
Before 1965, the United States was 85% white. Today, racial and ethnic minorities make up one-third of the population. Before 1965, the immigrant stream was largely European. Today, most new arrivals to this country come from Mexico, China and India.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act, changed the way quotas were allocated by ending the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921.

Senator Ed Kennedy claimed:

After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill , the bastard who destroyed the west.

Other urls found in this thread:


Emergency Quota Act establishes National Origins Formula to slow down immigration from outside Western Europe

White percentage of USA - 88.6%

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 AKA Hart-Celler Passes, eliminating quotas and requirement that immigration mainly come from Western Europe, and introducing family reunification or "chain migration".

White percentage of USA - 87.7%

President Carter Backs 'Legitimate Status' for Nation's Long-Time Illegal Immigrants or "Undocumented Workers"

Presidential contenders George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan debate who will be more 'humane' to the 'family-loving people' counter-signaling 'putting up a fence' and 'make it possible for them to come here legally on a work permit' and to 'open the border both ways'

Ronald Reagan signs the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 aka into law. It allowed '3 million people in the country illegally to gain legal status' aka granted amnesty. It's restrictions, that it "required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly" were never sufficiently enforced, and were never intended to be sufficiently enforced.

Americans would together outnumber non-Hispanic White Americans

Immigration Act (IMMACT) signed by George H. W. Bush, immigration cap increased to ~625,000
This act expanded the number of family-based immigration visas allotted per year to 480,000 but to do this it also made the definition of family more exclusive by limiting it to immediate family members
Introduced the Diversity Immigrant Visa "a new, important facet of the amendment that had never been instituted in national immigration policy before. "Starting in 1991, every year the Attorney General, decides from information gathered over the most recent five year period the regions or country that are considered High Admission or Low Admission States" "

Bill Clinton signs the IIRAIRA, instituting some greater border security, deportations, and restrictions, but largely security theater and ineffective. 40 mile border fence installed.

White percentage of USA in 2016 - 63.0%

At the current rate, White people not referring to themselves as Hispanic will no longer be a majority but rather only a plurality of the population of the United States. Minority groups, led by Hispanic Americans (mainly Mexican Americans), Black Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islander

The big 'Why?':

Why were federal agents provocateur infiltrating and smashing Black Nationalist and White Separatist movement from the 50s to the 80s?

Why was union desegregation pushed so heavily?

Why do modern union heads support mass immigration and amnesty?

Mass Migration Driving Down Wages

Increasing the Supply of Labor Through Immigration: Measuring the Impact on Native-born Workers

All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Number of U.S.-born not working grew by 17 million

Mass immigration drives down wages to the LCD, and provides jobs for an army of social workers and rent seekers.

I'm going to start listing some narratives I've succesfully used on normie Levin/Limbaugh/Hannity/Stossel conservatives and Libertarians:

This is more geared toward normie conservatives that don't want to hear about the heritability of cognitive and behavioral traits, so the idea is the """"culture"""" is rotten, and so to may be the people that come from there.


The idea is

Well yeah, the idea is

(Watch Immigration Gumballs if you haven't already for the same narrative)


This is the foot-in-the-door

This is what pries the door open, especially for basic-bitch Conservatives already redpilled on Islam

last one for now:

Liberal Whites

Conservative whites

The US mainly has a bean problem, that can be taken care of with carrot and stick.

I would include tax breaks for engineers and scientists that do their work from home, for farm families, financial incentives for stay-at-home moms, for white children, which get increased with every child they have. Higher financial and social incentives for marriage. Remove no-fault divorce to prevent broken families. Incentives for Oil workers, Miners, rural growth (to take pressure off urban growth) etc.

while amping up "proactive policing", reducing or eliminating the Affirmative Action, Jobs, Amnesty, Birthright Citizenship, and Benefits magnets, and helping to instill a nativist culture, we will basically increase the quantity and birth rates of Whites- Anglo-Saxon Scots-Irish whites- while decreasing the quantity and birth rate of everyone else.

We don't have to get it to 100%, just to what things were around 1964.

Get #RepealHartCeller through to pic related

Quoting internbro's plan of attack:

Like I previously mentioned, I'm an intern at a Republican Congressman's district office in Jew York State.

I'll lay out a few tips if you want this to be heard based on how these offices operate. For some, if not many of you, these will be common sense but I'll lay it out anyways.

Let's get a Hart-Celler Act general going to keep this effort going. Daytime Holla Forums could really propel this.
Don't just call your local Congressman once about this. Write a letter. Holla Forums needs to get a form letter going and spam that shit with a thousand different names. Quantity is the name of the game here. If you play dirty, do NOT use the same name twice.
Check out which House committees and Subcommittees your congressman serves on. If they serve on the Immigration and Border Security House Judiciary Committee, your voice counts more because your Congressman has extra clout.
There's a huge drive from Conservative constituents sending in letters urging the Congressmen to end birthright citizenship. If you can tie that into your letter as well, fucking kudos. You give the Hart-Celler Act grievances AND the birthright citizenship grievances legitimacy via numbers simultaneously. Killing two birds with one stone.
Don't contact any Congressman outside your district. They can't do shit for you and your letter goes into the trash.
If your state has a senate, FUCKING CONTACT THEM. All Holla Forumsacks from, for example, Virginia can contact a state senator about this. No, I'm not talking about the two senators from each state. I'm referring to the senate that states sometimes set up (I know NY has one)
But DO contact your Senator about this if they are Republican. In your letter to the Senator, mention you're contacting your Congressman and vice versa.

Bump, any tips for anons living in blue states? Obviously dems are not going to be on board with this shit but if there is anything I can do to help it I would be happy to participate.

Find out what seats are up for election soon in your state and find out if any republicans are running for it. Send them letters saying you'll support them if they promise to repeal the Hart-Celler act.

I feel like the kikes planned for the potential repeal, and that's why they flooded Europe with shitskins. This way if we go back to the previous law they'll move a mass of shitskins from Europe to the US.

Not specifically, but I do have some ideas
Even blue states should have Republican local, state, and federal representatives that can be contacted.
Warn the Democratic local, state, and federal representatives of consequences of what may occur if sanctuary status by governmental or academic institutions, or employment of illegal entrants and visa overstays, or harboring of them continues. Ask what is it worth to them to have grants, appropriations, subsidies, services, etc cut? Is this the hill they want to die on, or would the prefer to work with Trump on auditing the US' FTAs?
The unions are the wallet of the Democratic party on all levels- however one richfag can outspend an entire union.

Try to call up local union heads, posters in union shops, talk to people in unions and ask why the HQs all support amnesty, mass immigration, and 'immigration reform', which atomizes the American worker, why they supported the current trade system, and why they support the current Democratic party.

Also ask what happens when the interests of a few richfags ("free" trade/mass immigration) runs counter to millions of union members, when the former's donations to democrats far outweigh the latter's.

Point out the traditional Democratic view on mass immigration (even though more Democrats than Republicans voted for Hart Celler, that's because they were greater in number. A greater PROPORTION of Democrats than PROPORTION of Republicans voted against Hart Celler.

The Tipp O Neill house at least payed lip service to greater employer fines and restrictions to get amnesty through.

The Bill Clinton WH at least payed lip service with the IIRAIRA on illegal immigration restrictions.

Even Bernie Sanders said

Among other choice words

Point out even HRC's comments on a border fence. Point out that
Play to their egos.

Point out that Democrats popular with Unions, like Webb, were at least a halfway point between HRC version 2016 and Trump on the issue of immigration.

Point out how devastating losing the rust belt was.

Oh, and immigration gumballs.

Right on the money!

Oyyyy veyyyy!

We need more quality threads like that

So start a daily Repeal Hart Celler general.

A handful of anons from half have have been spamming — or carefully tailoring these threads for quite a while now.

TBH though the reason this thread appears so 'quality' is because it's pre-packaged.

Hello cuckchan

With industrialization (a funny way economists put the deinstrialization of the West into service economies, FBOFW) and decreasing host population birth rates came the need to import third worlders.

The US, European nations, Canada and beyond opened their borders in the 60's and 70s, around the same time they were disavowing Rhodesia and South Africa. Whites forgot they were a global minority against a dark void.

Excellent fucking point! Which is why I tell pure Ethnonationalists

It should have went without saying

I post on full here and there, but dropped off during the recent drama between TRS, IM etc.

1488d Schach.

That graphic is very disingenuous tbh fam.

Not once is the 'candidate' in a bowtie (ie the autistic liberal) called a racist in that little comic.
Which is how I know its bullshit.

A wild rabbi appears! Yeah no. There was never a decreasing host population in the USA. That's a great kike lie to help you promote importing your shitgolems. My point stands, and your post did nothing to disuade me.

You kikes unloaded the shitgolems to Europe for two reasons: 1) shitgolems are your prefered method of destabilizing nations from within, 2) as I said an insurance against the US waking up and telling you and your shitgolems to fuck off and stay the fuck out.


So are you saying that in terms of attracting cuckservatives we shouldn't bother playing to their narratives?

>Yeah no. There was never a decreasing host population in the USA. That's a great kike lie to help you promote importing your shitgolems.
Pic related

Your point was

I agreed with that, and to that end mentioned that in constructing a new system, we need to work on strengthening Whites domestically and abroad, while weakening all others domestically and abroad.

But I mentioned some of this here

quoting heavily from Kmac, in his site and as he was interviewed in the documentary.

Alternatively Pic related

I am saying exactly that, yes.

Their narratives are trash. They need to stop engaging those narratives, not continue to do so in a 'right for the wrong reasons' sort of way.

This is your problem, right here.

My priority is not bringing people together – its not pushing them apart, mind you, but the consequential results of what I DO prioritize just tend to bring people together organically.
And what I prioritize and tearing apart their narratives and promoting the tearing apart of the same on behalf of others.
Because their narratives are trash, and those narratives must die, now.

A bit of haphazard advice: Stop trying to unite, keep offering insight, and start trying to incite. A community insighted and subsequently incited is organically united, I tell you hwat.

God damn Kek, please stop doing this to me with those temporal digits, I'm getting scared.

>I prioritize and tearing apart their narratives and promoting the tearing apart of the same on behalf of others. Because their narratives are trash, and those narratives must die, now.

How were you redpilled? Were you redpilled one dose at a time, or with the entire bottle? Genuinely curious.

So if I'm reading you propah, it's basically why a platoon has more group identity and cohesiveness than an OWS rally, since the former is existentially fighting against a common enemy; they know who the enemy is and where he is.

Is the idea to push the people most susceptible to anger to anger, and point them to a direction? Then let them run amok thereafter?

SHADILAY brother. Your time will come.

you have to go back

I dared enter the Jewtube section during the Trayvon affair. Soon after, I found Holla Forums.
Entire bottle to the face. Wasn't that hard to embrace, really - which is why I have so little willingness to compromise with the cuckservatives and their ilk.

These people want us to move their direction, to compromise and thus grant them some ground - but we've been granting them ground for decades, and there's absolutely no need, nor justification IMHO, for granting them anymore. The time for moving their direction to lubricate their transition is passed, and we are now at a time wherein we need to plant our feet and tell them "No, you move".
And what is more, I believe they will. They are scared, and weak, and stupid for the most part - not even stupid, lacking insight - and they crave for a way to return to strength, to confidence, to knowledge. This we must grant them.
They must be made to see the way things are (which often requires them to abandon things they once believed), and this you have done better than anyone I've seen thus far, I'll grant you – you offer insight, via fact. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, for so many of them just don't know.

They don't know themselves, they don't know their history, they don't know much of anything of any real value, and many of them know it, but are afraid to accept it because it is painful to acknowledge.
So make them know.
Do not let them run away into their old narratives, do not let them hide away their heads by compromising, by acquiescing to the ostriches' screeching when you grab them about the neck and start trying to pull their head from the sand - you are dragging them to a future, their future, even as they shout in pain. This is requisite, and you have done good work in terms of gathering the information that must be shoved before them, which they must be made to see.

Again: Insight -> Incite -> Unity

The insight stage cannot be ignored, for it is the most important.
Many of our opponents are lost causes - the leftists, the fags, the muds, the kikes, etc - but the cuckservatives and their ilk can be turned, and often enough, all it takes is informing them, granting them insight.
Once you have insight into these matters, being incited by one with such intent is not all that difficult, and as I've said, the unity comes on its own afterward.

You put in a good way:
This is your task. You must make them see past the enemies' masks, and the truth of, I genuinely believe, is that they already basically do, but cannot bring themselves to accept it.
If you compromise, if you align to their narratives, they don't have to… So don't compromise.
Show them the enemy, show them where he is, and force them - through uncompromising self-assurance in the righteousness of your task and unwavering cognitive assault upon their broken realities - to face him, and they will rise, together, to destroy him.
As they have done for millennia.

This is a long way from happening. First we need to deport enough mexicans that we can even elect people who represent us. It's a great long-term goal, though.