How do we convert Holla Forums to leftists?

How do we convert Holla Forums to leftists?

national bolshevism

He said leftists.

get some hot 2d girls to show off Holla Forums propaganda

leftism = anti-capitalism, is it not?

Leftism is not a religion or a cult

Normal political philosophical and economical discussion is more than enough

give them ideology glasses

Not all on its own, no. Feudalism isn't capitalism. Eating glass isn't capitalism. Neither is really leftist.

By a constant reminder of how socially, culturally and historically constructed all things they deem sacred and natural is.

Some serious reading on the sexual, social and cultural habits of old "white societies" is essential in order to acquire a good frame of reference for this.

The study of how nations and the notion of ethno-nationality were created through conscious efforts and political designs is important too. Let's study the efforts made to unify linguistic, cultural and political institutions of different cities/states during the processes of nation-building. Particularly if, prior to this process, they felt as distant from each other as we might feel about other countries now.

Then there's the Other, which is a concept that we must familiarize ourselves with through the lens of psychoanalysis, because it's a main factor in their worldview.

I've also noticed that their positions are often sustained by vulgar, illiterate attempts at evolutionary psychology, genetic determinism and evolutionary science. We must familiarize ourselves with those well enough to be able to use its own tools and logics against some of those reactionary conclusions, and we must also be able to criticize them on epistemological grounds. In fact, a list of previous attempts of turning "biological" what was clearly cultural (like that "slave who wants to run" disease) might provide us with a decent counter-point.

We also need to reflect on what roles and what standards the average reactionary Holla Forumser is trying to live up to. For example, their notion of manhood is mostly a 20th century creation, but they try to live up to it live up to it as if it's sacred, ancient wisdom that is being lost by moral degeneration. Historicize everything.

And of course, base-superstructure. Once all the above have made them more malleable and prone to question their "second nature", we must provide the answer for their inner doubt. Surely they will rationalise it and tell themselves none of this matters, these might still be rational positions, perhaps not based on tradition & nature as they thought, but maybe they were designed having everyone's best interests in mind. Like religion, something that might be untrue can still serve a good positive function. This is where you explain how these social categories are merely a reflection of society's productive forces, of our division of labour, our economic arrangements, our trade patterns, our accumulative. Look at the historical examples of trade-based capitalist urbanization bringing about values we deem "progressive" centuries before they became the universal dogmas they are today. Or the sexual behavior during primitive communism. The social function and history of the Family. And so on. Any spiritual attachment they may feel to those is merely unconscious historical necessity.

And then there's the conspiracy theories, which in terms of upper classes dominating the lower is second only to religion. Read on conspiracy theories propagated from the French Revolution onwards, and let's bring their attention to the fact that it's the same narrative being used, re-used and re-adapted to new circumstances with the same purpose.

If you're good at those and you know your shit, you'll be like Roddy Piper forcing Keith David to wear the glasses in They Live. But like Roddy Piper, you might need to beat the shit out of them first.

what constitute "leftist" then? everything anarcho-communists feel comfortable with?

workers controlling the MoP is leftist

I draw the line of me giving a shit at socialism.

We shouldn't because the tumblr autists and campus crypto-liberals are enough autism to deal with, we don't need an influx of unfuckable betas who are gullible as shit and latch on to anything that strokes their feels right.

Are you fucking retarded? That's precisely what we need.

Autistic betas on the front-line of the revolution ready to sacrifice themselves in the future cyber-wars, is precisely what we need.

I would sacrifice a thousand college leftists for one Charles C. Johnson.

guarantee arranged marriage

Cooperatives liberate them from the Jews. Improved education and finances would deconvert Muslims. Universal healthcare makes the women sexier.

I prefer a more direct approach

It is left, just ignore the anarchic coke head retards that browse this board

so what you are saying is that youre a faggot, an american collaborator, and an enemy of the people?


lul its this guy again

I think they're too far gone at this point.

what constitute that? workers can control the means of production through various means, the state, councils, syndicates, tribes, etc. there are different versions of "leftism", marxist and non-marxist, statist and non-statist, what makes yours "true" leftism and mine fake?

We don't. Everytime we've kicked that beehive it's come back to bite us because they massively outnumber us on here. Just leave Holla Forums alone.

Just keep posting

PLenty of poltards have come to leftypol and had their minds changed

Nuclear Fire

and read apo



Don't expect them to say "oh crap you were right all along". They'll come slowly, bit by bit, probably silent at first. Just keep posting, there and here.

Here on Holla Forums just post as normal. Answer their questions, but dont get bogged down in stupid arguments. Back your arguments up with evidence, and let the sources speak for themselves.

Ideally, when you post on Holla Forums, you want to make posts that don't challenge their own worldview too strongly. Ease them in. Find things to say that other users there can agree with. The best angles to go from, I've found, are the following:

1) the anticapitalist angle; explaining that "da joos" = capitalism. All the things they hate about modern society, have their roots in "corporatism"… And then connect that to the capitalist economy in general.

2) the right of people to self a determination; most nationalist sentiments come from a feeling of a lack of local control over their own societies. You can make them realise that actually what they are calling for without even realising it is a local democracy, local workplace ownership and control, societies determining their own destiny.

From there, you can get people thinking. As I said, don't expect a vocal agreement. Expect a slow realization, over time.

1. Promote knowledge of what leftism and socialism really are and what they aren't
2. Ask them to make an argument against it that isn't an argument against democracy in general
3. Wait
4. See them claim they always agreed


Nice try.

You will never not make me care about the destruction of my culture and race though, no matter how many rich people are killed.

Name one (1) culture in history that was left completely unchanged and was not completely isolated from the rest of the world

Sub-saharan nigger tribe.

I was at a branch meeting a while back when I jokingly called an older comrade formerly of the CPGB a vanguardist. I really liked his rebuttal, he claimed that he wasn't interested in a vanguard but he believed in cultivating the good seed.

There are plenty of people in society why would we try and convert a bunch of fascists? I have pretty successfully won over several of my friends and family but trying to talk to my infowars-loving step dad is pointless.

Cultivate the good seed.

Some people enjoy their way of life, and do not wish to see it encroached with forced third-world immigration to western countries.

As for regarding the culture, I wish to preserve it for as long as possible. While this is unrealistic, you can at least try.

Read: "and was not completely isolated from the rest of the world"

Culture isn't worth perserving if it means distracting the working class from actual issues such as the fact that they're being robbed literally everyday by their bosses only to have it blamed on an immigrant

That is thing with you leftists, I don't have anything in common with an African working class man, or an Indian working class man (besides working).

There is more to life than Materialism, it takes true enlightenment to realize this.

Sub-saharan tribes are not isolated from the world.

They are regularly visited by white foreigners, and they still keep their same culture and way of lives.

you're so smart I'm jealous
I love you

This is wrong. If it's through some unnecessary intermediary step, then it's not direct democracy. They don't own them.

Maybe two opposing autisms[sic] cancel each other out?

But we're not trying to stop you caring about that. I care about that too. I don't want my culture destroyed; I just understand that international socialism - that is, an international network of local democratic societies, is actually the only way to save not only my culture, but all cultures.


pointing out that they're the real cucks