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let's seeā€¦
First one is semi-correct.
Second is only a natural evolution.
Third is wrong. Neocon is eveolution of SocDem.
Fourth is retarted.


You fucking what

Anarcho-Capitalism has its roots in American Individualist Anarchism, they took out the good stuff and left the crazy parts. It has nothing to do with mutualism. Also mutualists loved the Paris Commune.

The SPD never said anything of the sort, they just thought Leninists were going about it the wrong way, and that some backwoods farming kingdom the just outlawed slavery like 20 years before wouldn't be able to do it.

3rd one is 100% correct.

4th not at all, for one its more the American "left" that acts like that, two they would never call themselves "radical" anything because that word is going too far.

Ancapism is moreso rooted in classical liberalism i think.

It really has no deep connection to anarchism. They just took the part about not liking the state and applied it to their liberalism. That's about it. Anti-state capitalism is a fucking joke anyways.

Fixed it

Anarcho-capitalism has almost nothing to do with the individualist tradition of anarchism. Rothbard was only partly inspired by Tucker and thats almost the ssame amount of connection as Mousilini and Syndaclism. Ancaps are mutch more connected to Classic Liberalism and Ayn Rand.

Yeah. This one is good.

Would you mind explaining how exactly "collectivist" tradition of Anarchism works?

This is the absolute worst damnation of your work that you can receive on this board.

Yet most SJWs claim to be Stalinists and Maoists, not Trots.

There's no collectivist tradition. The split is "social" and "individualist", and it's mostly based on disagreements over tactics.

Anarchism is divided into individualist anarchism and social anarchism. The social anarchist tradition encompasses anarchist communist and anarchist collectivism. The individualist tradition includes mutualism and more philosophical individualist tendencies. Both are part of the broad socialist movement however. It's been like this since anarchism's inception.

And yeah, this is total bullshit. Rothbard wasn't an anarchist. He was a right-winger who co-opted the term when the Left in the U.S. was weak.


Are you joking?

Either way, American tradition of Marxism is rooted in Trotskyism. Then it got a bit influenced by Maoism (which is how Maoism got in there). Where did you see Stalinists among the revisionist Left?

O-kay. I was asking about the idea similar to Marxist "control over the MoP". I cannot claim to know Anarchism through and through, but I'm not aware of any such Anarchist idea that would allow to clearly differentiate between "can turn AnCap" and "can't turn into AnCap" trends of Anarchism.

How would you explain Makhno then?

Works? I'm not a collectivist myself and a big critic of any anarchism its focus on organisation and reducing the individual to a mere unit of the masses. Anyway the Collectivist tradition of anarchism comes under Bakunin, kropotkin, Rocker, Makhno and those tendencies of collectivism/communism/Platformist and syndaclism who more on focus on revolution and class politics. Individualist tradition comes from Proudhon (Moral right), Stirner (Ego), Goldman, Tucker and focus more on individual emancipation like free love, free think and all the social issues outside class politics. Also you have the illigalists and Insurrection anarchism wich come under the individualist tradition. And when we speak about contemporary anarchism then post left anarchy and anarcho-nhilism and ant civ anarchism come too under anarcho-individualism while Libertarian municipalism comes partly under the collectivist/social anarchism.

Forgot flag.

Stupid tankie, didn't you get BTFO in that other thread yesterday?

So are you opposed to capitalism or not?


Why not just focus on killing rich people and collectivizing their property?

Yeah, Anarcho-individualism is verry extremely against capitalism for the pure disregard of the idea and the institution of private property. Expect bank's being bombed, capitalist houses being stolen and factory's sabotaged especially around Insurrectionary/illigalist and nihilist anarchists just as the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and some other Insurrectionary cells in south america.

*being robbed

Yeah. I've got the general idea.

My point is, the part when Anarchist ideas got suborned by radical Liberal crowd was almost inevitable. Marxism also got Cultural Marxism or Marxian economy, but you can differentiate pretty easily between real thing and revisionist replicas.

I think we had this discussion already. Someone got reduced to "there are no hard facts" level of denial.

fixed. Not that I'm against killing rich people, but that's not a priority.

Wasn't me Mr. Stalin.

Well, you don't think liberals parade around Marxists?
Anyways, you can tell them apart very easily if you're familiar with anarchism. Anarchist is based on the worker-ownership of the mop. It's a tendency of the socialist movement. Anarchists also have their economics, but I'm not well read. So basically, you can tell anarchists apart from social liberals the same way you would tell a socialist from any liberal.
Most anarchists are fucking stupid imo unfortunately

Social liberals ought to be hung

Are you retarded?

It was only cause Anarchism died on the streets of Barcelona and couldnt do anything during the cold war where it stayed irrelevant and grew a whole population of anarchists who didnt know any theory. All the new left anarchists know jack shit about socialism and just parade around with liberal progressivism just like the new left marxists.

Anyway thats why i consider post left anarchy is a big deal cause its an actual good revival of anarchism with a good reflection to the past that social anarchism has died and that we are living in advanched capitalism and that all relations with marxists and liberals should be disregarded for all the betrays they have done against anarchism in the past. (Like mahno helping the red army/CNT working with the Republican goverment/First international bullshit)

The second one is correct, the rest are retarded.

Especially the forth one. Nazi"bols" are just Russophile fascists.

I don't think I've ever met a Maoist or a Stalinist offline.
I've met plenty of trots. All they seem to preach is how capitalism causes [SJW agenda]


I should've saved the discussion.

Well, yeah. Syndicalism and so on.

What I don't understand are the mechanisms they expect to use to enforce worker-owned mop. I mean, with Marxism it is quite clear (doubly so in case of ML: state+direct democracy), but Anarchists are generally going "state capitalism" or "NKVD", instead of explaining it. And I'm not even finished with ML works to go swimming through the ocean of Anarchist literature.

Imho, some user fixed it - , but people are telling me that Anarchist ties with AnCap are much looser than I thought. Of course, 19th century Anarchists would've done terrible, terrible things to AnCaps, should they've met, but I'm not sure if there is a rigid core of Anarchist thought that could resist right-wing revisionism.

You're only a revisionist if you revise ML and make studying genetics legal.

What was "the discussion"

Are you serious? Wtf does capitalism or anti-state capitalism more specifically have anything to do with anarchism? The former is a fucking joke. The U.S. is a very special (ahistorical, revisionist) place. Go anywhere else and people will still tell you what libertarian and anarchism actually means.

The only genuine anarchists with knowledge i saw here are the mutualists and n1x, and well the mutualists arnt collectivist an n1x is an anarcho-nihilist. Both aint social or collectivist so yeah its kidna hard to fidn anyone here to explain it to you. Its a dead meme to

Comparison of real events with Berkman's fanciful tales.

Use it for their own profit.

Grass is greener on the other side? Not really. Even if people learn something, they become morons about other things.

Oh, well. I'll drop by /anarcho/ or wherever they tend to congregate one day.

I suggest you read anarchist literature. You may as well either wa.

I think identity politics is the stupidest manifestation created by people.

I don't get it.

Just do what is fucking needed.

I've met loads of Maoists and they're usually identity politics types that support various reactionary movements (e.g Hamas) because of muh anti-imperialism

most of us are just shitposting here though.

I don't get why you lazy cunts blame us for all of your problems. Have you ever considered you're the problem? Have you ever considered getting a JOB, you lazy fucks.

Don't be giving these fuckwits ideas.


says the ancom lmao


delet this

I don't think i've ever met a nazbol that even comes close to defending the actual USSR, just some insanely hyped up image of it.

I'll defend the DDR

Trotsky believed that Socialism would only work if the whole word was under it. Neocons want to impose their American democracy all over the world like they did in Iraq and Libya

well he's right

I seriously hope this post was ironic.

And the 3rd reich too huh?

It would be better if Goebbels was in charge. He wanted peace with the Bolsheviks

The founding members of the neoconservative movement is trotskyists in the US, so it's correct

hitlerism had not a drop of socialism in it. try harder

goebbels cant lead for shit. Useful Idiot was better

jesus christ s-t-r-a-s-s-e-r was better