So billionaires can now use their money to finance a lot of people's lawsuits and shut down any media they dislike

So billionaires can now use their money to finance a lot of people's lawsuits and shut down any media they dislike.

What if this catches on? If I'm not mistaken his involvement on the lawsuit wasn't even public at first, which means they can secretly deploy legal assistance and persuade people to sue in order to control public opinion even further.

Also conservatives were really happy about this, for some reason.

I guess the more power on rich people's hand, the happier they are.

lmao, journalists actually believe their own bullshit?

Historically the press has been synonymous with biased as fuck yellow press journalism. Its only in the 20th century thanks to the cartelisation of the industry that journalists started coming up with this self-serving myth that they're completely objective dispassionate observers "telling it like it is", and that they're totally not just spin doctors for their equally-oligarchic owners (*cough* Carlos Slim and the NYT *cough*)

What part of this is supposed to bother me?


I keep forgetting how fucking dumb most people in this board are

Journalist detected

why did you crop out nassim taleb's name

anyone who knows him can recognize instantly from the skin in the game autism

shoo shoo porky pig

Journalists are worse than cops.

Kill yourself.

I'm in journo school and even I admit that most journalism is shit, certainly Gawker. I think many journalists are good people but they are stuck in a bad system where the only way to work is to participate in the ideology of the paper and to work to a corporate schedule that only has time to regurgitate press releases and company lines because costs have been cut so relentlessly. Pretty much every journo I've heard from would like to do more investigative work but can't because they don't even have time to check the stories they're given, let alone spend time looking for ones that probably won't pan out, and even if they did, the owners might not print it anyway if it goes against one of their advertisers.

replace journo with niggers and that sounds racist fam :\

Erdogan sued someone in the netherlands for insulting him.

We are just sliding down the road to full capitalist domination, and accelerating towards revolution.

not them, but what?

No it doesnt even sound racist, just surrealistic and kind of reasonable.

Fuck Gawker. If they think that revenge porn should be illegal, then they sure as fuck can't defend uploading people's private sex tapes for blog hits.

Their only objective is making money.

We made a lawsuit on your controler of public opinion, so we can control public opinion by shutting down controlers of public opinion!

Seriously reddit? Gawker? Journalism? Bourgies VS Bourgies are somehow leftypol's business???

I know you're a shitposter but please try to keep the autism to bearable levels, thanks in advance.

ok. Flag off.

Poor Paint skills, but he's right you know

The only people who care about this are other garbage journalists.
Literally everyone is laughing at the death of gawker because of a hulk hogan sex tape.
The media has been a tentecal of the elite ever since William randoplh hearst.

oh, no what will we do without more clickbait and outrage culture plugging up the internets


i advise you to not be a journalist, the internet is killing your job and you will never make any money

the thing that strikes me is how out of touch the people who work for and defend gawker are.
Do they not realize people fucking despise the mainstream media.
No one cares how you go down you fuckers.
A wrestlers sex tape wasnt vital to the public interest you fucking morons

I'll bet Holla Forums isn't even concerned about this, meanwhile their bitching about TPP. Welp, this looks like it right here tbh. Monopolization of information will only continue. We need to seize the means of information.

the internet has made information more democratized than ever.
Its just the news media thats owned by corporate and government backers is dying

I would consider that a good thing. It's just they always do something like this when they lose muh probids. Same thing is happening with piracy.

Yeah I know that now, I wish I'd studied politics instead but whatever. I thought maybe I could have more impact. I didn't realise how bad things really are.