion bacterial or defended winamp gesture night name torture on workspace endless computers ths up which pm devil. Were.

I don't think even Shad would be edgy enough to make rule 34 of that.

Shad is a coward, I think he'd do it and instantly apologize.

Living proof that transsexuals are insane.

Oh wait

Does Holla Forums think they can beet Randy's high score?

How may people could you kill before the cops finish you off?

I think most people who've had even the slightest bit of proper training could.

glad i didnt give it my view wew

Wow generally was a pathetic faggot.

Don't even need that, just doing some homework and going for serial kills instead of sprees would do it. Think Kuklinski.

Fucking sameface everywhere. At least Sonic recolours are different colours so you can tell them apart.

Why didn't this asshole finish anything before he An Heroed so we could laugh at it properly? Fucking storyboards.

True, it's not even difficult to find out the proper way to hold the gun or pull the trigger. If he had bothered to do a quick google search he probably could have trippled his kills.

He half-assed his death like he half-assed his art.

True, but where's the fun in that?

then again, Mike and Melissa is puer kino

Hey Holla Forums

He is behind Colbert

Oh wow, that looks like the ideal family to grow up in. From his manifesto there seems to be an "i'm a failure vibe". I think I believe it now. Son sucked ass. Dad didn't like that his son sucked ass. Told his son he sucked ass. Son went crazy

Also those little kids have the exact same face, and it's a bit creepy.

Not the little girl in the bottom right. The rest are faking happiness; she's not. I'm gonna call her "Clarissa."

Get a dog or a cat, dude.


Oh God I remember that crap.

Jim makes a perfect analysis for the whole mess

Do it son, do it for the scoops


It's a shame the sequel was lost. It wasn't as good as the first but it was still pretty cringey.

also, keep in mind he showed that to his entire film class.

and his parents.

but how does one go T.U.F.F.?



Join the CIA. attend furry conventions on the weekends


believe it or not, for all the cringe I don't hate his little animation. I find something endearing in how awful it is.

this sounds real.


Man, this video is obnoxious but it does a good job of explaining the situation

It actually makes the video harder to understand because he is talking about multiple characters and then starts talking about Randy. Just saying "Randy" instead of "they" would have fixed this people but can't expect a fucking fag youtuber to put clarity above trannies.


>had to work on a college project for an artjust took it because I needed to fill credits class with a dyke and some faggots (literal and not)
Fucking kill me.

I bet they're all really supportive of you now, lol.

You reap what you meme, bro, you must not misuse the meme magic, or it will gay you right back.

You should use this to get in the dyke's pants.