So for a chuckle I whipped out the ol' tarot deck and posed the question of 2017 and what is to be expecting from it

So for a chuckle I whipped out the ol' tarot deck and posed the question of 2017 and what is to be expecting from it.

Since the Trump victory we have enjoyed a considerable burst of good feels and positivity.
Indeed we have declared 2016 to be a dam good year and 2017 to be fated for even greater victories.
I can confirm this is what we should expect.

The future is filled with very positive signs.
Indications were that either Trump himself or others who have "Great energy for practical matters, are just, noble, generous, impulsive" traits would feature prominently. Those who embody either or both the prince wands and the prince of disks.
Connected to these are indications of great energy, success, general good fortune and possible victory.

But other signs bear consideration.
That we must be patient and strive for harmony (victory?) without effort.
That is the beginning of a steady improvement and we should not expect too much too soon.
The archetype of the farmer is to be invoked. A patient and laborious individual, clever in material things who strives for harmony with nature. The knight of disks.

And the indications of the forces beyond our control were revealing.
We can expect great wisdom and cunning from our enemies along with a great capacity for deceit. Perhaps even an occult power or knowledge.
Possible combat. Danger, ruin and the destruction of plans.
The possibility of escape from a prison.
And looming over all of this the figure of a woman. Stern, vengeful and possessing of great practical wisdom and subtlety. This is the archetype our foes will invoke. The princess of swords.

Overall the spread was heavy on court cards rather than arcana (only four were drawn. Magus and tower associated with forces beyond our control, the lovers and empress with the future)
But with the exception of cups of which only one was drawn it was balanced across the remaining three courts.
Suggesting to me things will be chaotic.

But the first card drawn is perhaps the most important in my eyes. For it reveals much.
The two of swords: Peace.
Signifying contradictory characteristics. Quarrel made up and peace restored though with tension remaining. Pleasure after pain, truth and untruth.

2017's gonna be pretty gud.
But we have not won, we have not even begun. 2017 is when it really begins and we in all probability will not know of our victory for a long time.
And our enemies will not surrender without a fight.


I'm using the Thoth deck.
Kek made me do it.

global reported.


Well I'm not exactly versed in teeth reading. I mean is it like reading organs? Do you need to prop open their mouth to get a reading or do you throw them or something?

I took a fat shit earlier today and it came out in the shape of an X with some slight green discoloration. What does it meeeen?

Everything you said I understood and agreed with. We certainly think alike.

Obanga did 9/11

im jut given ya a hard time youre alright

That you should see a doctor.

Fuck off and die degenerate. I think you're to drunk and forgot you were on pol. Go back to tumblr with all your faggy wicca friends.

Have you somehow missed Holla Forumss recent love of mysticism and the occult?
Were you perchance confused by all the kekposting?

Honestly, has anyone seen "Man In The High Castle"? This is perhaps the most frustrating TV show I've ever watched. First off, you have an ideal world – one where Nazi Germany wins the war and based Nippon takes the left coast (no lose, really) – so the premise is already perfect. And then we see scene after scene of this PERFECT world before our very eyes and the main (((protagonists))) fuck it all up to hell. Sorry, this thread was boring so I decided to shit it up. But Rufus Sewell is a fucking great actor and I think he brings a lot of authenticity to the role of an American-born SS officer. The fucking tragedy in this series is that the semites are obviously cast as the good guys. But, if you watch the first season, you can constantly be tortured by the idea of "what if". The sad part is waking to the opposite world of "what now".
Thoth deck is shit. OTO is shit. Fuck Aleister Crowley. He's a cryptokike in sheep's clothing. Well, he was amusing. The true occult knowledge lies within the study of the actual memetic traditions that preceded us and has nothing to do with hoo-hoo magic bullshit. The north star, the "subaru", the swastika, the solar cycle and the moon cycles. That is the essence of all occultism because these studies give you the basic foundation knowledge you need to tell your people when to plant crops, impregnate women, go to war, etc. The hoo-hoo we've placed upon it now is more of a sign of the divorced nature of man from his natural habitat.

So further thinking on it.

The archetype we can expect our foes to invoke. The princess of swords. While normally that court card does not depict an individual, my gut tells me that they're definitely going to use a woman as the primary face of the anti-Trump movement.

Question is who?
Who does the democrat party have that they could throw at Trump? AND has a vagina.
Surely not Hilary, her failure was absolute and there's not much left to her. Will they nonetheless try to rally around her in the coming months?
Or will they try getting behind some non-politician?

Quite a lot has changed since 2007 but the impacts are still present today. It has been 10 years since the wild west of the internet started to close in.

Let us remember this anniversary as a reminder of things that once was, I doubt that we can ever get back those days of shitposting in Holla Forums pre-2007, perhaps some things are just meant to be.

To be fair that fox news piece was lulzy as fuck.
We all loved it back then

we can never go back, only ever forward. embrace it user, memes will guide the way.

Do we want to go back?
Sure we were more innocent and mischievous back then.
But would you go back if you could?

Fam, I hold you to a higher standard than this.

Most of the widely available decks were made by people connected to the same groups Crowley was anyways.
When I saw that the Crowley deck was also referred to as the Thoth deck I thought "Well how coincidental." and since Kek for us has been heavy in the coincidence? I took it as a sign/good enough reason

hell is forever!

Why strive to go back when you have the option to build something greater than you ever had before?

The princess is equivalent to the page. Who says it has to be a female?
Capcha: ulaZmi

True that element is just my gut talking.
I strongly suspect they're going to use a woman for this.
But then I'm biased as it is the move I would make in their position

Hate to burst some anons' bubbles but AC was a 32 cryptokike. Did he figure out a lot of things? Absolutely. Was he amusing as fuck? Yes. But the Ryder-Waite deck is also crypokike.
The Tarot is Jungian symbolism (Jung put it into words best, I think). The people who make their decks are doing so from their own interpretation of the archetypes.

Do you even Jodo?

Like I'm going to use a French deck.
Still should probably procure a set at some point.

I'm not sure what to make of it all personally.
That the man was so widely hated by mainstream society however leads me to suspect he had something to say that was worth listening to.

Also while probably not devised by Crowley the Thoth spread is dam simple but capable of considerable depth.

The toth deck, while beautiful, is thoroughly laced with crowley's own personal symbolism. Do you really want an abusive junkie chickenhawk's meme's taking root in your noggin?

I don't really recomend the rider waite either, because the art was purposely designed with incorrect symbolism to throw off the goyim.

"Younger" and charismatic. More than likely white to appeal to white guilt and the base they alienated.

Yeah didn't bother with the rider waite deck because he and crowley were both in the same cult together.

I went with the Thoth deck because of the egypt connection essentially.
The coincidence of looking for a deck and finding one sharing a vague connection to kek.
As flimsy a connection as it is.

Coincidence has not steered us wrong so far.
If this is the point Kek turns on us (or just me) well shit happens.
Then we get to be involved in an even greater scandal, deicide.

Overall though, the symbolism in it strikes me as vague. Pretty to look at but lacking in substance.

So white woman 30s to early 40s. Since they won't field anyone too young.
Who do the democrats have? Surely they won't go for some celebrity?

Tulsi Gabbard

they practice divination like the Philistines and embrace pagan customs

Isaiah 2:6

Literal princess of swords.

Then check out the tarot de Marseilles, or just go to the root of hings and use runes.

Being a christcuck and circumcising your ability to practice magic is pretty much exactly like being a christcuck and mutilating your genitals. The Archons want to monopolize magic so they can rule over us, and you're a useful idiot repeating out of context verses to serve their agenda.

Sounds like a possibility. Muh veterans feels muh females.

Tulsi Gabbard:

1. Met with Trump. So, not obviously biased against him. Open-minded. The perfect weapon.

2. Bernie Sanders supporter. Didn't support HRC. Not tainted by HRC.

3. Woman. Minority. Indian-American. No muslim stuff.

4. From Hawaii. Recalls feelings about Obama.

Definitely one to watch.
Does she fit the personality profile do we know?

I'm not inclined to touch runes for the simple reason that it's recreation of something that's been out of use for fuckin ages.
Most of it as such is utter bullshit.
Tarot on the other hand is a living tradition.

She will be used against veterans as a virtue signal. As a Marine combat vet I can tell you that most in the combat arms are inherently distrustful of people from the liberal coasts.

How are the runes a recreation? They are the closest we can come in 2d to drawing the basic components of reality as we can understand it, brought to us by odin, through a lot of pain and self sacrifice, the kind of shit that scars your very soul, because he wanted us to exist. and purge the degenerate rival species.

Only jews use poo for prophesying things.
Reminds me of this movie where a kid and his neurotic single mother moved in with their psychiatrist and his family. One day the psychiatrist would wake up the entire household to come quick for the "miracle", he gathered them around the toilet bowl where he pointed out to his stool, saying the shape foretold good fortune. He then tells his wife to quickly collect it in something to preserve the miracle. Based on a true story.

God, what was the name of that movie?

Just go with the Marseille, user.
Or really any other deck made before (((eliphas Levi))) was born and you should be fine.

I dreamed that I forgot about a class semester and I had forgot to turn a paper in. I thought he wouldn't check until later and I can pretend I did it. No he checked then. I broke down and just said I didn't know. He said he could understand with the A paper not doing the second essay, but not doing the third paper was too much. I say I just forgot. I say sorry. And he mocks me saying "sorry dude just be cool please", impersonating me like I'm not taking responsibility. I said it's not like that, I really did forget. I go to my seat and think how I will take responsibility but I'm still desperate.

I become a kinda mess, falling apart. Leaking juices from my body. I'm sitting on the floor and he approach me and talks about how I have a future and it will be okay and stuff. But i haven't communicated to him my desperation well enough for him to forgive me. He says how he understands trump was supposed to be a new leaf and he won't work out but to keep chin up. he tells me how I need to look in the future. But that's what I was doing, he acknowleeges. He tries to express understanding. I get up and I notice the skin peeling off bottom of my own foot. I get desperate as i see cartilage and red blood muscle. I frantically search with him for some place. He is very chill headed but efficient. Almost as if helping me is no big deal and the thing I'm going through is not surprising. We find nurses area and he gets a nurse to check.

She grabs my foot as I try to show her and I notice it healed, but then I see the fold of where it healed and I pull at it. A big chunk of callous comes off, like it were slightly stuck together spaghetti, it easily peels off a chunk of my foot. Nurse says it isn't normal, so she keeps peeling and peeling saying how bad it is, she's completely deskinned the whole bottom of my foot and it falls off easily, to the cartilage where there is now some foundstion/resistance. She dabs off the blood. The whole time she acted like it was normal procedure. I was horrified and screaming but not from pain, but seeing what I should experience as pain, the blood and deconstruction of my foot. I felt nothing, no pain though. When it was the bottom and after her dabbing it off, I wake up.

the foot represents foundation. I recently said I was like a wet rag to some1 (leaking, falling apart), there's no actual class I forgot, but in the dream I had forgotten it. When I think about the dream professor I think about a "lost" history at community college, professors there I forgot. A lost life.

We're just going to shitpost our way to victory AGAIN

What if after Trump takes an anti-feminist stance (or perceived one) he gets betrayed by Ivanka .

Well I'm not nordic for one. So why would I concern myself with foreign gods?

I used my psychic and the crystals she gave me to ask my aura what chakra this age of Aquarius would bring.

The answer totally blew my gourd, man.

occultism and new age garbage is faggotry, WE accomplished a lot. taking kek posting seriously is autism

There's a reason you were off by one. Learn.

There's a reason you were off by one. Learn

Do you understand that you are just a biological tape recorder shaped as a human?

le dubs, you sure got me