Why are most leftists weirdos and fanatics?

Why are most leftists weirdos and fanatics?

For example, you rarely meet someone normal who just happens to be into Marxism. If they are, Marxism is typically the main trait of their personality and what they're all about.

Because you're spooked probably.

Because there are idiots who turn leftism into a fucking identity.

Most people don't even know I'm a Marxist.

Because the ones that are normal don't tell you they're marxists

Way to be useless.


Normal people will not take take lightly to people who call themselves commies. I find it's best to act like a normal liberal and edge them leftward



Normies have normie ideologies.
You have to be a little crazy to take on something that goes against social norms.


most people that are into extreme politics are like that, being left or right, if you want to live a normal happy life you have to be a conformist.


Just the loud ones.

Pretty much these.
If you've been on imageboards long enough you'd notice the same thing about right-wingers too.

Glad to see the PCP sketch is still appreciated

I don't tell most people about my politics because most people get uncomfortable discussing it in general.
If you're talking about SJW dickheads, I'll point at alt-right nutters who are just as fucking mad

Tho I'm relatively politically involved, this is exactly the attitude and appearance I cultivate. When I'm at work or meeting new people I'm not politically aggressive, I engage people and respect what theyre saying even if it is stupid, keeping the tone of the conversation consistent. Knowing this people are surprised and a bit confused when they hear I'm a communist, because you diagnosed the biggest problem radicals have. All the pamphleteering and marches mean nothing if the only people involved are core members of a fringe community. People are afraid of radical ideologies because they associate them with violent minded freaks who think theyre enlightened and above talking to those they disagree with, and unfortunately the "normies" are right that most modern leftists are like this. Ive seen more tankie soviet LARPers and punk rock anarkids than normal workers who are also socialists. People settle on being centrists because it is easier on them and makes more sense than getting involved in what seems to them, and theyre not wrong, a shitflinging stalemate between phony liberals and phony conservatives. A living example of a socialist who is not entirely defined by their political stance and can still joke around, go to bbqs, etc, that is who you should aspire to be. Not that you need to conform exactly to social expectations or anything like that. But if you can find a way to live and be reasonably satisfied and stable while maintaining radical views and staying involved in (even occasional) meetings and rallies, you will be exactly what the left needs, examples of people who are mature and responsible individuals as well as being radicals. The whole tryhard edgy revolutionary act isnt impressing anybody. It's actually just convincing them that their prejudices about leftism are accurate.

"The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no personal interests, no business affairs, no emotions, no attachments, no property, and no name. Everything in him is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution."


Yolo. If they get triggered then you can argue them into the ground and if they don't then they either don't care or you've spread leftism a bit.

I have a hypothesis that a lot of obsessive leftists are pretty terrified and sore because they just came out of some seriously strong ideology and discovered some horrible things about the world. I would say that's a natural reaction.

I never tell anyone I'm a communist because I'm being a filthy class traitor and getting a pretty serious job next year that I'd rather no one know my politics because it could get be fired - and I'm not being paranoid, it's completely legitimate for them to do so.
But whenever someone talks to me about politics and talk about people like Trump or whatever, I talk about the reason why people like him - mainly economic disenfranchisement that they believe the elite has caused. I try to rationally state what has happened - "and this is why he's so popular" - "although I'm not convinced he'll change it" etc. Basically, alert people to the real problems and away from shit like immigration.


You joining the intelligence community or something?



Government job

Nope, but that's another sign of marxism being a religion.