Is anarcho-primitivism the most far-right ideology ever conceived?

Is anarcho-primitivism the most far-right ideology ever conceived?


Yes. They are so reactionairy that they loop back around to primitive communism.


This pretty much.


it's really pretty funny

who was that nigga who said we should destroy language and have "free" abstract thoughts?

Oh lord let this be real.

Calling it a fascist ideology is just a silly meme.
it's just a silly ideology based on fantasizing a certain time period in which we were free from wage slavery.

video for the memes

Zerzan did nothing wrong.

I don't think anybody called it fascist.

Its reactionary but it isn't right wing since it doesn't advocate for a more stratified society than what we currently live in.

neither does ancapism but its still right wing

No, that be aynclaps. It's the stupidest though.

Primitive communism would be less stratified than the current neoliberal system. Its still reactionary and a shit idea but its not right wing by any means.

If its reactionairy its still right wing if you follow the normal definition.

The French Revolution definition sure, but there's other definitions. The normal one today is the left wing is egalitarian and right thinks inequality is inevitable and/or desirable.

Hitler didn't bring Germany back to an earlier era, plenty of right wing ideologies are quite radical.

Right wing is agrarian. Anarcho-primitivism opposes this. All theories about right wing being individualist or whatever are lies and smokescreens.

It's neither right nor leftwing, it's anti-politics, it's caveman mentality. It would be more accurate to call it a Fatalist, or even Defeatist ideology, the idea that we are born as animals, should live as animals, and should die as animals, leaving no mark on the universe other than fossils, it's an ideology of extinction and deserves nothing but derision.

you might be thinking of G time johnny

Read Apo

There's a left primitivism, associated with Zerzan, and a right one, based on the writings of the Unabomber.

I was at work and we were listening to RATM and I mentioned Tom Morello was an anarchist, and I'm pretty sure my boss is an anarcho-primitivist because he started talking about how we don't need anything beyond food and water and true freedom would't require societal organization.

He's a pretty cool dude though, he's anti-capitalist at the very least even if I misunderstood what he was getting at.

Why do you want to make a mark on the universe?

Well its not based on tradition for traditions sake, like Julius "feelz>realz" Evola.

They have reached their conclusion based on the simple observation that everything started to suck when we engaged in agriculture.

If anything they are the most far-left ideology because they take materialism to the extreme.

Yet he's your boss.

He's the head chef. He doesn't own it, he said he wants to start a business with his wife teaching poor families how to cook, and doing catering for other events as well.

It's not philosophically negative as much as it is simply wrong here. That humans do what they consciously want is their animal nature.

full name?

why is this bad?

It's a transhumanist, they've bought in to the capitalist "success" meme

sagan was the man

how is it possible to 'leave a mark on the universe'