Could anarcho-primitivism be considered the most successful and long lasting form of communism

Could anarcho-primitivism be considered the most successful and long lasting form of communism

You mean primitive communism. And no, more like the only example of communism in history on a widespread scale.

Yes. It was the mode of human existence for most of human history and still is in some places.

What the fug?

We should have anarcho-primitism but with like technology and shit

lol whut

so basically we should have full technological communism.

Anarcho-collectivism is probably the best option, I think.



In a full communist society you'll be able to live in a primitivist reservation with like minded people.

If green anarchism is primitivism, then what is green anarchism with technology?

Green anarchism isn't primitivism you fucking lad.

But the wiki said so

the wiki says a lot of things

Well the green anarchism page is littered with anarcho primitivist, also the post from greenie flag posters and replies to them seem to imply they're primitivist. I just assumed greenie = no technology I guess.

this was the best one, along with the cave painting one

Id say Greens have a split between Primitivism and Technogaianism.

You could say "human nature" it the "natural" state of humans is communism

And just generalized tree huggers.

No because they still had hierarchies.