This was one of the most beautiful moments in Nazi Germany's history...

This was one of the most beautiful moments in Nazi Germany's history. Thousands of communist and jewish books were burned.

On the day of the rope we will burn down Hollywood.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong video!


I have a few books from eariler times that I keep around just in case there's ever a right wing bonfire to go to.

Nowadays, this would be purely symbolic, but it would be an awesome symbol.

That said, it would be far better if instead of burning Hollywood down, we replaced it with a new, more useful thing; a center for the development of films that promote freedom, wellbeing, and a national identity. This is far more powerful a symbol than burning Hollywood down - it is turning something awful into something good. A redemption story, if you would.

This is why the commies gotta be rooted outta Hollywood again like in the days of HUAC.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Study your enemy closely to defeat him, don't pretend he doesn't exist.

Similar philosophy is the one Trump uses, he keeps his friends close and his enemies closer.

I know you wanna larp as a fascist bad goy but use your brain for fucks sake.



Why would you want to destroy the information that will give you insight on how your enemy plans to destroy your government/society/organization ?

and thus removing the ability from yourself to study it closely and avoid it from happening?

Not that guy, but wouldn't it be best to keep them around to teach WHY they are bad? If you hide it from future generations then they're more likely to make the same mistake again.

Some ideas are poison and should be reviled and destroyed when encountered. This is especially apparent in the Internet age we live in where all ideas are easily spread.

It's a symbolic gesture.

That is why you keep the poison contained and expose it to people unadulterated, so they know exactly what is the poison and why it's toxic. If you destroy it, people risk falling for it again 100 years down the road, once such toxin surfaces back into writing because of a so "enlightened" and rebellious idiot. In that case, it'll be seen as a whole new idea to try and not the blight on society of old that was spread for over 100 years in a distant past.

Sure but you aren't going to keep every copy of each book you destroy. One stays on a network people can be selectively exposed to and the physical coppies are destroyed. Or perhaps. Burned.

basically this

Symbolic gestures could be used for channeling the hatred of the sheep minded followers.
All educated could simply disprove retarded theses. There is no need for empty platitudes. The enemy will depict it as a sign of fear in its own propaganda.

One physical copy needs to be kept at all times, you can't expect virtual copies to be able to go through time. Just needs for the internet infrastructure to get torn apart and you're fucked. That's the same reasons as why Bitcoins are extremely retarded to invest in for when SHTF. Nobody can expect IT to be eternal if WW3 is to go down. Computers may survive but the whole underlying infrastructure? It'll be one of the first things to be throttled and eventually subject to EMPs .

When the people recognize it for the shit it is, the will dispose it on their own. No need for lip services.

You mean one of the most beautiful moments in the history of the universe.

you can burn one copy symbolically and still have thousands kept around for educational purposes. no reason you can't do both.
it's not the ideas that are being destroyed, just their physical representation. A burnt offering.

I burnt one of Frantz Fanon's book in my fireplace last week because some oblivious relative gave it to me " because you're interested in politic's, right user?"
Before, I burnt some modern art book I was gifted by another relative that looked like pornography drawn by a retarded 5 year old.
This shit doesn't deserve anything more.

Consider that many of the buildings have been tainted by pedophile activities. It might be best to cleanse it with fire, if not nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.

That I agree, I burnt a copy of Schindler's list that was lent to me by my high school, which I "forgot" to bring back. Even 12 years ago, I thought that book was a whole lot of horseshit that had absolutely no place in an English class curriculum, it had nothing of value from a literary standpoint and even less from a historical one.

Symbolism is pointless though, it's just eye candy in the end.

And that's why liberals/leftists can't handle opinions other than their own, it's the other side of the same coin.

Destroying books is still effective in the sense that you could cripple some Marxist faggot's ironically capitalist business buy burning all of his wares. There are more of these communist book shops / publishers than you would imagine. Your city probably has more than one.

Can reach the same goal when the people were finally exposed to the truth and suddenly lose every interest in reading vor buying them. Paper could be recycled instead.

A lot of people forgot many of those books weren't just commie trash but actually peodophilic and pro beastiality. Germany was messed up.

And by proving why someone is wrong you also achieve higher moral ground, you can achieve the same thing in the end, a society clean of what you consider filth, but the important thing is the means you use to achieve it.

Book burning was not sanctioned by the party, and is never a good thing.

Listen guys, I think it's clear from my post that I just want to burn some commie's shit. Don't take this from me.

Yes it was and it was good. Go spread disinfo elsewhere kike.


Yes, Weimar Germany was a foul place. We already know that. I'm not sure why you posted that link.

I suppose you could argue that the party sanctioned the burnings, I mean Goebbels liked them, but otherwise, no. They were put on by German students.

Its really irellevant. Book burning is never good. I don't care if its the most foulest interracial bare backingest, ball slappingest erotica. It must be preserved, even if only to serve as a warning to future generations.

Also: Censorship is always bad. It's subhuman to try and silence someone you don't agree with, you should prove them wrong instead.

Pic related. What "Jewish intellectuals" think of white people - which Germans are.

Thats bullshit. People who write anti-white subversive trash should be executed for genocide crimes, and their works destroyed.

Youre obviously not even from here, we dont advocate freedom and rights, we advocate a controlled authoritarian society which acts on our interests. You should always study your enemy, but pornography and degenerate intentionally subversive material has little value besides if a specific course is being taught about it.

Those people burning books were burning their own material if I recall, I might add.. not books they stole from jewish bookstores or something.

Democracy achieves the same thing as communism. We dont advocate democracy.


I'd argue about it, you just need to do it right.

I had to rush my argument. Its more that we dont argue for total democracy and free speech over all other priorities, but that white genocide > jews right to subvert society freely

As I said, put the book in a university with a trained professor who can put the subversive nature into context and explain the jews thought process carefully, rather than let simpletons be actually subverted by a subversive tool.

Also, a lot of it was smut, which has no value.

Is it just for the vote of one wise man to be drowned out by the votes of one hundred fools? Democracy is a nice idea, but it's a small, temporary fixture in history that if it weren't for our modern context would only be a footnote. Sure, no system is perfect, but at best you can only ask a common man to identify the problems around him, and rarely trust him to propose solutions. Democracy can work in some ethnically homogeneous utopia, but how many of them are around today? Even then it inevitably gives way to the stronger allure of imperium, from within or out, as that's the only way to sustain non utopian racial heterogeneity which countries often find themselves confronted with.

That's why not anyone should have jsut have rights.
People need to earn them.
Thing is, high centralization is good and dangerous.
Just take a look at the Roman Empire, unified eastern or western.
It takes 1 bad emperor to fuck things up.
It takes many good emperor to fix things.
High centralization is a double edged sword.

We need to burn the Communist Manifesto which I was given in multiple classes and the fucking Bible. If you want to "learn about the enemy" you should be an educated person working in propaganda or education


not in nazi fires you wont

Fucking D&C shills

or just really stupid

Death to book burners.

OP is a fucking nigger. Shame on you OP.

wtf im with her now

You need to read them to know which ones will fuel the ovens best.

Preposterous. A digital copy is enough for archival purposes, first of all. Recycling the paper would be ideal, but burning pornography and other garbage is FINE BY ME.

You are literally advocating for the archiving of child pornography and bestiality. Fuck you. Just because some degenerate piece of shit bound something together into an object we call a "book" does not automatically make it worth preserving. How about I take a shit in a dictionary, close it together, and tell you that it's modern art / a derivative work. Go preserve that in your precious library of degeneracy you inbred cunt.