What art has influenced/shaped/molded your ideology?

What art has influenced/shaped/molded your ideology?

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I-is this a screenshot of a preview of an image that's supposed to go on a t-shirt?

Are we reaching levels of shitposting that are purely theoretical?

I try to base mine on logic and evidence, thanks.

Just seeing peoples shitty lives as I go through my shitty life.


I'd recommend you end your life before I do it for you.

I see you base yours on teenage hormones.

Im actually an amateur painter.
I was always into art, when i was kid i was really into anime, then i realized anime sucked and started studying actual fine art and also the history of western cartoons instead.

My favorite painters are francis bacon and edward hopper.

I have thought about art a lot, and you eventually realize the popularity of art under capitalism is based on how much money it makes, the art world is a money laundering scheme for rich people, and most people are idiots who respond more to pop art like pictures of animu and superman and dont have an appreciation for fine art.
Also death to andy warhol


Pic Related: "Anarcho"-nihilists IRL


Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground was probably the novel that formed the basis for my transition from a Holla Forumstard highschool dropout to university student and wannabe intellectual.

Folk music probably. Stuff from the early 20thC feels inherently proletarian. Same for old slave songs and other work songs


Princess Mononoke made me go full fascist.

just fucking how?

I appreciate the traditionalism mixed with technology.

Only with fascism is that aesthetics possible.

Italian Futurism influenced me negatively, showing that irrationalist styles in art that focus on motion, arousing primal feelings, and are so abstract that they don't depict anything rational as an object for these feelings lead to reactionary politics.

"Many Italian Futurists supported Fascism in the hope of modernizing a country divided between the industrialising north and the rural, archaic South. Like the Fascists, the Futurists were Italian nationalists, radicals, admirers of violence, and were opposed to parliamentary democracy. Marinetti founded the Futurist Political Party (Partito Politico Futurista) in early 1918, which was absorbed into Benito Mussolini's Fasci di combattimento in 1919, making Marinetti one of the first members of the National Fascist Party. "



It is though, Hitler was both a lover of tradition, environment and industry, a very weird mix.

No. In theory Italian Fascism is closer to traditionalism as it desires to return to SPQR. Nazism is progressive; where, in the new Reich man is malleable to the devices of science deployed by the state for the state's end.

In practice they were militaristic totalitarian states financed by capitalists motivated by fear of communists/socialists.

So basically traditional, industrial and environmental-friendly state.

Funny how that works.

Socialist realism is the supreme style of art

There's nothing traditional in Nazism. Their leader was "elected" and arbitrary and not through noble lineage and thus not Divine Right of King. The Catholic Church would have condemned them for their practices on god's creations and for their heretical occultism.
Their entire entire industry was war production. And they sure cared about the environment by dropping bombs all over Europe. Just think how great they'd have made the environment if they'd discovered nukes.

Democracy was actually a traditional thing in ancient Germania, with elected leaders, not to mention Roman Republic was democratically transformed into the Roman empire. Caesar himself was voted by the Senate to be a dictator after all.
The catholic is not the authority, especially when we are supposed to trust God, not the Pope.
Before the war, it wasn't, this is why Hitler doesn't have as much tanks as Stalin did.
Nukes are pretty environmental-friendly though.

Unfortunately Nazi Germany was not a Democratic Republic. That's a form of governance practiced by evil liberals.
Absolutely heretic!
Boy that didn't last long. He sure valued his people's needs for consumer goods. Alas he was an imperialist buffoon who cared not.
Oh I am laffin now. gg. And this is where discontinue feeding the troll.

Nazi Germany was a dictatorship formed after a democrat republic, kinda like how the Roman Republic was transformed into the Roman Empire through the Senate's votes.
The Church has no authority, man.
How dares people want good cars, highway, even modern goods? The thing is most of the Nazi Germany was actually agrarian except key industrial areas.
It's pretty surprising to find anti-nuke in Holla Forums.

This tbh

Art contains hidden messages and symbols that provide information to the viewer. Not everyone is going to be interested in dry analysis of things, as some members of the intellectual class will be artists and prefer drawing, music, etc to essay writing. Art needs to be consciously transformed to promote progressive ideology. Some people are also not very naturally smart or educated, so the promotion of art (paintings,songs, etc) to provide information is a way of democratizing knowledge.

I forgot to provide some practical examples.
Compare these rap songs.
NWA promotes the ideology of the lumpenproles, praising criminal actions like robbing banks while Marcel Cartier provides a pro Marxist Leninist angle with his song.

Compare these two as well.
Marilyn Manson was influenced by Satanist philosophy, which in turn was influenced by Ayn Rand and Nietzsche. He uses fascist images in Antichrist Superstar as well. Rammstein has a similar aggressive sounding metal music, but they promote leftist thought with their songs.

Seeing this sick world.
Being intelligent enough to recognize a ruse (aka false flag event).

After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are artists as well. — Albert Einstein

There is an influence which is getting strong and stronger day by day, which shows itself more and more in all departments of human activity, and influence most fruitful and beneficial—the influence of the artist. It was a happy day for the mass of humanity when the artist felt the desire of becoming a physician, an electrician, an engineer or mechanician or—whatnot—a mathematician; for it was he who wrought all these wonders and grandeur we are witnessing. It was he who abolished that small, pedantic, narrow-grooved school teaching which made of an aspiring student a galley-slave, and he who allowed freedom in the choice of subject of study according to one's pleasure and inclination, and so facilitated development. — Nikola Tesla

tru tbh

Stalin did nothing wrong.

Holy shit is that Richard "The USSR is an EVIL EMPIRE" Pipes?

At least some of the same things as you it would seem.
