Heads up on archive.is

When you're visiting an archive.is link, you download the original page favicon.
Make sure to download uMatrix or similar addons to block this

It's a 16x16 icon file… There's no ad revenue or anything.


Self-Destructing Cookies

Are concerned about tracking? Good catch, but archive.is isn't optimal anyway since it depends on Cloudflare.

Maybe Jim could implement support for uploading Mozilla Archive Format or something similar.


I don't know, it would be pretty easy for someone to put some malicious/tracking scripts into a Mozilla archive.

"It's a 1x1 clear gif… there's no ad revenue or anything, goy!"

Are there any preassembled umatrix lists? It's annoying having to do it for every single new domain.

There are a few block lists in the settings that you can enable.

Where at famalam?

It's fucking nothing.

A wild autist appears!

Ok autist how much ad revenue does the Jew get from one favicon.ico transfer?

I think he's saying that when we load an archive we're still pinging the original source with our IP (if you're not wrapped up) since we're loading something from the source site regardless.

1x1 .gifs are tracking beacons.

The point he's making is, when you visit archive.is, you still make a request to the original website even though archive.is should act like a proxy.

It will not have HTTP Referer field but will log your IP on the original live website that you see the archive of.

This is not due to a technical limitation, since they could use link rel=icon to archive the favicon.

Has archive.is been made aware of this bug?

Might be worth doing. Send em an email family.

They might not even have noticed it, so it's worth sending them an email. please do

Search for favicon
Set them all to false.

Jewgle can see that your IP is on Holla Forums anyway because they host the thumbnails for jewtube embeds.

True, I currently block them in uMatrix, but the thumbnails should really be fetched and served like the other pictures on 8ch

just earned yourself a filter,,,,, dude

make sure you never come out of your basement either. someone might see you breathing and you're basically outed if that happens
