"The fascists of the future will call themselves anti fascists"
This prophetic quote by Winston Churchill describes exactly the way things our now. These new fascists, (lefties) instead of hating other nationalities hate their own country and their own race. Just like Hitler, they use violence and hate to accomplish their goals. They want to stifle and restrict freedom for everyone but themselves.
Just like "jew" was the slur for the inferiror in Nazi Germany, "racist" is a slur against dissenters today.
Marxists, fascists, Nazis same thing. All want to stifle freedom and use lying, violence and bigotry to achieve their impossible utopian goals. History repeats itself and we need to learn from it, but you lefties refuse to do this. Have fun being the fascists of the 21st century.
this will be a very successful bait, calling it now
Tyler Price
The quote was actually:
"The fascists of the future will call themselves anarchists"
Zachary Carter
It's true
Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, and the like are the least violent people around, unlike the collectivists
Mason Harris
bullshit, they would rather just let people starve to death and suffer silently instead of killing them outright
Thomas Ward
Pinochet did nothing wrong Cold War did nothing wrong Pancasilla youth did nothing wrong EU did nothing wrong NATO did nothing wrong No bank ever did anything wrong No oil company ever did anything wrong No pharmaceutical company ever did anything wrong No multinational conglomerate ever did anything wrong Rupert Murdoch did nothing wrong
I mean, please.
Aaron Roberts
why do ancaps always turn into actual fascists
Dominic Brooks
This. Ayncraps are completely unaware that they're sociopaths.
Not true. I can't speak for everyone of course, but I know most people are willing, and do, donate to private charities towards people who are physically unable to work.
Who do you have in mind here?
Aaron Miller
what did you mean by this
Justin Bennett
Collectivism is force.
Jose Perry
Love life and autism is one, I know for certain there's another one.
Austin Turner
So zero examples.
Landon Martinez
Wasn't Churchill pretty much an authoritarian leader? He was leader of the country without the popular vote on both his terms as primeminister, and he did instigate Operation Axis on behalf of Anglo-Dutch Oil which toppled democracy in Iran in favour of the despotic monarchist regime that would later give rise to the Islamist revolution.
Oh and he broke up miner's strikes in his time with soldiers, what a lovely fellow.
He was a really bad person, it's painful that British public are so spooked into believing he was an extraordinarily talented statesman of some sort.
Even Thatcher has almost been rehabilitated in the eye of the public and who knows, in 20 years Tony Blair might even be fondly looked upon despite his involvement in the Iraq War. After all Kennedy gets a free pass for escalating the US involvement in Vietnam.
Jack Stewart
Churchill would know a lot about fascism, since he helped install a fascist government in Greece to murder women and children in the name of fighting muh gommies.
Jason Ortiz
That holds true tbh.
They won't fucking shut up about it. And they fail to see their society is ALWAYS anarchist
Hudson Rivera
look you're calling the left fascist now and pretend to be the new anti fascist
exactly what this quote is actually talking about
now just go fuck off you ridiculously retarded faggot
Grayson Watson
Where were you when you learned that anti-fascists were the real fascists?
Ryan Robinson
On Holla Forums
Justin Russell
That's ironic, given that Greek communists almost blew up a hotel that he was staying in but changed their mind. Well that event is better related by this guy who tore down the Nazi flag from the top of the Acropolis and was waiting for the order to detonate the bomb himself: