Why are people so offended by movies that uplift minorities?


If you read the comments you can get some gems like this,

espartacos11 hour ago
can't watch unrealistic movie, instead of making a good movie with real life problems of that time they are going all feminazi with this one,

Steve K Jr1 hour ago
So this woman gets a movie because she was black and had a vagina, but Werhner Von Braun doesn't get a movie for being the Father of Rocket Science and the only way humanity gets to the stars?
His story is far more compelling as well. Nazi Rocket Scientist turned American to help us beat the Russians and he did it by bringing 1500 former-Nazi rocket scientists with him.

Wernher Von Braun designs the V-2 Rocket and Saturn V, but this lady gets a movie because she's black and can perform the arithmetic. Snore.

Dog Supremacy1 hour ago
Saw what the film was about, and got truly excited to see a story about mathematics, science and space flight.
Saw the trailer, and realized it was just yet another way to shove white guilt down our throats

Why are people so offended by a movie that historically portrays something that did happen?

Feels forced. A movie doesn't have to be about the particular minority to uplift the minority.

Because its a story purely based on racism and overcoming it, its a simplistic copypaste from the normal "overcoming the odds" movie, except it is made in such a way that it portrays part of the current population as the obstacle that all people should overcome, purely based on their biological features. Thus it is uncomfortable for people to watch, they feel vilified and attacked, it serves as nothing more than dick sucking for whatever the target audience is (women).

As for minorities poor people, another reason to hate them is because it downplays the class issues as nothing more than "You are not smart enough/don't work hard enough". It is typical american dream bullshit, which is why black people hate "black people rescue" movies so much.

These kinds of movies are completely based on identity and only appeal to the kinds of people who's particular version of ideology gets pleased.

There is a reason why movies that deal with universal themes of overcoming your obstacles, without vilifying an entire group of people, are much more popular.

I thought it was because Holla Forums got triggered by black people

That's pretty much it but you know how leftypol is

No one likes things laced with agenda or ideology. It corrupts your intentions, looks unlegitimate. Or you could keep believing it's because people "hate niggers"…

This is why? You dont honestly believe this, do you? We saw the same thing before star wars was released, we see the same thing with BF1, we see the same thing with indivisible(though the protag isnt black), hell, we saw the same before GTA SA was released.

Maybe it has more to do with this

And less to do with your conspiracy nonsense

The fucks with this guy? Yeah, more sympathetic movies about literal Nazis.

Mainstream media tends to be pretty heavy-handed and pandering with these kind of things, but I see no reason to be upset.
Honestly despite the pandering nature of it I think a lot of the people who are upset are just triggered by black people and women - as someone else said.
It is true that the film/tv industry in general has trouble giving lead roles to black actors. Maybe acknowledging this makes me a filthy SJW. So be it.

Please, everything is laced with ideology.

I don't really see anything wrong with a movie that has a message that black women can also achieve in STEM.

Not saying the media will be crap because the author randomly forced in some random black. But the intention itself is pretty shitty, it treats non-white like pitiful subhumans who need help.

But of course, you being an American/Anglophone scum you'd probably prefer to believe your spooky shit.

Everybody can achieve in stem, you dont need a movie set in the 1950's about muh evil white men for that. Making this movie is not going to allow impoverished black girls to get into high paying stem jobs.

Ah, i think we know what this is really about.


? Is that what's going on in this movie? Is this a white saviour film? Or does this apply to all media where blacks are """""forced""""" in?

Who gives a shit? Let the idpolers fight amongst themselves. I don't give a shit about some feminist pandering movie. It'll probably just crash and burn anyway like that new Ghostbusters because most people are basically apathetic to this culture war stuff.

I wish this ebin meme would just end already.

Because white right-wingers hate anything that isn't focused on them. They want black people in the movies to be like the ones in their personal lives: right in the background, making no commotion.

Oh and looks like you're just cherry picking some racist comments anyway. The trailer has very few dislikes and the racist comments have less votes then the liberal grrrl power comments.

That's not the point. I'm pointing out that people are getting bitter because it's "deeply triggering and problematic."

Who cares, this is literally the spectacle


maybe it's the feeling of alienation, the feeling that it's forcefully shoved into the media with no rhyme or reason. Maybe it has an underlying racial tone to it that puts off others?

And Black people get triggered by something that's not them

Like said
Most movies and other media will force another race into a topic just because he's white/black/yellow. This is even worse if the movie takes place in the past, i have no issue with another race in a sci-fi show if done right. But if it takes place in the past IN A PLACE where there would be no blacks or asians or whites, then there's an issue

I actually thought it was the opposite. Whenever I see a movie where there is a white guy helping a minority it usually gets attacked as a "white man is the savior" type film by the press. Free State of Jones is a good example here.

Complete nonsense, and considering that 70+% of hollywood blockbusters star white men and there arent tons pf blacks complaining about how the filmnis anti-black because they're not included i dont think this stands up to scrutiny.

There's that meaningless word "force" again

This is fair, but people usually arent very consistent with this complaint.

Because it's literally /r/atheism all over again, except this time it's just muh race or muh gender in these movies that the corporate suits in hollywood shit out for some extra cash. That's why people like Thunderf00t and Amazing Atheist transitioned into that scene. This movie internet wars shit will blow over and people will bitch about something else at each other that is not important whatsoever.

It's just a vocal minority of insecure racists. It be something else if the video was filled with stormfaggots but there's barely any comments like that and it has a fairly high like ratio. I don't get what you're bitching about. What that racist people exist and don't like seeing minorities features in movies? How is that shocking?

Kek, proportionally there's far less Latinos in American film than blacks but you don't see us complaining. It's all just ideology.

It's that they play the victim card. That's what really gets me.

Then why have you posted that image? The legend of King Arthur is set after the fall of the western Roman empire. Gaiseric and the Vandals are settling in Northern Africa. Muhammad will soon inspire the Arabs to burst from the Levant on a swathe on conquests that is only ended at Tours in modern France. Somehow, you deem it completely unrealistic that a Christians from Abyssinia were capable of mounting a horse and riding across Europe.

Ignorant pleb.

then how do you feel about this?

you've clearly never been to tumblr

Matt Damon is Finngolian, so he should be attacking the wall, not defending it.

I honestly don't see what the fuss is about.

I'm disappointed in you, Holla Forums

I remember a time when this board was actually for political discussion, not analyzing racist trolls in youtube comments, for fucks sake.

Too much bait. Too much Reddit and Pol invasions. Too little interest anymore as the world is spiraling downwards and all hope is lost.

"Latino" is not a race.

They're just applying liberal idpol to their own situation. Blame neoliberalism and cultural capitalism. Now everyone has to think they're a victims to deserve respect or get their voices heard.

What about, as user demosntrated it ignores class issues and is just more Hollywood crap designed to distract people with its "overcoming the odds" storyline?

99% of movies coming out of Hollywood ignore class struggles, why pick particularly on this one?