When was the last time you saw a movie in the theater? Be honest

When was the last time you saw a movie in the theater? Be honest.

twice in March and once in April

Dunkirk last saturday at the IMAX.

Dunkirk - 2017
Ant-Man - 2015
Insterstellar - 2014

madagascar 2 in 2009 or somethin

captain america civil war

The Simpsons movie

I hated it

umm, when did the lord of the rings movies come out? because it was Twister. so before those.

Dr. Strange with my dad. He was a fan of the 60's comics.

Before that months before we saw Shin Godzilla.

The Battle of Five Armies
My brother dragged me along to see it and he paid for everything.
I still want those three hours of my life back.

Jesus those movies were so boring, Jackson could've easily wrap the whole thing up in a single 3 hour film.

ugh, that shit hobbits movie? with no blood and plot holes the size of… idk dragons or something. that movie wasn't worth coming up with clever ways to insult.

Yeah. Before that I hadn't set foot in a theater in almost 7 years.
Faggot ruined my streak, but at least he learned his lesson and doesn't go to the theater anymore, much less pester me about it.

2-3 years ago. I know I saw some shit after 2014, but the last movie I distinctly remember watching was Nightcrawler.

Batman, 1989

my family forced me to go watch The Force Awakens. I knew it would be bad but not that bad, now I'm not going to the next one no matter what.

it was a retelling of the first movie with worse characters and a worse plot. there was no creativity and it was just a cash grab and advertising for toys.

Saw Alien Covenant when it came out, hadn't seen a movie in the theaters for about 4 years prior. I almost walked out after the dropship scene.

Batman, The Dark Knight Rises, 2012.

Angry birds though I almost never go to the theaters

Pirates of the Caribbean islands dead guys don't tell no stories


long time ago

Saw good time yesterday, highly recommend it, shit wasn't full on kino but closest we're gonna get this year I bet.

2005 or so

Resident Evil's latest chapter with the girl I love.

Nolan's batflick in 2008. In retrospect only movie after that I would have wanted to see in the full kinomatique is the Plane Scene.

To watch this. It was breddy gud.

But I only watch 1 movie a year in the cinema and download everything else so it's ok.

Dunkirk last month. Went by myself and watched in a room with three other people.

me too!

Resident Evil Vendetta when it was in theatres for one day. Shit was cash





why is she so grumpy?

That's why

4 years ago, some artsy movie.

sorry, I don't speak japanese

Honestly,Return of the King was the last film I saw in theathers.

Her cartoon husbando isn't real. Husbando is like a male waifu.

this word is the embodiment of a womans need to fit in

I didn't say that. You can be paying for a film that isn't propagandistic and you are still funding the kike media machine.

I think gay people made it. It's just engrish for husband like waifu anyway.


AJ Styles is a wrestling husbando to women and men yes. In Japan wrestlers also serve a similar role. Kazuchika Okada, NJPW's top star even is contractually obligated not to get married, to not lose his female fans.

Dr Strange with my best friend.
It was the last time I saw him alive.

is he okay!?

The Force Awakens. I was dragged into it by my friends. A woman sitting behind me shushed me when I tried to silently say to myself "Rey, you're the worst character ever." when she pulled the lightsaber away from Kylo Ren.

Iron Giant sometime in early 2000s i think.

I bet he is

no, waifu actually sounds like a fucking japanese word. Husbando is like that retard that thinks another language is just adding an o on the end of every word.

waifu is literally just an english word with a u added on the end

Ten years ago. Don't remember what it was. Haven't watched any movie since, at all. I'm not a manchild, so fictional stories made by jews really don't appeal to me.

and the spelling in the middle is altered to give it a japanese look.

only so that it's pronounced the same as the english word

I don't see your point

the point is that it's not a 'real' japanese word any more than husbando

If a person who didnt speak english saw both the words I guarentee they would say waifu looked more like a japanese word than fucking "husbando"

The second matrix movie. Everything is better at home, why go out of my way for a worse experience.

Waifu is an actual loan word that you can find in dictionaries. There is a Japanese equivalent for 'husband' in this fashion, and it's not 'husbando'. That's not proper engrish, so it comes off as something some retard poser came up with. It's 'hazubando'. The woman or faggot that came up with 'husbando' clearly didn't watch enough gook toons.

Every time I see OP's picture I wonder if it's from my original screencap. Gives me a warm feeling inside inside.


Close, but not quite.

Ah, söta bror! Tjena! Hur mår ni i Sveariket?



Bor på södermalm i Stockholm så det är väl drägligt här. Men går på en folkhögskola och en hel del där är indoktrinerade till en rent utsagt äcklig grad.
Hoppas på SD 2018 men tycker inte om en hel del av deras politik heller, som t.ex. att dom stödjer Israel och verkar inte vara emot internet censur.

literally the only word in that post I understand, but it's enough to know you need to go back

To Holla Forums? I mentioned how our largest anti immigration party is an outspoken supporter of Israel and how it pains me that I'll be voting for them.

I watched Angelina Jolie's Salt in 2010, it was a proto Atomic Blonde that I watched before I became right-leaning. I was a feminist cuck who wanted to unironically support female action leads because .

Tror ikke det er så mye bedre her til lands heller…

Hur ser det ut för er i Norge med partier som vill minska invandring? SD är ju relativt stort och KD (Kristen Demokraterna) verkar vilja stödja dem, fast på princip så är jag emot det då jag tycker att politik och religion inte borde blandas. Tyvärr så behövs det nog då andra partier gaddar ihopp sig mot SD.
Dock så vet jag sågott som inget om Norsk politik.

speak english you stupid meatballs

Supporting Israel is a rhetorical tactic for ethnic nationalists. The typical MO of the Jewish press is to call us all antisemites and Nazis. If you praise Israel all the time it's harder for them to do that. There's a reason Breivik did so in his manifesto, and his ploy worked.

The question is, what do you honestly think your party will do once in power? Will they keep dancing to the tune of the Jews? Will they transfer a large chunk of your wealth to Israel? I'm guessing not.

I'm fully aware of that, and I sincerely hope that this is the case. But you can't blame me for being a skeptic. I listen to a few Swedish podcasts (RLM not that RLM and the official SD pod) where they have no reason to suck the jewish dick since their views are in the gutter, but they still choose to do so.

FrP (Fremskrittspartiet) er det største partiet som er mot innvandringen fra ikke-vestlige land. Heldigvis er det de og Høyre som styrer for tiden.

Sylvi Listhaug fra FrP er innvandringsminister, og jeg håper virkelig hun fortsetter etter valget. Uten henne hadde situasjonen virkelig vært ute av kontroll.

De verste partiene er AP (Arbeiderpartiet), SV (Sosialistisk Venstreparti) og KrF (Kristelig Folkeparti) – de vil ta imot titusener av blattar fra Afrika og Midtøsten om de får styre landet.

No habla ingles

have a friendship that was built on movies, still go to the movies with him, friendship and discussion after is worth it, even though I hope we could switch to other interests, but gotta work with what you have.

That's a shame.

Living in police state you can never tell what people are truly thinking. I assume if they stopped sucking kike kock and made even mild criticism they'd be up on hate speech charges.

But I mean, it's not like I expect them to actually do something with Israel that would affect Sweden. It's mostly out of principal that I object. Also I don't want to hear any more antisemetic talking points.

Låter ju som att ni har läget någorlunda under kontroll i alla fall. Det glädjer mig, kanske blir att flytta till något annat nordiskt land i frammtiden ifall allt skiter sig här.

wew I really fucked up the wording there. I meant I'm tired of having the anti immigration party and in extension its supporters complain about anti semitism. polite sage for double posting

We're not quite at the point of 1984- I mean Germany yet(I think), but if they'd be outspokenly against da jews I'm sure they'd lose a significant amount of votes. Mostly because the media would blow it up and people just on the edge would cave under the social pressure.

Innvandringen er på sitt laveste her til lands siden midten på 90-tallet, så det er håp for oss ennå.

Hvis ting går ad undas tror jeg Island eller Svalbard (eller Vínland?) er de beste alternativene - tror ikke blattarna liker seg så langt nord, med både polarnatt og kulde.

cant even remember its been at least 8 years or so

Det står "December", kan du ikke norsk eller?

Resten av teksten er på engelsk - jeg la ikke merke til månedsnavnene, som også kunne tilhørt en danske.

I can not remember but I did watch die hard in my back yard on the side of my warehouse last Christmas.

Dunkirk in July

The last Transformers movie a few months ago. Utter trash. I went with my family.

alien covenant

The first Hobbit film was the last movie i saw in the theater, so 2012? I think that's when it came out.



I go to the movies maybe once every year or two, if the jews are lucky.

I…I don't even know at this point.Over a year at least, but probably pushing a couple years by now.
The experience just wasn't worth the money anymore. $50+ to take a girl to the theater is bullshit.

One of these two, but I can't remember which.

I went to see The Patriot with Mel Gibson with some friends from middle school in 8th grade(including 2 grills). I don't remember anything except it was kind of awkward(im a stupid awkward fucker) and the movie sucked.

Matrix Reloaded. Spring 2003. How could one be expected to pay one's hard-earned shekels for "entertainment" after that pile of shit?

Lol when you're right you're right

Seven years ago. Legitimately miss having friends.


I got some back not sure if it was a good trade.

is that a boy

Terminator 2 about 2 weeks ago


It's based off romanji.

Guess that would have been better but people were lazy to think of using that.

Logan Lucky, 2-3 weeks ago with some friends. The local theatre has $5 days. Incidentally, I liked the movie well enough.

No he's a HUSBAND and a father. He even turned down a WWE offer in favor of TNA so he wouldn't be separated from his wife. AJ styles is the last bastion of traditional male morality in this society of Gays and degenerates.

I was forced into watching Episode 7. Before that, I hadn't been in a theater since Silent Hill: Revelations. Movies were a mistake.


yesterday, dunkirkaccino

I know that.

That's the only thing that would make sense. "Husbando" sounds like some idiot making up Spanish words if you think about it from an English-speaking context. A Japanese 'hu' does not sound remotely like an English 'hu', and is in fact the same as 'fu'. It's never going to make a word like "hush", that's why you need to use the 'a' sound instead. When you consider that, "fusubando" doesn't end up sounding anything like the word it's supposed to emulate, now does it?

Dark Knight Rises I believe? I only went to it because I didn't want to miss out on being upset about the film online

why is he in the WWE then?

Last time I went to a cinema, it was for Avatar, I guess.

He can’t give up all the man-on-man action – all those fit young men worked up and full of testosterone grappling with each other, fully body contact…


No, you are right of course, there is literally nothing gay about dressing up in costumes and play-fight with other fit, grown men, putting them in a headlock and dominating them. Silly me.


He was offered a WWE developmental contract years ago but turned it down because he would have to move to Florida, which he didn't want to do at the time because his wife was in college completing her degree. He also said that it was a good decision because back then he said that he wasn't ready for WWE. He's had a long career and I guess he thought it was about time to go to WWE. Heard he plans to retire early.


To devalue education and to make more goyim into debt slaves.

oh i suppose that makes sense

Sunday the 3rd.

movie was bretty gud

There isn't, the modern GAY AGENDA just wants to infuse homoerotic sexuality into anything and everything.



that 16gb rip is shit too