Is royal blood special?

Royalty is considered special or superior in the eyes of many "common" people.
People feel proud in being of a royal linage even if the kingdom is long gone, those people enjoy many privileges just for being of royal blood.

What does Holla Forums experts thing about this?
If it is a genetics how do we manage new royal lines created by upcoming of new kingdoms and nations (north korea)?

Or is royal blood just bullshit? How come then that many people are attracted to those royals even when they lost all power?

Rubbing up with the nobles was the original virtue signalling.

maybe this video is somehow related.
Could just be some tinfoil hat shit

it was intended to be a form of eugenics. Now that they are breeding with kikes and niggers yes.. the royal bloodlines have no value to them.

Kings exhibit superior knowledge or a certain skill set, hence why they are chosen to lead over his inferiors(subjects). What is to happen when a king dies then? Should his bloodline continue on if possible since they have likely been taught his philosophy, or should the next superior man rule? Popular kinship leads to bloodline that have a good history of ruling knowledge and has nothing to do with "blood"(besides in natural intelligence perhaps), besides in the matter that the family may know of many elements that the masses do not. These people are often taught/guided by philosophers throughout their rule might I add.


Royalty isn't so much the genetic lineage as it is being born to and trained explicitly for ruling a nation. Bloodlines are just a convenient succession tool to prevent the next ruler's right to rule from being contested.

O Negative master race, get fucked mud bloods.


Blue blood meant you were racially pure, had nothing to do with class.

lmao, the only good thing about O- is giving blood to niggers.

Real alphas have Blood-types in the A (for alpha) group, like Adolf Hitler.

A literal Qeen with a to be Kang.

Royals are white people, therefore I am against them because I'm anti-white.

Holy shit, the nigress is not even attractive, but that don't really surprise me, living in hueland I've witnessed several white europeans going for the most sheboonic looking females in parties or carnival.

I'm a relative of the Stuarts (Robert II of Scotland,) English nobility and what have you. Can confirm that we have certain genetic mutations that plebs don't have, however I'm not going to tell you what those mutations facilitate. You're better off leaving this topic alone. We have cloning plants and cryogenic storage units.



English royalty is 100% jewish


Whatever makes you feel less like a commoner.



I miss the monarchy threads.

The more apelike, the more they can signal. It is the Jeb effect.

the lords of the earth set down the leader caste, and this is the royal bloodline

nobility is pretty much larp

Yes, short bus special. Inbred moron special. The whole blue blood crap comes from the royal ethnic group that had exposed blueish veins visible under the skin. I have those, it is not special.

Just like playing "nazi", right?

Royals are white people, therefore I am against them because I'm anti-white.

Seriously european bros, you should do something about your racemixing issues or your people will end up like hues.

Imagine seeing creatures like these daily ?

truth now or death later

So you're inbred m8?


A king used to mean the leader of the people and his duty was to lead his people into a good future, some succeeded, some didn't, some were selfish, some weren't. However, that changed very quickly when we went from tribes to kingdoms and since then you were born and bred into it, with fueds and murders to follow. Which basically caused in-fighting amongst people of their own and allowed several times the kikes to infiltrate kingdoms, mainly due to them supporting one side of the deal and if he got the power, so did the kikes.


sage and reported

now listen here you cheeky cunt, you if you make spill my coffee again i will snap your neck

Little history about the term blue blood is that you only ever see 'blue blood' when it is still in your veins thus only white people can be blue bloods as black skin obfuscates the ability to see venation.

People completely misunderstand royalty. It's not divine rulers ruling from the top down, monarchs exist for a society with little in the way of industry and resources to create a wise, well educated ruler capable of making decisions that will benefit the nation that gave them enough resources to grow.

Think of a person of royalty being the extension of a people's will to survive, where all the work toiling in the fields, with trade, knowledge, and war all going into making a monarch which has the tools to rule, direct, and make decisions with the knowledge necessary to keep the nation alive. By keeping a child in good health, with moral upbringing and education they could become a leader with all the tools to lead the nation to success.

When we became more industrialized and had the capacity to elevate more of our own above serfs and peasants, the need for monarchs became less because the common man gained much higher potential to become educated, skilled, and fulfilled so he could contribute to his nation.

Of course, there were always monarchs that didn't understand the duty they were given and instead used it for their own benefit, but that is just a flaw with the system. I personally don't like monarchy as a form of government because I believe that later generations will lose the spark and edge their forebears had which helped them to succeed, but in times where resources are scarce and the majority of people have to do low work for the nation to survive, it works.

I think we have to look into what causes these factional conflicts, which are apparent in some, not in others(you assumed they were already going on). Society is founded on a man who inhibits a superior quality that distinguishes him from the rest, and the continuation of his legacy needs to then go to a properly trained son, or a man of similar excellence, not to the public. When a common man goes for office he is offered currency and currupted if he accepts, which a conman man commonly desires. The transfer of power usually causes corruption, but it really depends on the setting and what is at stake to determine the fault in the law or constitution that should be procting against this( since establish by a good man of excellence in most cases). When a country, or territory is not built on excellence then expect a corrupt government as when there is a revolution by a selfish dictator. A man of excellence looks to better a territory for the good of the territory, otherwise we have a man who is private(land owned in other territory's outside of the state especially) and has no sediment to the betterment of the land.

The best thing about monarchy is that it kills off "muh constituion" nonsense because it declaratively states that not all men are created equal.

The idea was you were clean and fair enough to see one's "blue blood" because you could see their veins, not realizing it was red within because you couldn't into science of light wavelengths.

why should we?
If I am not wrong the genetic code of the english royal line is known and partly public. Thats how some gene banks determine to which royal family you have relatives to

If those would be special there would be a control of the genetic code.
But the kings had many affairs and spread their code everywhere, not to forget even race mix.
If you where special you are no more.

Is Trump bullshit? Trump's children will be royal blood because he is a great man.

That is why we respect royal blood.

You clearly didn't the entirety of the post before responding.

Five seconds of searching will show that the term "blue blood" referred to the idea that the upper classes never did outdoor work and therefore were exceedingly pale, allowing their blue veins to be seen through there skin. Hence the idea of the upper classes having "blue blood". It's not actually blue, but red like every other human.

Dumb thread. Sage.

Well isn't that a nice way to describe inbreeding?

It's not my fault you're too stupid to understand basic biology.

The United States does not recognize royalty. No publicly elected official can be granted titles of nobility and the US does not grant said titles. Trump is just another ordinary citizen. He may have done some extraordinary things, but he's just another citizen, subject to the same law.

blue blood means fair skinned. if you look at your wrists and see your blood flowing, what color is it? if you can see the blue, you're "blue blood"

Their shit stinks just like yours OP.


Well monarchy will work in some cases, when the ruler is of competence, goodness, and excellence. Aristocracy is the way to go as you have few excellent men ruling instead of monarchy where you have one excellent man ruling. These men need to rule according to law, and are to rule on what the law does not cover. The law we have today is meant for certain situations and does not cover everything. Due to the vague nature of law I think we need to introduce a system to where our rulers of excellence can come to a conclusion that isn't covered by law and end up with the conclusion that can't be misinterpreted.

The situation must be bound by these factors and cannot in any sense be misinterpret for these words to have irrational additional meaning than what is written.

Aristocracy is a difficult system to manage in the balance of powers but should, if the members of the assembly are properly vetted, provide a better runnsociety of these few men of excellence rather than one man of excellence.

I'm a Habsburg and you're right.

Blue blood comes from the colour of veins. The Aryan race has blue veins and the Mediterrean race has green veins. The blue blood caste of ancient civilisation were the Aryan nobility.

I'm a blue blood.

AB is red but it is rare. That's what clued me in as a kid… pestered for blood donations. Mother worked in the black hole too.

Veins look blue because light has to penetrate the skin to illuminate them, blue and red light (being of different wavelengths) penetrate with different degrees of success. What makes it back to your eye is the blue light.

Aristocracy is another stepping stone, but it falls prey to the same flaws as monarchy were the privileged get high on their own status and become unfit rulers through abusing their positions. The way I see it, monarchy and aristocracy are just methods for a nation, as a whole, to pool its resources into making good leaders and governers in times where resources are scarce.

When resources become more plentiful through industrialization and people become less prone to death due to medicine and healthy practices, we can move on to the next level of bettering a nation's people, which is almost exactly what NatSoc Germany was doing before it was squashed by the aristocracy that didn't want to let go (Jews and financial interests in the West).

From what I've read, I've come to the conclusion that the next logical step from aristocracy is the bettering of the common man through eugenics, education, skill training, and so on. Now that we have the infrastructure to maintain a higher standard, we can unlock the potential in every one of our fellow countrymen.

>I'm a relative of the Stuarts (Robert II of Scotland,) English nobility and what have you. Can confirm that we have certain genetic mutations that plebs don't have, however I'm not going to tell you what those mutations facilitate.
Communication with Reptilians? How much of the nobility is pozzed? Hard for a pleb like me to gauge, but it seems like most of it. You need to get to work on converting Elizabeth II to Asatru. Once she declares herself the heiress of Woden and savior of the white race, we'll be in good position.

It's not my fault your parents were cousins.

It's the melanin content in the skin that changes the tint of the vein. Blue veins means no melanin. With heavy melanin content like sub Saharan Africans the skin isn't transparent enough to see the vein.

a-am I white Holla Forums

Yes, but no blood is "blue". It's just what you see through the filter. ALL blood is red.

Slice it open and find out!

Thank you for letting me know that blood is red.

This makes my piss boil. I don;t even have an appropriate reaction picture.

If she is 57 and they got married 17 years ago, she must have had that kid over 40, king downy incoming


Aristocracy sabotaged Italy in WW2 because they were butthurt about Fascists making things better for the common man.

Aristocracy is cancer. The National Socialists sidelined the German aristocracy and stripped them of what little power they had left, and Germany's wartime performance was excellent. The Fascists left Italy's aristocracy intact and the nobles did everything they could to fuck over their country's wartime performance out of petty spite.

They pester everyone.

The question is what do we do with the men who are not needed to fight wars, men that are not needed to manufacture goods to make the country wealthy. This is going to be the likely reality of the next empire, where all work is done by robots and profits by exporting goods and taking in resources by digging and buying from other nations. The people are going to have to be of excellence and yes, national socialism is the best form of rule of the many in today's time in reguards to technology and the sciences. Hitler was looking to spread his influence too early as they did not have as great of an edge over the countries it was going to fight against, which leads us to learn from his mistake and develop more before settling a new world power. Robots will provide us food, defense, wealth, luxuries, and plenty of leisure time, the nation to capitalise on this in recent years will be the most powerful. In immense times of leisure we have to look at how the population will react, and have to ask questions about the humans that are needed/that can be taken care of. What are the citizens to do when they have leisure time of this extent?

royal blood is retarded. people thought that 'royal' was a bodily state, and that they were completely different biologically than the plebs.
this only made inbreeding incredibly common among royalty, and caused them to be literally retarded if the royal line continued long enough. a prime example were the french royalty.

so yes, royal blood is a thing, but it's not a good one. it's basically glorified inbreeding.

hitler wasn't trying to spread shit, he was just reunifying germany

fuck off reddit

I never claim that they have real blue blood.
the video I linked was just shitposting to entertain you.