Superman is good to be a father?

Superman is good to be a father?

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DC Rebirth has had good Superdad moments

Pre-Crisis Superman… it comes and goes

Superman is a great dad. Superdad should be voted #1 day of the era.

The superdickery toward Jimmy was because the infallible future predicting supercomputer at the fortress of solitude predicted that Superman would destroy his son after he had adopted Jimmy. He then spent a great many issues trying to drive Jimmy away so he wouldn't get hurt.
Then he had to destroy his artificial sun.

What's the story with the Superman-Blue/Superman-Red thing in the OP image? Is that from a what if story?


God I hate Tomasi art. Really ruined the Nu52 Bats & Robin. Reminds me of Paul Gulacy on a bad day. Competent, but overly cartoony with samey faces.

How about something new for a change or better yet, no forced shit like that?

I agree. Then again I don't like supersons. Superboy's too meek and Damian's a cunt who should be dead.

You heartless monster.

Well the difference is that Jon accidentally killed it with his heat vision.

Wouldn't it be great if Superboy-Prime went through a bunch of bullshit allowing him to break into current continuity, living in secrecy in the Nu52verse just like Superman proper, and at some point just came out of nowhere and fucking killed Jon?

It's possible, as far as I'm aware he Source Wall is consistent across universes. I think it'd be pretty cool to see Jon vs. Superboy-Prime, too.
Do you just hate fun or something?

no that would be awful and fuck you for suggesting this

Superman seems to be having a lot more in common with this Goku guy, everyday, but at least that asian fucker's just dumb as shit. This guy's a fucking asshole, and'll smash your skull for even suggesting it.

I think it's intentional that the two are so similar, both on Toriyama's and DC's parts.

That's a terrible suggestion

The funny thing is that Goku is possibly more of an asshole than Supes is, considering his recent antics. He functions as no more than a superpowered gym rat, getting his balls all riled up for even the slightest challenge to his status as "world's strongest". Last I checked, Kal-El hasn't went nutso for such reasons even half the times the whole world over's been in danger.

God, I really fucking hate Rebirth Superdad. They went back to putting him in the background as a dumb as shit brute, and put Lois and his brat son front and center. Fuck you assholes, I read Superman comics for Superman, not Jon Kent being a dumbass and Superman being an irresponsible dad.

Can't wait until DC reboots that shit again.

You are one of like 2 people I've ever seen who said they don't like Superdad.

Fuck you user, fuck you. I hope they never get rid of Superdad.

Have we been reading the same comic?

You know, people like you are the reason why comics will never be fun again.

old superman is best superman.


So these covers were basically click bait of yester year.

basically lol




How disappointing

Get out more, son. Holla Forums isn't everyone.

Oh, I practically guarantee they will within the next five years, especially when all the hacks that deliberately sabotaged New 52 Superman out of nostalgia finally retire.

I assume so, unless you're talking about Action Comics…which also currently suck ass.

On the contrary, I want them to be good again. People like you are the reason Superman will never be.

You have to go back.

Superman really did fuck Big Barda

That Superman and Big Barda cover is just crying out for a BLACKED edit.

I can smell the scent of summer already.

I'm sorry you have shit taste.

Speaking about Jon dying here is something some fucking psycho made

Nope, a jew producer from Apokolips hypnotize them to fuck each other in the porn
he was recording.

Hypnotized sex is still sex

Miracle was supercucked

Not like he could do anything to actually stop Superman from fucking Barda.

Why do people want to hurt the Super-family?

Jon and Lois did nothing wrong!

Jesus Christ. Not like Superman can do anything to save now alternate reality versions of his former "kids". Hell he can't do anything about the New 52 Jon right now. I just hope when Rebirth is over, Superman, Lois, and Jon are still a happy family. Maybe restore everything to where Superboy from before could exist again but who knows.

Because people are fucked

I really do hope Connor comes back he would be a good fit in the Super Family. he could be the "cool older brother" type of character and Supergirl could be more of a sister character for Jon, there is a lot of potential here for the Super Family to become really strong.

In the current age of SJW shit, Supergirl can't even be a strong character on her own. Were a drastic universe change to happen, we could potentially get an all new Supergirl and Connor to start over with along with Jon. Could. Probably won't. And it's never good to hope on here. Infamous monkey's paw and all.

All I am saying is that there is tonnes of great potential here and I hope one day someone will notice the goldmine they are sitting on.

Or the big two will crash completely and all their characters become free to use or just sold to other companies that know what to do with them.

The Old Kents should've been the glue that held the family together, like when Clark sent Connor to Smallville

I agree they really do need to come back surprised they did not at the end of Superman Reborn

God damn, I miss Linda Danvers.

what is superboy smirking for, was that his first kill?

Technically yes.

Fuck whoever made this

These are hellish dubs. Who are the first two?

Don't know about blue guy but the chick with the the black cape might have been Supermans great granddaughter from "Superman & Batman: Generations III" called Lara Wayne.

Basically, "Generations" was a series of comics set in an elseworld which worked along the premise of Batman and Superman first starting their careers just before WW2 and following their careers with stories set at regulary intervals (decades normally but III did centuries).

Generations III was set in a time loop to do with some plan Darkseid had to take over the Earth using time travel. Long story short: Every century an army of parademons attacks Earth and because of reasons Supermans great granddaughters get locked into the age of 11 for several hundred years. Eventually she convinces an immortal Bruce Wayne to remove her superpowers (so she can finally get some Green Lantern dick) and a while after that she convinces him to restore her powers as well as give himself the same things, around this time they also start fucking and have at least one kid. Eventually she gets killed in the fighting against Darkseid and is retconned out of existence when the time loop Darkseid was using is destroyed.

If it really is her however it seems really weird that the artist would use her given that Batman was more shaken up by her death and in that universe Superman also had a son called Joel that was turned evil by Lex Luthor and killed his sister Kara during her wedding day (while Lex killed Lois) before dying himself.

But TL;DR: Immortal super-loli turned bat-consort from an elseworld.

Shit, forgot to add that removing her superpowers the first time allowed her to age again.

Actually no, the girl there is Cir-El, a fake Kryptonian created by Braniac and implanted with false memories of being Superman and Lois' daughter from the future.

The second one is Chris Kent, Zod's son that Superman adopted.

Is that Laurel Kent from Legion Of Super-Heroes?

Over the years I've noticed people have stopped reading filenames. Filenames used to be half the fun of every image posted.

It's Cheryl Kent aka Supergirl aka Cir-El aka Mia.

A classic.

Weird, because that's almost Laurel Kent's story, except she was a Manhunter android instead of a Brainiac android. Even the same hair.



Superman is a Super Dad. He can be both the best and the worst but you'll always love him regardless. Except in those edgy brooding issues.

Which issues are those?