Quashing D&C

and pushing beyond
Kerry and co. are trying to divide Trump from his base by forcing him into a corner with Israel. They know that you need (((them))) to attain any sort of power in the US but they know that Holla Forums and the right now want to end that. Trump was noncommittal at the beginning of the campaign and the shilling started toward the end. He probably wants an independent foreign policy but (((they))) are throwing him into the middle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while reducing his ability to negotiate from a position of strength in the UN and baiting him into making Twitter statements. Time will tell if he has a greater plan with what he's said, but meanwhile they can exploit a difference in his private and public opinion to divide Holla Forums from him and have their "moderates" denounce Holla Forums in public to try and remove us from power.

In case shills starting saying bullshit about the Democrats being "our party" because of these actions, this is all part of the D&C strategy and because it appeals to some of the deluded on the left. It should be obvious that they'll act on none of it if they get into power. The mainstream Dems and Repubs are not "our party" unless we make one so. The only way to do this is to ensure that the movement lives on and that Trump doesn't become a neo-con good goy. Too much infighting is going to prevent us from sending a private message to him affirming continued support for an independent foreign policy that is for America First.

As a counter to this current D&C action, we can play it straight to divide the leftist base. Open borders for Israel is something that's been joked about and is useful for showing the hypocrisy. Support the position but not the party. The left has been told to support the Muslims because of pity but then they also want to support the Jews because of the Shoah, so this can cause them some trouble. Obama and Kerry and their supporters being on the same side as "Nazis" will throw them off and make them question the two party system. It's important to remember though that the leadership won't be divided, the "conflict between globalists and Israelis" and whatever is going on with Netanyahu is theatrics and it makes no sense for them to care about the contradiction when it benefits them and when they've lived with it for decades.

We can't allow world events to pass us by with impunity anymore. After this initial fight we have to consolidate power we've gained, solidify and defend positions, keep our guard up, and expand. This has to outlast and supplant the whole disgusting establishment. The disasters of the last few decades should never repeat again.

It won't work. We all knew Trump was with Israel from the very beginning. He answered a question early in the campaign on Zionism and said he stood with Israel and even asked the crowd to confirm (he is a magician)

Basically our hatred of Jews will not blind us from the truth. The fact that Israel destabilizes the world (including pre 1970s nicaragua) from their country is an irrelevant side show.

Politically, the land is too valuable. As long as Israel is walled in, sand-niggers can't simply follow the coast and waltz right into Turkey and the rest of the West.

We need Israel, but we don't want to live there. What is the solution? Put Jews there for now.

It's that simple.


One problem OP- a vast majority of his support don't want that to end. A vast majority of his support is the same conservatives that simply don't understand why Jews vote for Democrats. If anything Trumps actions are solidifying the Republican base and D&C the Democrats.


Your behaving like a Jew. Your ideas will be critiqued on their merit, not on their "relative" region of the political spectrum. Fuck off with your faggot shit.

Fucking wrong on both counts. Turkey is the one holding back the tide of sand niggers, and not out of altruism, but because they're using it as a sword of Damocles to keep the EU compliant. Israel is the CAUSE of the fucking invasion.

thanks for the input, mate

That must be why the turkroaches were sending their naval boats with the mudshit people smugglers into Europe. Or why the dead kid on the beach was photographed and publicized initially by turkroach state media (propaganda).

I swear to God this place is infested with turkroach sympathizers. Any time turks are critiqued you faggots crawl out of the woodwork.

That's how we fucking WON
They've been threatening to released 4 fucking million "refugees" if not complied with. I'm sure they intend to anyway, but this is the case.

There would be a lot more of them if they could use the coast. Don't be stupid.

Right now their options are

1 go through Turkey. Which they do to an extent.
2 get "saved" by Italian coast guards

If we followed your bullshit we'd end up protecting neocons and libertarians, which is largely what TRS is.

I can't wait for your shit little country to burn.

It's definite d&c since if Trump agrees with Obama, then the media will call him an anti-semite, the jews who were wary or unsure of Trump ("how much damage can he really do? Ignore him and eat some kosher hot dogs") will activate their assassins, and his casual republican base will be split and his support thus weakened. The UN is also further emboldened and this gives Israel an excuse to false flag a terrorist attack (Palestinians getting tied to it somehow) to claim this is why they need help and why other countries are wrong and that any country that is trying to stop their actions against the Palestinians are enemies and thus making WW3 all the more likely.

By saying the same shit he has said before and telling Israel to wait until he is inaugurated (probably the most direct signaling he had done), he is trying to hold off on any bullshit they may pull, make Soros and his group look like rogue agents against Israel thus causing infighting (the criminal probe on Bibi is part of this), forces the media to defend Obama on being anti-Israel, and pits Obama against Israel, even though we all know the whole thing is a ruse.

In the end, he's calling their bluff and forcing them to make a move (war) they will not make themselves. The shit with Putin is not working for them so they are doing this. The fact that Israel is putting itself out there shows how desperate they are. They have nothing. Maybe they will walk out another scandal but these fucks are fucking done.


They are surrounded by 20 arab nations that hate them

Their existence is hell.


Reminder that your rules are an open invitation to being penetrated by domestic security and feds. Pic related:

>"This strategy, however, has several problems. One is that those who are extreme in their ideology are not always the brightest. Another is that ideology can be faked. Both facts are eloquently summarized by Abu Iyad, the second-in-command of Fatah until his death in 1991 and alleged head of Black September, which was responsible for the 1972 kidnapping of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. In his autobiography Iyad relates how Fatah suffered a great loss in January 1971 when the Jordanian security services – with whom the group had been fighting – seized a large number of arms caches. Iyad writes that Fatah, "later conducted investigations enabling us to unmask a number of their agents, who for the most part had passed themselves off as fanatic militants advocating a maximalist position. This only served to reinforce my conviction that diehard extremists are either imbeciles or traitors."

Here's a tip by the way to everyone. Don't spend too much time here. It'll make you neurotic, paranoid, and incapable of real cooperation and agitation. Whenever people start D&Cing between various white nationalist groups, or personalities, or faiths, or forums, remember that we're all on the same team, and take a break from the internet. Go for a hike, bring some food and a gun and get lost for a while. Then talk to people IRL. Meet with nationalists in real life and make new ones, date people, and be a member of society.

Then come back to Holla Forums and keep shitposting.

So what's the problem now? People being too extreme/feds or what said and things slowly being turned kosher?

I think people should just use their fucking brain and not counter-signal everything that isn't them just for the sake of it.

I just realized how shallow you are viewing the world.

Israel isn't the cause. Israel facilitates it for power. It's something that would happen no matter what.

This must be more half truths pushed on people to obscure the facts. The territory is an important bulwark against Islam. A physical barrier between Europe and the Middle East.

I hope you're right, boy do I ever. But my analysis is much more grim. Time will tell, I suppose.

fuck off Schlomo, we don't care about what Israelis think of because they'll be radioactive ash soon

ponder this d&c


Honestly I can sympathize with your point.

I too believe the answer is to simply kill kikes and then drive back the muslims from our home, killing them as well. But that is not reality.

But if we're not slaughtering people in a holy crusade to fix the planet for good, the land of Israel is too important of a territory for your infantile divide and conquer bullshit to take root.

Trump's base doesn't give a shit about Israel. Trump was elected because people were tired of being screwed over by globalism and immigration, and tired of being shit on the media and wall street.

How many actual Trump voters went to the polls over Israel? How many times did he even bring it up during the campaign?

Maybe you mean Trump's "meme teams". Then yeah, given the shillstorms across all Holla Forumss over this, it's probable that this is the media and establishment's attempt to D&C the "alt-right". It would fit the general pattern seen since the election where they've been shitting all over online dissent.

It's a weak ass attempt though. Even if it forces Trump into a position, and he acts post inauguration, like I said most of his actual base don't care about this shit. They care about jobs and Trump sticking it to Washington and the media machine.


I wouldn't be so sure. Once Trump gets in and actually starts changing policies and fucking with their money, these guys are going to get real mean. What you are seeing now is nowhere near their final form.

After March, things will get serious.

You're right. Most people want to fix America and beyond that, don't care if everything else is dust.

But if you want to get into world politics. I believe a good solution is for America, Britain, Italy, Germany, etc, to retake north African territories like Egypt and Lybia, and reassemble the Roman empire by proxy.

That would make us depend on Israel AND Turkey way less.

Also I believe it would pacify the Arabs. Maybe I'm too hopeful, but I think they'd appreciate an Alexandria with white welfare. No?

That's their own damn fault.

I can rephrase.

I believe we should restart the African Theater of WWI, but do it cooperatively this time. We destroyed each-other and had to pull out to focus our economy on war efforts. Causing the Jew to strangle Germany in the wake of the Treaty of Versailles.

What if we simply took our rightful clay? What if Europe were truly united?

Duh. I think it's poetic justice their people suffer in the fucking desert.

I think most Trump voters, as well as Trump himself, are isolationist and want little to nothing to do with the outside world anymore. Obviously there needs to be some foreign policy, but I don't think Trump will involve himself in any kind of nation/empire/coalition building. His based voted him in, in part, to end costly foreign adventures.

I'm not sure how his stance on radical Islam will fit into this though.

you're probably right, but part of prosperity is solving these problems.

I imagine one big reason we don't have trains everywhere is how simple that would make muslim infestation. We have to end it somehow.


In your diagram, the "tension" in the so-labeled area would actually be "pressure", and it would mostly be exerted on tangential vectors approaching the choke point, mostly the vertical axis at the very center, and drop off rapidly after exiting the other side.


Eh, its always good to look out for Jew liquidations and international movements as signs of a terrorist attack but this doesn't seem to fit the bill. The times square deal was over a year ago, and it was profitable, so their is more likely to be a profit motive than a false flag motive. The bataclan theater was sold by its Jewish owners just a month before the shootings, and Lucky Larry was similarly unsubtle and bought insurance for WTC just weeks before, and the only way the WTC purchase could be profitable for him was the terrorist insurance payout since he leveraged the buyout excessively and the towers had an asbestos problem. Leviev actually has a solid profit motive and the timeframe doesn't fit, neither does Kushner owning the building so I wouldn't worry. If Kushner sells it in an urgent manner you know shit is about to get real hot real soon though so look out for that.

Better let Uncle Sam know- that's your tax dollars at work but you saw the little text up at the top didn't ya

Very good post.
I'd like to add that there will be many trying to divide pol right here and all of the alt right from "white nationalism" which they will of course paint in a particular color.
They will want to reduce any connection you have to any preexisting groups that aren't afraid of a little violence or being politically incorrect in public and the workplace. Then they will tell you most of those groups are jewish controlled anyway.
Don't let them. We need people able and willing to fight with guns, fists, and not afraid of any employment issues or government agency pressure (muh hate crimes, muh lack of diversity, muh racism should be illegal) Fuck all that.
You know as well as I know that some low level bullies have to be pushed back with violence, the high level bullies will always try to make the violent appear as weak. Does that make sense? Those willing to use strength are weak?

Nice OP, good luck with constant pressure for unity.

my words in an shareable image macro
This is excellent my friend.
The young and the uninitiated must be shown the light, not cast out with the unrepentent degenerates.

D&C shit

confirmed division tactics

Some group is brigading the board with D&C bait in multiple threads, i.e. blaming TRS for x, y, z (or blaming 'IronMarch'). You'll notice there's also at the moment a few anti-Trump threads, an anti 2nd Amendment thread, a few stupid slide threads, etc. It's not a coincidence and the TRS faggots aren't the ones doing all that shit.

fag shit I'll say whatever I want, what is this Gaia online?

Good thread. I thought the same!

Starch is a complex carbohydrate and sweet potatoes are an amazingly healthy food.

Someone said this in another thread. They're essentially giving Israel a huge victim card right before the power transition.

Fuck off schlomo.

like 90% of Holla Forums


b-but muh overton window! muh 4D chess!

uh huh

the point about not denouncing extremists, and the point about instead ignoring those you mostly don't agree with is not to get involved
if you start ambiguously deciding who is extremist you might be left with only reformists who will perpetuate the status quo while speaking (not so fanatic) rhetoric and rosy ideas about being more nationalistic and less reliant on foreign labor and investment

if someone is trying to impersonate you it is hardly logical to assume they will only be the groups that appear extremist
in fact there is no logic in expecting that more extremists than moderates that signal right will be (alphabet soup) or kikes
