They actually fucking think we won. Thats how zero sum things are in their heads.
They actually fucking think we won. Thats how zero sum things are in their heads
Other urls found in this thread:
We are living the dream lads.
We did it leftypol!
Trump himself could literally sodomize them to death and they'd still blame the commies.
Well I guess it makes sense for the idiots who want their super special snowflake Feudalism.
Porky's got us beat.
all in all I do think the winds are blowing our way. It could be too little too late but still
I'm pretty sure the winds are blowing their way.
Or maybe they're just blowing away from the decaying corpse of neoliberal consensus. But they (well, right-wing in general, not Holla Forumsyps in particular) have been riding the wave better so far.
Literally what colour is the sky in the world of a Holla Forumsyp?
Yup. Everybody they disagree with are all in it against them together. Because of jooos.
Didn't Vinesauce stream that?
Tbh I think the wind is blowing both our ways simultaneously. The end of the Keynesian honeymoon of capitalism had given way to the cold realities that used to exist before WW2. What we're seeing now in terms of corporate power and wealth inequality is a return to the status quo, the period between 1945 to 2008 was historically speaking an oddity. This is leading to a loss of faith in establishment politics in general, as demonstrated by the unexpected surge of Trump and S█████ in the U.S. The far right is specifically getting fuel from the migrant crisis, while people are losing faith in neoliberal capitalism. Tbh its perfect conditions for Nazbols, but regular commies may have a chance too.
lol did you faggots invade this thread? The Holla Forumsyp to btfo ratio is a few notches above normal
Wait, what?
I saw this thread, smelt the cultural marxists and came over here to check.
All the 'Holla Forums is basically Adorno' gave you away.
To Holla Forums, left-wing politics consist almost entirely of social liberalism, support for third world immigration, taxation, and welfare spending. The latter two are popular with a subset of porkies that favor the former two. Holla Forums basically wants to trade those porkies for a different set of porkies that favors social conservatism, immigration restriction, and little to no taxes or welfare spending, or at least, welfare for whites only. I support immigration restrictions for economic reasons, but it's just trading one porky for another. But, Holla Forums actively wants to be ruled and is obsessed with hierarchies and returning to what they see as their rightful place in them, as in, above women and uppity negroes.
Gave who away? What are you talking about?
He's probably a Holla Forumsyp autist talking about some of us going in the the thread in the OP.
we've been drifting left socially for centuries, and of course, pol only cares about social issues.
as if we give a fuck about half chans pol
You fags do realize that most crossdressers look hideous, right?
thats just like your opinion man
You just have bad taste for judging crossdressing on the people who put no effort in it.
To be fair, if they were good at it you wouldn't notice they were crossdressing.
Well I guess there is not state, private property, and money. Time to pack up we won!
Pack up and take our qt crossdressers with us too. No need for Revolution we won, we are the big heroes, a parade is going to held in our honor too.
This is true we need more qt crossdressers to be super cute and fun in cute frilly stuff
No one has won except the elites.
But seriously.
Only the devil won.
Guess I better start destroying the beast then :^)
What's the name of that game?
only the ones that don't put in effort user
only the ones that don't put in effort
Hello fellow kids, I too wish to partake of revolution.
I'll see you in a place where there is no darkness.
Excellent! A new Friend! First things first! In order to be apart of the Pepsi™️ Revolution™️ you will need to provide us with a .gov email domain!
We were winning since the 1960s, but the 2008 election of Barack Obama was the day international communism was achieved.
Stormniggers are like liberals, they think everything is about identity. From an economic perspective, the right has completely decimated the left.
this thread is gold, there's a Holla Forumsyp "arguing" that communism is a tool of the bourgeoisie, and that it's winning
So is it fair to say the left won the culture war while the right wrapped up permanent economic dominance? The worst of both worlds in other words?
So Holla Forumsyps think that giving citizens equal rights is somehow communist ideal? Are they seriously wanting to restore feudal hierarchies?
I take it someone's still not up to speed on what "Right" means.
We actually are winning. I'm not sure what is wrong with you, people.
"[…] the real content of the proletarian demand for equality is the demand for the abolition of classes. Any demand for equality which goes beyond that, of necessity passes into absurdity."
he doesn't seem happy about the situation
don't see how this image displays a normalization if the boy is clearly stating distress about the thought of being found out
it's a long way to go before we can finally all dress and pretty ourself up to go out and pretend to be the little girl we want to be
keep struggling comrades
Probably not. But SJW isn't about giving people 'the same' rights as Holla Forums. In every western country the rights you speak of apply to everyone, unless you can provide an example to the contrary? Holla Forums opposes making groups protected classes which is what SJW, BLM and feminists want.
You think Holla Forums is neo-feudalist? You don't honestly think this though do you?
They define the left as anything they don't like, so when right-wing policies cause everything to go to shit, they just blame it on the left.
Well, the parts of it that aren't fascist (and thus advocate some sort of SocDem organization) tend to be neo-feudalist.
I agree if only because they are fucking retards and don't even seem to know what they want, so pinning one sort of ideology on them is difficult.
That they are hardcore Jewish conspiracy theorists obsessed with supporting a Zionist should tell a lot.
Win what? What did I miss?
yeah… Holla Forums totally isn't trying to participate as "whites" in the special olympics of idpol victimhood
they really are just misunderstood poor little babies
They should all have gotten 3 boxes, happy?
The stadium shouldnt have been designed in such a shitty fashion, its very prone to attacks, streakers and it doesnt allow for the maximum number of fans to witness it live.