CALEXIT is Adding Key Members of the Obama Administration

California’s “independence movement” has some new friends, surprising friends, friends in need of a place that will protect them from the long arm of the soon-t0-be Trump administration. Before I identify the California’s new friends, let’s talk about California’s old friends. You know, the old friends that hijacked the California state government.
California’s Shady Friends

As previously identified on The Common Sense Show, California has been taken over by some very shady characters who are interested in creating an independent country from the Golden State, BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!

According to Paul Preston, reports are coming in that numerous state legislators from California, including “California Senate pro tem Kevin de Leon), State representatives from Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Colorado have been meeting with members of La Raza, the Mexican government (consulate), Mexican Mafia (“La EME”), California’s violent Mexican gangs (Nortenos /Sureños/ Sur 13), La Familia (Nuestra Familia) and religious leaders (Catholic / Jesuits) to come up with a plan to separate from the United States the above mentioned states”. Governor Brown, his aides, and the Bank of China have been in attendance in several of these meetings designed to sever California from the US. Further, The Common Sense Show has learned, independent of Paul Preston, that George Soros is bankrolling some of the costs associated with this movement.

By now, many have heard that Governor Jerry Brown is leading a concentrated effort to become El Presidente of California. Brown’s efforts are supported international crime figures such as the Sasakawa crime family, in the which the senior Sasakawa, the late Japanese general led the “Rape of Nanking” event in World War II. He was not prosecuted by the OSS as a war criminal because he had so much money that it was deemed that he could become a valuable asset of the globalists. The Sasakawa crime family came to run Mitsubishi.

Embedded sources close to the State of Jefferson movement, who have been embedded in Brown’s CALEXIT meetings have reveals that that the Bank of China is helping to bankroll this movement in conjunction with George Soros. The Obama administration has representatives in the same room as these organized criminals. This is treason of the highest order.

In addition to the criminal cabal elements already mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, MS-13 has entered into this equation. Based upon information that I received from Border Patrol and DEA personnel, obtained in the summer of 2014, I learned that MS-13 members were being captured by the Border Patrol and then ordered released by DHS. This is significant because MS-13, as I reported 30 months ago plays the role of political assassins for the cartels in Mexico in which they carry out hits on law enforcement, political leaders, members of the media and their respective family members. Later in this articles, I will reveals how MS-13 style of intimidation is already coming into play with recent events directed at the State of Jefferson political leadership. Their presence guarantees the same behaviors in California and perhaps beyond for any and all opposition to this unholy alliance traitors designed to help create the country of California which will be a protectorate of the United Nations.

Other urls found in this thread:

Basic Operational Details of CALEXIT

As I previously reported, Paul Preston has embedded sources who have been in attendance at the CALEXIT meetings, along with the nefarious groups, previously identified.

Operational details are still being uncovered at the time of this printing. However, let me re-issue a very severe warning for the citizens of California, particularly the White citizens. One of the topics discussed in front Preston’s informant was an operational plan that somewhat paralleled what I have learned from my own sources. White people will soon be targeted by this group and their minions, if the move to leave the US is not successful from a legislative standpoint.

The operational plan consists of three options:

The US Congress, convened in a special session grants the withdrawal of California. In this case, California will also be under the control of the United Nations. This is the preferred approach.
Obama may issue an Executive Order which grants Governor Brown the authority to withdraw California from the US.
Extreme violence, which will target black gangs and random White citizens will be executed by the cartels and their allies (e.g. MS-13). One scenario that was discussed at these meeting would be for gangsters to be in cars and converge on large gatherings of citizens and then White citizens will be targeted for murder. It is hoped that the mayhem will convince the country and its governmental officials to allow California to leave. At this point, we are unquestionably talking about the violent overthrow of California.

It should be noted that in his official capacity as a talk show host, a member of the media, Paul received an answer from the Governor’s office about Calexit and the email stated that there would no comment on Calexit that would be forthcoming. That is an answer.

Also, it is important to remember that the CALEXIT movement has progressed to the point to where they opened an embassy in Russia. This is clear sedition and everyone of these participants should be arrested for treason, but don’t forget, we now live in a lawless America where the rule of law does not apply to the ruling class.

CALEXIT Has New Friends and Allies

Three days ago, I learned the former (disgraced and discredited) Attorney General, Fast and Furious’ Eric Holder has been retained by Jerry Brown to represent the state against the anticipated actions of the Trump administration. Included in the representation duties will the refusal of California to allow the deportation of anyone that the state government does not approve. In other words, California is, in effect, declaring themselves to be a sanctuary state. However, the duties of Holder extend far beyond immigration. By assuming the described duties, he is, by default, the new official spokesperson of the CALEXIT movement.

I have learned from a member of the intelligence community that Holder is not the only soon-to-be Obama Administration refugee. Many members of the Obama administration may become roadkill in the purge against the most criminal administration in American history. Current members and former members of the Obama administration that are joining the CALEXIT team are as follows:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch
Disgraced and former Obama czar, Van Jones
Former DHS director, Janet Napolitano, who is presently running the California university system.
Present mayor of Chicago and former advisor to Obama, Rahm Emanuel.

The Common Sense Show has learned that CALEXIT has as a target date to exit the country of 2019.

The Clinton’s are rumored to have an interest as well, although their getaway, as previously reported on The Common Sense Show, is Dubai in which the Clinton’s have stashed away $2 trillion of stolen Haitian relief funds, taken illegally by the Clinton Foundation.
The Horse’s Head

Do you remember the old classic movie, The Godfather? There was a scene in the movie in which a reluctant Hollywood producer would not give an upstart (ie presumably Frank Sinatra) a foothold in the entertainment business. The Hollywood producer had a favorite horse. One morning, the producer awakened with the horse’s head in his bed as a warning. The term “horse’s head” became synonymous with intimidation by organized crime in order achieve a certain objective.

The horse’s head has reared its head in California. The drug cartels have begun to leave dead animals (e.g. dead rabbits) on the front porches of the officials who are being the State of Jefferson movement. The State of Jefferson movement is a political effort for several counties from Northern California and Southern Oregon to form a 51st state. The effort is legal and stands an excellent chance of happening. However, this movement flies in the face of the CALEXIT movement. Therefore, the underworld affiliates behind Governor Brown’s treasonous plan have begun the first wave of a reign of terror against these officials. I look for the level of violence to increase as the Jefferson movement gains more momentum. In light of these revelations, one can clearly see that California is clearly a Marxist state that is controlled by organized crime figures, both domestic and foreign.

I have been frustrated by the fact that this monumental story has not gained more traction. However, there are more and more journalists who are now starting to pay attention. One author, Katy Grimes, from is all over this story. Katy traces the inception of the CALEXIT movement to LaRaza and MECHa. She has correctly identified many of the key players and talks about how these groups plan to disrupt (violently) not only California, but the country to force a reorganization of the nation.

I am calling on the soon-to-be Trump administration to take whatever means necessary and arrest these traitors in what could become the biggest political scandal of all time. Make no mistake about it, these are the seeds of civil war.

Fuck, we need that cuckery to sink into the sea. Anyone up for beachfront property in Nevada?

Clinton's entire popular vote win came from California. Take it away and Trump won the popular vote by a million and a half.

Go ahead, exit. America will swing hard right and eventually reannex that rightful clay anyways - this time without its giant voting power.

careful, there a few anons here that vehemently defend California to stay in the union


good then we can nuke cali, also please take back all the califaggots who've moved elsewhere

Non-Issue. An independent California would have no military, no nukes (war with U.S. if they tried to keep them) their economy would plummet, illegals would flood in like the tide, whites would leave, and they would be left with another little mexico.

Guess I'll get to watch the God Emperor retake LA, realistically that shit hole will just get Hiroshimad.

They can have it… with one catch…. they have to take all non-whites from the rest of the US.

Come on california, do it.

If Cali sinks, we can just pull a Netherlands, or start working on undersea lebensraum.


"If anyone so much as breaths a word of secession I'll ride down their my self and hang them all from the highest tree."

T. Emperor of America DJT






Fuck yeah sayonara califorinication! They will soon be adrift into the sea too when their fault breaks and they will have a wall around them. Haha brilliant!


Fixed that for you.

Nice dubs. Heil'd

If California (or parts thereof) were to succeed, I wonder how long it would take to descend into chaos. I'm pretty sure that within 5-10 years, it becomes little Mexico, with small protected enclaves for resource mining. Most of the tech companies would move to Nevada, trendies would follow them, and they'd begin the pozzing all over again.

As I say for every Calexit thread, and as someone from Commiefornia, let them do it. I really hope California breaks away. I want to see the jets, tanks, and helicopters take off and quickly take over new government before placing California right back into America. Would be even better for some stupid liberals to try to "defend" California and get slaughtered by the Army. The salt would fill the Solar System for sure.

*secede. ffs

The only downside of this is that millions of calicucks are not going to be willing to commit to secession and will flood and infect the rest of the southwest and pacific northwest with their faggotry. California fags have already ruined Colorado because dude weed and are starting to infest Arizona, NM, and Texas, and it will get much much, worse if this goes through.

They're talking to the Mexican gangs, it'd happen in weeks.

Yeah we know, but we need to add as much fuel to the fire as possible, at the very least they will waste time and money on this faggotry and get schlonged even harder during the 2018 midterms and 2020.

No matter what though, I'm still going to miss the idealistic vision of California, even if it never was a reality.

After the Great Californian-American War, Trump could enact a "De-Calification" program like the US did to Germany after WWII. This program would apply to Californians who escaped from California as well.

We're gonna need a bigger wall.

It would be bad for us too. All the human refuse that cali contains would be squirted into the PNW and western states. It's the one thing California is good for.

I thought early 1900s-mid 1900s California was pretty white.

Meant for


I'll laugh if he just isolates the liberal cities and keeps all the rural farmland.

Pic related, according to:
http:// /main/publication_show.asp?i=255

Just wall off the bay area and everything south.

I don't know enough about that time period, but it must have indisputably been better than it is now. Still, I think in that time period the tribe were already establishing "an empire of their own". What was stopping the Mexicans from swarming in during that time?

That could also be why Trump didn't hire that guy, and put in a four-star retired marine General instead.

Pretty much before the LA Riots it was. About 50 or so years ago Cali was actually predominately republican and fairly conservative. Fucking scumbag liberals burned it all to the ground over the last few decades. I don't want the land to go but god almighty do the people need to go.

Calexit is a Soros operation run and partially financed by rich Asians who want autonomy for Silicon Valley.

The best thing we can do is encourage them to follow through with their threats.

Except that the federal government would, never, ever play ball with this because of Vandenberg Air Force Base, the military assets in San Diego, farm land, etc. and opening up a yuge portion of the pacific coast to attack by foreign powers when California secedes. The most that would happen is a yuge waste of time and money by libshits and if it actually escalated those libshits would get Waco'd by the Feds. Its a win win, the only time mass migration of calicucks would happen is if Calexit actually went through.

This is a recipe to crack the US, and they will use it to undermine Trump. It would mean civil war 2.0, and the end of the union. Also, OP could you provide some links? I don't have everything in front of me and this would be helpful in having a useful discussion.

All in all, I see bad things.

I hate to say it, but we really should focus our energies (should we ever do so) on keeping California in, and unpozzing them. Letting Soros and co. split the US is VERY BAD. Let me play what will appear as the "devils advocate" for a moment. Hear me out. I'm not an expert, but I will explain what I'm seeing and maybe we'll hit something good.

What has been happening - that EVERYONE has noticed - is CA sliding into the fucking drain. They are embroiled in debt, have "effective" gun control after the last election, and no end to degeneracy. They have in the past couple of years decriminalized child prostitution, passed the said effective gun control, and managed to get a movement going to split CA from the US.

Why should we keep CA in? Why should we stop CALEXIT? Several reasons.

First and foremost is that this could cause repeat offenders. If big, bad CA leaves the union, OTHER STATES MAY FOLLOW. Most likely would be WA and OR. While on the surface this looks good because "muh pozzed cities" you forget that that really is the source of all the cancer. If you can clean out the cities then you unpoz the votes of the entire state plain and simple.

Second reason? Well it splits the US. Civil war 2.0. Trump would most definitely try to take it back. He would be put in the shoes that Abe Lincoln was forced to wear in 1861. And you can bet your ass anyone that wants to fuck with NATO joins in on the California side. Putin is singing praises to Trump now but should the civil war continue when Trump is out, you might suddenly find Ivan on the side of the successionists. Instead of Russia potentially helping us, they could start supplying them via the Pacific.

Third reason? A LOT of dead whites. Unless whites as a whole are willing to go full RWDS on the shitskins and kikes it would be essentially white men killing each other for the jews gain. This alone is a damn good reason to avoid a war between successionist CA and the US. Our goal here is to create a future for white children, and preserve the beauty of white women. You can't do that when all the white men have killed each other.

While I don't think this is a complete picture it's damning enough to convince me at this point in time. But I haven't explored what I first mentioned - the battlefield.

What we have now in CA is essentially every patriot that could/would fight degeneracy and successionism in CA literally outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanned. While this may not seem like a big deal you need to remember that CA has a LOT of people. And by extension a lot of WHITE people. And not all of them are pozzed.

What they would have to deal with is gangs that are capable of fighting. They are assassins, thugs, and semi-effective and semi-organized street fighters. A good, well armed and well organized white resistance could beat them but that gun control that I mentioned will take a lot of teeth out of those that would fight. There's a LOT of unknown variables here, so I could be miles off and half of CA whites have an arsenal of full auto M16 and several cans of 5.56, but the trends show that many people who have to deal with gun control either cave or leave.

The degeneracy is another issue. This is the most dangerous weapon being brought to bear above all others. We all know LA and SF is pozzed to hell and back with kikes, dykes, faggots, and more spics than you can ever hope to count. Literally impossible thanks to the unchecked illegal immigration. This is (obviously) how they get their gangs in. Donny building the wall will create a point of tension for them on the CA/Mexico border, as going around the wall will become the best way to get to the US illegally. This method is extremely risky and difficult, which puts a big risk on all gang operations. This (as we know) is encouraged by jews that enable the faggotry (and other things) and seek to divide and conquer all whites everywhere with their multicultural scheme (that they have pulled off wonderfully in CA due to the kike fucking stronghold known as Hollywood). There are some white enclaves in CA that refuse to give up, but they are tiny and would be easily overwhelmed by the state in the event that they left the US. There would be some who go guerilla, but with no/little outside support it would eventually dwindle to nothing. Those gangs I mentioned would be paid very well to hunt them down. It would be literal street/guerilla on guerilla warfare for them, bloody grind that they would ultimately lose unless CA was re-taken in relatively short order.

The gangs are also vital for this operation. They are the military front that the CALEXIT operation could rely on. If we can destroy or damage the gangs, it would benefit us immensely if the war should prove imminent.

These are most of my thoughts right now. I hope I'm fucking wrong.


That is possible. Just keep guns ready, and scare them the fuck off.

I live in FL, so I'll be comfy. But if Cali decides to secede under a Trump administration, I doubt very highly that any nonpozzed whites would stay. They would flee like, well, a man fleeing a ship full of rats. Also, our whole perspecrive of "civil war" for years would be flipped, with what would previously have been the rebels now fightin FOR the government.

I don't think it will EVER happen, but I'km happy to circlejerk about it, because it's a plausible idea of civil war that is opposite to the one we've been over a thousand times. At least it's interesting to think about.

I get the problems, but where is California's, Oregon's, and Washington State's military? You have military forces right there ready to jump put at a moments notice to arrest the leaders and shut down the riots. Also, you can reinstate these pozzed states while getting rid of laws you don't like, especially the liberal ones. These states would be similar to the conquered states during the civil war.

Also only a cuck would sit by while these states secede. You have the military on full alert to arrest/shoot any suspicious people near the bases or important areas, and strike quickly once the states secede. If you plan beforehand, you can move troops to protect communities quickly and set up sieges in areas that are dangerous and full of attackers. You suppose a seccession would last months or more, but unlike the civil war, I just don't see the military which overwhelmingly supports Trump to support a rebel country. This is bad for the rebel states, because they have soldiers surrounding them ready to fight. Basically, it would be stupid to let these states survive even for a moment alone. A well executed invasion that quickly defends American interests and lives, would put a stop to any threat.

this vid convinced me spics are the #2 threat to the white race after jews.

in america that is


I used to be strongly against California leaving the union, seeing as a traitorous act and staying both loyal to this nation and what California USED to be, but if California doesn't get liberal shock therapy and remains in the union which always fucking bails it out of trouble, it will never learn and it will never be white, we need to make the whites in this shithole get redpilled HARD when California crashes and burns and gets flooded with spics, ISIS, male tax, and white people tax.
It's gonna hurt seeing a post Rhodesian scenario happen, but it has to happen.

tl;dr A Califag supporting Calexit to wake the libshits to their fucking stupidity.

Might just be my city but a lot of white people (and asians) have guns. South of LA would undoubtedly prevail and join the Trumpenreich. I've heard good things about north of Sacremento too. Central CA from Sacremento to LA is Pozland incarnate but most nonwhites and liberals are concentrated there. If CA secedes and bean bandits take over they will quickly exterminate the leftists and we all know Trump will not hesitate to reconquista that shit. If all else fails, the rural resistance (rural CA is very white and very conservative) will cut supply lines and starve the cities. They will descend into Escape from LA type anarchy.


Fucking kek. Jamal and Pancho with rusted nines, half-broken shotguns and maybe a WASR with the serial ground off and if they've ever shot at anyone it's been spray-and-pray.

In any case I'll be comfy too, but it will suck seeing my wife tear herself apart as she is from CA and does love it.

I'm not 100% on that one. I would imagine they would support Trump, but commies are known for their purges…

If this is true then all you would have to do is besiege the cities.

Not if Soros gets them some new gats, imported from China. Despite the "made in China" bs they do have some nice rifles according to syrupbros who have handled them.

Also, I said "semi-capable". The cartels have done some rather impressive hits, and are capable of pre-planning. In this capacity they are very efficient. In guerilla war… well it's anyones guess at this point.

I don't see a problem with this. Does anyone else?


I do, that wall is ceding some territory to the hordes

A ton of dead whites. We need to not die in a war easily avoided. We need to target the kikes responsible and come up with an effective game plan to shut them down.

ima State of jefferson dweller and I know that the movement is moving to sue california this month for increased representation. Supposedly they say they're doing to win, but we'll see. The SOJ constitution is currently being drafted, and it has been stated that if Calexit is given any legitimacy by lawmakers SOJ would make their move immediately to congress for state-split, just like West Virginia did. Im highly worried about this new info but not surprised. We got mexican and russian and asian cartels out here growing weed all over others' properties, and doing god knows what else. Im not kdiding you when i say its dangerous to even be a delivery driver in some parts of the northstate. And that lady who was abducted here over Thanksgiving that made national news, well its believed she was kidnapped by cartel to send a message to folks involved in weed commerce via co-ops, dispensaries, farms, etc. And now we have to have background checks just to buy ammo. So yea. God help us.


Why am I not surprised? Also, the background checks must fucking blow. Is it possible for you goys to go to another state to get ammo?

All the resources previously wasted on The War on Drugs need to be diverted to fighting the cartels. Same with foreign aid.

Reminder that the moment these people stop being American (they're already not) officially is the moment we can start a mass campaign to dehumanize them.
Makes them easier to shoot.

I used to be for Calexit because fuck all those cuck faggots, but then I realized I'd be the cuck for giving up land. I'm not ok with the fact one of our greatest states has succumbed to a foreign invasion enabled by traitors. This can be fixed in more direct ways.

Wouldn't make much of a difference. They still have no concept of marksmanship or small unit tactics.

In Mexico, sure; there are tons of ex and current military in the cartels down there. However, that level of competence is non-existent in the states because US gangs are to cartels as high-school football teams are to the NFL.


Cut off all roads exiting California and then cut off the water.

It's so easy too. Better dead than red m8

True on the small unit tactics. As for the hits…


TL;DR - mexican cartel offs an entire fucking family so they can dominate the weed market in that area. Men, Women, even some children, all executed.

This and cutting off the border would stop the addition of any more cartels joining the fight. The only ones left would be wannabes who will get raped against an experienced and relentless military force.

Reconquest and institution of reconstruction-style laws seems like the most direct route to me. Can't really be justified until they gtfo though.

California is the promised land, we just need to save it


This makes my blood boil.

Notice they're not covered in tattoos.

He's counting on CalExit

That's true, but we will still need to go through a couple generations at least to un-subvert our society from the good goyim we've become. This would be required to do such a thing. It makes more sense to fight cal exit, and then develop the generations who will fuck them up and kick out the cancer while still in the union 60 years from now.


Better to mass gas than play a long game of waiting for the enemies to drop dead.


I'll take 14


Wow, not even a token nigger.

They knew niggers only played the latest 'boonball games.

Nah, look at the original Civil War. They didn't mess around with that crap. They marched in, fucked shit up and broke the South so thoroughly it took them 50 years to recover. If we wreck Cali's shit, our reconstruction looks like this:
There, you've fixed Commiefornia.

That game says 1993, coons might have been priced out of owning gaming consoles.

They weren't playing anything back then

They steal consoles now, they stole them then.

Priced out = more than one paycheck

At least the welfare system

Yeah, going to an isolated area and killing women and children sure takes a lot of balls and know-how.

Also that part about dominating the market probably isn't right; it's more likely that that person running the grow was involved with the cartel and tried to burn them, and maybe not even about marijuana. Mexico doesn't import that much any more because heroin and coke have a much better price-to-weight ratio.

sage for off topic, but I was reading the wikipedia article on race and video games to try and find data on when blacks started playing. I didn't find that, but I caught this gem on the topic of controversy.

Apparently 2008 was once current year.

Multiple areas. At once. And they got away too iirc.

Yes, there are many others that can pull this off. But the cartels do have some tricks up their sleeve.

The alternate idea about the motive is plausible though. I hadn't considered that.

Wouldn't they all starve to death and run out of water on top of being spic'd to death ?

this. It would become a mexican state.

kek I gotta try it then

I'm pretty sure CIV VI just came out, no idea if it is any good though, no time to play.


Where's the proof, nigger?





6 blows. 5 is better. I've had 4 for ages but it came as a bundle with 5 so I never tried it.

Are you new? Look up calexit you raging fucking retard.

How about proof that Jerry Brown and cabinet members of King Nig are helping them. I believe it, but I want a good source on it.

It's not. Torrent it if you really want to, but don't spend a dime on that shit.

That I also want. Fuck it, I'm hitting the search engines since OP is a fag.

When I went to look it up thw first link was to this website called thecommonsenseshow. I tried archiving it but seems to not be working for me.

It's lies.

If you still got a broken link that would do the trick.

What to do with Californian children who for all intents and purposes look 'white', have fair skin and blue eyes, but have some Mexican blood?

Honestly, Cali needs to GTFO.

It's just a beaner hellhole ruled-over by kike elites in LA.

We need to push HARD in getting liberals to move to California (or leave the country altogether). Best case is Calexit and they're no longer our problem and worst case is they're all crammed in one state with all the illegals and their voting power is diluted.


Thanks for the heads up, I'll be sure to give it a miss.

Gas them.
Blue eyes don't make one white dumb ass.

They already got cold feet on Canada from what I heard. Vid related for keks.

This. Gas all spics.

Did I claim they did? Stop jumping to conclusions.

There's some I'll gas myself. I'd rather it be by someone they know.

Good, its times for war

Loyalty to you'll state comes way before any thing else…
I really hate what the kikes did during the civil war…


any clay lost is not a win for the us
You must squeeze the shit out of the sponge before it's usable. Not cut off the dirty parts.




California lawmakers have abandoned loyalty.
http:// /faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB54

Some highlights:
885. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the California Values Act.

885.2. The Legislature finds and declares the following:
(a) Immigrants are valuable and essential members of the California community. Almost one in three Californians is foreign born and one in two children in California has at least one immigrant parent.
(b) A relationship of trust between California’s immigrant community and state and local law enforcement agencies is central to the public safety of the people of California.
(c) This trust is threatened when local law enforcement agencies are entangled with federal immigration enforcement, with the result that immigrant community members fear approaching police when they are victims of, and witnesses to, crimes.
(d) This act seeks to protect the safety and constitutional rights of the people of California, and to direct the state’s limited resources to matters of greatest concern to state and local governments.

885.6. (a) State and local law enforcement agencies and school police and security departments shall not do any of the following:
(1) Use agency or department moneys, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to investigate, detain, detect, report, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes, including, but not limited to, any of the following:
(A) Responding to hold, notification, and transfer requests from federal immigration authorities.
(B) Responding to requests for nonpublicly available personal information about an individual, including, but not limited to, information about the person’s release date, home address, or work address for immigration enforcement purposes.
(C) Making arrests based on civil immigration warrants.
(D) Giving federal immigration authorities access to interview individuals in agency or department custody for immigration enforcement purposes.
(E) Performing the functions of an immigration officer, whether pursuant to Section 1357(g) of Title 8 of the United States Code or any other law, regulation, or policy, whether formal or informal.
(2) Use agency or department moneys, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to investigate, enforce, or assist in the investigation or enforcement of any federal program requiring registration of individuals on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national or ethnic origin.
(3) Make agency or department databases available to anyone or any entity for the purpose of immigration enforcement or investigation or enforcement of any federal program requiring registration of individuals on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, or national or ethnic origin. Any agreements in existence on the date that this chapter becomes operative that make any agency or department database available in conflict with the terms of this paragraph are terminated on that date.
(4) Place peace officers under the supervision of federal agencies or employ peace officers deputized as special federal officers or special federal deputies except to the extent those peace officers remain subject to California law governing conduct of peace officers and the policies of the employing agency.
(b) Nothing in this section shall prevent the department or any state or local law enforcement agency, including school police or security departments, from responding to a request from federal immigration authorities for information about a specific person’s previous criminal arrests or convictions where otherwise permitted by state law or from responding to a lawful subpoena.
(c) Notwithstanding any other law, in no event shall state or local law enforcement agencies or school police or security departments transfer an individual to federal immigration authorities for purposes of immigration enforcement or detain an individual at the request of federal immigration authorities for purposes of immigration enforcement absent a judicial warrant. This subdivision does not limit the scope of subdivision (a).

I'm all for states rights but California would bend over and stretch it's asshole for any Democratic government. King Nig has been shutting down legitimate businesses with the corrupt EPA and National Parks Service for years here.


That dream was stolen from you.

I will carve a new dream from the hearts of my enemies, and float upon a river of blood to a brighter future.

Praise Kek.



If this happens, and California eventually goes full mexican mad max, every single silicon valley fucktard that tries to escape should be hunted down and murdered. They should never again be allowed to hold any position of power or influence.

You're objectively wrong

About half of California is red. They shouldn't be abandoned.

How many days before the riots when President Trump and the Republican Congress cut ALL Federal funding to CA? This ought to be good.

WHITE National Socialist native Californian here, nobody I know wants this stupid CalExit. It's the fucking filthy beaners and libs pushing this crap. I know a bunch of you hate Commiefornia, but those of us that have roots here can't just pick up and leave. I'm sure you'll say "good! we don't want you anyways", because that seems to be the typical response here. I really wish it wasn't though. I'd like to see RWDS come to California and take it back from these fucking low-life beaner scum. I'd like to see support from my fellow countrymen, but instead it's just a bunch of assholes in some redneck part of the US talking the same shit as always about Californians. All I can do is hope that Trump legalizes RWDSs and let's me walk the streets with a flamethrower so I can cleanse the filth.

Jesus, seeing so many angry, ugly brown beaners together on White territory pisses me off. They're genetic refuse.

Calexit is the best chance to see legitimate RWDS we've had so far.

The DNC is trying to consolidate power into their bastion states. We need a civil war these folks don't deserve to live next to us

We should NEVER cede lands that are ours. I would take every tactic over ceding land. Retake the Media, retake Schools etc. and purge libs everywhere. Take away federal funding for minorities, nigger schools etc. remove foodstamps, hunt down illegals, and make blacks, beaners and chinks unwelcome as fuck in America in general through any means, especially through the Media.
I would even agree to legalizing drugs in controlled manner for 4 years, to take out the wind of cartells and finish them off, and make them illegal later on again with the pretense of a "failed" experiment.

White people in california spilled sweat and blood to build it, it's their home and soil, it would be a huge crime to them to cede it to anyone.

Someone say "secede"?

Oy vey at first i was like fuck russia and the hacks
then I was i love russia now.

the land is already given up. america is lost, the realistic way forward at this point is a territory reorganization with population exchanges


I would move there so fast.

Unless this happens though.

The average cartel foot soldier is a 16 year old teenager with an AK. Their top people are former soldiers, but their average soldier is some kid. As for the military, the Mexican marines and navy are the only competent branches of their military. The army is mostly trash, and their airforce is laughable. Add in that conscription is mandatory in Mexico and you get a very mediocre fighting force.

The point is that "ex and current military" is a worthless description when talking about the Mexican military. The main thing protecting the cartels, as with many other criminal organizations, is the legal system. The minute that is destroyed, you can make significant progress against them just by murdering anybody who's affiliated. Gangs/cartels are very easy to destroy if we go the Duterte route.

as a leaf, that will never happen

Look guy, I know you don't want to leave the American South Africa that is your state, but there's not many other options.

The southerner in me doesn't give a shit about a state spitting off, yet at the same time, the last thing I want is California actually becoming Commiefornia. I'm really torn at the concept. On one side is a state's genuine right to self-determination but goddammit you know those retards would have a chicom military base on the coast within a year.

At least the south had a legitimate bitch. These are just a bunch of fucking crybaby lunatics.

Good we don't want you anyways.

You are a fucking idiot for putting down roots in that disgusting place. I am fucking sick of people with learned helplessness like yourself pleading for help and sacrifice from the rest of us. This is Holla Forums god damn it, 99% are here because we are tired of giving up our lively hood so tards can tard.

You are a tard. Your genetics are inferior if you looked around CA and decided to set up shop there.

Remember when California was white people?

Remember when California was white?

Here's me hoping that Jewlywood movie industry takes a hard blow from this whole Calexit thing. Also, Trump administration should help Commiefornia from separating by blowing a nuke on San Andreas fault.

Why post twice?

You could say the same about any white-european state/country! All are in decline!

I like Cascadia better tbh. Cascadia, if it were to happen, would be incredible in terms of geography and nature.

Fuck em, I want them to leave.

You Cali anons better make The Turner Diaries a reality.

Just let more U.S. Land go! It's bad land anyways. Let the libs have a safe haven where they can flood in even more shitskins!

The greatest number of shit people in California are in the cities. The rest of California is fine and white. All that will happen if California dose leave is an influx of third worlders and your Libshits who allowed this fleeing to other states. Ive seen this happen, it's why Vegas is becoming more and more blue and why Seattle is now a hipster city. So by California breaking off it will just spread more shit across the U.S. int he future.

I doubt the clintons have two TRILLION dollars in Dubai.

Also this why is OP such a faggot again?

However you are talking half the country and most of the bureaucracy and police/military.

Being liberal should be classified as mental illness and warrant a forced vacation in the loony bin.

Take inspiration from great men like Saddam or Duterte. Kill a few thousand to show you mean business. Cartels are businesses, and they can't operate in a climate where their employees are being hung from lamp posts. There's not a lot good old fashioned violence can't fix when it comes to third worlders.

I can't see the downsides to having California leave. Consider:

- They don't produce enough water on their own. Not even close. They would be reliant on the US.
- They're swimming in ungodly amounts of debt and have been for some time, being a liberal controlled sinkhole that treats money like a neverending lifespring.
- They have 55 electoral votes and always swing blue due to the sheer numbers of liberals and minorities.
- I believe Hollywood is located in LA, located in this state. we wouldn't be losing much there.
- Their economy is extremely weak, all we would need to do is attract all the working class to the US and keep them. Maybe pay their way for moving, incentivize them somehow to get the fuck out of Commiefornia.

Seriously, what is the downside of getting rid of that giant cancer? Just persuade all the good people to GTFO, and that ship will sink faster than the fucking titanic.

Defeatist faggot. California has huge coastline, great farmland, and would be a fantastic place to live if we could ethnically cleanse the place.

There is a big difference between being in decline and being a rotting corpse.

Pro tip: CA is the corpse.

The "Jefferson" area within California is still 80+% white.

How is that even possible when you have such a massive coastline? It's ludicrous.

This. If California were to leave the union, it would turn to shit and then many of the white lefties would move to Texas. It's time to break the destructive cycle of white flight.


To be fair I was born there and I took the first bus out of there as soon as I was able. His point about putting down roots there stands.

Desalination is extremely expensive. It's much easier to get water from freshwater rivers, lakes and underground aquifers. Also, a large chunk of southern California is desert.

Is that suppose to be a threat? The US hasn't been able to win a war in over 75 years.

The land is lost right now. Leaving the liberals to their own devices will cause California to collapse without the USA to prop it up. Then it is just a matter of reclaiming the land.

The Gulf States and Israel desalinate on a national scale. If they can do it, why can't California?

And by "as soon as I was able" I mean I had $400 dollars saved up. I made it to my destination and job hunted relentlessly while staying in a shitty motel and shortly after I got a stable income I entered a trade school and now I own a house that I bought with cash.

The gulf states have oil Israel is completely deepened on US money. But California does have a larger GDP then most European countries so I don't think they would be in too bad of a position

If the South couldn't leave these commie faggots can't leave. ALL American soil belongs to European Americans and we aren't giving ANY of it up for any reason.

If they did leave,it would set the example that all you have to do is throw a hissy fit and you can leave. We would very quickly be broke up like Europe or worse.

The God Emperor needs to Punish those commie faggots and rule them with a Iron fist.

Door to Door Beaner Removal

We aren't falling for this shit argument anymore. The rest of the US does not need CA, you need us. Our best strat is to let you leave, let you fall into complete disarray then take back the land with a minimum of casualties on our side. It is not to fight civil war 2.0 to keep you in the union.

I lived there for 20 years. Then one day I had enough, quit my job, and left. Say it with me:

Because Seattle was a red city 30 years ago when it was ruled by grunge rock.

Califonia always forgets they have droughts. They start building the desalination plants but the drought breaks so they stop building them, they fall into disrepair and then they have to start from scratch the next time a drought rolls around.
I'm honestly convinced the ones in cali are just a money laundering scheme.

That's because almost every war we've fought during that time (minus korea) has been done through proxy nations. The U.S. would quickly win a direct combat war against California if they were to secede. All they would have to do is bomb the shit out of major urban centers. Their economy would be in shambles and they would have no manpower left to continue fighting.

Israel is tiny compared to California. As for the Gulf states, most of the people live on the coast and they have a bunch of oil money. There has been talk in the LA area about doing more desalination, but taxes are already so high that nobody wants to put the money in.

It's more like they only get used during emergencies because they are so expensive to run and Cali is a broke shit hole.

They also sell the byproducts as skin cream.

Those tech faggot hipsters typically get weeded out by more proficient Nevadans. Native born Nevadans will fight tooth and nail to learn various flavors of C and kill Cali faggots. We get beach front property and a fuckload more jobs to add to entertainment and mining. I doubt they will change up our funz loving state. There's a lot of local manufactures of refurbished AK's in Las Vegas.

They literally don't even have them built completely. They just import water from Nevada.

It's not defeat for me, asswipe. Unless the people literally on the other side of the nation from me are ready to get violent in a unified way, losing Commiefornia is a net positive. Defeatism is "oh woe is us there's nothing we can do what's the use, what good is anything anymore boohoo life sucks." This is letting your enemies shoot themselves in the foot. Losing those 55 electoral votes ALONE would make it fucking worth it, the democrats wouldn't win another election for goddamn DECADES.

But if I were your crybaby ass I wouldn't worry too much, the whiners and bitchers are 1) subhuman morons who are only a notch higher than nigs and can therefore not successfully organize or fight in a unified fashion and 2) liberals, who can't fight period, with anything. I think it's pretty safe to say a whole lot of nothing is going to happen, but in your shoes I would still prepare to either KILL EVERYONE or GTFO.

as the other user said, desalinization is extremely pricey, and as I said, they're loaded up in mountains of debt. Desal is really only done out of necessity, CA never had to do it because of buying water from neighboring states.

If the US couldn't defeat a bunch commie chinks and Sandniggers what makes you think they will fare any better against cartels, the yakuza, George Soros and everyone else supposedly involved in this? And civil war is pretty much irreverent to the discussion with the technology of today.

Yeah Iraq fell in 2 weeks but the US still lost. The US military is about as incompetent as it can get I think they've been cursed since WW2

It never seems works out like that though its almost as if poor shitskins don't breed like rabbits regardless of the political climate around them.


It will be a mainland war, there will be practically no transport costs and the every day joe will take up arms against it. Cali is absolutely fucked if it comes to shots.
You're also contradicting yourself with that second point.

Fun fact, they did it because of zero exit strat. The guy in charge set up a risky gamble to set the house on fire as fast as possible. It worked. It was hell for the recon unit who spearheaded the feint (which ran the gamut of half the country), but it worked. Problem was, that genius didn't have any plan in place to get out of the burning building. The idea was to replace the house with as little damage as possible, and instead what the guy did was set it alight and then slowly watch it burn to the ground, because the "we'll figure it out when we get there" strategy wasn't working so well.

The military didn't exactly win because it was top notch, either, it did it because the enemy was demoralized (many of them didn't care), they were broken up into little patches, and they weren't good soldiers. They didn't know how to fight and didn't want to.

a single hellfire missile costs 28 million dollars you think lack of money is the main reason for the US's incompetence?

No really this picture alone should tell you how much has changed in the US army since then

Ok, you're thinking of conventional warfare. any mainland war would be almost exclusively a foot war.
You don't spend money on the fancy shit and get one bang when you could spend the same money on 100 million rifles and a billion rounds of ammo. You don't need air superiority over something that only has two bases, you knock out the bases at the start, send in the tanks and troops and minute men to clean up.

I have a house in Nebraska and Arizona that i go to every year.

Your defeatist shit is boring now. come up with new content cham.


Oh God, please let it succeed.

America will go from Liberal shithole to MAGA.

The US only lost because King Nigger pulled the troops out. America had pacified Iraq.

It depends on the area. Santa Barbara finished building a plant 20+ years ago during the last big drought, but never used it because the drought ended and the cost of running it was no longer justified.

The US lost because the military failed to curtail the various terrorist organizations within Iraq and Afghanistan. The difference is that leftists in California are no where near as motivated to defend their own land. The main worry would come from gangs and cartels. The average Californian is a coward who will flee at the first sign of danger.

That's exactly the point. California has a slightly bigger economy than France so the idea that desalination would be to expensive for them is absurd.

Just like in California.

That is a huge part of it, but that's not all of it.
Now THAT isn't even close to true. Once Iraq had been officially defeated after those two weeks, and the capital had been taken, the first thing that happened was chaos. Utter chaos. There was no more official military, no more police, no more kind of law enforcement. It was a ton of civilians who had no one to enforce their laws anymore, and so were essentially living in an anarchic society, with an occupying force who set up camp for the past couple of days. Shit hit the fan. Rapes, murders, theft, you name it.

The first thing that happened after the US forces took the country is that all the detachments in all the major cities suddenly got fucking SWAMPED with civilians desperately pleading the military occupiers to enforce law and order. That chaos somewhat died down over the next week or so, but the military wasn't given any orders to assist the population other than handouts of water and food. So the civilians living in Iraq basically ruled themselves, and before you fucking knew it, once Iraq had been toppled POOF, the fucking troops vanished. Once again, there was no power structure, no law enforcement, nothing of any kind other than anarchy. Iraq was NEVER pacified.

It didn't become "pacified" until ISIS swarmed in to assume the power vacuum. They took over basic municipal necessities like directing traffic and trying to get power working. I don't know how much of Iraq is under ISIS control today, if anything at all, but I know that happened right after the war.


Over 50% of the population lives within a 30 minute drive of saltwater.
So yes, just like california.

Niggers in Confed uniforms? Color me shocked.

What's the Economy in California based on? Also, who knows how much the GDP would change in a ceded commifornia, because things would change drastically.

The central valley is where all of the agricultural industry is, which is a huge chunk of California's water demand.

Mexico's old racial caste system was still de facto in place, which meant that the White Spaniards were still in power, which meant that Mexico wasn't a complete shithole yet.

At this point, the Economy is dying in Commiefornia. the State Taxes are too fucking high so the Tech companies are scurring off elsewhere. After that it's almonds and spic dicks.

Avocados, strawberries and artichokes are also booming.

Go die in a fire. I want us to win and fighting for lost causes like CA is a sure fire way for us to get mired and defeated. It is also completely avoidable, give your precious state enough rope to hang themselves with then retake the aftermath.

So instead of bullshitting, how about you propose a better idea than letting CA leave then retaking the aftermath. I'm going to guess you have none because it goes against your personal interests.

California has ~38M people, and of that about ~30M are are packed into southern California and the Bay Area. Most of the rest are strung out along the I-5 corridor.

Assuming that you have the water to grow them ;^)

For the avocados and strawberries maybe, artichokes will grow right in the surf.

at this point it's like a gangrenous infection from where i'm standing

do you cut off you arm to save your life? no, that's defeatism, better get some vitamin C and lots of sleep and fight it off.

You a nogunz faggot for sure. The trouble spots would shit themselves in a matter of minutes and hang themselves. The Spics would flee.

There isn't tons of red in the central valley, the most red by far is directly at the coast (Los Angeles, SanFrancisco, San Diego and San Jose) and don't you see how close the central valley is to the coast? It's about 80 miles from the coast which is easily bridgeable with water pipelines.

Yeah, everyone is moving to Texas, which is bad because they will still vote like Commiefornians.

Good, let them secede. It's a good way to ensure our victory for ever.

I blame all those youtube companies that host all their operations in texas for making them think texas is progressive.

I think it's because Texas has no state income tax and property is cheaper.

I'm at a crossroads with this. Im in the line for inhierting my grandpa's rancho here in East Cali, not sure what would happen tbh unless

Oh so shit that takes a fuckload water. Do like some roasted Artichoke myself, but there going to have to restart the desalination plants to keep that going.

get your guns, approach them in a friendly fashion and show them how to shoot and eat meat. It's like giving the Apple to Eve. Meme well friends.

What do you propose?

I already told you what will most likely happen if CA dose split. But what i have seen here from the ones who destroy the state is they flee to conservative stable areas and repeat the process.

Best way to stop them is by conservatives taking power in key positions so that leftwing nuts have no means to push agendas.
Also, in small towns out here if we have a "city person" move in we are cold shoulder to them unless they prove that they can handle it out in the small towns. This works well because in a year or two they just move back to the city once their small dog gets eaten by coyotes or their car gets scratched up on the dirt roads. Point being, you cut off control of the cities then you will start to shift the state.

Also CA counties are all messed up. LA county alone reaches far into rural areas and will push laws that only cities need. This is how they gain control over resources to fund their bloated shithole of a city. In the high desert alone all the "New energy" projects that where built are providing LA with it and not outlying towns.

So, you break up the counties into smaller ones. This will make it so the large cities where the libshits live cant control the vital lands outside of them for resources. In the smaller counties put in place conservative leaders. When the left tries to flee to other areas, make sure your town is aware of what these people are like and how they destroy. If you are not active in your town then you are not helping word off the rot that are liberals.

This is why california secession & reconquest is the best plan. If we allow them to secede, the leftist scum will stay in their containment territory rather than metastasizing across the nation. Instant overton window shift for the rest of the country due to the elimination of 55 cancerous electoral votes. We then wall off their territory to confine these californians there. No visas. Then we wait.

Once enough of them have died due to the policies they chose to implement, we reconquer the territory, split it into 3+ smaller territories, and eventually readmit them to the union if their cultural faggotry has been cured.

They will be redistributed to compensate.

No they won't, but it won't make a difference. I'll explain both points.

The votes are based on population and they're tied to the population and their representatives. We have 538 electoral votes: 100 for the 2 senators per state, and 438 based on the current total number of districts in the country. Districts are formed based on population; the more people, the more districts, and the more representatives. If CA leaves, assuming the whole population of that state stays with it, those votes are gone period. There won't be the 2 votes from its 2 senators because it won't be an American state, and the same goes for its representatives in the house. CA will no longer be represented, and the electoral votes tied to said reps will be gone.

Even if they got redistributed, losing CA would still be a giant swing to the red side nationally. Unless they were intentionally distributed disproportionately to blue states nearby rather than evenly across the nation, the republican side of things would become much stronger in the electoral college due to the removal of 55 blue votes. Even if 30 of those votes or 35 were given to blue states, it still means 20 go to the red ones, which makes the country more red overall anyway.

So no, in regards to national elections, there definitely is no negative to getting rid of CA.

That seems a bit optimistic to me. Most Californians are weak willed faggots who will flee at the first sign of danger. Building walls and enacting legislation to keep the border strong take time to pass. It only takes one left-wing governor or mayor on a border city to ruin everything.

In order for California to be cleansed, we should invade immediately after they secede and not allow them any time to do further destruction.

This could be good. What if they try to secede, and Trump doesn't let them? Then it turns into a military operation, and we'd have carte blanche to go in there and forcibly remove the beaners with the military. We wouldn't have to worry about citizenship anymore, we could just send anyone with a Spanish name to Mexico.

Lets say CA leaves. Then in the future lets say Washington State is flooded and remains blue forever and now THEY want to leave. Oh what happens when it happens to another state? Yup! just cut them off also. Your not fixing a problem by giving up something that you don't have to give up. Stop fighting the land and fight the people who destroy it. We should be focusing on the people who are calling out wanting to secede and removing them from positions of power. Then we can clean up the state.

This. In the process the liberal entertainment establishment would disintegrate. Kills two Bergs and one Stone. Make California Great Again.


These are the same people who believe marriage can be between two men or two women remember.

It's like you don't have a clue about South America and Mexico history. You can SEE who is a beaner and who is not just use your eyes.

They will just set up and move to another state much like how the Porn industry moved from California to Florida.

If they lose the California electoral and Congressional votes, they're fucked. We can just keep stamping out the vipers wherever they pop up.

Not if they cannot establish roots elsewhere.

Correct. However, letting them pitch the idea of creating a liberal paradise full of pedophilia and other SJW perversions is more likely to draw them in to stay rather than metastasize around the country.

Yes. Hence the proposition to find ways to get them to want to *stay* while the follow-on plans are being enacted.

I mean, the ideal scenario is to enact dotr tomorrow. Clearly that's not going to happen. Second best would be to disenfranchise these fucks by revoking their statehood, restrict the ability of californians to travel outside the borders of california, and forcibly deporting illegals and revoking the citizenship of anchor babies by supreme court decision invalidating jus soli. Also not going to happen. We can dream, though

I'll settle for letting them die in their own filth, razing their mecca of perversion to the ground, and subsequently rebuilding.

This tbqh
t. Califag

I for one hope they're dumb enough to try, then we could give the state the purge it's desperately needed since the late 60's.
Fuck letting all that land and those resources go, the people living there are the problem.
They need to feel our wrath after foisting their political garbage on the rest of us for so long, it's time for some payback, with interest.

So this is what's getting slid by the TRS drama.

As someone living in a red county, if California secedes they'd better let us stay or this becomes Ukraine pt 2. I can promise that.

This and capitalizing on the black on white hate crime, which has already been slid by the wandering terrorist bot in FL.

And nothing of value was lost.

(((Hollywood))). of course all the money goes to some other place, gee I wonder (((where)))

occupations aren't wars

It's spelled a-l-l user.

They will just make another party and start over "GREENburg Party" or "Alt Ultra Right! party".
Because that's working so well now. It's not like they have all ready spread around in every state seeking high positions. But its OK we will STAMP them out with our leet SS troops! Remember they build up in towns, make them cities then when the cities go to shit they FLOOD other states/towns and repeat. Best to fight them at the source before they can jump ship.

They don't establish roots they flood in once their ship has sank. They demand you change to their ideals so they don't care about roots. They will claim that a One Party System will destroy what is the U.S. and they will pose as an Alt Right but have liberal ideals. Most people wont recognize this.

Hence the cancer analogy. I know the term "cancer" is overused, but this is an apt comparison. Ergo, it seems reasonable to look for solutions to the Californian problem by evaluating cancer treatment modalities and searching for political analogies.

For cancer we've got the traditional approaches of surgery, chemo, and radiation in various combinations/sequences. More recently we've also started to develop targeted viruses and direct immunotherapy.

Even if California does secede, I wasn't born here so I'm still a US Citizen. Plus I'm white and not a border jumper.

I want them to leave so we can crush their skulls and annex them after removing beaner and chicken.

You kill them before their bacteria can multiply.

Half a dozen folks with AR-15s from the red counties could overthrow this place in 20 minutes. If CalExit happens there's no Feds to stop us from doing just that.

This is the essence of the fascist idea viewing the nation as an organism, a body, which is strengthened or weakened by what is within. The cancer analogy is perfect because California is the tumor in America.

The ones remain who are occupying their fallen country and trying to border hop will swiftly get rounded up and deported wither back to commiefornia (into the sea) or back to mexico.

Better to round up and shoot them, then transport their greasy carcasses to the border and dump them onto Mexican soil.


Imagine the national equivalent of treating California with transarterial chemoembolization (aka TACE): confine them to their tumor, introduce agent to stop them from multiplying, then cut off their water supply.

I'd love this to happen but you can be sure there will be foreign troops stationed

why shoot them when you can give them helicopter ride to mexico followed by a one time live viewing of the "Mexican Jumping Beans"?

The Liberals are the cancer. why remove the whole body part when you can just remove the damaged cells?


I'm sure Putin could help us redress that balance.

No current cancer treatment is 100% specific to kill cancer cells. There is always collateral damage if the cancer is treated. However, if it's not treated, then…

Or place them at the border and have a competition, like at a carnival, to see who can mow down the most Mexicans as they flee back to their homeland.

I see no reason Putin would help America, if anything Russia and China would totally be for weakening America if they could do it in relative secrecy as in training Californians to be a resistance, or if the Californian government is stupid enough let itself be occupated by one of them and potentially start WW3.
Only thing I know is that they won't back out of doubling down on any potentially stupid moves in case Calexit actually happens.

You're not white.

Welp that's the end of that!
Haha look at my old arm just festering! Glad i cut that off.
Oh wow, look at that.. if it gets any bigger it may explode all over me. I'm so glad i can just leave the area and that I'm not attached to it anymore.
Hmm, I think i should have treated this a bit different seeing as how it IS still kinda attached to me since its a landmass and all i have done now is make a beachfront for other viruses, cancers, and tumors to infect me once it bursts.

If CA dose get cut off expect a Berlin wall situation.

No shit.
We will of course administer antibiotics from time to time.

Let us hope America learns from Germany and if reunification were ever to happen, NEVER let someone who grew up in the CDR become president.

As soon as we develop orbital bombardment tech.

Are you implying rods from god wasn't already R&D'd to hell and back?

Fuck it. I am gonna read that book "Technocracy rising". I don't care if the author is not enough red pilled or all, but it seems that the Jew puzzle is just the last piece needed, the pyramid apex so to speak.. BLM, the muzzies in Europe, feminism. surveillance, smart grids, India and brown countries banning money, China, fucking-China-everything, Trump probably being a second Reagan (they just reigned in Bush back then, apparently etc. it all makes sense now. To implement the NWO they have to split the US and Commiefornia is the perfect idiot to make that happen.

What. The. Fuck. No, don't excise the cancerfornia, excise that cancer OUT of commiefornia. Make Cali-fornia a hot oven again. White, white hot glowing again.

I perceive that you can't into biology or analogies "Severing" in this context would involve not only a wall, but also cutting off resource flow from the rest of CONUS plus a naval blockade. Do you believe that a california starved of natural resources (e.g. water) would somehow prosper and their population would multiply?

Do you actually believe this is what happens?

Sure. After the global economy collapsed, foreign countries have nothing better to do than to police beaners in a desert valley somewhere on a far, far away continent.

Of course not, i was being sarcastic because biology would not apply in this situation. Your trying to push your whole "peaches and pairs" analogy.
We Middle east now! Endless war and infighting. Like i said i don't want an established beachhead that the jews can use for their proxy war.

It would also be a dirty chink colony.

Biology definitely applies. We are dealing with an organism–no one here believes the land is the actual problem.

Then why discard the land? Also, you remind me of the liberals that live in SoCal. They will take something that has little context and apply it to a bigger problem. "Climate Change!" They will push a narrative on something simple like methane. They will then push that as the focus to their discussion thus having you lose focus on other problems. After that if you deny the effect of methane then you are "not intelligent" or disconnected from understanding whats really going on.
Your whole "Biology" comparison can endlessly subvert any other ideas or discussions due to the fact it will not meet your criteria but its a basic thing that effects all of humanity. You then nitpick every situation "This has to do with RACE and Biology because Organics! and People! and Food that all effects biology. You cant get off this subject because politics cant happen with out biology".
Biology applies, so dose Race, Religion, Political ideals, Health, Wealth and or resources. But right now we are talking about California and the effects it will have on the nation. Not some literal "Cancer" people comparison and its relation to "spreading"over the nation. It's a comparison, you don't take it literally.

You're describing Berlin during the Weimar Republic: You know very well what happened next.

Absolutely the same right here. By the time Calexit happens I'll either be financially independent and capable of leaving, or I'll be joining the loyalist army and killing leftists.


Fucking this.

Which won't be possible unless something extreme and abrupt happens like Calexit, retard.

Because it pussied out and didn't kill everything that moved, then replaced the population with white people. Victory will come if we just fucking kill the enemy without restraint.


No thanks.

I'll keep fighting until California looks like this.

Can I be of assistance in your plan for an 88 bit dream?

God I hope they go.

California farm land is drying out and worthless without the water of other states.

fuck them.

They got nothing worth anything.

We'll build a wall around california too.

let them build their paradise, and they can take their electoral votes with them.

You'll keep fighting until California looks like Florida.

eventually it would turn back to non-white, whites that were not counted as Hispanics were 77.9% in 1970 as the population now it's 50.9% whites that aren't counted as Hispanic in Florida.

Continually defeatism. You two would fit well in that "Paradise" they wish to make. As soon as someone wants your land that's yours you will bow down and give it to them.

These two know what it takes to secure their homeland and make a better place for their children.

You must be young and or know nothing about other places current events. So Cal WAS in a 7 year drought, now its turning around and we are having record snowfall and rain

And then there's this dipshit, who thinks that occupations where the military wins every battle but isn't allowed to exterminate the enemy once and for all are the same as "wars".

fuck you, you faggot californian! We'll watch your whole state fall into the ocean and roast marshmallows your your disgusting corpses.

Read my posts again rather than taking one element out of context and misinterpreting it.

Again, it seems you can't into analogies. There's always some autist who comes along and points out that the analogy doesn't hold past a certain level. Well, no shit—that's implicit to the definition of an analogy.

Once more, because you have trouble with abstraction: these califags bear similarities to metastatic cancer. Cancer treatment modalities can elucidate potential avenues for solving this problem.

You'd better have shit piled up in your basement though, fam.

Godspeed Jefferson anons, I stated in the project pandemonium thread that Calexit would be the trigger for Jeffersons creation, and it's starting to look more and more like a reality. California will fail one way or the other, and if you guys could leave, it would destroy the democrats electoral map forever. I just pray to GOD us anons down here in LA county (not downtown but still too goddamn close for comfort) can avoid getting swept up in the chaos.

Pray for us, non-Cali anons, this is a tense time here, even if the stupid faggots walking around in west hollywood think every thing will just be fine, between the enormous amount of spic-ery, and OP bringing the idea of a UN protectorate into play (oh god the horrors), things are NOT GOOD HERE.


Alex Jones thread.

You people have a retarded TV brains and believe in anything you hear. California has way too many white people and mixed mexicans and Laotions and Mongs and Cambodians, and Armenians to let South American gangs kill them or become part of some UN project because of Trump. They could take out the niggers in a week. Also Trump would recapture the State because it's the wealthiest in the country as it produces a lot.

That ended already.

They tried to slide this

Cali should leave, and it's citizens should have their citizenship revoked immediately. The country will collapse and devolve into a third world shit-hole. They'll attempt to illegally access this country, which has drifted further Right without their hand in our politics, and it will be considered an act of war and we will retake the land and purge it.

commiefornians are literally locusts. Find them and GAS THEM, every last one no matter where they ran to. And hell no they aren't taking california, if they like spics so much they can move to mexico. Do you know how many national parks had the misfortune of being in commiefornia? MUH WOODS.

Also they crash their cars when we get a light dusting of snow. Too busy sucking cock to learn how to fucking drive. My beautiful city is turning into the next sanfagchinko because of these commiefornian shitheads moving here to gay the place up.

Just carpet bomb SF, LA, orange county, hollyjew, and the other large cities. Glass it. And glass oakland twice.

Someone please turn this shithole into Outer Heaven.

This is the real goal behind Mexican immigration.

That's the reason why I support Calexit.

5 minutes after succession, all the beaner cocka roaches will activate Azatlan mode and holocaust every last pozzed white cuck and uppity nigger, then Mexico will annex them.

If we decide we still want the clay, we can Mexican-American War 2.0.

That would be easy. Take the mountains that surround all the major cities. Destroy I-5 and I-15 going north out of LA, and destroy 580, 80 and 101 coming out of SF. fuck them lefty faggots.

California receives a large amount of its drinking water and electricity from other states. Furthermore, most of the people in favor of Calexit have no guns.
There will be no war. If they do secede we will siege them into surrendering in less than a month.

This. It would be a massive insult to the ancestors, and the land itself. An act of abandonment from the very Earth which gave you birth.

For what purpose? The people are the country, and Cali is now beaners and those who tolerate beaners. I say cut them off and wall them in.

If Americans still had vigor, I'd be saying to cull the state and fill it with whites, pushing into Mexico also, but if you had the balls to do that, you wouldn't be in this position in the first place now, would you?

as someone who lives in Humboldt and works in the legal industry… this user is right. The Russians and Armenians specifically have started buying up properties quick the past 2-3 years and saturated the market so much they dropped the avg price of outdoor cannabis from around $1100 to $700.

one of my close friends woke up with his dogs dismembered and hung in his dry/cure room the day after he submitted his application for a legal farm under Prop 64. I'm sure you've heard of people going camping in parks and getting shot at by cartel members.

We need to fucking get rid of Pelican Bay, too. Move it to the bay area or some shit. It's starting to ruin Jefferson as a whole


So you're cool with eating chinese meat and produce?

Do any of you edgelords realize that if you merely implement voter ID laws in California there would be a legitimate chance of it going red every election?

Cool idea but the reason why the distance is higher than the google maps distance is because those maps don't account for elevation changes….

That might as well be a campaign ad for Bernie.

But they are not. Or rather, untermensch are not people. The only one's who will put up any fight are the gangs however without the support of the CIA and FBI a protracted conflict is exceedingly unlikely. Also when fighting muds you have to remember they aren't as smart, that means even with the same weapons, training, tactical advantages, etc. they will mess it up and under perform compared to whites. And to top it off the entire model they are pushing is unsustainable, without Federal gibs it will all collapse. When that happens those who are well equipped and armed will simply make white havens while the beaners, niggers, & cucks all drown in their own filth, tearing each other apart for scraps.

This is obviously far from ideal and saving/converting/reeducating them would be best. Certainly can't save them all but it will be much better than just throwing it away. The only upside of that it would radically shift the house of representatives in our favor but given the current inertia towards the right that is probably overkill.

The land itself is extremely valuable, resource wise, tactically, and agriculturally and before you start in about water, there are many solutions to this which are not being applied because it would destroy profits.

Much north of central cali there may be degenerates but they are predominately white, any one else wouldn't be able to survive en mass any how without support. If anything we should cordon off everything south of (and including) San Fran. and have RWDS run operations there for awhile and warn citizens not to cross the DMZ or else we wouldn't be able to insure life or limb while (re)annexation happens.

Sure it's not just Georgians/Tatars LARP'ing as Russians? All of the """"""""""""Russians"""""""""""""" I've seen in Los Angeles are obvious mudbloods or Jews.


I'm saying that Jefferson should become a new state to compensate for the loss of nonwhite california.

Fuck this gets me hard thinking about invading California.

NEVER give up clay. Anyone saying America should is a subversive kike.