Was Muhammad a (((member of the tribe)))?

Video is of an ex-Muslim woman explaining why Islam has nothing to do with pagan Arab culture, and how it was the tolerance of the pagan Arabs which allowed for (((Muhammad))) to force them under a hardline form of (((Talmudism))).

Other urls found in this thread:

google.cl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Jesus body soul spirit

I'm surprised she hasn't been honor shoah'd.

O_O a based arabian woman. Wow. If shes for real i hope God protects her!
Fuck off atheists.

Two decrees in particular encouraged the transition to a preponderantly Islamic society.[citation needed] The first edict, adapted from an Arsacid and Sassanid one (but in those to the advantage of Zoroastrians), was that only a Muslim could own Muslim slaves or indentured servants. Thus, a bonded individual owned by a Zoroastrian could automatically become a freeman by converting to Islam. The other edict was that if one male member of a Zoroastrian family converted to Islam, he instantly inherited all its property.

hurry up and webm this!

literally the main converts are illiterate slaves/savages and the most traitorous backstabbing members of the aristocracy

No shit. The Quran and Hadith are taken straight from the Talmud.
It's basically Talmud lite for the goys.

The whole "convert or die" thing helped a lot too. Same thing happened in Europe, where after welcoming the jews onto European soil, Charlemagne proceeded to engage in fratricide against any white man who wouldn't convert to Christianity. Jews were exempted of course.

Not surprising. One thing that jews and muslims agree on is that they are much more similar to each other than they are to christianity.
I'm a bit rusty on my abrahamic religions, but I'm pretty sure that Christianity, with the new testament, was the only of the 3 to develop away from it's source (i.e. biblical antiquity).

The classic jew tactic everyone-is-a-jew

It serves 2 purposes
1. claim anything in history for the tribe
2. spread confusion and hide the true jews

Good thread.

As for Muhammad, there is no doubt that he promoted jewish customs, jewish law ("kosher" dietary law becomes "halal", for comparisson) and that he was deeply influenced by jewish tribes living in Arabia (which even formed their own kingdoms and tried to conquer the arabs and ethiopians) and jews living in the Byzantine and Sassanid empires. Now if he had any jewish blood himself is a matter of speculation and uncertainty.

Butthurt Moslem spotted and reported.

He purportedly had red hair. Does that lean him towards a modern Jew?

no shit circumcision is seen as an honourable thing men do in arabic culture
like literally when they compare butchering practices they make the distinction between non-ritually slaughtered or jhatka meat which in India is deemed safe for Christians, Hindu's and Sikhs to eat then theres halal meat or ritually slaughtered meat
the difference between non-ritually slaughtered meat and ritually slaughtered meat?
non-ritual meat the animal is killed with a bolt gun or a pick to the head, instant humane death
with halal and kosher meat the animal must be held down on its side by a few guys while one guy slowly saws its throat open with a knife
its like in the ISIS vids how many of them behead the way one of us would by putting their neck on a chopping block of some description and cutting it off quickly with an axe or a machete
no they grab and saw their heads off with a knife because thats how they slaughter goats and other livestock
dont know if the kikes tried to invade africa but they had that kingdom in Yemen in the 5th/6th century people conveniently forget
the jewish kingdom of Yemen protected muhammad from being hanged or beheaded by pagan arabs for banditry
doubt he was a kike just another savage barbarian semite
islam is another golem for the kikes

How about deleting this whole thread and the jew shill that started it. ?

For the rest of you reading
Try anyone famous a inventor and celebrity put him into google + jewish

And you will find claims on every single one i can grantee it.

This is how they roll.

Saul of Tarsus pushes a "bend over and take it in the ass, be weaklings, it's great!" religion to fuck with the Romans, it weakens the Romans but the Byzantines stick around, the Sassanids are still around, so why not cheapshot them after an exhausting war and push Christianity out of the Holy Land and achieve a new balance so Christians can't just have their way since the Eastern Roman Empire is still dominant in the area, all while spreading a Abrahamic, monotheistic religion of conquest quite similar to Old Testament Judaism.

Makes sense.

Yes, Muhammad was an arab jew. There were a lot of jewish tribes near Medina, something that he took great influence from.
Islam is Judaism: Deep desert edition. He basically took the native female Moon goddess(Isis) from the Arab polytheistic religion and force stretched it over a monotheistic god, Allah. Also where the crescent comes from. Kaaba is the shrine of the goddes Is-is and thus the holiest place of Is-lam, represented as a hexagon.

Koran is also a badly copied Talmud/small portion of the Bible with a big steaming pile of camel shit fan fiction in the middle. Even pedophilia is straight out of Talmud.
Islam is a manufactured religion for the purpose that you see unraveling in the Current Year of our God-Emperor. There is no coincidence for the shilling in the MSM. Islam is supposed to be the World religion of the goys after atheism weakened the rest of them.



Muslim scholar here.

Much of what has been written here is simply false.

I know you Holla Forums guys are not that fond of Islam and Muslims but even if it is about your "enemy", do not distort facts.

1- When Muhammad (pbuh) declared His Prophethood, Jews were the most hostile subjects to his message. This was even written in the Qur'an.

"You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant." (Maidah 5/82)

A Jewish woman even tried to poison the Prophet. She succeeded but He did not die because of the poison. The Jews of Bani Qurayza, although there was an agreement between Muslims and Jews, betrayed Muslims in the war and were punished as traitors in the aftermath.

The Jewish hostility towards Islam stems from Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ismael. Jews praise Isaac and slander Ismael. They see Arabs as inferior people, as people of the desert (remember the civilization vs savagery ads in NYC), as sons of the slavewoman Hagar etc.. They cannot accept the fact that an Arab was chosen as the expected Prophet.

2- The Qur'an is very clear on Jews. Just go to corpus.quran.com/searchhelp.jsp and search "Jews". Read it for yourself.

3- Jews themselves throughout the history claimed that Muhammad or some of his companions were Jews. This can be found in numerous Jewish chronicles. It is a clever strategy, but it is based on falseness.

4- You guys claim to be redpilled. Look at the world. Jews are kinda ruling everything. Muslims are kinda oppressed and killed everywhere from China to Myanmar, from Syria to Palestine etc. Even think about 9/11. Who did it and blamed it on whom? Who blew up WTC7? That should give you an idea.

5- Parallels between Islam and Judaism are not because Islam would be a "Jewish religion". Islam's main message is that the one and same God throughout the history of mankind sent various Prophets and Revelations to human beings. The problem is the distortion of the Divine Message. And if you look closely, there are more parallels between Christianity and Islam in that sense. Kosher and halal have nothing to do with each other except for the pig meat prohibition, which was also applied in Christianity up until Paulus (aka Saulus). Same with circumcision. Jews cannot eat meat with milk, they can drink alcohol, they are not allowed to cook on Saturdays. Muslims do not have all these rules.

6- I know you guys are rightist. But know that
your real enemy is not Muslims. It is more like someone is trying to create a clash between Islam and the West, which would be destructive for both (hence good for the third party). Remember Kissinger, Huntington and Lewis (three arch zionists) in 1990s creating a "clash of civilizations" thesis.
It is true that some people try to instrumentalize Muslim refugees to destabilize Western countries but the real subject behind all this are not Muslims. These refugees look for better life conditions. The same thing your ancestors did centuries ago. It is a normal human search for a better life. I am not saying that you should defend or be fond of refugees, because even if you would accept refugees, this should be done by taking the society into account, but most of the refugees are not there to destroy your countries. This is not their motivation. The problem is that most of them are educated lower classes and also criminals (because these are the first ones to go when there is a social movement).

Peace to you and others.

Good to have a scholar here. Can you explain the current situation with your religion and why the aggressiveness of each sect with each other? I always get confused when I see Muslims killing each other even though their greatest enemy is the Jews.

Taqqiya, the post

Mohammed, pigpissbeonhiskikename, was a raving lunatic, sheepfucking jew, anyone saying the opposite is going to hell.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I mean not to be obnoxious, but you, as a Muslim scholar, sound very close to the Christians on this board whose reaction to "ya know, Christianity is a Semitic cultural import is CHRISTIANS HATE JEWS! JEWS HATE CHRISTIANS!''

Yes… but you still played into their game, now didn't you?

Muslims are oppressed and killed by other muslims

You goddamn liar, muslims are the ones flooding the west and are the ones raping and doing other criminal shit including terrorist attacks. The Saudis literally export their religious fanatics. Their idea of helping the germans cope with the sudden influx of a bazillion rapefugees was to build 200 mosques in Germany.
independent. co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-saudi-arabias-offer-to-build-200-mosques-in-germany-for-syrian-refugees-branded-10511850.html

Wow, what a distortion of facts. So you're saying that early humans leaving Africa where there was pretty much no civilization is the same as muslims leaving their countries where there is muslim civilization and then demand that the non-muslim country caters to them and becomes more muslim? You really think those two scenarios are similar? The only reason why muslims leave their countries is because they can make more money or get money for free in the west. You sell your souls for cash and then pretend you're more pious than westerners, it's enough to make a sane man want to vomit all over you in disgust.

Everywhere jews go they cause trouble. Sure we know that. But islamic countries are absolute shitholes and everywhere muslims go they cause trouble too. So sincerely fuck you and fuck your lies. GTFO of the west or face concentration camps in the future. Know that what happened in Serbia will happen everywhere in Europe if you savages don't learn to behave (which at this point nobody is expecting of you anymore, so just gtfo)

That is understandable.
Mohammed copied their fairy tales but rewrote them so the jews were the bad guys.
That must be pretty galling.

To be quite honest it's just niggers being niggers no matter the religion. The biggest mistake that Christianity or Islam ever done was to accept niggerhood. Jews did one thing right but ended up inbreeding themselves to the point of an extra chromosome.


The Muslims castrated their slave niggers.
Christians didnt.

That is why there arent huge ghettos in Arab lands even though they took far more slaves from Africa.

And we all know that when a people are oppressed wherever they go, it's everyone's fault but theirs.

I have some issues with them but at least try to use a different channel.

It's funny that the devil is considered to be a black man in islam. Pro-tip: american Nation of Islam adherents can't cope with this fact nor do they deal well with the fact that Arabs kept slaves and castrated them.

Also here's a classic gem with lots of great quotes:

Monotheism is cancer in all it's forms
I get why christ cucks deffend their kike on a stic
After the Reinassance, the pagan European influence wrestled ideological control of Christianity away from the kikes and began promoting morals and virtues that are the basis for a strong civilization, but regardless the kike stain still remains etched in the very roots of Christianity
The whole concept of monotheism must be destroyed as it has been prooven time and time again how destructive it can be
What a (((coincidence))) that only Abrahamic religions are montheistic

wtf, i love islam now

> Other religious books regarded by their own followers as equally holy have to be wrong where they conflict with mine - why? well, because mine is the word of God

I laugh at every religious "scholar" I find anywhere. Read some epistemology about how philosophy, religion and science differ regarding how they handle knowledge. Religion is pure dogma, you either have faith in it or you don't. Don't try to paint it as if it's anything close to any scientific school or philosophical school - these are meant to be criticized and constantly worked upon, in constant evolution (modification).

If you change an important dogma in a certain religion, you just created a new religion. And then it'll be up to how many followers you gather to see if it's a successful one or not. Anyway, theology in general just means that you somewhat dominate your own religion's history and dogmas, and can disagree or criticize minor questions about it. And that's about it.

Didn't the Jews help the Muslims invade Europe as they are now?

If I remember correctly, he was the son of a (((merchant))).

She sounds like she's lived in the west for a while.

China doesn't massacre Muslims, they simply put religious restrictions on Muslim PARTY MEMBERS to ensure secularism.

Myanmar is tribal conflict.

Palestine is Jews killing Muslims but they aren't killed because they are Muslim. In fact, 20% of Palestinians are Christian and there are tons of secular Palestinians.

Syria is muzzies killing other muzzies.

Don't bother. That's most probably a troll larping.

Well he certainly reads like a fairly well-read troll.

The Talmud and the Koran are several centuries younger than the new testament and in many ways a direct reaction to it.

I believe it. Mohammad acted like a fucking jew.

Old news, talmud was always talmudism for sand goys, like freemasonry is talmudism for rich goys.

He was adopted by a merchant.

He was still (((one of them))) by birth.

True. I think their whole tribe was a bunch of merchants since there's isn't much to do in the desert but selling to the goys.

Here you go.

thanks fam

Thank you.


Considering how the jews always open the gates for the muslims it wouldn't even surprise me.


Jews ALWAYS control both sides, whenever a third side pops up it threatens both other sides, getting put into a 2v1 situation


Its an old trick:


Both "alt right" and sjws are created and controlled.

jewish fiction


Banu Qurayza was a false flag, Muhammad's family was involved in international trade like Mecca and Medina's jewish families, and most of Muhammad's companions held estates in the Byzantine Levant.
If Judaism is the Pen of the Semite, Islam is its sword. Islam is a set of ridiculous beliefs invented by wealthy jewish families across the Middle East to get rid of local empires that set commercial tariffs by mobilizing low-IQ camel-riding mudshits. Except grinding pre-pubescent girls and incoherent iconoclasm, there is nothing else but war in Islam.

You're right but that's a horrible abuse of hegelian dialectic.

Ok, I read all your comments and I will answer them one by one.

—Thanks. You are completely right about the lamentable situation of the Muslim world right now. It is actually not only a situation, but a major crisis. Muslim Arabs and Turks reigned throughout several centuries. Spain was Islamic for 800 years, which gave birth to great philosophers and scientists. It is even claimed in George Saliba’s book that European Renaissance was only possible because of Spain. So were the Ottomans, flourishing in three continents. Read the European chronicles about Andalusian Arabs and Ottoman Turks. Full of praises and also despair. But it all ended with defeat. WWI was the final touch. Muslims were defeated in the political scenery mostly because of the financial resources originating from Americas and flooding Europe. Muslims could not compete with Europeans anymore in technology, science, economy and military. Meanwhile Jewish capital founded “Ottoman” banks in the Galata area of Istanbul and you know well what follows when this happens. End of the story, Ottoman Empire collapsed, Muslims became politically null.
About the sectarian wars… In fact, it has more to do with states than religion. Right now Iran follows certain imperialist policies in the region and is trying to establish the Shii’te crescent with the help of Russia and China. USA literally gave Iraq to the control of Iran. Syria is not Shii’te but Alawite (kinship). Although Shii’te clerics do not recognize Alawites and Nusayris as Muslims, they cooperate with them. They do it to increase their influence, as all states do and not because of religion, but they instrumentalize religion. Thats why you believe it is a sectarian war.
The story of Sunnites (90% of Muslims) and Shii’tes (10%) is a long one and I don’t have time to write about all of it. Let me tell you just that in (Sunnite) Islam there is no institution of clergymen. There are scholars who can give fatwas but scholars are not innocent.
Iran seems to have painted its pre-Islamic religions to the green color of Islam.
Also do not forget that Iran was also Sunnite up until 1500.
Mohammed, pigpissbeonhiskikename, was a raving lunatic, sheepfucking jew, anyone saying the opposite is going to hell.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
—Not much to comment on this one, though the owner of this post can read the names, Jews came up with, to denote Muhammad (pbuh). Although not as harsh as the ones they chose for Jesus (pbuh), these are not that “polite” either. “Crazy” or “lunatic” are the lightest among them. Please refer to Jewish chronicles.
Oh btw, taqiyyah is not what you think it is. Taqiyyah is only allowed if your life is in danger. Imagine someone torturing you for your beliefs. In that case you are allowed to say you are not a Muslim. What it is not, is, a green card for lies and deception. That’s the other guys, not Muslims.
Merry Christmas to you and others too.
(end of Part 1)

I mean not to be obnoxious, but you, as a Muslim scholar, sound very close to the Christians on this board whose reaction to "ya know, Christianity is a Semitic cultural import is CHRISTIANS HATE JEWS! JEWS HATE CHRISTIANS!''
Yes… but you still played into their game, now didn't you?
—Well, theoretically, it might be a conspiracy, you are right. I mean, the fact that they are hostile to Him, does not prove that He is not one of them. But it is an argument.
I mean, sometimes I find people to give Jews more power than they have. They control a lot of things, but they are not God. We shouldn’t forget this and give them an absolute power ourselves in our minds.
— Unfortunately that, too. But do not forget that Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria were and are being bombarded with the Western airplanes as well. What did France lose in Mali? What was France looking for in Libya (remember Sarkozy’s old friend Qaddafi)? What is it that USA lost in Iraq? We know it was neither 9/11 nor WMDs. There is a German journalist called Jürgen Todenhöfer and a Swiss researcher called Daniele Ganser. These two show explicitly that Muslims are not the aggressors, but vice versa.
You goddamn liar, muslims are the ones flooding the west and are the ones raping and doing other criminal shit including terrorist attacks. The Saudis literally export their religious fanatics. Their idea of helping the germans cope with the sudden influx of a bazillion rapefugees was to build 200 mosques in Germany.
independent. co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-saudi-arabias-offer-to-build-200-mosques-in-germany-for-syrian-refugees-branded-10511850.html
—Ok first of all, I am not a liar. I do say things here, which I really believe in. I do not claim to omniscient, so perhaps some of my words might turn out not to be accurate, yet I am not a liar (by intention). Secondly, I told you why Muslim refugees are flooding the West. These are mostly poor people, who are looking for better life conditions. They want a decent salary, good education, dignity and other stuff what other human beings also look for. Majority are these people. Yet there are some criminal sick people among them. These are not only in Western, but also Islamic countries such as Jordan and Turkey and do similar stuff to their ladies. But they exist in every society. Joseph Fritzl was not a Muslim.
About mosques. According to Islam, these are places of worship. So, there is nothing more ordinary than Muslims needing a mosque. I live in an Islamic country and Christians have their churches here since centuries. Nobody ever damaged their churches, communities or harassed them. There are several regulations in Europe such as the Adhan ban and the height of minarets not being more than church towers. These are understandable. Yet, to decline people’s needs of a place of worship is not very defendable, either. Muslims and Westerners should come to a consensus.
(end of Part 2)

Wow, what a distortion of facts. So you're saying that early humans leaving Africa where there was pretty much no civilization is the same as muslims leaving their countries where there is muslim civilization and then demand that the non-muslim country caters to them and becomes more muslim? You really think those two scenarios are similar? The only reason why muslims leave their countries is because they can make more money or get money for free in the west. You sell your souls for cash and then pretend you're more pious than westerners, it's enough to make a sane man want to vomit all over you in disgust.
—Ok you are confused about my comment on “your ancestors”. I did not go that far. I meant the Europeans “flooding” Americas after 1492. We know from history that approximately 100 million Amerindians died during the “conquests”. History books tell us that they died because of European diseases that their bodies were not immune to, but history also tells us that for instance Spaniards were not that friendly to them. Just read the works of Bartholomeo de las Casas, a Spanish priest at that time. How the Spaniars killed defenceless and peaceful people for their gold within hours.
—This is where your soul embraced evil. Wishing concentration camps and systematic rapes (Serbia) for other people is evil per se. I will not comment on these words and invite you to listen to the bright side of your soul.
That is understandable.
Mohammed copied their fairy tales but rewrote them so the jews were the bad guys.
That must be pretty galling.
—You see, this is the point people miss a lot. According to Islam, Moses, Jesus, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, even the first human being Adam (peace be upon all of them!), were all Muslims. I know you are confused now because you believe that Islam came with Muhammad (pbuh). This is the decisive point. Islam means submission to the one God and it came with the creation of the first man, Adam. Muhammad is the last messenger in the chain of messengers. When the Pope said in Regensburg that Muhammad did not bring anything new, he was missing this point. Muhammad never claimed to bring something new. So, you will see numerous similarities between earlier books and the Qur’an, as they are originally from the same Divine Source. The problem is the corruption of earlier books by their priests. That’s why the Talmud claims that Prophet Lut committed incest with his daughters, which he never did (=textual corruption). Or Jesus never introduced the doctrine of trinity or Moses never said to His people to worship a golden calf…
(end of Part 3)

And we all know that when a people are oppressed wherever they go, it's everyone's fault but theirs.
—I am not saying that it is only the fault of the oppressors. You must be strong, otherwise you get oppressed. Nietzsche is right about the will to power. On the other hand, accusing the oppressed is not much helpful either.
If you change an important dogma in a certain religion, you just created a new religion. And then it'll be up to how many followers you gather to see if it's a successful one or not. Anyway, theology in general just means that you somewhat dominate your own religion's history and dogmas, and can disagree or criticize minor questions about it. And that's about it.
—The term “dogma” belongs to Christian theology. Certain irrational things, which are introduced into the Christian religion around 3 centuries after Jesus, are imposed upon people by force. Unitarians who resisted these church dogmas were persecuted. Google the term “Bibelverbot”. Church fathers said things like “I believe because it is absurd” or “I believe because it is impossible”. This created a gap between belief and knowledge in Christianity. They are finally compartmentalized for the sake of both. This is what happened in the Western epistemology. In Islam we have a different story. Even the term “dogma” does not exist in Islam.
Myanmar is tribal conflict.
Palestine is Jews killing Muslims but they aren't killed because they are Muslim. In fact, 20% of Palestinians are Christian and there are tons of secular Palestinians.
—You are partly right about these things. But, you are missing one point. If Muslims were powerful, they would not let others kill their fellow people, whatever reason they are being killed for.
Asad belongs to an extremist “Nusayri” sect (within the broader sect of Alawiyyah) which is considered as being outside of Islam by both Sunni and Shii’te scholars. His father came to power with a military coup supported by the French. If you have ever been to Syria before the war, and talked to Sunni majority (80%), they would have told you what things Asad and his people were doing to them. That caused the civil war. In the background, there was the Western-Russian power conflict of course, which suddenly inflamed the war. It is all not that simple as “muzzies killing other muzzies”.
(end of Part 4; and the end)

fuck off descendant of Ishmael.



This guy claims Muhammad was white, using the Hadith as proof.

Allah the moon god was a male deity.
In the East, the moon is male and the sun is female.

Allah married the sun goddess and had three daughters: Allat, Al Uzza and Manat.

Now, that's bullshit.

The commies give you extra points in the college entrance examination, and they turn a blind eye to your flagrant violation of their laws about education and birth control, and arrest anyone saying one bad word about you, all in the name of national unity, yet you are still

Nice try trying to sneak that lie in out of nowhere >>>/gaschamber/

Spain was only great under Muslims because they imported so many whites.

Islam is just Talmudism turned against the kikes. I don't believe mahomet was a jew, he clearly hated them.

I probably saw that the neurotic legalism of the talmud was one of the kikes' strength, so he wanted to universalize that.

Muds cannot stand other religions, especially christianity or judaism, because it is so obvious to any one knowing the Bible and talmud that islam is a poorly made remix of judaism, made for the arabs.

Kikes are the most destructive because they are evil but not dumb. Muds are evil and stupid, but they proselytizing makes them ubiquitous, and therefore in some ways more lethal.

This said, I wouldn't be surprised if Islam was a jewish plot to impose the talmud on the goyim and destroy christianity…

That hole looks like a giant asshole! No wonder these faggots all want to put their fingers in it.

reddit spacing
Islam and Christianity both survive on proselytizing and victim complex,its like a business numbers game to both these semitic cults as to who has more adherents.

a psychopath is a psychopath no matter his race


Islam came from Catholics. They were in the area converting and MoMo picked it up and started converting his own way. Talmud would never want Sand Nigger>>8625852


Arabs were not zoroastrian, though. Arabian paganism was quite different.

I don't disagree. I was just posting a differing opinion.

Well, its pretty simple, he my have or may have not been a kike. Monotheism is superior to paganism, deal with it, at the end of the day best politic system wins the cake, national socialism is even superior to judaism, as it bases knowledge in science and reason and not in a 2000 year old book, both are similar in many other points.

Rather, it was Talmudism combined with Nestorian Christianity.

Okay, Satan Sr.

We will kill you and everyone you love, shitskin.

So, you're saying that Christians would be not evil, just stupid then?

Not to samefag but everyone should listen to this guy.

He mentions how

I am sorry guys and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but the intellectual level of this thread decreased significantly. Especially with the desperate death threat above. I tried to answer some questions in your minds but you have to decide first: is Islam Jewish, Christian, Nestorian, Zarathustran, Pagan, or the religion of the moon god? Obviously, all of this cannot be true at the same time. ^_^

See you on the other side, when we all die, which we will all do one day, inescapably. There we will know the truth.

Until that day, take care.

Islam is a combination of all of them. The original Saracens were a mix of Nestorians, Arab pagans and Jewish converts from Al-Kindah in tribal alliance who mixed with Zoroastrians after they conquered Persia.

We will be in Valhalla for wiping out your subhuman race, and you will be in Jew hell for practicing a Jewish religion.

Show me your credentials, scholar.
And better it be that they are from Allah or I'll smite you.



stopped reading there you fucking koranimal. If you were simply a scholar and weren't an inbred mudshit you wouldn't have needed to put that little bit there, but Allah is watching always, isn't he? Get off my board, Saracen.

He's obviously a troll.


just read this:
your guy, erich zündel pretty much explains it all. and in 70s!


This isnt accurate, but he is right, islam is talmudism for goys, an army of retards ready to made more.

Daily reminder that this isnt a board for underages.


google.cl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Jesus body soul spirit

In this case, it's no secret that Islam is a form of Abrahamism.

This is no secret. Mohammed (piss be upon him) read both the Torah and the Bible, makes references to both of them to gain legitimacy, but then abrogates them for the Koran. (Despite the claim that Mohammed could not read or write, which is very important for Mohammed's legitimacy)


Yes. That's my point.

Noted but, shitskin cavemen tribes from the exact same part of the world have nearly the exact same disgusting practices. Who is surprised by this? More importantly why should White people have anything to do with shitskins other than reuniting them with their demon god yahweh/allah as fast as possible?