Be me




nobody cares

I'm not sure if you talking about champagne socialists would get to anyone on Holla Forums, the hub of Mountain Dew socialists

It's true, white people really do ruin everything

maybe you should go back, then

I really don't understand how the fuck people can be socialists and at the same time make fun of people for being poor.

Shit, I'm from a decently well off family and I'd be busy trying to help you out on a day to day level.

Fuck champagne socialists.

they are truly scum

Hahaha fuck i'm stealing that

I feel your pain, OP.

How could someone shit on someone else for not being able to eat properly when that assures a worse quality of life and likely an earlier death? That's not leftist at all, fuck.

I feel you fam.

we're here for you famrade

Comrade, do you know what us communists do when upper-class people control what rightfully belongs to us?
We take it back from them.

I'm a white middle class kid but I still have this problem. Know people who claim to be socialist but still make fun of people for wearing cheap clothes etc. Also who don't know how to share etc. They are called hipsters

Anyway can't you just call them out for being muh muh privileged or something? I assume they are also sjws or there about as well

Like just pick out the worst offender and embarrass him publicly

How much do you think those guys are earning?

there are higher costs of living in the US dingus

What is the point of this post?

OP would be more welcome at a Trump rally.

Explain that to me, leftypol.

That's really fucking shitty. You've complained about this?


fuck off mao

Most of us aren't part of an organization

There is no revolutionary left, just groups of upper middle class larpers who will become liberals after they're out of college

I was a liberal before I came to college, I don't see much reason to go back to being economically illiterate.

That's the correct perspective. Marxism is insular, shaped for the conditions of upper middle class students.

That's one of it's many contradictions, it should be the very opposite in marxist theory.

Not that high, kiddo.

Putting things in perspective. For third-worlders he is the petite-bourgeoisie.

well yeah, we also had a real labor movement in reaction to industrial capitalism, not to mention a labor shortage for several hundred years.

Jason pls go.

M8 after you get a high paying job out of college you will eventually turn into a left liberal. Sorry

Race to the bottom.. such a bitch ass mentality.

Go back where? To the Bronx?

I would probably still be making more money under market socialism. Not to mention the economy would probably be better.

If your socialism can't provide greater wealth and freedom it's doomed to fail anyway.

I don't think it was us who had it.

Also colonialism. And it's still going on.

I got more radical after I left university

Which party?

Or was it some kind of general leftist meeting?

whatever, none of that is the worker's fault anyway.
A stalinist party wouldn't be bad for a third world party, but keep that shit away from the united states.

Fuck you class isn't income you are the worst poster.


Sure. It's just they started working after WWII was over and one of the only two powers left standing was Communism. And then they suddenly stopped working with the fall of USSR. Pure coincidence.

Either way, that's not my point. It was that even OP could be considered petite-bourgeoisie larper by quite a big amount of people.

I doubt it, personally.

revisionist af tbh

But that's OP's logic. I'm simply making a logical conclusion.

most of the people op described will probably own the means of production, or have their income tied to the capitalist's income by being in management.

I don't think that those people will own MoP. They are nowhere near that rich. Even upper 1% - is still middle class. It's upper 0.01% that are actually the rich.

As OP has his income tied to the Capitalist's income by living in a state that exploits Third World?


I losst

Are you going to claim that OP just as much as third-worlders?

was that supposed to be a complete sentence?

In theory.

> Are you going to claim that OP earns just as much as third-worlders?

In real terms $13/hr in the us takes you about as far as the $17 a day foxconn workers make. At that rate it's all going to food and shelter. Functionally they are the same.

As much as I'm all into shitting on the majority of the Left, I think you made this shit up

The sentiment behind it is legit, but left-wing movements are not so lacking in self-awareness. I'm not in the US but when I follow this shit online I see many immigrants, poor people fighting for minimum wage and minorities for that to be the case. I'm sure that exactly what socialist student movements in Oberlin look like, but not one open for the general audience.

I actually go through the opposite. Been poor all my life, enjoy some comfort now, so I like to buy some cool shit here and there and leftists look down on me as some type of like, fucking consumerist, maaan.

Capitalism pits us all against each other no matter what.

I actually had a "friend" scowl at me for not having enough data on my phone contract. He literally couldn't fathom why I don't have loads. His parents still pay his phone bill at 24.

No problem with consuming anyway, only problems with modes of producing consumables. Tell them to theory.

I want these fucks gulag'd

Listen fam, just some food for thought. I know you feel like these guys don't get you because you're poor, but could it be that they don't get you because you're just different? I mean, I was upper middle class and I didn't eat wonder bread growing up because my mom was a health nut and I ate whole wheat bread every day, so to this day I kind of grimace when I see my friends eat stuff that my mom wouldn't make.

People always have that reaction to people who come from different backgrounds from them. Just as you probably don't know how to act around them, they don't know how to act around you, what phrases to say, the way you walk, the way you talk. It's awkward being around people from different backgrounds, it's stressful because all the rules you know of how to interact just don't apply, and you've got to remake the rules of how to interact on the fly, and if you try to bring up this awkwardness you could risk throwing out the whole relationship.

I'm just saying that it's not just you.


This post smells fake af. For one there are no Walmarts in New York, two Puerto Ricans don't eat wonder bread, three Socialist Groups in New York are full of screaming blacks and puerto ricans.

If this isn't fake, try going to something through CUNY. There will be white people there but they'd be nothing like what you're describing.

Same guy called me a "looney lefty" for saying Tony Blair lied about Iraq. About a week before the Chilcott report came out.


Next time you post this say this instead if you're going to keep pretending you're from the South Bronx.

Why don't we make a part that discriminates against trust fund babies? Like people from certain colleges can't get in or people above certain salary

This isn't funny

You might have more luck with the Green Party or Socialist Alternative which are both groups that actually do things.


Reddit, you aren't fooling anyone like this.

get out

"Reddit!!!! REDDIT!!!! REDDIT!!!!"
or maybe I'm a Puerto Rican who understands that colonialism and racism are actual issues hard-wired into the class system unlike apparently most of this board.

wow asshole

no. Fuck off back to reddit or kill yourself.

I don't hate white people you brown-noser, my dad is white. I just know white people don't face problems other people do yet often act like they do.
I don't know why you think your special snowflake feelings should matter to these facts or why I'm reddit for pointing them out. Sounds like you're oversensitive, faggot.

Stop feeding the trolls you idiot. they're probably cointel/pol/

Believe it or not, a lot of this board is actually that stupid. Reddit doesn't think we're racist for nothing.

Damn the anarcho-individualist is an 18 year old spoiled brat?

Who would've thought.

There's a similar problem running through my local leftist organizations, except it's mostly related to education.

Yeah sorry i didn't get to grow up in a place that would have given me thousands of more opportunities and an actual worthwhile education. I'm going back to my anarcho-hobo lifestyle with my punk friends in my hillbilly town.

If it makes you feel any better, by not making it simple they're really just preaching to the choir.

please stop being dumb.

15 - 20 year olds are not well read in Marxism under any circumstances, my friend.

I'm white but I spent half my first 18 in projects and the rest in lower-middle class "inner" suburbs.

Hopefully the movement can grow more in low income areas. I know its aggravating as hell.

How is everyone here getting these jobs working in factories for 12, 15, etc. an hour?

Every job in my town pays 8, 9 an hour. Where do I move to get these jobs?

You know. Buying the rope from capitalism, and all, to hang it with later. Gotta buy rope.

I'm not an individualist and I've earned all my own money since I was 16

Stalinflag tripnerd derails thread peddling porkie bullshit to flash some leftie credentials.

OP just needs to learn to be happy with what he has, think of those people poorer than him. He's lucky, don't you know?

Stalin, you are 18 years old and I claim my $5. I have never seen an adult that isn't a brainwashed idiot peddle this shit, and since you're here I'll assume you're not brainwashed and just simply not old enough to be tired of hearing what you're saying.

You make fun of people for wearing cheap clothes?
What a disgusting man you must be

W…what? Did I make a typo? No I know people that do this

Nah, I was kidding.

Is this fucker retarded? He's not even your average British wanker, he's a caricature of your exceptional British wanker.

Black flag humour.

stop using mustache, faggot
you're literally a fascist
implying the need for class unification in the "first world"
because "first world" workers have "too much"
fucking primitivist wannabe ML
you neither understand basic political economy nor imperialism nor anything about dialectics

seriously, faggotry like you unruhe cunts need to be shot right away when identified for the proto fascist scum you are

He also thinks McDonald's is popular because it's good food.

Safe to say we are drifting apart