Two jews speculate how the bank could take over in a fantasy world





I think you faggots are missing the genius of this video.

Kikes, when provided with a fantasy world, propose doing to it exactly what they've done (but will not admit to doing) in reality.

A Game of Thrones thread? Really?

You suck OP.

why not just send your army to massacre the mercenaries paid to protect the (((bankers))). how can you be in debt to those with less force than you? if the bankers had enough soldiers they wouldnt be bankers anymore, they'd be royalty. only way bankers can survive is to CONSTANTLY provoke war between opposing groups otherwise the groups turn their attention to (((them))).

This is glorious unintentional comedy.

That subtle redpill on the (((banks))) though, too bad it's used to advocate socialism and anarchy. But to hell with Game of Thrones, it's leftist modernity propaganda to instill disdain and malice towards tradition, all written by a gluttonous feminist race-mixing godless trashbin with legs.

You need to watch more from Preston Jacobs. The book is a lot more redpilled than you realize. You obviously haven't read it. Its got all sorts of conspiratorial shit embedded into it, like the deal humans made with the walkers to smuggle human babies and children through a secret entrance in the wall reminds a lot of pizzagate. Martin spent some time in Hollywood earlier in his career and eventually said fuck this shit and went to work on his own.
And he disavowed third wave feminism, albeit in a subtle way. Once someone told him he couldn't be a feminist as a man he was done with it.

Also, its a scifi, though you are made to believe its fantasy/magic. There's some ancient aliens/advanced civilization type shit going on too.

If I pull that off, would jews die?

It's redpilled for those who are redpilled, for the average normie they will shut their brains off for it. But that is interesting to hear especially the pizzagate similarities.

So there is some we wuz aliens shit going on too? I heard there was some lovecraftian thing with merpeople or something, but ayy's like Indiana Jones? Damn

This is actually pretty hilarious. I don't think they're even being ironic.

it would be very expensive

for you

After an entire childhood of Talmudic brainwashing, you can't really blame them for thinking in this way.

On the one hand that is retarded.
On the other hand, it makes me reconsider investing in Africa..

Also the barbarians have no problem with money, but they have issues with interest slavery :^)

The Chinese are way ahead of you.

Also money is a lousy macroeconomic allocative productive mechanism. Micro-economically it works better.

Mate, Africa is a mountain to climb. It will take at least 1000 years to modernize :^)

It starts getting creepy at 7:25.

Only if you're foolish enough to try to modernizing before culling the local vermin. That's like trying to build a skyscraper without digging a solid foundation first.

Because you have to pay the army and if the bankers realize you're not wanting to pay back, they'll start funding the people that will fight you since they become the safer investment.

It's not that the bankers necessarily hire anyone themselves to do the fighting, it's that they finance (give loans to) those they think would benefit them most in terms of straight return on investment.

Investing in loans in Africa can sound good on paper because you can set the interest rates incredibly high, but you constantly would have the problem of many people just not paying anything back.

It was actually a big thing a few years ago for soft fluff pieces to be done on micro loans. They'd practically be acting like loan sharks with interest rates that could be as high as 20% (think it got much higher at times). People actually talked about them as being like saviors for helping people start small businesses in these random third world countries even though they were essentially acting like loan sharks.

As far as the video, it's amazingly pathetic when people can seem blind to the real world implications of their logic. But at least videos like this may help get some people thinking about how most wars are banker's wars. It's one of the few decent things about Game of Thrones that it got more people chit chatting essentially about game theory.

Black people really do have a "fall into sin" issue.

You know I just had the weirdest conversation with an uncle that made me think about fools with flawed logic and "blindness"

I was more thinking of when someone actually hits upon a certain logic which makes absolute sense, yet doesn't realize it can be applied to other 'real' situations.

Like when people can reason that many journalists are dishonest and so it's necessary to be skeptical of them, yet don't consider that this could be applied to the journalists they have been reading.

I see this quite often. It's painful to see someone figure out a complex plot in a video game or movie and fail to notice how it may parallel reality. They'll spot the true villain easily or make an atypical, shrewd comment about its fictitious world yet fail to put the pieces together of the unmasked men pulling the strings of the real one.

You missed a bit should've been you're a big bank or somethin

I just felt an extreme sadness and disconfort watching this. It's really telling something.

Talking a little about Gerge RR Martin now:

I had read a lot of his books, and knowing that he is a hardcore student of history and by some of the characters and plots you can be sure he is well aware of the JQ.

Petyr Baelish, for example, is the personification of the Eternal Jew. He is the main responsable for explointing and inciting a gigantic part of the wars in the series, through an infernal arsenal of lies, deceit and murder, solelly for his own personal gain.

He is also the "magic moneylander" who "seems to creates money out of nothing" with his merchant skills and by putting the crown in uncontrollable debt with a lot of people.

George also says Littlefinger's character is diffent in his book from the one in the show, in the sense that people trust him more in the books. He is seem as a inofensive guy (contrary to the show's one, where "nobody trusts littlefinger") and the greatest ally™ of any ruler.

In George's first published book (who won the The Hugo Awards, a great science fiction prize) "The Dying of the Light" he describes a conflict in a dying planet between members of a "Honorable, white fighting race". Further along in the plot you discoverer that one member of "another race" caused the initial spark in that conflict by deliberated actions. This "other race" is said to be literally incapable of lifting a finger to fire a gun, but was an expert at scheming and playing other races against one another to do their fightings throut out the galaxy, and with that they conquered everything.

Another one of his great books, Fevre Dream, involves vampires. He describes this vampires actually as just a diferent race, who was more powerfull than the homo sapiens in the very old times. But as the numbers of the homo sapiens growed they started to win the game and kill all the vampires. The vampires who scaped infiltrated the homo sapiens society and lived there in disguise since. If you know anything about that "neanderthal theory" you already figured what i'm talking about.
The protagonist of this book is young brillant vampire created among humans by accident, who has a different view of their race's ways and tries to control and guide them into a better way, with help from his only human ally.

All of these books are very interesting fictional reads and i just understood all this references after understanding a little about the JQ.
He likes to write about human nature and it's conflicts, and i guess if he didn't touched this points his books would be incomplete.

Just to finish up, i can't proper end this if i don't go to back to The Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones's character of Stannis. I personally believe that when he writes Stannis, he is refering in many ways to Hitler. Not entirelly, of course, since he likes to mix real history characters and situations, but many parts of him are that. I could go on and on about this specific character, but this post is too long already. I just imagine that maybe one of the reason the show's creators don't like Stannis that much and represented him very poorly in many parts of the tv series is because of this.

In George's the book "World of Ice & Fire" there is A LOT of references to a older society and race, possibly coming from the sea, in the universe of A Song of Ice & Fire.

Is this subtle advertising for that softcore porn show?
Another season must be starting.

Not in a feudal system like Westeros supposedly has.

MSM is saying kid stole beer and are using images of the police protecting the premises from rioters

Many more refrences can be made to our current situation
To finish it
To be honest, the show is pozzed as fuck, but the books are quite enjoyable.

Powerless. What are they going to do? Crash an economy existing of subsistence farmers? Trade war against the Lannisters?


What is it about that logo that seems so familiar I wonder… Hmm…

that's seriously the logo?



Remove hands and turn both triangles around by 180 degrees. I think that's what he meant.

They already let the jewish protocols escape in the beginning.



Didn't the bank actually funded both sides?
Both the Lannisters and Stannis, who was the only guy who actually tried two serious direct assaults on the Throne?

