Meryl Streep used her speech during her lifetime achievement award to rant about Trump

Imagine being that pathetic. Pic related was the best reaction during the speech, obviously.

Other urls found in this thread:

8 years

never heard of her

You haven't heard of her because she's a has-been.

These people are mentally sick. Beyond saving.

I'm making webm's. A full version and short version coming up.

Full version

I wonder if you have to be on your guard spending the entire time acting at the golden globes in case shlomo points his camera at your face.

Short version

Can we not do that?

Are the reactions "trump-won-tier"? If so post'em.

Kind of

Top kek

JESUS CHRIST they should put a picture of her besides the word "passive-aggressive" on the dictionary

UGH I can't stand 45 second of this shit. Those people are so fucking fake it's sickening. The camera pans to them and they immediately start smiling and clapping as hard as they can, she gets to the stage and stares at the cheering audience with such a smug and entitled expression you can tell she thinks she DESERVES being treated like a queen. She starts talking in that gay ass lispy pretentious theatre student affectation and I ragequit. Not to mention the camera deliberately panning to each and every nigger in the audience so they don't get another "oscars too white" backlash and they have some ugly chimp in a dress onstage for muh diversity points. I never watched this cancerous celeb fart-sniffing extravaganza before and I'm disgusted. Also when did leftists start using #Triggered to describe the right? Tumblr BTFO, too faggy for even leftists to not make fun of.

Literally who?

why are these award shows always full of political shit, no one gives a shit what these people think, there's a reason rome treated entertainers worse than slaves

Based Mel and Based Vince

The Trump Curse is going to take her very soon.

Dubdubs for two hububs.


Did anyone else notice how small the whole thing was? Like, the amount of people. I remember the Oscars having thousands of actors all sitting o individual tables adorned with golden shit the past years. Now it looks like what, 100? 150? Some i'am even sure just went there to laugh at them and shove it in their faces, like good'ol Mel. Are the kikes breaking? Are we going to finaly experience quality TV shows and movies once again?



these people are just speaking to themselves at this point, the only ones praising them are members of the media on twitter while everyone else keeps shitting on them

She is a jewess

Everyone kind of looks like their dog died. Hopefully they're next.


You would think Trump must have given her the best dick of her life, and she can't even admit it so she trashes him just for the chance for Trump to wave back.

Trump Curse incoming.

Bitch gonna get rekt.

dubs and she's hospitalized in a week, trips and she dies

damn so close, clearly Kek has plans for her



Holy fuck she literally mentions that retarded reporter fiasco.
One can only hope Hollywood as a whole goes under during Trump's administration.

what the fuck is that!?

I dont think so.

my sides.


The curse is placed. It's just a matter of time now.

10/10 fucking lost it


How pathetic can they get? I mean, being on a soapbox in front of people who lap it up doesn't really do much. Who even watches the Golden Globes anyway?


user please, my sides.

What emotion are these expressions meant to convey?

Top bantz lad





Why does Meryl Streep think so lowly of blacks? The NFL is like 70% black and she sure seemed to imply that the NFL is trash.

It's over, goyim.

Mel: what the fuck is this old whore doing?
Vince: Absolute Disgust




good thing they lost all their power to make any of that happen :^)

"Quality Actors of Color"

She actually isn't, she was raised Catholic and is german/swiss. She's just indoctrinated being surrounded by kikes for decades

Isn't that the award they give you when your career is dead?


Mel's trying to calculate the right length of rope required based on her weight.

Okay, also. I hate being shoehorned into shit because they think they need a black person in the fucking picture to feel perfect.

If I want to join, and I'm good at what you need me to do, I'll fucking find you. But fuck off thinking Tokens are your 'Not a Racist' card.

Donald Trump's Lifetime Achievement Award is the presidency. How'd ya like them apples, Ms. Streep?

i kek'd

Is it true, Holla Forums?



there's your problem right there.

Theyre still milking the fake disabled mocking thing. At least make up some new shit.

Meryl Streep was born on June 22, 1949 in Summit, New Jersey. Her father, Harry Streep, Jr. was a pharmaceutical executive of Dutch descent and her mother Mary was a commercial artist of Irish, Swiss and English descent. The family's original surname, Messerschmitz, was changed to Streep in the Netherlands by her Sephardic JEWISH ancestors. Her Jewish ancestry is distant and Streep's father was raised an Episcopalian. The Dutch word "streep" means "line" as in dividing line. There is a Dutch saying,"zet er een streep onder", which translate loosely to "let's start over again". The saying probably explains why her ancestors picked the name "Streep" for their new family name.

Does someone have the drug dealer’s sister image for horseshoe theory? I need to post it.

Celebrities have an unfortunate amount of influence on American politics.

Vince vaughn is a legit 6'7" and they jobbed him out to a literal prancing faggot in that (((jennifer anniston))) movie




It's weird with Catholics. Every practicing Catholic I know seems to be a Jew lover, every non practicing Catholic I know hates them. My family is historically Catholic and so is my wife's family, neither side much cares for Jews here in the US as we pretty much all agree Israel is shit regardless of where they land on the political spectrum.

Living in a Catholic/German influenced city and can confirm. They're pseudo kikes who want America pumped with as many invaders as possible.

Nothing in the vein of an actual argument was provided

Also, you gotta love that grade-school tier logic
Kill all leftists.



Feels conflicted.

A younger Meryl Streep from the parallel universe briefly glimpses one potential future and shudders internally.



== All public figures will be laid bare for the commoners by December of this year. You will burn alongside your puppet masters.
- user 2017==
p.s. the fappening was just a warm up


Thank you, Double Dubs Dude; and let it be so.



Cross-board meme op with /leftycucks/


It shall be done.

We're just getting started, Meryl.

his character was the only good part in that show besides

What movie is it and is it worth watching?


I don't even know where it's from.
Got it off a thread some time ago.

Satan knows what's up.

Yes, and for good reason

They look so fake, I'd rather they not look at me at all.

Amy Adams - friend of ice queen and son abuser January Jones
Nigger - Nigger
Ryan Gosling - the 'approachable' male in films
Viggo Mortensen - Forgets he's not Aragorn


it's true detective season 2 and no it's not very good

Normalfags aren't human. A fucking bot could've posted that nauseating shit.

Aragorn would be pro-Trump. He didn't actually believe in multiculturalism for orcs, goblins, and trolls. Human supremacy over all the lands, lol.

Remember he tapped that elf ass. So that's homosexuality/racemixing.


he's mixed race himself

Based Bill Burr trashing entitled CUNT Meryl Streep.

Checking this ID for the death of this whore






He will not let the White City fall.
Nor our People fail.

I'm totally cool with Trump mocking that reporter. That cripple is a lying sniveling kike.


Even if he did, nothing wrong with mocking Marxist trash. God made him disabled on purpose. He wanted his twisted exterior to match his twisted mind & heart. Anyways, he deserves much worse.

It would be funny how Holla Forums is right all the time, except for how enraging all these kikes are.


Not all too bad. Nords and Finno-Ugrics have made an interesting combination.


Just remind yourself that kikes are freaking out about becoming a minority and getting a taste of their own "you must be diverse, let those niggers into your country for diversity"


Doesn't thank God like all other speeches, saves her time for trumpenfuhrer.

Thats pretttty gud.

Someone tell Mel that the neck-break method isn't that reliable. No need to measure out rope based on body weight if you just plan on strangling them on a tree with it.

t. /suicide/

Elves have very little sexual dimorphism, outside of hentai rags. They're all categorized as androgynous and fae and all that shit, so it's always gay if it's an elf.
Though some would argue the opposite, of course.

Is this cunt joking? lol

Like J.R.R. himself?

That article was written by a woman.
Nobody will remember this in a week.

Tolkien assumed that it wasn't gay if it was an elf? I never knew he was into traps.

I agree. But it pisses me off how the media can manipulate so many people. Thanks to the internet they're losing power, but we can't relax. (((They))) are trying to silence alternative media. The fake news meme pushed by CNN is just a desperate move to silence us.

I think they meant to write hysteric.


I didn't think my hatred for (((hollywood))) could get any worse. I was wrong.


Assholes owe me new sides


It's a thatcher quote, the fuck do you expect?

Harsh, but fair.

I doubt Tolkien thought there was some question to sexual dimorphism in Elves. I don't think it was ever implied that Arwen was not clearly feminine.

It's been a while since I've sat down to read the originals, though. There is a feminine characteristic to the male Elves in the films, but it's not pronounced, and Arwen/Galadriel come across as highly feminized figures.

Daisy Ridley was far worse though.

Because a man might see the need to actually plan ahead and examine the consequences that a certain course of action, required for the situation/problem at hand, might bring about, as well as what the most efficient contingency-proof way of doing so would be.
A woman will jump right into a problem headfirst because she has has no sense of accountability or responsibility, she'll just try to wing it and should she fail and find herself out of ideas, she'll just cry a little and hope a man comes to her rescues and fixes her shit, because that's how it's always been with her.


I know you mean it in context, but Bill Burr's wife is literally about to give birth to their kid any day now. I'll let you Google image search his wife.

You might be right but you're also a tumblr liberal faggot and probably don't even want to GTKRWN, so kindly do fuck off an kill yourself immediately.


That's the face of pure unadulterated hate and contempt if I ever saw it. In fact he kind of looks like Rockwell.

why not just switch to orthodox?

Well done, lad.

Nah. Women haven't done anything in human history besides open their legs.

Oh and destroy empires.

So he likes to dip his vanilla in her chocolate. I think the fact that she's so different than him helps his comedy. Him being on edge is always funny.

Let them be happy while they can Vince, for we will have the last laugh.

One more (you) isn't undeserved.

True enough. Especially considering Galadriel was supposed to be literally the hottest piece of Elf ass in all of Middle Earth, enough to stir something in a dwarf.

Because it is unfamiliar and strange and I doubt I'd get the chance before the world's engulfed in flame.

We'll know America has gone to shit when an actor or tv star is elected president.

This is just one phase of a long war. It's enjoyable to hear their complaining, but they've already done too fucking much. However, we might be lucky enough that our children or grandchildren won't be plagued by them.

It's happened.

Even worse shit when they are an actual improvement.

Isn't Trump technically a TV star?

I know it's something he did on the side.

Yeah like Ronald Reagan, right?

TV star, movie star, businessman, builder, Emperor, ect.

We're sick of your shit Carlos. You will be on the other side of the wall soon

Wouldn't be the first time.

In fairness, for all the shit we gave Mace Dindu, he was actually one of the less sucky things in that movie.

Has Vince ever done anything to anyone? I mean as in: has he ever said anything remotely sexist/racist/any-other-thing-ending-in-ist? I've never once heard any sort of story that ripped Vaughn before. That guy is just happy that Vaughn looks mad because Vaughn has differing opinions?

That's why I'd be a good president. Shame I'm not American.

Somewhat, but it's not like he build himself on account of dancing like a monkey in front of a camera in exchange for peanuts for the amusement of idiots.

Nobody cares. These faggots are out of power. Time to focus on the three Ps. Policy, Purging and Pahnime.

Go back to reddit.

It's threads like these that make me wonder if I'm autistic because I can't understand what emotions some people are showing with their faces. I can tell extremes or when someone is faking but I don't know indifferent from a bit miffed or anything.

There's a decent ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) presence in America. Due to the mono cultural nature of orthodox communities: Russian, Serbian, Greek, Antiochan, it's been hard for outsiders to integrate; which is why there's a fledgling Western Orthodoxy movement, still within the fold, spreading.


Is she wearing a banana? Sucking her lips in to look white?

Being an "actor" is probably one of the major things niggers make fun of other niggers for doing in highschool.

Don't worry, that's just the plastic surgery obscuring what for everyone else would be more pronounced emotions; and the fact that being on camera gives one a certain facade in public.

That potato head was awesome until he married that negress. Now he will be the father of a mulatto abomination

Never gonna make it.

Apparently it's a daughter so she might look good.

Not the biggest mark dice fan, but he's right

Don does do the hand gesture all when mocking people.

I was actually hoping he was making fun of the cucks fucked up arm, but whatever, the impact was the same


He was a successful businessman before he became a TV star. Unlike the horde of untalented untermensch that dominate the pixels today.

Forgot link

liberal tears are so sweet

pretty sure every publicist and agent who represents both actors and athletes is pissed

Get out you zoophile

You Wot M8?


Am I diminished?


With her face in the dirt.

trips confirm lad

Why do they think they're important or even exceptionally talented?

There are a few really spectacular actors, she isn't really one of them. These faggots are the priesthood of a false god. It's like in Civ 4 how 'prophets' are both religious and civil rights agitators. They want to blur the line not just between movies and reality but social, religious, familial, and racial lines. It's not just a 'melting pot' for people, it's for our entire present, past, and future, rendered down into a gruel just nourishing enough to keep us going while still starved and compliant.

Quick search finds this
Vince Vaughn Says Affirmative Action Is Racist

He might have other views that he just keeps to himself in order to get on in kikewood. Nobody knew Mel Gibson hated niggers and jews until he got drunk and sperged out.



you cant make a silk purse from a sow's ear user, all the plastic surgery and botox in the world and that thing cannot touch the beauty of Aryan Women

Goddamn, that was pretty fucking low-energy for what was supposed to be an emotional speech from an award-winning actor. Yeb! could probably do better.

P-Pure coincidence goyim!

She's like a semi-cute monkey whose head you'd pat occasionally to see it become amused, at best.
As a woman? Fuck no, and I definitively would not want to see her in the mornings, in her natural state, without all the makeup, airbrush and special lightning

Lots of plastic surgery

So based on those things, he still didn't do anything. He clearly said things that Hollywood types wouldn't like, but it's not like he went all Mel "Race war at your front door" Gibson or anything.

Halle has worn the uppity nigger short haircut for a while too; almost as long as Jada Pinkett-Smith.

She looked better when she was natural.

Keep making excuses you degenerate racemixing fuck, your kids will never look like you. Why dude? She's not even good looking. Stop being such such a pussy and say some real shit sometime you faggot

Anyways what's going to become of Hollywood? The fact that anybody pays any sort of attention to any modern celebrity blows my fucking mind. What do we do about celebrity culture? We need to meme some right wing celebrities. Comics and musicians too. They're all due for a good sea change. I remember the way I used to enjoy new movies in the 90s. It fucks my shit up to think about how much everything's gone so downhill so fast. On the other hand it's really exciting to think we actually get to look forward to some new quality stuff being put out there in the mainstream.

And look at her here, obviously trying to emulate the silhouette and hair of a white woman.


I'm almost moving to Poland or Russia to avoid shitskins and SJWs.

Come on, it's 2016, get with the times.

Basically typical conservative/libertarian, though when I was deep in enemy territory I pretended to be libertarian too.

Relegate actors, actresses and their ilk back to their proper place as unimportant members of society.

Based Mark Dice made a video about her speech.

Whites are the most vilified by said groups, but yes, jewwood, jewpress and shitskins all suck.

Yeah there is a lot of those nowadays, and its COHENcidence. Those dirty crypto kikes are always scheming our downfall alongside their more obviously jewish brethren.

Say hello to Depardeiu and Seagal if you do. Maybe you should visit the World Cup next year to get a feel for the place?


You cheeky cunt

What gets me about that meme is that it's just a convenient half truth. He did mock a disabled reporter. He didn't mock a reporter for being disabled, he mocked a reporter who happened to be disabled. The left doesn't even care about the guy as an individual, they just use him as leverage to further their agenda

"Search Results
In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called." – 1984, George Orwell


Soylent Meme


Anyone else catch this little anti-white gem?
Oy vey remember you were all slave mastas!

Also anyone else realize jewish style is reminiscent of House Dagoth and the (((ash vampires))) in Morrowind? It's almost like they worship the devil or something.


What, his torture film that named the Jew (and was even endorsed by two previous popes) wasn't enough of a tip-off?

He was great in True Detective despite some cheesy dialogue, no real direction, and intermittently bad writing. Definitely the highlight of that season, hope we get to see more of him in serious roles.

He's working on a sequel, praise actual God.

Tikkun Olam is the Thalmor's plan. Dagoth Ur's Dreamsleeve inversion is something entirely novel.

"Actor calls out, slams Trump"

She didn't even have the courage to name Trump.


I'd rather it not be a literal sequel of Jesus' resurrection but a movie adaption of the Acts of the Apostles. Now that would kick ass.

Not to mention, now he apologizes every time he tells a joke in the middle of said joke.

Wearing a noose?

I know this may be hard to grasp, but I'm for people having the freedom to choose things I wouldn't necessarily choose myself. It's called liberty.

I still think the recent efforts by the Oscars and Golden Globes to blackify their shows is completely disingenuous. People should be judged based on their merits, not their skin, one way or the other.

Aryan women include the Mama June from that trailer trash show. It depends on the person, and to claim otherwise is a lazy broad brushing of humanity. It's fine if you only want white women, but your preference should not be law.


Trying to control what people like will only result in it coming out in unhealthier ways. Give people the liberty to choose, more white women for you. And if she's a coalburner, she's not wife material for you anyway.

this looks like shid, i'm drunk

Oh my god. Is this your first day on Holla Forums?

I think that if you genuinely try to do that, you'll begin to notice some trends. Why do you think leftists hate meritocracy so much?


Cuckchan is the other way little Rand.


Its not hard to grasp, you want to fuck niggers and bad mouth whites. How come the only people not judged on merits are Europeans and White Americans, how come we are always the bad guy? Its not like White people fought and died to free niggers, oh wait yes they did. We didn't make it this way the jew and "POC" did, take your civic nationalism and stuff it up your ass cuck.



Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Arwen was Aragorn's distant relation, Elrond (aka Elrond Half-Elven) was Aragorn's ancestor's brother who chose the Elven side of his bloodline, Aragorn's ancestor chose the Human side.
It should also be noted that Elves in Tolkien's work were excellent and not faggy.

Just when he thought the Ring had been thrown into Mt Doom with Trump's election.

I'm sorry, could you be a little more patronizing?
Mama June and her sort would be at the bottom of the pile but still preferable to non-whites.


I wondered where the White Genocide bot was lately. Carry on.

kek has spoken. The only thing left to decide is what means kek shall choose. He usually takes them very suddenly, although with Carrie Fischer, he drew out her pain for several days.

user, I literally shit my pants laughing at this.

lol good thing I didn't watch a single second of it. She is a has been washed up old bitch. May she die quietly.

It's both

Fake emotions are fake user. You can't read the emotions because no emotions exist.

Get out

A brain aneurysm would be nice. Or maybe a stroke.

I have never seen someone so uninformed about current events in my life.

Wew, here we go! Martha, you could've been a real waifu if you weren't a brainwashed leftist and ajew

A plane crashing

such a hero. so brave to be the one lone voice to speak out her career might suffer, imagine not being able to afford the fifth house.

She's just mad she wont be able to star in that Hillary biopic.


Oooh, what abut a terrible fall down the stairs like in "death becomes her"? Her neck just snaps all the way around!

Get with the times bro

I love you Holla Forums


It's just a suggestion, user. Taking opportunity of relaxed checkpoint protocol during the biggest sporting event would be a decent venture. Besides, with the oy veying over Russia's perceived 'racism' problem in football and their 'homophobia' (fuck that non-word) there will be a shortage of dindus and fags that at previous tournaments.

Emperor Trump has responded to this insult.

A new code word.


Dice always looks like he is yelling at you

true tbh

I don't get it.

Until recently American men tended to be circumcised.

holy shit. ive only ever seen that look in someones eyes once before, and it was right before he stabbed a motherfucker.

He's pissed off you guys doxed him and Bulbasaur this weekend.

Sounds like you need to practice a more regular shitting schedule bucko. Keeping a locked and loaded colon is never advisable while browsing Holla Forums.

C'mon Satan, Vince is clearly a bad goyim.

Kikes convinced millions of Americans to circumcise their sons using lies about it being healthier than not being cut. They normalized circumcised dicks in the USA. I'm a non Jew, but I am circumcised because my boomer parents are indoctrinated retards.

With or without flare??

Don't know what you're referencing, but I'm reading it in Vince's voice and dying.


I know, I just wanted to use my kitty pride mash up meme.

I'm genuinely sorry for you, user. You can thank weirdos like Kellogg for adding to the kike fueled circumcision propaganda.


Looks like a kike dick to me.


To be fair most recent studies show it doesn't affect sexual pleasure, but the only medical benefit is a reduction in the likelihood of getting AIDs. Which is why it's been promoted in nigger-land since the '80s.

that is obviously false and retarded to anyone with half a brain

I wonder who was behind those studies. It's almost like saying a one armed man can be as good a goalkeeper as a man with two.

Is pic related one of Mel

Wasn't the likelihood of not getting it in the 0.0x percentile?

Are you actually retarded, or just a kike

without as well

but there was that one one-armed goalie that was almost average compared to two-armed goalies, this proves that they can make awesome goalies

you ableist shitlord

Yeah, unless you're a heroin addict or dating someone who is, in which case you're a piece of shit regardless.



Is that Vigo Mortessen?
Holywood drained him.

fuck off kike

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision linked to psychological trauma

Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae

Circumcision associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in men and a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women

Yes but it was more the combination of films, parenthood, his restaurant, music and the millions of other things he happens to do in an average year.

shit accidentally gave myself a (You) there.


Jennifer Annison isn't jewish. Although I wouldn't be surprised if people thought she was.

More nerve endings on a dick, the better the sexual pleasure. There are at least 10,000 nerve endings on the foreskin. This is basic logic that you are taking a jews pseudo science over
sage for off topic

All of those studies are contained in the abstract that was posted. They're included in the over 40,000 number. The overall conclusion is that the effect is negligible.

Are you sure she's not genetically Jewish

Kill yourself kike.

Doesn't change there is little benefit in dick mutilation

forgot to turn spoiler off

You are going in the oven

That's my point.

Hey it's honestly her loss, she could have made a tremendous speech that showed how humble and proud she is to get the award and promote an ideology of maturity and respect, instead she wastes the only time in her life she'll ever have to deliver such a speech for the prestigious award on such petty political stuff that in a year people will all quit being on the anti trump train simply because he's the least offensive politician there is while most democrats actively break a law a day.

Honestly hollywood liberals need to get off their high horse if it even existed to begin with, you're not relevant anymore, most people treat celebs as jokes rather then as stars and you all proved you'll sell out to star in literal social propaganda movies rather than movies that are good stories that can actually enrich the audience instead of pandering to your fragile ego.

I am glad I stopped caring about celeb bs and this thread only confirms my choice was valid, let the bastards die in their house of cards they built for themselves, they could have had castles but instead rather have their cheaply produced mcmansions that don't even last a few years.

How would they know, coming from a lineage of cut males?

look m8 i get that you've suffered a horrible mutilation like the rest of us, but you need to get the jewish lies out of your brain as pleasant as they may be

Damn this gives me hope. The faces of these treacherous scum, they know they are trouble deep.
It's in that; what's better than sex thread.
Seeing the tortured crying faces of the enemies women as they see their lives ripped apart.
Being that Nemesis.
Feels good man.

Consider suicide. Then regardless of your consideration, commit it.

Nothing fair about it, they are blatant jew lies, cutting off thousands of nerve endings and depositing a layer of scar tissue can only lead to a distinct drop in sensitivity.


WTF is with saying martial arts are not arts?

Fuck you, bitch!

Not to mention even if it were true (which it isn't), removing part of a boy is barbaric.

this is what i thought. mma is a million time more creative and brain using than any of the shitty arts


LOL, it's like they're in denial about Trump winning

yeah except the implied interracial lovey dovey bullshit **though she is fucking nasty looking so not much loss in canon or otherwise*


Those studies are recent for a reason. For decades, the line of the international medical community was that routine circumcision brought no benefit for any population. After some kike feminists brought political pressure on the UN (not hard to do) over the miniscule impact it might have on HIV transmission rates, an unholy alliance of feminists, the Vatican no condoms for you, goy, and the Bush Administration got 30 or 40 years of recommendations overturned and replaced with the advice that infant circumcision is easier and cheaper than giving niggers condoms.

This is but one of the many reasons I will personally lead a RWDS on the glorious day of reckoning. But in the meantime, gas yourself, you filthy kike enabler.

That picture by itself is one of the most effective propaganda pieces. The truth does it for free.

The study is a compilation of other studies that span over the period you're addressing.

You left out the most important part:

Yes, that's what a meta study is. Well done.

If I were leader of my country, I would ban it. No ifs or buts.

Woah, of course girls are injecting skin from baby dicks into their face and eyes. Why wouldn't that be happening. Being rescued from that timeline couldn't have happened soon enough.

Let's not be too hasty, user. Start with a moderate approach of gassing the Jews and expelling the mudslimes. After that, see if the problem doesn't just solve itself the way kosher and halal animal slaughter would.

You should consider suicide, you're giving this place a worse name.

You left out the most important part, the psychological trauma involved. The brain never functions the same way afterwards. That is why even if you are a child, and not a baby they make sure you are conscious through the whole thing. It is to prepare you for being a slave

No, it must be stopped. It's not just the religious folk mutilating their boys but regular citizens; and especially vindictive females who argue for it on the basis of

I've always wanted to advocate tattooing a tramp stamp on baby girls. If anybody objects, I can point out that it's a relatively low-risk procedure that makes her more aesthetically pleasing in later years. I also have a few papers that argue a butterfly tattoo on the small of the back is correlated with lower rates of UTIs and cervical cancer. Also, it's a tradition, my religion calls for it, and the little girl won't remember it anyway.

So what's the problem?

Gas yourself kike. Circumcision is the greatest Jewish crime against the American people. Millions of American men have been robbed of a normal sex life.

Someone who doesn't cut off the extra dick skin is 12 times more likely to have their piss get caught in the dick skin and get a urinary tract infection.
The conclusion you're addressing was due to a lack of research.

Cutfag in denial detected. I'm sorry the kikes duped your parents into allowing them to mutilate your genitals when you were young, user, but no amount of Yiddish studies will restore your penis to full sensitivity. It's time to come to grips with that. Circumcision fucks your penis up badly and causes mental trauma during infancy. It is a purely evil practice.

Wash your cock, you dirty faggot. You forgot to mention how that makes the entire UTI issue disappear as if by magic.

Baby's first red flag

The swamp is draining itself, it seems

Old, entitled brats dying out and scared as hell of old age!

And you won't for much longer. It's had so much work done it can barely speak any more. It's clinging on to life, that must be the hardest thing for a lot of these older six pointed stars, instead of going out in a swansong of estate swelling grief in a dystopian world of mud people serving their every whim. People will remember their death as that day the first panel of the southern border wall was erected, or the first mass exodus of illegals, or even the first photo of Putin and Trump guffawing in the oval office.
This shits sweet, best thing out of Hollywood eva! Tragedy and Comedy. They could actually sell this.

It's difficult to wash your dick when it's covered up in extra-skin.

No it's not.

They always try the "it's cleaner" bit, which I answer with a question about finger nails. Should we be removing finger nails at birth because it's cleaner, or just clean our finger nails?

Pretending you're not a shill right now would be the funniest shit if it wasn't for the fact that you're actually trying to shill dick cutting on Holla Forums of all places.

Hahha no it isn't

Are these liberals and cucks just lying, or do they actually think that foreskin sucks to have?

damn right

Should cut off limbs to avoid limb cancer and other limb injuries.

Why is not more difficult?

How would you know, Moshe?

You're an idiot in denile.

You don't piss out of your fingers mate.

Only if you're a fucking retard.

Here, I'll break it down for you, cutfag:
1) Pull your foreskin back.
2) Wash it thoroughly with warm water and a soft washcloth.
4) Push your glorious dick helmet back into its resting state.
3) Enjoy a fully functioning penis, untouched by kikes.

You are probably a shill, but if you're not, you're a fucking moron. Probably because your mind was scarred permanently when the kikes chopped off your foreskin when you were a baby.

Checked and kekked

Wish I'd read through the thread that far before posting - but linking my own post like a fag anyway for posterity.

Both types are fully functional.
You don't need to in the first place if you cut it off.

Do you not hold your dick when you piss? Do you sit down to have a slash? haha

Keep telling yourself that.
Wtf I love circumcision now.

Angelina Jolie did.
Are you saying she was a dumb bitch to cut off the most attractive feature she had?

Is this pull back thing a meme or?

Circumcised dicks are far less sensitive, drier, and leave the urethra exposed, so, there are three things that circumcised penises are worse at

No, just don't go overboard.

Bringing it back to OP now: is Mel Gibson the most awesome Hollywood star that exists? Should I watch Hacksaw Ridge?

Cut here. Uncut father, both brothers cut.

I went through a phase where I was violently angry with my stupid parents for doing this to me. When I demanded to know what they were thinking (after a chance remark from my mother about how my father was intact), all she could say was: "It's just what everybody was doing." Boom, major redpill on women thinking for themselves.

Fast-forward to my kid's birth, a son. The hospital damn-near circumcised him. I almost shook that fucking Flip nurse's aide by the collar until she sent in the pediatrician to talk me into it. They actually had him prepped and on the fucking table!

Needless to say, I raised hell until he was in my arms and unmutilated. A few years later, when the skin had loosened enough to make it safe, I taught him how to pull back the skin (I had to look it up online) and keep it clean. Zero problems. None.

For the first seven or eight years, the foreskin is usually too tight to allow much in there. It only starts to loosen right before puberty, as a rule, and after that it's loose enough to clean like any other part of your body. Urine is sterile in any case, so as long as you don't leave it pooled there for days at a time, or yours isn't so tight it traps urine, you should be fine.

Oh, and I may have forgotten to mention the best part:

it's even harder to clean up the leftover fluff your undewear leaves on your dick from it once you're circumcized ; but what the hell ,eh? just chop off that part that nature put there for reason just because you're too dumb to figure the reason out and while you're at it shave your nipples clean off why don't you

are you kidding me?

I like to live dangerously.

I dont know about any of this shit.

Was just asking lol.

You could say that niggers are like foreskin.

Scientific as fuck, man.

who is the girl behind mel?

Are we supposed to respect you? Fuuuuck

Vigo, Mel and Colin all look so fucking annoyed, I'm so happy those guys aren't blue-pilled faggots

funny thing is, Vince is le ebin Libertarian and mostly likely neither voted for the Don

To be fair the 123 men studied got their dicks cut at 42. Which sounds horrifying, and yet most were satisfied.

I was implying I just let it loose. Are you retarded?

Do you not see how comparing Jolie chopping her tits off because of a genetic history of breast cancer to chopping off foreskins of male infants en masse because kikes say it's the thing to do is absolutely fucking retarded m8?

No it's not a meme. Foreskins can (and should be) pulled back regularly to expose your glans. I pull mine back whenever I piss and whenever I am showering to give it a clean. It also naturally pulls back during intercourse/when fully erect. How do you not know these things? It's basic human biology.

Good man for standing up to the medical kikestablishment. I still can't fathom how these fucking idiots think chopping off a perfectly functioning male body part is the default thing to do to newborn fucking children.

Well, you've convinced me Chaim. Might as well chop off babies dick skins, I'm sure they'll never miss them. Don't forget to tip your Mohel!

And it does not occur to you that this might be a self-selecting group? One that has other reasons to artificially boost reported positives? Like Jewish converts and people who had to correct strictures?

Now I know you're a fucking shill.

Some people who didn't vote for The Don are non-liberals, like Libertards and some hard-line anti-kikes that hate his stance on Israel

your derailing has failed, we're still talking about how awesome Mel is and how awesome The Don is

lmao… Im a retard. I thought you guys where talking about people like regrowing there foreskins.


Cuck-kun, your pecker was snipped as a sign of the kikes marking you as a slave. Stop living in denial and focus on revenge.

And it's somehow less horrifying to do it to a newborn WITHOUT FUCKING ANESTHESIA?

He endorsed Stein, although he's not as retarded as the standard celeb.

Whether liberals should go off the grid during the Trump presidency: “Just turning off the phone, even if it’s only for half a day, is gonna do you a world of good. You’ll suddenly start noticing what the color of the sky is and what people’s faces look like as you walk down the street. It’ll come to you.”

Sadly, I actually suffer from phomosis. This means my foreskin is really tight. However, I started pulling it back now and then to stretch it, and it has noticeably improved. Now, I clean it pretty frequently, and have no trouble!

a lot of people didnt like Trump BTFO of that dumb sandnigger family that used their dead son as a political tool

I'm not sure but pic related sure does look like the bottom half of that cunt Amy Schumer's pig face doesn't it?

Some people just live their lives with their dicks cut off and not working right for their entire lives and that shit wouldn't be taught in schools.

Exactly. If the foreskin were meant to be cut off it wouldn't be there in the first place serving multiple purposes; and what kind of being designs something that would easily get infected, causing them to quickly die out due to dick rot?

Why in the nun-fucking hell is this bitch popular, again? It's not for her acting or her looks. I know she got some (((street))) cred from being a dyke, but there are plenty of celebs who fit the bill so why do we have to look at her mournful face?

She spelled "histrionic" wrong.

>Mel: I'm old, and the jews have ruined me, but am I so far gone that I can't ambush her in the parking lot and punch her in the larynx? I must ponder this.
>Vince: Holy fuckin' shit I'm gonna strangle that broad.

>Warren: Mwah! Where am I? Why am I dressed like this? Shirley! That nurse you hired for me is stealing from my wallet! Shirley?!

Ah too bad, oh well. He's closer to non-retard than most! Guess that's what happens when you play Aragorn for nine years!

The kike god would. That guy hates people for some reason. Good thing he's a myth, eh? Or not as universal as the kikes think he is, anyway….

I really like Mel's face in that pic. It's full of awe, like he's wondering how these people are different from children or cute animals. Vaughn is just repeating to himself

I understand where you're coming from, but Bill's about as close as you can get to redpill while still digging in the coalmine. And his wife is uncommonly smart for, well, you know… a woman. If nothing else, he's a good bridge between the normals and us.

Praise Fascinus!


Remember when Mel made that movie about meme magic?


It can be done, though I doubt it'd be like the original. They slowly stretch the skin until it covers the glans again.

Some of us grew up without a foreskin

Then we should circumcise women, it'd help them with their hygiene. Watch them scream 'that's different' real quick.

Women also hate the idea that boys can grow up enjoying the full sensation of masturbation, without needing to please their goddesses.

Her death is will be extremely painful.

She has summoned Kek-sama's wrath. MAY HER DEATH BE PAINFUL.


Fuck each and every one of you who disrespects the Streep.

Daily reminder that you will never be a legend dying while another legend who loves you purely holds your hand as you pass into shadow.

She stuck by him when Michael didn't.

They all look petrified though


Jodie Foster directed the movie. It was utter shit, but I managed to laugh myself sick in a few scenes where I was probably supposed to be sad or thoughtful.

Jimmie Smits is dead?!

I'm surprised they let Mel in.

Vince's face is fucking priceless.

John Cazale

I hope you don't mean to say that that means they're red-pilled. Just because they're not necessarily on the left does not in any way mean that they're red-pilled. They're are plenty of those leaning right who are anything but red-pilled.

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I know.


Oh good she lost her voice, hopefully she'll lose her life next.

I'm just primed from defending Streep against SJW attacks on her. The SJWs wanted more color in her all female panel. Never enough for them.

what a shame
it was a good thread

all instigation of violence is comeing from you fucking liberal cunts
but thanks for giving us a pass to kick your smug lefty asses when they try and start shit

Why bother, though? They eat their own and she just proved she's one of them.



No, not really. SJWs are devoid of talent and attack those who do. Streep has talent for days. And integrity.

Can't wait for the social shift at the bottom to rise to the top and completely replace all these sub-humans from every single position of influence and power for the next half century or more. These people are disgusting beyond believe. Their ideals have evolved into a literal cult mentality lacking all semblance of humanity. They're freaks and should all be killed.

Holy shit.

Did she destroy Trump so hard he's not president anymore?


Then this isn't news

screams internally


Some shit skin is dead? Good riddance



This thread has been kissed by kek. All predictions contained prior to the get will now come true.

You are good, user.
Miss Piggy threatened promised to move to Canada, if Trump got elected. I hope her bags are packed already; January 20th is almost here.

The first season is a masterpiece in my opinion.The second season is objectivley pretty weak, but compared to a good amount of other shit out there it's decent

What a convoluted way of saying "hire me for more roles, Jews."

some user made the suggestion that the first series touched a bit too close too reality/pizzagate
Do you think that is why the 2nd series was made tamer, to calm the kvetching?


Who is that?


Cheeky as fuck.

Questionable, could very well be, but I guess he just intended the second season to be more gangster and corruption themed

Nothing wrong with being wealthy but a friendly reminder that play-acting as an oppressed stronk womyn can be very lucrative.

It is what it is. It isn't something I am all too upset about. It could be worse, America could be full of kids being raised by indoctrinated parents who think being a homofag or chopping your entire dick off is a perfectly healthy thing to do. I consider myself lucky to have been born in the early 80s.


Circumcision pushed in the gentile in North America is absolutely a subversive move by the kikes to normalize brutal degenerate behavior

She appears not to age very much, must infuse the tortured child blood with Marina Abramovic. Death Becomes Her, life imitates art



Just wondering since I haven't seen the speech. Normally mid speech the orchestra starts playing to cut off the speaker because they are taking too much time, was Streep allowed to finish her speech?

Two topics just one day apart. Unbelievable.

All fucking cucks except Mel Gibson




dat gif

Why are the mods not banning these celebrity slide threads

I dont even know who the fuck Meryl Streep is

I envy you

muh bad dis one SHHHEEEIIT

This effectively just shows she wasnt a great actress, but simply an actual bitch. Watch her in Manchurian Candidate.

That's who she is - in real life.

What a fucking dried up old shrew this marionette is.

Ah ,well, this sort of shit only benefits us.
The true believers applaud along, but their numbers remain stagnant; whilst the contingent of people disgusted by these fuckers continues to grow and grow and grow.


I caught the tail-end of someone else's speech coming into work and they started playing her off pretty early. I get it's Meryl Streep and a lifetime type award but seriously, when she ends her shit you can't hear the orchestra playing. The producers of the show seemingly abide this shit.

The only difference between season 1 and season 2 is that you fell for mccounaghey's memey fucking performance and swooned at the super happy ending. The second season is a whole lot darker and went too far with it. imo


Tbf, though, Vince's expression looks like he could be attempting to look earnest and sympathetic, rather than him naturally looking disgusted.
Maybe I'm wrong though.

Back to Meryl, though: when she fakes getting choked up - what a manipulative old hag. Leftists really are functionally sociopathic. They feel no shame whatsoever in faking emotions to direct those of their viewers. A lack of shame, I would say, is one of the most obvious differences between left and right; a difference that has benefited the left immeasurably over the last century.

All of these (((hollywood))) prostitutes need gassing tbh.



have 2 for da gippr



Making America great again

Reminder that willfully circumcised people have the same mindset as trannies. They have the same pathological condition, believing that if you radically alter (otherwise healthy) parts of your body or completely remove them, you'll become more satisfied with yourself and approach your "true" nature. Both then report about being "sooo satisfied" with their new choice, because they know there's no going back from the irreparable damage they just caused.

Bonus: circumcision could literally cause autism in children.



Stare through the forehead, the whole body tense, no movement or blinking for five seconds? Zero sympathy there m8.

I dunno about that, even with all this proof; uncircumcised adults tend to be mocked for not being man enough to be cut. Then again, not all countries circumcise infants.

but jews also circumcise themselves…. are they also slaves?

How new are you?

God should have made him stillborn then, if he knew what a pain in the ass this guy was going to be. God loves Trump right?

Now we know Voldemort didn't really die. This guy is hiding him under the shirt and that's part of his arm.

Imagine being Vince Vaughn at that awards show and having to be all like "damn, Meryl Streep, you fuckin' insightful, all profound with your hoarse voice and weird gemstone-encrusted dress. I would totally take your opinions seriously, both all my characters and the real me." when all he really wants to do is look up another Pizzagate infographic on Holla Forums. Like seriously imagine having to be Vince and not only sit in that chair while Meryl Streep parrots her propaganda in front of you, the constant chuckles barely concealing her Jewish agenda, and just sit there, minute after minute, lie after lie, while she gave that speech. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking voice but her haughty attitude as everyone in the audience claps, telling her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MERYL STREEP SAYS THINGS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking goblin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been reading nothing but a healthy diet of right-wing literature and conspiracy theories and later alleged Holla Forums shitposts for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Illinois. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her beaky, heavily made-up face as she croaks her words out at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in her "historic (for that is what CNN is calling it)" speech, the speech she worked so hard for with personal writers in the previous months. And then the camera pans around the room to show more empty stares of slack-jawed adoration, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before Mel Gibson could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Vince Vaughn. You're not going to lose the rest of your acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Go back to 4chan.

Oh user, you've still much to see, much to learn. It's a meme disease. Nobody actually knows what the fuck it is, just watch vid related and observe how a whole bunch of doctors from around the world stumble and trip over themselves when trying to describe the difference between HIV and AIDS. Then keep watching for the (((coincidences))) to pile up.

Yes good goy, we sucked your baby's dick and ate his foreskin to protect him from a disease he'll never contract. No need to thank us!

I'm currently watching Wakfu. This elf lass is a fucking qt and the french language is very pleasant sounding.

Not yet, but we're working on it.


Imagine what Based Mel was thinking..
Did Vaughn voice his support for Trump or something?
Mel might have died from being around that much salt, surely can't be good for your heart.

Get your flat earth, vaccine hating renegaids ass out of here.

Kek's Quads confirm. That's basically what Mark "vietnam fucking shits" Wahlberg said. I wonder if his career will "suddenly" decline now..



At this point they are just screaming their most base nonsense into the void. Just vomiting all that itchy white guilt into the ether because they know they know they are completely impotent and all that's left is signalling to maintain some sort of nigger fantasy / white suicide delusion.

Well those guys are fucking wrong. I was circumcised due to retarded fucking reasons and I can tell you that it's A LOT less sensitive. Sure, there are no "adverse effects", that just means it still works and fidnt fall off though.
I wish I still had my foreskin and I definitely wish it was as sensitive as it used to be.
Fucking damn im pissed. Fuck you user and fuck anyone who thinks non-medical circumcision is fine. You deserve punishment.

Castration would be a good start.



This speech was even worse than George Clooney's 2006 one. Good news is we'll be harvesting the hurt for the next 8 years at least.


He was a Paulet in the primaries and backed Trump in the general.

They're completely disconnected from reality. Everyone is hollywood is either a liberal, a socialist or an outright communist. Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn are the only hollywood conservatives that are not in the closet, then again they're not really part of the hollywood crowd in the first place.

That's what the jews want you to think. The Reality is that it bit far too close to home, and so had to be SHUT DOWN
I really fucking want season 3 already, but the kikes won't let pizzaman make it because they're too scared he'll jump them with some shit again.

Wait, so are jews typically circumcised or uncircumcised, as well? Do these sick fuck rabis that felate babies and circumcise them with their teeth only do this to goyim, and leave their jew sons penis' intact?

Serious question, I never really looked in to circumcision, other than knowing it is very painful to the baby & removed the most sensitive part of the penis, which is why I am obviously against it.

McFucking kill yourself, you evil kike cunt.

half of Amy Schumer's ugly ass mug 4 seconds in, of course the stupid whore is nodding at every word.

Why did she call out Combat Sports? Is she upset that Real Men like Dana & Vince are Bros with Don?

Clint Eastwood and Kelsey grammar are well known for their conservative beliefs

The only thing I see is a jewish party.

Maybe someone needs to end this kike's life with a fucking karate chop.

user, check who owns that site and who runs it.

you can't expect them to know many words

Did you even watch that shit? The need for pharma companies for a super disease that explains away all the San Fran degenerates dying that draws away attention from them just being junkies shooting anything to get a high? The mad shekels involved in such a wonder disease sham? The fact that a cough and an upset stomach in Africa gets a shrug from a doctor and an AIDS diagnose because why the fuck not, that's what he's paid to do there, diagnose AIDS? Or how about the first wave of the AIDS patients dying, not because of the disease, but from the shitty chemicals that was supposed to be the "cure"? How can you cure something that doesn't exist? You don't, you just poison someone until they die, then write it down as "well, we did all we could"

And that's ignoring the fact that no fucking doctor in that video can consistently answer what the fuck is AIDS and HIV, what's the difference between the two and if they're the same thing, and get upset about even getting such a supposedly textbook question asked. Or discounting the fact that an AIDS/HIV test can be literally fucking anything and they've got an equal weight in terms of how you're looked at from there on in.

There's so much pure coincidences happening there that no amount of your shitty disinfo can disprove the fact.


Kek'd and checked.

Your problem is that you're conflating a number of different issues.
Is hiv over-diagnosed in africa to get more donation shekels? Yes. Was there a lot of disinfo about hiv in the 90s to make it look like less of a gay plague? Yes. Does the disease not exist? No and you're a fucking retard with no standard of evidence.

If it's such a textbook disease, why can't the doctors give a textbook conclusion, instead of tripping over themselves and telling wildly different things? If you've got several suspects telling contradictory stories, there's some bullshit in the air.

You mean the 60s, that's when Nigger AIDS/HIV was at it's literal peek in Africa after being created in a lab in the UK about maybe 5 to 10 years prior, but the niggers themselves managed to create a new strain from fucking dead chimpanzees in the ass.

That's how AIDS/HIV spread, was initially a virus that only primates could catch, specifically chimps when they'd fuck each other in the ass, and thus was spread to niggers, from fucking them in the ass, and mutated due to niggers not being fully human and ((((intervention)))) from our (((allies))) it began to secretly gain hold within North America within the 60s once that one nigger, a sole nigger who managed to escape ape-frica, moved to Haiti, began being a degenerate fucking his fellow nigs there, and then spread like wildfire, and thus spread it to niggers in Florida, and then remained among niggers and was watched by the government for a while, and due to it being the 60s, people weren't dumb enough to fuck niggers (unless they actually bought into that civil cuck rights bullshit) as they were in 70s due to kikery finally spreading, then finally was brought to the public eye in the 80s when that poor white kid was infected with it, due to a faggot giving blood and was willingly and fully knowing he was infected with what people would call the faggot virus/nigger virus as thats what I was told by family members whom were around back then, and plenty of people knew about said virus from the damned 40s and 50s, whether it be "paranoia" from already knowing non-whites are dirty and unclean, or instinctively knowing that non-whites are not human, and thus carriers of plenty of diseases from the animal kingdom that will ultimately transfer to actual humans (Ethnic Europeans) simply by being around them.

Hell, we had a cure for fucking faggotry, and then that faggot activist threatened to shoot himself and infect the Medical Board Office back in I think commiefornia, and the head doctor/egghead there didn't want to get infected, none of them did, but I wanted to actually cure faggotry, but alas, was cornered and had to give in.

Some people say that was the (((government))) stopping faggotry from being curied, and some people say it was just kikes intervening with our socioeconomic issues with spinter cells straight from Israel.

You clearly have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes, but again, after being informed by my own family memembers as a child about such things, It already confirmed the thoughts I had about my so called (((peers))) in grade school, and how niggers are disgusting (all niggers are faggots/literal homosexuals and always riddled with STDs including HIV/AIDS), beaners are fucking autistic and also disgusting and diseased (meningitis and cholera along with HIV/AIDS if they linger around niggers and if their parents like to be disgusting swingers with niggers, cause again Mexishits just can't get enough of niggers, all beaners can't.), chinks no different than their beaner brethren, and kikes/sandniggers/curryniggers being riddled with autism and numerous hereditary diseases also extremely prone to STDs, and HIV/AIDS.

Not anymore. Hollywood is becoming an enemy of the state.

They drivel biased bullshit. The subvert to hide the skeletons in the closet.

Hi Vincent

hey kike! uncutfag here, if you think removing the protective covering from the most sensitive part on a mans body won't affect sensitivity, you are a retard!

It did give me chills. Because instead of focusing on acting and working hard - they bitched about political correctness and donald trump.

These people know we are onto their secrets. It disgusts me.

I know Mel is based, but watching how he looks during that speech, fuck, he's a psycho. Not a dude you would want to mess with, just look at his eyes, his posture, he would fuck you up if you wronged him.

Pretty sure the Jews are House Hlaalu.

Nigger, it has been for at least a century.

You kikes spread this disgusting animal disease to the actual human population, and that just really boils my blood, it disgusts me that you'd try so hard to kill off the European/Europoid race with so many means, and yet you still fail.

How autistic.

Mel is extremely concerned. He's realising that things really are becoming mad max tier retarded.

That's a guy who barely uses social media seeing a stupid women caught in a social media cult say utter bullshit.

I know that feel.

Did you just start a new guy on Morrowind or something buddy? Cause I did too, like two days ago


They all look dead inside.

You don't say..

Well you got three probable crypto-kikes and one nigger who is not human who had to try and 'whiten' up with the whole nigger girls just wanna have fun too! with the whole stinky unwashed 'straightened' hair and the weird deformed turd sucking lips.

People always forget about the minoans and cleopatra.

i know many of us have a strong opinion on this,

How sad should i really be that i am circumcised? I get that its extremely reduced sensitivity, but without knowing any different shit still feels good down there.

Am i going to need viagra by the time in 30 because of exposure? can i reduce my risks?

Can i still live an Alpha male life in vengeance of my half dick?

please be nice i went through extreme trauma as a baby.

But all they did was just open their legs.

Don't jerk off at night.

there are some good goy doctors out there that do a partial circumcision reversal… but i can't imagine poor men like us will ever know what sex was supposed to feel like because Jews gained the control of our people to impose such a condition upon us.

also i think circumcision reversal isn't covered by insurance. it should be fucking free.

Quality shitposting.

Look into foreskin restoration. It works, but it takes at least 2-4 years. It's a long commitment.

That may be true, but regression to the mean will cause his mulatto child to almost certainly be a stupid nigger.

So do we just have a family lynch for Bill and his Bur?

It's shitty but don't worry about things you can do nothing to rectify. Just know the Kikes lied and millions of us gentiles had our cocks mutilated.

Uppity coons really get or my nerves.

Egypt was ruled by the Romans, Cleopatra was a figure head…who opened her legs.

i dont. #nofap2017

anyone heard of this being effective/tried it before i actually get my hopes up and research it?

duly noted.

Then your bobo is fine, just if you have to, just fuck instead of touch.

Don't touch the bobo.

seriously, in what movie she played? why is she famous?



Holy fuck even that woman behind mel looks almost petrified.

I think they're seeing a confirmation of the rumours and suspicion. They're seeing this wacko say this crap. She's only saying it not for mere salt. She's saying it to indoctrinate.

Mel just realised the truth is worse than he thought. He just broke the matrix.

I know right. Just goes to show how much damage women do by "opening their legs" and letting themselves get fucked.


Who's up for barbecue?

Fuck, I meant Badum-tsst

Sorry, Barbecue's cancelled. I'm sorry.

He is holding back a cringe

They never explain why we "need" it or why it's "great", they just tell us it is and if you disagree you're a bad goy who thinks for himself and we can't have that.
These guys are doing research on how to effectively restore foreskin, just wait a few years.


Uhh we need foods! the smelly- I mean nice Mexicans in California make such wonderful puk- pieces of of food that make my tum tum go yum yim! Mexicans are white!


I thought nerve damage was irreversible. How can they restore all those nerve endings?

Stem Cells, not only that your body repairs nerves during REM sleep but not enough when you have spinal trauma, but it does, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't.

If Stem Cells is the way that can truly stop such pain, then I see no issue with it, not like the dumb whores who keep getting abortions are going to mind.

I still got my foreskin never let the jews dew you out you foreskin. They are training you to prepare to lose a third of everything you have.

Mel hates jews, can't say about the other ones, but Mel surely is.

And even then, most actors are not people who can be considered a positive example.

No i prefer to steam them in the light of the sun.

I know Gibson hates kikes, does Vince know too? I bet there's a decent amount of redpilled people in Hollyjew that have to keep their mouths shut or lose their jobs. Did Brenden Fraser ever express conservative views before he was JUST'd?


Catholicism was infiltrated by Jews who "converted" and then spent the entirety of their careers pushing doctrines that excused the Jews for their persecution of Jesus.

Because let's face it, after defending them from things they cannot see - all i want is for them to smile back and support the cause.

Instead, they stop you from protecting them in sheer ideal lunacy and end up destroying themselves and the society they are in.

Why was Brendan Fraser JUST'd (assuming that mean's blackballed)?

Wife alimony.


Mels response is golden

Vacate the premises immediately alt-kike lolberg scum

I get it. Also screw my parents.

Point and laugh at the lolberg, everyone.
You'll be one of us in a few years, ya little scamp.

Taking the bait, if you want to still care about liberty and stay here, go read your Hoppe.

Society's health when miscegenation was shamed and illegal vs now.


This. Apathy ruined liberalism. Then jihad put the final bullet in.
Only natsoc will function correctly tbh. Either that or a form of communism that will be hell on earth, for all races.

This dumb bitch is coming out in support of TV news too? Jewsus fucking christ, someone needs to take her out behind the barn and put her down like old yeller

barbecue meat is good for you, but I too enjoy perky jerky.

I'll point a thing of catastrophe at you and I wont even smirk, my fellow man.

Perky jerkys get boring after a while :^)

Jews gotta jew user, she is just following her tribal interests.

Perfect example of Kalergi's "man of the future".
Brown, retarded and androgynous.

That's why you eat barbecue :^)

It literally gave me chills.
I'm literally shaking right now.
And historic.

Is that why that shabbos cuck Clit Eastwood made a movie glorifying Nelson Mandela?



it's identity politics 101:
only your "oppression level" is important.

white? heterosexual? male?
-1000 points
now, start adding in all other crap.
progresive? +300
disabled? +100
Jewish? +6.000.000

and so it goes.
only the winners of the oppression Olympics gets to speak up.

Wrong. Women are not sapient, they will do whatever their society tells them is allowable. Thus, to have healthy white women, we need a healthy, white culture. Men can chose, as they are rational actors. Women are children in mature bodies.


Are you suggesting to eat cock? I'm confus.

It's weird how we avoided the victim mentality and just moved to deus vault.

We just do not do subversion.

Circumcision means the mark of the slave, all non jews that are circumcised belong to the jews as their slaves.

You are a prime example of a slave that belongs to the jews, because you defend their ritual that destroyed your cock, for their sick pleasures and to show you who is boss

(((They))) destroyed your cock and instead of getting angry you applaud your overlords, muh it is more 'hygienic'.

You think you know better than million of years of evolution faggot!!!

I'm talking about barbecues and barbecue accessories son, what in the world are you talkin' 'bout.

I don't know what planet im on anymore tbh..

I wonder if you dick obsessed faggots ever freak out about a tonsilectomy or appendectomy this bad. You must reeeaaally be concerned about cocks.

This board is full of dicks :^)

leftists have a perpetual victim complex.

it's a psychological defence mechanism.

You grow up being thought that all your ancestors and all your countrymen and every part of your ethnic group were pure evil and did nothing good.

You say "I don't want to do bad, I want to be good" and become a liberal.

Now, you must distance yourself as far away as possible from the "White patriarchy supremacists" as possible.
But how?

find something that proves that you are oppressed to!
1/16th whateverthefuck
or make up new terms, tumblr style:

it's just a symptom of a mental disorder called ethnic self-hatred.

Yeah cause, you are gay and like lain!

Is that anime even good?

And who promoted this self hatred?

Holla Forums and far-right people on the other hand isn't like that.

We see ourselves as part of our people, we hate others and don't feel bad about it.

We put the needs of our people above our own selfish desires.

out of many, we become one.

Gay is a meme. I'm sexually attracted to the universe.

And yes. Lain is very accurate to how I feel about connecting to the internet.

I'm sexually attracted to plupmp tiddies.

You what now? When I connect to the internet, for me it's like being that kid with the baseball cap riding on a keyboard, except I'm not a kid anymore and I'm spray panting friendship windmills wherever I go like as if CS:S is still new

Actually, I would say that cuckservatives already tried using victimization to their benefit. "Dems are the real racists" and stuff like that was essentially the moderate right's attempt at victim memetics.
The problem with that was two-fold: 1, Jews hold the megaphone of MSM and therefor always have the advantage when painting certain groups as poor oppressed victims and others as goose-stepping baby-stomping Nazis. 2, playing the victimization game means you're fighting the left on their own battlefield. Gamergate made the same mistake, constantly trying to disprove their bad reputation rather than going on the attack.
Thankfully Holla Forums has taken notes and doesn't make the same mistake as pr cucks. We've created high-impact memes that the left must repond to, and in so doing they fight us in our court.

Liberals are frightened we're becoming a machine that disrespects individuality. But frankly this earth has no more time for it. We need a guarentee. Or a godsend.

Or both :^)


She sounds weak, fragile and broken.

For me it's like being a motor neuron in a brain and feeling like you are becoming nothing.
But if we stop, we definately will become nothing.

A self aware cog in a machine. A processor for the matrix.
But you gotta drive eva i guess.


winona ryder is a kikess too? fuck man

literally a "thank you for participating" trophy

Some people live for those fucking things. They just do not care about anything else, like dangers to humanity.

You need the balance.

You cannot have one without the other in this universe. Even in space you have to ask "how am i able to exist at all?"
Then you see the mercy of god.

100% proof Trump did NOT mock a reporters disability — made same gesture about a flustered Cruz

PROOF that Donald Trump did NOT mock a disabled reporter's disability


The day I let someone like Meryl Streep have importance in my life is the day I die. Fuck her, her fans, and Kikewood. These niggers ain't shit.


Hitler dubs confirm.

It is confirmed.


Anytime you see someone in Hollyweird, your first assumption should be that they are Jewish.

Top Kike.

Woops, wrong thread.

Double-woops, too many fucking tabs.

Vaughn here, completely blank and still, his teeth grinding a bit beneath his lips, his stare of nothing but disgust. Never thought he had it in him.

Yes, it's worth it to remove the mark of the jew alone. Besides that, your glans will return to normal and be protected, though you won't gain back the nerves where the foreskin would've been; you're just regrowing shaft skin. If you don't do it, you have the mark of the jew and your glans will be pretty desensitized by the time you're 30. I did it because I hate jews so much and didn't want to look like them. That alone is worth it to me.


Sarah Paulson, one of the most unattractive females to ever grace the silver screen or television. She's always looked off to me. She's a bi-shading-to-dyke. You can usually find her in political movies or on American Horror Story where, it goes without saying, she's the most horrifying creature.

This. Been a huge fan of Eva Green's tits for a couple of years.
Now I can't even enjoy this gif image, anymore.


We can't help are parents and grand parents were jew cucks!



We knew America has gone to shit when a nigger was elected president.

Highest tier of cancer. Russian empire made everything worse and this wasn't an e3xception.

Bullshit; it greatly reduces sensitivity and affect the way your dick can move, there's a reason only cut guys need to use lube and uncut guys don't when they fap.
The amount it actually reduced it by was minimal, at best, and you'd have a risk of contracting HIV anyway, not to mention other STDs or pregnancy, so you will still need to wear a condom, so what was the point of getting circumcised to begin with? Not to mention having unprotected sex with someone that you don't know if they are infected or not is degenerate anyway.


He's totally pro-gun, he was never going to vote for Hillary

It's Sophie's Choice vs. the Nazi Donald Trump

As someone who got it removed at an older age, it the foreskin doesn't feel like anything. Foreskin is just a flap of skin and it always got in the way of vaginal contact (like an annoying condom). There are way more nerve endings in the shaft (which doesn't even really feel good tbh) than in the skin they remove, and it only serves to agitate the dick with friction.

You retards probably think they cut off the tip, as in the glans, which shows how fucking retarded you are.

There probley sick and tired of hear about

Old cunt spends her life repeating various lines written by men, thinks she's one of the characters she played and is now an expert on everything.

It's fucking dog whistle signalling that she still wants to work. It's sucking Commie Jew cock bulllshit. Cunts like her have been doing this cheap trick for a good forty years.

I don't watch anime but I'v seen her face being posted on pol/ sometimes so I gave it a look.
I have been binge watching it since yesterday.
It really good but weired.
You can watch it on jewtube.

Nice lies there Shlomo.

Who the fuck goes and get circumsized, 'at an older age'. WTF is an old fag doing here?

Oh yeah.. it's nothing…

haha yeah, you're still a virgin. With pussy that is.

The friction, is what makes it better for you AND HER.

You're a fucking Jew clown.

Ahaha, circumscision has always been done to adults. Only an underaged retard would think it's only done to babies.

It has less nerves than just about any part of the body. Your earlobes have more nerves than your foreskin does.

Ribbed for her pleasure? I want to feel her, not masturbate with my skin condom kike.

You don't fit in.

Yeah sure thing, Rabbi.

I saved what you've said as a file name. Yep, the camera crew is basically targetting them.

those are rank tits, eww


She'll be gassed.

Meryl Streep draws ire of MMA world after Golden Globes mention

As Streep accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, she railed against the exclusionary rhetoric of Trump and others on the right. That led to an unexpected shot at sports fans.

“Who are we, and what is Hollywood anyway? It’s just a bunch of people from other places,” Streep said. “Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. And if we kick them all out, we’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.”

The reaction was swift on social media. Fans and fighters alike lashed out at the perceived slight, almost immediately pointing out the diverse roster of the UFC and other MMA promotions and defending the artistic side of the sport.

Within a couple of hours, Streep even had an invite to the upcoming Bellator MMA card in Los Angeles via a letter published online by the organization’s president, Scott Coker.

“I’m a lifelong fan of your work but also a lifelong martial artist who happens to promote mixed martial arts around the world,” Coker wrote. “The global sport of mixed martial arts celebrates male and female athletes from all around the world who work years tirelessly honing their craft and — yes — art. The come from every country and every walk of life. We at Bellator support them and honor their skill.”

UFC president Dana White weighed in on the issue during an interview with TMZ Sports on Monday when he pointed out it shouldn’t be a surprise Streep isn’t a fan of the sport.

“It’s not going to be everybody’s thing and the last thing in the world I expect is an uppity, 80-year-old lady to be in our demographic and love mixed martial arts,” he said.

You honestly have to wonder how many of them considered suicide to escape the bleak emptiness of their lives before Trump ran for president.

Aesthetic digits friend

If I marry a hot jewess, would that make me her slave?

that's kinda hot tbh

It's called being free

Are you a nigger user?

plz clap

Why do celebs think anyone ever, EVER cares about their uninformed political views? All it does is polarize any fanbase they once had. Has she looked at how much of the nation voted for Trump?

you can even see the guy behind them getting the noose ready

I'll add some dubs to this claim.

One thing I'd never really thought of (Mel excluded of course) but otherwise non activisty err overtly partisan actors (Vaugn in this case, although he might be one of those quiet hollywood conservatives and quite possible actual shitlord, based on this face he's making) might be really getting annoyed with the actors who are doubling down against normal white people who are starting to show their teeth with regards to the media machine. Thinking my God, reign in the out of touch degenerate and decadent elite routine before the term famous hollywood actor becomes synonymous with apparatchik and so hated we might not only lose work but our heads.



Bitch's mouth is writing checks her ass can't cash.


this is only the case when you have a small dick. sorry m8


Meryl Streep? More like Juden Weep!

he is a master troll. obviously did it much more in regards to the gimp, but retains plausible deniability. The next 8 years are going to be incredible.

I just saw this picture with a full length article on the Daily Mail. It has reached critical mass. All comments support Trump.

I made a thing. I hope to work on it more, but we're almost at the post limit.

Pizzaman is on to some good shit. Even the 8 episode structure is appealing. Like an extended epic film, but not long enough to turn into a pointless soap-opera tv series.


She's the first victim of 2017


(((They))) are also using it draw attention away from the 4 BLM niggers torturing the mentally disabled white kid for 24 hours on Facebook too. Mention it directly that she is trying to support the disabled through a fake story, yet she refuses to talk about the disabled kid in Chicago who got tortured by BLM=

I thought that was Carrie Fisher. Or did she manage to check out before new year's?

Before New Year's.

Oh shit I didn't even notice these dubs the first time.

how does that kosher cock taste, you filthy fucking cuck?
fucking gas yourself nigger.

One last gut check to the celebrity worshiping faggots out there before current year +2 kicked in

underchecked post.

Do a mashup of this criminally underrated post

and the various facial responses.

Do it.
Do it right now.

Elaborate, please and thank you for my (you)

reported for shit-posting and derailing the thread
great job at fooling me, you nigger

Text to speech, overlaid with the male facial responses and a shot of the old sow baying like shes fucking Dear Leader.
Basically, expand what you already did, and replace the audio with Orwell text-to-speech.
Tale care to make sure the program properly pronounces it all, may need to break it up a bit. For example, I just did a testrun and the program couldn't pronounce 'facecrime' until separated by a space.

So is your fucking eyelid; are you going to chop off those next?
The foreskin moves around and helps you to thrust properly; your exposed glans aren't meant to be rubbing up against the vagina the entire time; that is what causes discomfort for the man and woman and why cut guys often need to use extra lube.

I couldn't imagine a foreskin getting in the way of having sex unless you either have a weirdly large foreskin or an incredibly small penis.

They remove between 30-50% of the skin from your dick including the foreskin (which has the highest concentration of nerve endings on the penis); you're stripping away the majority of the nerve ending in your penis; from the shaft and the foreskin.

You're actually claiming that having sex with a foreskin doesn't feel good because of the extra nerve ending? It adds more sensation and means you aren't hammering away at the vagina just to try and get a better sensation out of the sex, because you're already getting a good sensation to begin with. As for irritating the penis; it's the circumcism that causes irritation because it removes the foreskin that allows the penis skin to bend and move easier, making the skin more rigid, which causes friction.

Nobody thinks that; although there are plenty of botched circumisms that do chop off extra bits, so it isn't that surprising.

Nice try, faggot, but a doctor fucked up our dick and now you're searching for ways to justify it.

Why do feminists lose their shit about this crappy actor?

She's one of the worst ranges of expression I've ever seen, she looks like an emotionless sociopath.

Keanu Reeves has a better range, look at him smiling here.

The vast majority of circumcism is done to babies; adults getting it are a massive outlier, not that I actually believe you anyway.

Bullshit; where is your fucking source, kike? The foreskin contains the majority of the nerve-endings in your dick; 80% of them in some cases.


"I want to feel her, so I am going to chop off 80% of my dick's nerve-endings to help feel her better" kike logic. You clearly never fucked a girl with an uncircumcised dick before; your foreskin slides and forth, it doesn't just sit there the entire time, you retard. Did you seriously get circumcised as an adult before you ever even had sex; you don't even know what you're missing.


i do love how part of a leftist getting deep inside of their own ass about politics ALWAYS involves shitting on people they deem as lesser beings. probably the stupidest thing you can do when trying to drive a point home is to insult something that most people do just for enjoyment. i don't like sports myself, but fuck me if it isn't just absolutely the dumbest fucking move you can make to act like you're so far above all those plebs who watch two dudes fight each other in a controlled setting instead of following a script with a diverse cast like your degenerate kike hollywood productions.

i'm really glad the left doesn't realize that doubling down won't help them now that they've effectively alienated everybody that helped them keep power in favor of a shrinking number of self-hating whites and a soon-to-be shrinking number of minorities. i hope they keep it going for decades to come

These aren't the oscars, these are the golden globes. They're a bit smaller.

They're still a liberal circlejerk. Who cares?

That's a little beyond my abilities at the moment, but feel free to adapt it.

GODDAM!!! Lady Gaga aged since November 6!!!

In b4 Trump curse

Are you a retarded nigger or something?

…slow clap….

You mean (((white)))

Sounds like a fun tag to watch. Let them out themselves. It'll be easier to target.

The response to that statement probably more damage to Hollywood than the statement itself. Most people would be pretty happy if that was all that was on TV. Meryl Streep is the consumer advocate we need! I want the Streep Package for my TV service. Sports, Fighting and News. I don't watch all 500 channels of Hollywood bullshit, so I shouldn't have to pay for it.

umm… user? It probably is a bot. Twitter is nothing but bots now. We're in the timeline where Skynet went online, but it turned out to be full autismo. It just plays with twitter profiles the way human autismos play with dolls.

Circumcision is barbaric practice and should be stoped. These retarded arguments about washing your dick… most of europe doesnt circuncise like usa or jewland and our dicks are fine. Everyone associates cut dick with being a jew here. Stop lying to yourself, this board is not for delusional idiots


damnit fucked that up



Or for fuck's sake give him a little hand love with soapy hands.

i still cannot get over vince' look. it's perfect.

Well We have 2, maybe 3 if you count JFK

Okay this thread needs to die now, let's sage the next 66 posts, eh?

At least it's not another thread of you know what

That is literally how retarded you sound.


and so it goes, here fate is fixed


Not "When this card is attacked", with a : afterwards to indicate the start of the effect, and the rest of the rubbish PSCT. How would you summon this card? Why is it Rank 12, which would require a near-impossible feat of multiple level 12 monsters to Xyz summon? Where's the required Xyz Materials needed for the summon, or the effect(s) that require detaching Xyz Materials? Why would you want to lower the opponents' monsters' DEF when they attack you, using their ATK points? And under what circumstance is your opponent going to attack into a 5000 DEF monster, in order to make the DEF-raising ability even remotely useful?

Fuck you man, you done triggered me.

Dude, im uncut all i have to do is roll the foreskin back and let some water roll on it.
The worst thing ice jad to deal with is the occasional crotch hair that gets caught in there that hurts like hell.

(That and that one time i got a rash on the tip

For the shit they've done to others, like defend the exploitation of undocumented immigrants for cheap labor and overworking of underpaid h1b employees in the name of "diversity", the press deserves worse than being vilified.


You either are autistic ( for real ), raised by a single mother or a fag father or a jew.

I am OLD, never, ever had any problems with my foreskin, pull that shit back, use some decent soap, wash it.
If you want some " finesse " ( faggotry ), after you pee, roll that shit back and use a sheet of toilet paper or babywipes to absorb any other excess.

Jews love to blame deseases on other stuff and not on their lack of decent hygiene. Pigs.

hol up, do you have a fucked up urine stream because of the foreskin interference? i never throught about that….. does it just kinda…. spray everywhere? being cut makes pissing very clean and the piss shoots out in a nice stream. also, im already a premature ejactulator, if i was uncut and even more sensitive i don't think i'd even be able to fuck my fiance very well

catholics don't get circumcised