How do you believe the newt 10 years will be like in your country ? (politically speaking)

how do you believe the newt 10 years will be like in your country ? (politically speaking)

What newt?

it was supposed to be "next"

I'm sure everything will be fine

Well Sweden is most likely heading for fascism tbh

France is slowly but surely going down to fascism. the real thing, not satire.

seems hard to belive, but again, when shit hits the fan other tend to join

Iunno not fascism.

I'm Brazilian. Some months a go the right managed to pull off a coup, so most likely a neo-liberal shithole and a return to pre-30's life and working conditions. Maybe the country breaks into several dozen smaller countries, maybe not, maybe the coup is stopped and some nice shit happens.


Full on fascism.

Might hop the pond to canada or cuba or something. Should probably learn to speak spanish.

When Conservative austerity measures cripple our nation (UK), as long as Corbyn sticks to his guns and retains a left stance, perhaps going further left, socialism will prevail.

It is going to be a disaster. The whole country is pretty much on the verge of a collective glorious uprising between BLM, the illegal immigration issue, and Trumptards. The liberals want more neoliberalism with antiracist and feminist characteristics, and the right wants capitalism with Aryan characteristics, so that won't end well.

On top of that, we are going to have some stupid fucking wars started by Hillary in the Middle East.



In the US, we'll see the far-right and the far-left continue to make a louder impact but I don't expect substantial change.

Our political climate will probably start to look like contemporary Britain.


I don't think Hillary is dumb enough to actually start a war. She'll just continue Obama's drone policies.

this is why fast demographic change is dangerous tbh

I don't get why liberals didn't expect backlash against immigration

Okay, MORE of a shithole

Are the Olympics helping distract the people of Brazil?

Norway here.
The current anti immigration conservative neolib coalition will be reelected next year. Welfare state will be gradually reduced.
Immigration from EU will saturate the work marked and reduce the wage increase (already happening, but little attention), and increase over all unemployment. Reliance on foregin workers will also reduce productivity per work hour (I have no explanation, but it's happening)
Inflation will eventually catch up with the wages, people will start defaulting on their loans (we have the highest debt-rate per household in the world), the housing bubble will finally pop. Have no fucking idea what happens after that. People will probably blame who ever holds the office, so maybe soc dems back in power and we join the EU as full members, or we leave the union all together.
Finaly, I die in a gutter somewhere.


More like everything will be fire, hopefully.

I'll have you know that if this happens I am stealing the nearest boat I can find and Im crossing the north sea.

Not exactly, there is some arguments about whether who is "responsible" about each failure or victory during the competitions. The arguments and political fight are in a pause right now as the Olympics are happening and the final part on the coup process is coming up(a week or so after the end of the Olympics).
Some spooky arguments come up from time to time, comic related.

nice drawing, any translation for those of us who don't speak huehue ?

I'm actually eligible for British citizenship, so if that happens I'm moving.

don't hold your breath, if recent events told us anything (Brexit) its that political wind isn't blowing on your back

Bourgeois parties probably are going to kill the welfare state. Unless finnish bolshevik manages to build up KTP and launches successful revolution.

fuck off

Why does redflag guy start getting pissed at random people for no reason?

I'm not mad anymore. I make like 80% of the fucking posts that use this flag and I've never seen anybody seemingly notice this.

Title: Olympics: Sport in last place
First panel: Feeding the chronic slobbery of sport news
"And he won the medal even after his breakfast had spoiled milk! Truly a success story despite the odds!"
Second panel: Cheers without focus
"I'm not sure if I prefer Brazil to win or to see Galvão butthurt"
Third panel: Ideological Score
"Medalist came from a favela! Point for the left!"
"He's from the army! Point for the right!
"He's Black! Point for the left!"
"He's a Mason! Point for the right!"

A quick point about the army part: during Lula's gov he started a program for high performing athletes, they would get "contracted" by the army and have a patent so they would be able to practice and compete.