Nigger films self sexually abusing old white lady

Can we make this disgusting shit go viral? I don't even know how describe how disturbing this nigger behavior is.

This is bait.

How is this bait?


Because what's going on in the video is blatantly the polar opposite of what you say it is. Can you tell me where all the anons that abstain from cognitive dissonance went?

The lady has dementia you fucking nigger.

And you're blaming the golem for it?

webm or go fuck yourself

One thing bugs me about this youtubers videos is the lack of information. He only uses the description to promote his books.

I'd bet he does that with all his videos.

I'm blaming the caretaker that is supposed to be taking care of her. How the fuck is this acceptable to let this happen much less film it while talking shit about her?

Well hello there, Rabbi.

letting nogs take care of your grandma 👵


I swore this came up earlier and without someone trying to capitalize on it.


This doesn't really seem worthy of Holla Forums's time or attention. Not a good thing that happened but she (knowingly or unknowingly) is the one putting her hand on him. He's just a nog filming his reaction. Sad but ultimately a distraction. Take it to reddit.


Colin Flaherty is easily one of the best. He has down a shit load to document the niggers and their constant attacks on Whites.

Just call him a nigger on Jewtube and tell his monkey ass to go the fuck back to Africa.

Are you cognitively impaired? Maybe a nigger should film you being abused.

Fuck off Kikes

OP try not to be such a faggot in the future.

At 1:30 he clearly states that this is his girlfriends patient that he is claiming to be fucking. Do you think wherever she is employed knows she has her boyfriend driving her patients around allowing them to grope him?

aaaaaaand its an old as fuck world star video

does it matter? normies never see this shit openly and it's about damn time they did. or are you tired of winning there?
