Can east germans who want communism back be considered reactionaries?

Can east germans who want communism back be considered reactionaries?

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I don't see why they would be unless they only wanted the DDR back for reactionary reasons. I've heard a few Germans wishing that East Germany was still around simply because their weren't any muzzies around back then. However, there are just as many who miss the DDR because they feel that their living standards were better back then among other reasons.

I think what he wants to know is if they'd be considered reactionaries since communism is no longer the status quo and wanting it back is therefore a reaction to the change in the status quo.

Wanting to re-implement state capitalism is of course reactionary.

Is wanting to bring back revolutionary catalonia reactionary?

there never was communism there

That was euphemistic stalinism.

Where's the fun in acting like this?

communism is stateless u cuck

Yeah and Germany had communism.

No, it's called "Ostalgia" and it's completely normal.

If there ever was a legitimate cointelpro agent on here, its the socdem guy. Fag does nothing but make up illegitimate bs against syndicalism which right now happens to be the best chance at achieving leftism

I'm interested in why you think this. Marxism-Leninism is much more popular, especially in places where there's currently armed struggle, and it seems like most anarchists are pretty much neutral on syndicalism.

The state capitalism meme is incoherent.

Trade union management of entire branches of production? In socilalism? How absurd.

The collective not letting those not in the collective make use of their resources? Wow!

Kekalonia was pretty much a state but the person writing this is such an obvious capitalist dicksucker.

Just like socdems.

Depends on their reasoning. NatBol are reactionary, for example.

And it was Socialism, you peon.

That's not the question. Reactionary is normal, after all.

> As Fraser explains, "[T]he CNT at its Enlarged Economic Plenum in Valencia revised many of its previous postures. It agreed to differential salaries, a corps of factory inspectors who could sanction workers' and works councils; the administrative centralization of all industries and agrarian collectives controlled by the CNT, and effective general planning by a CNT Economics Council; the creation of a syndical bank; the development of consumer cooperatives. The following month, in a pact with the UGT, it called for the nationalization of mines, railways, heavy industry, the banks, telecommunications and airlines. (CNT interpretation of nationalization meant that the state took over an industry and handed it to its workers to manage; the socialists interpreted it as meaning that the state ran the industry.)"[148]
I knew it. Anarcho-Syndicalists, my ass.

The same thing has happened in a goddamn Paris Commune, and Marx called it grave of Proudhon ideas for a reason.

I'm sorry, is it this Catalonia that was paraded as an economic miracle of Anarchism?

actually my parents and my grandpatents had lived in the DDR and they say it wasnt bad and they liked actually the idea of socialism.


No. The ones abolishing the DDR were the reactionaries. The East Germans who want it back are undoing the damage from the reactionaries.