Can we finally agree that Stalinists and sovietboos are mostly just Russian nationalists and not real...

Can we finally agree that Stalinists and sovietboos are mostly just Russian nationalists and not real communists/socialists?



Yeah pretty much

They are not too unlike the Nazis in that regard, they call themselves socialists but they were just hardline state capitalists

Come on I'm not even a tankie but can we not propagate this fucking meme?

Yep, they are cosplayers from Holla Forums with the same sort of power fantasy who like the Soviet aesthetic.

Not that there is anything wrong with the Soviet aesthetic of course but they are LARPers.

At least the nazbols know theyre nazbols

In practice they're basically the same though.

Lenin hat "not" defending the Tankies.
wew lad…


An apologist for capital accumulation is now proclaiming those that abolished it are anti-socialists. This is your brain on anarchism folks, let this tragedy of a board serve as a lesson for future socialists who naively think we can co-operate with them.

You're not serious I hope.
"In practice" they went fucking head-to-head in a total war. In practice the Soviets purged their bourgeois elements while the Nazis gave CEOs state departments. In practice they spread the revolution, backing all sorts of socialist movements.

In short, go fuck yourself.

Xexizy, please read a god-damn book.

Well, they did end up purging themselves so I guess I can't argue with that.


Reminder that Soviets as in Russian for councils is chill, it's just that the Bolsheviks fucked shit up.

you're kidding

No they didn't. As I said above, the party under Stalin abolished capital under the socialist planning system. The people you're referring to, far from purging themselves, actually managed to destroy the USSR and make themselves into a new bourgeois oligarchy.

The Bolsheviks were well aware that the global revolution that Marx predicted wasn't going to come any time soon. They did what was appropriate - albeit in excess at times - to preserve and strengthen the young republic for when the conditions (which they actively changed) would arrive for class warfare.

They went from a feudalistic shithole that was the resource swamp of the imperialists to a world superpower with some of the happiest people on the planet, why shit on them?

Socialism 101

Material interest:

When people enter a commune they have an internal sense of community which causes them to work and negotiate for themselves and those around them.

This is not the case when they are alienated in the work place or have a "dictatorship in the workplace".

Also, there must be a separated dictator whom has that separated non-communal control over them in such situations.

A separation (alienation) of the persons labor time from themselves.

It was going fine until they stepped in.
Do you even know how the revolution happened?

Just to add, Stalin was planning on abolishing commodity-money relations and replacing it with what was called products-exchange. This was promptly denounced as "left-deviationist" after his death.
Fuck Khrushchev.


Yes, I know how the revolution occurred. I'm not going to spell it out for you to 'prove it.'
Who, pray tell, was going to follow through with the revolution BESIDES the Bolsheviks?

Yeah, good luck getting him to clarify on that. He'll probably just say "the workers" while refusing to proclaim himself a supporter Menshevik's or the SR's. That's a favorite tactic of left anti-communists.



Yes, and? Those have existed for millenia and tell us nothing about the existing relations of production. Sure, the economy constructed in the 30's retained commodity relations over consumer goods but this cannot possibly lead to capitalism without also providing a market for either labor or the means of production.

more like polyps who traded "jew" for "porky" and kept "muh degeneracy"

Christ, you could at least read the fucking wiki:
>The Bolsheviks benefited as the only major organized opposition party that had refused to compromise with the Provisional Government, and they benefited from growing frustration and even disgust with other parties, such as the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, who stubbornly refused to break with the idea of national unity across all classes.

Don't know too much about the Greens, but iirc to the peasants the idea of having your own crops and land without requisition from an outsider was a very new and strong sentiment. They did not understand the struggle at hand, but were absorbed by the feudalistic "land owning" mentality of the day.

like pottery

Any obvious lie that could be spotted by any political illiterate. The anarchist domination of this board is the reason why Mondragon can be considered a shining example of socialism, they're all political reductionists and that's why we fight them. What I did in my posts was prove the obvious fact that commodity production has always existed and should not be confused with capitalist production, that does not mean I find commodity relations ideal. Congrats on giving my post a six word reply though, that's more than the others I defeated were able to muster up.

*unsheathes tank*

Why would someone reply to a discussion when they have nothing to add related to the subject? Generally, it's because something said in the discussion has made them angry.

Read proudhon