If gender is a spook how do trans people real?

If gender is a spook how do trans people real?

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If gender is a spook why do they need to cut off their penis and take female hormones to be a woman ?

Transsexual people are people who feel like their body is the wrong sex. They get a sex change and dont identify as trans.

Gender is a spook that doesn't really matter. People identify as transgender to get more attention, when in reality its just a personality. Being a feminine dude doesnt make you trandgender, neither does wearing dresses, it just makes you deviant from the norm.

Yeah gender is a spook, but what's spooky about choosing what gender to appear as? Personally, I really hate looking like a guy, and I really hate the social stigma that goes along with being a guy, so I'm taking measures to feminize my form. I don't think it's spooky.

They don't

They don't

all feminists are TERFs


then tell us

Because they associate certain bodies with certain interests. Also they do have a physical sensation of sorts too but this has to do with body mapping not gender.


For starters, if you have an interest in lying on your back and having someone thrust their cock in and out of you while squeezing your tits, a certain body type helps with that. Similarly, if you'd like to engage in tribbing or sword crossing.

To state that it is about associating bodies with interests is a crude and dismissive attitude, anyway. Humans do assign certain bodies to membership in certain groups. As the demarcation lines of these groups are physiological…

then they are discussing the physical body.

the notion that "male" and "female" are extant categories is is pure bullshit.

There's also the possibility that gender isn't a "spook", has physical evidence, and Stirner was just a retarded Hegelian

The only bullshit here is spilling from your stupid brain.

Pic related: The biochemical proof you are an utter mong.

how in the fuck is gender not a spook?

Are X and Y chromosomes a spook? Is genitalia a spook? Are testosterone and estrogen spooks?

If you admit those are real, then you must admit that gender is as physical as anything else.


Are female gorillas submissive to male gorillas because of material conditions?

Except that's actually true. You can attempt to change definitions all you want, but that doesn't eliminate the facts


Sex is not gender. Gender is entirely built on a symbolic basis, but sex is real.

If gender dysphoria works in a way that one is not content with the identity that one is assigned by another, then it can very well be said that it is entirely a conflict in identity caused by one's environment.

A man/woman who has never had any contact with the other sex (most likely to happen with women) can not want to be a woman/man.

If money is a spook how do capitalism real?

Physical things X and Y in this case are directly related to Z. X plus Y equals Z

Right, so the fact that women have boobs is just a "social construct" and if I imagine I dont have boobs, they'll magically go away and I become male because that's how it works in commieland.

"Spooks" are useless theory Max Stirner thought up because he wanted to be even edgier than Schopenhauer without actually getting anything done (similar to Nietzsche, albeit not quite as grandiose in his platitudes).

Notice how everyone who followed in the tradition of Marx and Materialism actually got things done (Rosa Luxemburg, Kautsky, Scandinavia etc) and eveyone who followed Stirner (Situationists, Derrida, Anarcho-Nihilists) are just pretentious nuts who never do anything except project their insecurities onto people who actually want to be pro-active

sp00ky shit m8

Sex is the only thing that exists. If you're a human, you're either a male or female.

Another thing is that they say "gender is a social construct" but also "people can be born as the wrong gender", so people can be born as the wrong social construct? That's what I'm hearing out of this…

don't meme me or my son ever again


Consciousness begets reality, and reality responds to consciousness, so absolutely

You better have a good one here.

If you poke your head out of your neckbearded materialist bubble once in a while, you'd know that. I can experience these kinds of things myself, thanks to my studies.

That's like saying "well I would really like to fly therefore I was born in the wrong body and should be a bird."

people cannot be born as the wrong gender. that's retarded.

the gender that people develop can include having a different body than what they have, though.

ayyyy lmao

So, people cant be born as the wrong gender, yet somehow changing your gender is perfectly valid and gender related disorders can arise from not being the right gender? Do you even see how much cognitive dissonance you have to go through to make your arguments.

Mock me all you want, but I know far more than you possibly could. You're literally a sheep parroting what the powers that be want you to believe, stop pretending like you're anything else.

What in the fuck are you even trying to convey?

Gender is an aspect of your personality. You aren't "born the wrong gender" because as an infant you can't even comprehend what it means to be gendered.

Read what I said at the start my post then kill yourself. Just because you equate words doesn't mean they are the same things.

That is probably lack of knowledge about what gender actually is. Gender is actually a "social construct", but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. However, it does not have a real basis, unlike sex (by this I refer to the male and female as studied by biology, not the man/woman which are genders).

Are you that triggered tranny from the last thread who desperately tried to redefine the nature of reality and science to trick themselves into believing they were the opposite sex because they couldn't handle reality?

Because if so lol.



I merely wished to make the point that some activities do require a certain set of anatomical features.

I am not talking in stirnerist lingo, because it adds nothing to the discussion, but "spooks" exist in the sense that they are something that one can talk about and can affect the way people conduct themselves. God may not be, but he exists.

in any case though this thread should be deleted for being more cancerous than vaping.


Fair point. However it's hard to deny that a great deal of gender dysphoria seems to be tied up with ideas about non-anatomical interests.

Gender is neo-idpol nonsense.

You are going to add anything besides greentext shitposting?

on a thread that isn't shit to start with, yes.

thanks for reminding me, I should have saged from the beginning.

No, I am an entirely regular, unaltered female, thank you. I've been here for a while, and I'd figure I drop by again to laugh at your stupidity.

I dont fancy commie newspeak, so maybe you should take your own advice.

I'm "conveying" that gender goes far beyond some plastic factor, and it is something rooted in our biological and spiritual natures. Because it is.

True, but that's why I moved on to the concept of group membership based on anatomy. Those interests are proxies for group membership, no?


Except this mystic "mumbo jumbo" is actually entirely real, measurable, proven, and can be repeated yourself. I've explained how to this board at various points, yet everyone suddenly backs out the moment I give information. Hmm…could it be that your arguments have nothing of value in the weight of spiritual truth?

A spook is only a spook if you put its interests ahead of your own

read Stirner

This bait is shit tier, but I am really bored anyway. Does gender transcend cultural differences as does sex?

You're another one who drinks from the furry cup, aren't you?

tits or gtfo

I see a bunch of claims and no information at all.


Furries are bluepilled libtards, so no.

I've done so in the past, when I was here. But everyone suddenly backed off the moment I provided my sources, as though they didn't want to learn the truth.

Culture is another thing that ultimately comes from the spiritual level, so it's basically intertwined with gender roles.

Rolled 20 + 5 (1d20)
oh shit, is this satan poster?
I thrust with my +5 benis!

Rolled 16 (1d20)

crit in the clit!

Rolled 3, 4 + 1 = 8 (2d6)
damage roll!

X2 critical bonus makes that 16
ok, now you go, satanchan

I still see a bunch of claims.


Well, since you think you're so high and mighty, use these methods, ask any astral being about what I've talked about, and then get back to me


Where are the measures? Where are those proofs you spoke of? This is just stupidity.

No, it's interviewing the source of the knowledge. Which is with demons. If you cant figure that out, then perhaps you're just too thick headed to argue with…

Genders are social constructs, but jus because they are social constructs doesn't mean they're not real.

Gender is defined by a set of discourses embodied into us by medicine, sociology, religious institutions, etc. So trans people exists starting from this discourse.

Sex reassignments however is total liberal bullshit based on essentialism and stereotype notions of masculinity and femininity.


Rolled 12 + 5 (1d20)
a true gem

first of all genderfluid is an expression, not a gender. Secondly the agender, bigender and transgender spectrums are completely real even if the labelling has gotten pretty silly and it directly relates to hormone levels and nerve mapping. Look up intersex and kill yourself.

Why are you all such fucking autists?


You guys know nothing about people. I'm the only leftist here who actually gives a damn and doesn't slide into liberalism.

It's a mental illness.
Not in a pejorative sense. It's their body, they can do what they want with it.
People need to stop preaching it as some kind of paragon of virtue.

Unwarranted self importance can be applied to any gender, really. Consider muh straight pride.

It's not even really clear to me from that definition how frost gender could be a real thing.

Identity and/or expression? Tumblr kids sometimes often the terms wrongly.

Drinking from the furry cup means the same as tipping the velvet, love. I'm asking if you're another scissor sister.

newfag here, what's a "spook" ?

A spook is a "fixed idea" considered so sacred that an individual not only refrains from questioning them himself but prevents others from doing so as well.

So while there are two biological sexes, male and female, but the social idea of what being "male or female" means is a spook because they're just cultural fixtures with no basis in material reality, ie, men are stoic, women are nurturing, men are strong, women are weak, etc. You might be able to say that these ideas are developed from stereotypes that might be true in a general sort of way, that men tend to be stronger relative to women, but in reality a weak male isn't any less of a male due to his physical frailty than a female would be closer to maleness due to physical strength.

So from a Stirnerian perspective, these ideas become "spooks" when they become fixed in peoples' minds, "males are like ABC, females are like XYZ," and devote themselves to these immaterial concepts, even at the expense of their own egoist volition.