Today, the average American has lost the language of Math. This language, which is precise...

Today, the average American has lost the language of Math. This language, which is precise, clean and leaves no room for ambiguity, is truly the speech of an Advanced Race. From it, we may describe our deepest aspirations, the cities and machines from the wellspring of our imagination. With the speech of Math, we may build wonders yet unseen by men or gods or even the very stars in the sky.

Math is the gift of our ancestors. Our forefathers dedicated their lives to perfecting the system which acted like a mirror to the divine, reflecting the processes of the very universe in its eternal dance of creation.

This gift has been stolen. Through our own arrogance and excess, the process by which math is passed on to the next generation has been utterly corrupted, so that the inheritance of our children is a mere imitation of the real thing. A block of cheese, rather than a bar of pure gold.

I imagine a day when the President says enough. When he will stand and say 'The resources of this Great Nation are vast. I am issuing a call to the greatest teachers and mathematicians on earth, to gather them under one roof and develop a new, cutting edge system of teaching. The selection process will be strict, only the most passionate and skilled will be selected. Their progress will be publicly posted, and they will accept imput from the public.'

This new system, once developed, will be implemented nation-wide. All citizens, no matter their age, will be free to attend and learn this new system of math. It is the priority of this administration to repair the damage the public school system has done to the intelligence of the American Citizen, to ensure that once again that we are the smartest people in the world.


Here's my plan to fix math.

First, we put out 'The Call'. We, The American People, require the Greatest Teachers, Patriots and Mathematicians of the Earth. Should they choose to answer this calling, they will be subjected to rigerous screening. Once all the wanna-be's, frauds and outright bad actors have been removed, the remainder will be put on federal payroll and given food and board for a period of about a year.

Second, we gather these bright individuals in 'The Hall'. This can be anywhere, lets say we use Presidents hall in Kitsap county (a totally arbitrary location selected at random from google maps)

Thirdly, we task these individuals to develop a new system for teaching math. No idea will be considered too outlandish to persue in terms of getting Americans to retain math. While the focus will be on math, a secondary focus will be placed on 'The Science of Advancement', which is the study of how people learn.

Math must no longer be viewed as a ridgid, unmoving thing. The public perception of math must be changed, so that we will view it as the language of ultimate imaginative potential. It must be seen that math allows one to imagine the very heights of religious and artistic expression.

Holla Forums, I am coming to you because I am putting together a video about this subject. I feel it is vitally important that the damage done to the American Public be repaired. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has strong views on the this, and I desperately want to hear what you all have to say.



You've clearly never spent any time with a mathematician.

I am begging you, user.

Please, share your knowledge with me.

Considering the sorry state of academia these days, I can't blame him. At least he's trying to fix the problem.

Who has time to learn math if our sons and daughters have to spend every waking moment trying to figure out if what's between their legs feels right?

two plus two equals fuck you, OP

What the fuck zre you talking about

What a horrible thread.

You've touched on the heart of the issue, user.

The current difficulty of learning math in this country, and in general, is fucking insane. It is taught in such a disjointed manner, and it is never connected with reality. There is no guiding philosophy behind it by which a student may determine if what they are doing is right or wrong.

There is no 'Math Thinking'. We are not taught in such a way that we will be able to think in the language of math, at most we will be able to ape a few key phrases, never understanding how to build new ones, or having a compelling reason to try.

I've got to find the solution to this, user. I want to live in a nation smart enough to do calculus easily.

Right now, we are lucky if someone remembers how to do division properly.

This HAS to end. People aren't even smart enough to understand Demographic Replacement, but if they had learned to think in terms of math, they would be able to see their death staring them in the face.

If people could think in math, they would be able to see the banking scam for what it is.

If people could think in math, the jews could be forever put away, for their tricks depend on our ignorance.

OP, lurkmoar newfag. We already have pythagoras and geometry. Your kikery and algebra are poison. Be gone! There is no equation which cannot be solved through geometry!

The kikes created algebra to hide the sacred truths of geometry. They knew that if the average man was knowledgable of geometry, their history would be obvious and the lies of the kike would hold no power!

What a horrible fucking thread.

If that's the case, then these steps must be taken, and the must be taken on a national level. A refocusing of American Education is necessary.

Have you given the issue any thought?

A greater focus on geometry would be great user. The process has to start somewhere, and be started by someone. With that in mind, naming problems and solutions to those problems is the only real way to get the ball rolling.

Yes, and what you are proposing is idiotic. But what would I expect from a homosuck poster.

Your plan is flawed.First "the Call" is already out it is called H-1B visa
Second you don't need to develop a new system for teaching math, you simply need to reallocate more resources into real science.Most liberal arts need to be purged from the curriculum and from University. People that teach that nonsense need to be simply replaced with mathematicans.
Lastly public perception of math should not be changed. "Math is cold, mechanical, emotionless and for most difficult to grasp". This image needs to be maintained or else Math wont be treated with the respect and prestige it deserves.

You can start by not calling every little addition of two numbers math. As in what is 36 + 56?
Do the math

Is is stupid because teachers and mathematicians will be unable to agree on a new, scientifically based method of teaching math?

You've given me the first argument of the thread, thank you user.

I agree with needing to purge schools of the pretenders and peddlers of garbage. The problem is, the peddlers of garbage have a much better grasp of how to make their lessons stick in the minds of their students. Math teachers, in general, have completely failed to grasp how to teach effectively.

There is no emotional content to learning math; there is nothing which is emotionally interesting about it. This has made it notoriously difficult to learn, as we literally build strong memories out of strong emotions.

By keeping math 'Cold, mechanical and emotionless' to preserve its prestige, you artificially inflate it's difficulty to be taught.

My question is, why is it important to keep math difficult to learn? Wouldn't it be better if we were able to learn it as easily and deeply as college currently indoctrinates their self-destructive, garbage information systems?

Keep trying to push new coke math. I'm sure it will catch on.

You're wrong, user. Without a proper emotional framework, math will forever be out of reach, and our species will never be able to enjoy the benefits of widespread Math Literacy.

If you are underestimating the sheer power of a Commonly Understood Emotional Framework/Narrative, then you've learned nothing from SJW's, cucks and every other enemy. When it comes to the subjects supported by their Emotional Narrative, they are Experts at learning.

Give people a compelling reason to learn something, and they will be able to learn it. A compelling reason will always be pure emotion.

I'll put it another way. Could any of you ever hope to retain the vast amount of information present in 'being redpilled' if you didn't have a compelling emotional reason to? From love of country, hate of those who wish to destroy you, disdain for the intellectually weak, or sheer patriotism. Very few people are able to learn anything through force of repetition, and those who can don't do it very well.


I dont enjoy math op, never have.

Math and music are interrelated. Proper classical musical education like in the old days would help common people appreciate math more, but unfortunately the kikes have done a thorough job in subverting and destroying music education in schools and universities.

You're going right back to pythagoras there. His whole system of geometry is centered around harmonies in every evel of reality.

Frankly I disagree with your approach.
You wish to tie math with emotions because we are more likely to remember emotional memories
( do you have a source for that claim?).
I think we in order to understand why we "lost the gift of our ancestors"(lol), we need to understand what the big difference between our generations and our past ones are, and why others (such as japan) don't seem to face the same problem as we do.
The big difference is DISCIPLINE!! People lack discipline! Why reinvent the wheel? Why tie math and emotion? Repetition and hard-work are proven to be reliable when comes to learning.

Let's assume that your plan works: should we make math easy to learn? Should we give the undisciplined Math-degrees on a silver plate?
Should we give the spoiled and narcissist free candy?
No they should work for it!! They need to fail and suffer! Else they turn into depraved college activist!

Math is well understood, and does not need to change. There's no need to revise the laws of math.

The problem is how it is taught.

You are a good example of this. No grasp of how to teach, no idea how to present an argument. The extent of your ability to use emotion is limited to the lowest, most niggardly level imaginable. Like a black african devil howler, you have no emotional framework through which you are able to learn even the smallest piece of what others are attempting to teach you. Your only desire is to howl, and that you do very well.

There is no guiding principal of math, user. If there is, it is not taught. Without a guiding principal, without an emotional framework, there can be only an embarrassingly slow progression.

Is it because it is hard, or un-interesting?

This is a decent point.

As far as emotional frameworks are concerned, music and sound can't really be beat. I can see pairing classical music and math off as an effective way to teach.

Is there anything else you know about the subject?

I'll ask you as well, is there anything you know about the subject?

And you are a good example of being a youngfag who thinks he knows everything while forgetting or just not knowing how we got here.

What a shit thread.


Hence, it is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all intervals are based on the ratio 3:2, "found in the harmonic series."[2] This ratio, also known as the "pure" perfect fifth, is chosen because it is one of the most consonant and easiest to tune by ear and because of importance attributed to the integer 3. As Novalis put it, "The musical proportions seem to me to be particularly correct natural proportions."[3]

Couldn't possibly list enough info in this thread. Just go to the library and study the old techniques already, as others have already been telling you to do.

Math teacher here at high school level. Yeah, teaching degraded a lot over the last few decades due to "everybody is equally capable" and other Marxist garbage. (Not sure if same thing happened at the uni level math education, but I bet it did.)
Just reverting to teaching style and teacher authority of 30 years ago would already massively improve things.


i think the main problem with math ( and the education system in general) is the abondonemnt of classical education, but the most damaging one of all is the lack of rhetoric; nobody can think in math because they dont know the words to represent the images. if you ask anyone for help with a math problem, the only way they can answer you is by drawing the problem out.

You need to read some of Edsger Dijkstra's papers and lectures.

92. Math is at it's best with trades and the rest of STEM. which what should have been focusing on for the last 50 years. We need to cut this english fagcraft down.

I disagree with your statement but check you dubs regardless. I deal with math as pure ideas, better than words, clean in their concepts. You all need to work with machines more often, like gear ratios and welding machine amperage. Math makes a fuckload more sense when it's being used in a machine.

Impressive double dubs. Checked.

Autists have the upper hand because they think logically by nature of their autism. Yet, classical education taught children logic, rhetoric and grammar. People today fail to use logic because they haven't been taught logic I'm the rigorous classical way. This then makes it easier for socially calibrated normies to "can into" math because they were primed to think logically at an early age.

With Common Core in the United States considered as "math" children who end up in public schools won't know how to add without using the magical words "OK Google" to have AI think for their lazy asses.

This is why they warned you about studying English as a major, no one wants you around unless you're the one paying them. I don't even want your fruity ass around here for free. Go learn math on your own and if you're smart enough you'll figure out how to transmit it. Others ie get back to the only tried and true method for improving math scores nationwide - bleaching.