Ivanka Trump harassed on airplane by a "tolerant" liberal


Ivanka Trump just had a bumpy start to her Xmas holiday … an out-of-control passenger on her flight began verbally berating her and "jeering" at her 3 kids.

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, "Your father is ruining the country." The guy went on, "Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private." The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

A passenger on the flight tells TMZ Ivanka ignored the guy and tried distracting her kids with crayons.
JetBlue personnel escorted the unruly passenger off the flight. As he was removed he screamed, "You're kicking me off for expressing my opinion?!!"

Other urls found in this thread:


This is his "boyfriend". He deleted the tweet. Fucking faggot.

I find it more interesting that Ivanka was flying coach.

Rich people get so by not being extravagant.

maybe a short trip, it makes no difference if it's like 1 hour flight or for publicity?

Always archive everything

So you have proof and no one tells you hoi made it up. Now that tweet may be lost forever, goddammit.

It's always kikes and faggots isn't it? Sometimes both.

humility and frugality

what a shocker

He's a faggot, but I'm forced to agree with this statement. She can't fly coach, anymore, or more of this shit will happen.

It's like he's never been on a plane, before. Rule #1: don't make a fucking scene. He's lucky an air marshal didn't put a bullet in his head for terrorism.

No he didn't.
Yes he did.
The irony doesn't even register, does it? She's sitting there, minding her own business, when some queer suddenly flips his shit on her for what he perceives her FATHER to be doing.



-Short hop quickest flight available
-Her father doesn't just dump money in her lap
-field trip for homeschooled kids to the nigger zoo
-16 dimensional chess

they should at least be in first class to avoid some of these savages.
I love how they think its ok to chimp out on a plane and hold up the flight. Hopefully him and his faggot buddy are on a no fly list now. Trump could have him put on a terror watch list so he cant fly, buy guns (from a dealer), and will get a visit from the FBI. lol

Yeah, I wonder whose child it was?


I dont know, but they shouldn't be allowed to adopt anymore, knowing that each fag is a coin flip away from child molestation.

You don't get your money refunded for that shit either. Tough luck, pal.

You don't get your money back for that shit either. Tough luck, pal.

too bad it was not in the air

Someone upset daddy by pushing Kushner down his throat?





Fucking faggot.

I'm surprised nobody defended her..
I would have been all over those shit bags jumping to her defense.


God what a forced meme.

She's independently worth hundreds of millions you retard.

I was poorly hinting that how they probably stole the kid to rape it.

Relax whiteknight, she only allows kikes in her snatch.


Wait, so they want whites in the front of the bus again?

She's the cat woman. She should defend herself.

Try telling it to somebody who wants to hear it next time. You got the right to talk, nobody has the obligation to listen. That means no yelling on the plane. fuck off.



Oh my god, the memes, they are out of control.

Kinda surprised she's flying commercial.

This is a good point, there was probably niggers and muslims on that flight

No it's because you're literally acting like an uncontrollable child,


It's absolutely classless, like the poor bastards working that aircraft need his crap either.

Might have been for the kids, private jets can be pretty bumpy rides that can get your life flashing before your eyes at times.

WTF i hate Trump now

oh wonderful, so it's not even an adopted kid, it's a sacrifice.

Being this rich and that much of a target, flying with plebs. The family really are of the people.

Lasner is a pretty common kike name.

no pics of hi,??

oh. well. then.

You're flying coach and Ivanka Trump takes the seat next to you. What do you say?

Why would you say anything ?


What a weird way to put it. It makes it seem like Ivanka aggressively screamed at a father with a child who was just casually sitting down.

Gas the Kikes?

Ask if she can put it back.


"Fuck you kike"


Maybe that headline is from the other timeline.

he still haven't done a thing…

Too bad he was not shot before being thrown off the plane.

Probably the last time she'll be doing it.

He got himself caught, I wonder what was his master plan.


it might have even been a public stunt to get more people redpilled on the liberal mindset

she had a multiple bodyguards for sure with her. she was never in any danger.

You want to make the mile high club great again?

I literally could not give less of a shit about this traitorous kike whore. She deserves death for converting to Judaism and betraying her people.

Hi, CTR.

By simply existing, he changes the course of history as it is forced to flow around him.

Thanks for the archive user.

Top kek the first 2-3 comments are "news" sites trying to write a hit piece on ivanka about our poor brave faggots. Inb4
Thank god every other comment is calling them out on being fucking poofters

It'd be fucking funny if everyone stood around the dying body and gazing at it while lightly discussing if this is modern or post modern art.

Ahfternoon, m'lady!

jeez louise

She should have whipped out her huge cock and dick slapped 'em to death.

Go back to /r/the_donald you fucking kike-lover. You are not in good company here. Holla Forums is not like your moderate cuckfest back on Reddit

kekkest of keks…I see what you did there

hi shill

Edgy. They teach that to you in shill school?


We must defend the God Emperors Spawn!

You can't make this shit up!

Jidf your d&c won't work, we've discussed this to death pls go. Pic related btw

Were you on that flight? I wasn't.

Wew lad. increase the memes. Let them burn in the fires

She is… that doesn't make him any less of a shill though.

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go Trump in the night
Good lord,deliver us

That makes me think it was actors. Controlled opposition. Hire them to make a stink so Trump can say, "See how horrible they are?!"

There's no way JetBlue would accommodate them otherwise.

No but we can harass him and bring the lels to his life.

Ha! Gay jews. Never get high on your own supply.


I'm seeing a problem here.

a gay kike who would've thought…

The only problem I see here is you being a cunt in this thread.

you can turn the other cheek on reddit faggot!

gas the kikes race war nao



That will end well.

They will resort to any means to destroy you. Why show them mercy? Is it to be "the bigger man" like in your Hollywood movies?

No, they're kicking you off because nobody wants to listen to a raving lunatic for an entire flight. These shitheads actually think that 99% of people agree with their bullshit and those 99% of people LOVE listening to anti-Trump rants 24/7. At least half the people on that plane approve of Trump, and the other half don't but would like to fly in peace regardless. Only the most insane leftists would actually think this guy did something right. Judging by the comments on the article, even the shittiest libs can't defend this guy, and are deflecting with generic Trump insults.

Mmmmmm delicious

which type of potato do you think is best?

Nobody is destroying me. Maybe you should man up.

She's Jewish

Kek, the guy on the left looks like Rachel Maddow.

Get a load of this faggot!

Good kike marrying traitor.

kys kike

That's some fucking quality news there user

Poor kids.

The degenerate homosexual deleted his twitter account.

Are you literally a kike scriptwriter or something? That's your second Jewish movie meme.

Nice to see I'm not the only one. When the time comes I'll be by your side.


You and your pet kike Ivanka will get the rope when the day comes, you fucking traitors.


And out.


Notice how Trump names newborns after his rivals? Ivanka (because wife), Don Jr. (because he was his own worst enemy), Eric (?), Tiffany (after the chain who he competed against), Barron (after Rothschild) and Theodore (after Ted Cruz).


Can we really recover from this level of faggotry?

He was born during the primaries nigga.

Jetblue doesn't have first class. It's zoo class for everyone. Not surprising that she still flies commercial, just unfortunate. She deserves her own plane.


You can really see those kike genes in her kids. Poor yids.

Can't tell if this is marxist class conflict bullshit messing with his head or just jelly.

Why are these people on the mental level of a seven year old child?
Why don't they have the most basic control over themselves and their behavior?

Probably some stupid coal-burner's

Barron was named after Barron Hilton Hotel competitor of Trump's

Not only that, but every one of his close family needs to be under constant 24hr protection from here on out. Evil men will have a hard time getting to Donald Trump, but if they can hurt him by attacking him through his family members that's of little consequence. I thought The Don would be smarter than this allowing his daughter to be in public unescorted.

Crashing the plane with no survivors, I'd wager

Nice catch user. Any thoughts on Eric?

No indication of that at all either from the article or the picture.

Probably some nerd Trump beat up in highschool.


i… its 10:33… hi

Nothing, and let her enjoy a little time as an anonymous nobody.
This white knight protects from the shadows.

Coach is cheap, and it gets you where you want to go as surely as 1st Class. Rich people don't stay that way by wasting money.

They could've been talking shit about homophobia and the airline decided they didn't need the headache this close to Christmas. That's my guess.


No they won't you LARPing retard. Stop sperging out for fucks sake.

Jew nuked his account. Only one fucker on FB with his name.

Someone should have cracked the kike in the jaw.


I give her a bowl of eggs and tell her she has to eat them all.


You're right, we should wait for Hitler.

Page gone.

You faggots wanna make this YUGE?!

We start a hashtag #SaveIvanka or #Illflywithyou

Accuse the fags for being misogynists and child abusers.

Accuse anyone who supports these fags as enabling misogyny and child abuse.

Watch the left eat itself up.

Want to add more fuel to the flame?

Use another account to accuse yourselves of being homophobic.

Have fun!

I'm fucking shaking.

None of this ever works. Our tactics are ridicule and calm, relaxed indifference. Not astroturfing as SJWs.


Just in case it wasn't clear to others skimming the thread… OP get this juicy detail in the title next time for christ sake

So racist even the homo Jews won't miscegenate.

Gassing this plane….


what's your high score?


It's from Alinsky's playbook. Make your enemy follow their rules.


Don't you get tired of being always right, Holla Forums?

Ivanka has pepperoni nipples. Sad!

would still marry and let her bear my children

If they were tiny they would men's nipples. What are you a homo?


This almost seems fake, from any angle you look at it makes leftists look bad

Do Trumps kids really fly next to the unwashed masses? Hard to believe, any way to verify?

About as much as I get tired of winning…

dox & rwds when?

I've worked for two billionaires who both used private jets from time to time. One owned two the other had a charter/lease setup. Both of them would still use commercial from time to time if they were relatively short flights to and from airports that had short security lines. Other times they would take commercial because they were going to visit a project they were joint venturing with other developers and that joint venture wouldn't allow private flights to be expensed to the development.

I'm a little surprised they don't have SS protection.


Disgusting that they're handing babies to faggots to molest, we truly are in a sick society right now.

The stats are much worse than 50/50.


This dude is getting smashed. I don't see any scenario where there are no repercussions for this virtue signaling. He's going to get the kind of retribution that isn't a badge of honor on social media, the kind where you actually regret being a smug retard.

Send him a seizure inducing gif.

Matthew Gordon Lasner, New York
"associate professor of urban studies and planning at Hunter College"
bus. phone: 212-396-6645
mlasner (at) hunter.cuny.edu
(mailing?) 695 Park Ave., New York, NY 10065

Can't deny those dubs though.

gas yourself.

Do your worst boys

From a NYPost fb comment section

I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!

I rip a loud fucking fart then hold her face against my asscrack.

I'm a gentleman, by the way.

These idiots got played. Either the story is "Ivanka Trump travels with commoners on Christmas" if they do nothing or "Ivanka Trump harassed." Either way, the Trumps come out with a free media cycle.

Those kids are somehow disturbing to look at. What a way to ruin perfectly good Trump genetics, mixing them with that heeb Kushner's. Fucking gross man.

I couldn't be less surprised.

these faggots and kikes are way to damn uppity!

That's why Ivanka deserves to have her face farted on.
Every day.




sounds like a Steely Dan song

I'm not sure why but your post reminded me of this .mp4.

Matthew Lasner
29 Tiffany Pl., Apt. 4J
Brooklyn, NY 11231
[email protected]/* */

NEW YORK GAY JEWISH LAWYERS with a KID. Holy fucking shit. That's like, layers upon layers of entitlement. You cannot concoct a more mighty pile of steaming entitlement. Totally in their own little world.


What a surprise, fag jewish lawyers are FUCKING LIARS. Preboarding tweet one of the fags erased said 'Wow, Ivanka Trump. Gonna chase her down and harass her."

Get kicked: "Calmly stating opinion". Scum.

I'm going to gas your babies.

Why isn't your dad in prison?

Cuz if I was your dad, I'd definitely be in prison

oh goy, how else are we going to cultivate a new crop of dysfunctional, self-centered crybabies with severe identity and sexual issues?

She may have refused it. She might not refuse it from now on. She definitely needs it.

wew lad

Why, I tell her about the jews and their lies of course.

Either of these two the same guy I wonder?

Oldest girl is going to be jew-dark and develop a nasty hook nose…


They probably gobbled up his foreskin at the gay bris ceremony.

why wouldnt you?

I kind of want to execute people who are constantly sarcastic smart asses to everyone

I kinda know that feel. People who mistake being humorous with being a sarcastic asshole completely piss me off

Nah, we should become Hitler.

It's a great set-up.

That's not even getting into how it gives you high-ground and marginalizes your political opponents. Brilliant move.

serves her right she married a kike

is this even a real?


What does that even mean?
Rise up and throw Trump out of office?
Get elected against him in 2020 on more natsoc policies?
Can we just stop this dumb bullshit and give Trump a chance? At least wait for his ass to hit the seat.

We should get a thread put together with all of the best shit when it happens.


Harassment is actually a crime, silly faggots.

Why does her daughter look Puerto Rican?

Source on the guy on the left? I remember him being in the background during some of Trump's speeches, but who is he? Looks sort of a kike big shot.



Shit. Anyone got the gif of the pornstars shitting a dildo into each others' assholes?


She's a jew and you couldn't strangle a dime out of her

Cocksucking faggots should have been thrown off the plane mid-flight. Who the fuck let them have a kid btw?? Throw that little faggot off too.

Those fucking artists, man. Ivanka should get their shit off of her walls and replace it with non-degenerate, high class, aesthetic works that take their inspiration from the Renaissance and Greco-Roman antiquity.

What? Don't fucking look at me like that. You and I both know where we are.



Ivankike got what she deserved

Why is it that jews just can't stop existing.

I can't wait until Tyrone fucks your mouth tonight while Jethro tosses your salad.

I judge this the most autistic response

A true head of state does not fear to mingle with the people. She has my respect for doing so.

Don't worry, Kek will not let this insolence slip.


Obvious b8 but too delicious to ignore. If it turns out that somehow, some way, the whole Pepe/Kek thing was some kind of psyop not invented here, the people behind it will have my absolute and undying respect for their level of pure fucking sorcery.


That's retarded, but I laughed really hard anyway.

Man, that was the rules from the very beginning of commercial flights.

It's from the annual Catholic dinner that Trump went full shitlord during prior to the election. Google it faggot.

Nah nigga, I don't.

Kek is the cancer killing Holla Forums

They are So Fucked.

She is a marxist retard though. You did see her speech at the RNC right?

Nobody gives a shit bitch. That's already 77 cents too much.

Iwanker is a man, man. It's a man. Like father like son.

I thought that was Kimmie for a sec.

Wow, You're REALLY salty, aren't you? You must be to think of something THIS fucking dumb. Are you posting here of your own accord or is (((someone))) depositing 0.05 shekels into your account?


It hurts to admit that you've conned, doesn't it?


You are a special kind of retard. I know you're probably a kike, but god damn. If you're going to shill, at least start from somewhere remotely credible.

No, it hurts seeing someone this fucking stupid being allowed to continue posting.

The truth is the truth. and it hurts, doesn't it? Male hands are male hands.

The vast majority of contemporary (((artists))) are nothing but talentless degenerate hacks.

Nigger I don't like Ivanka. I think she's an uppity cunt who married a kike and needs to shut her fucking mouth when it comes to her father's politics. I'm just not a retard who believes half assed conspiracy Youtubers who make videos to use gullible idiots as shekel generators. You possess nigger tier intellect my man.

Kek wills it. I fear for those poor homosexuals.

Can't tell if retarded or kike shill.
Since you've been posting these videos in several different threads I'd go for the latter.

Why are Americans such niggers?


Good for you, user Do you believe your own eyes?

In case you haven't noticed, this is an anonymous board and you have no way of knowing my ethnicity or what my job is. Make an argument or fuck off.

holy trips


Reported for d&c, shoo shoo shlomo!

It's basic board etiquette

Not an argument.

(Those dubs are wasted on you)
He should totally be saying "14/88 Death to the kikes" right?

"Im that gorilla dick nigga, I make dyke pussy wet. You got about 10 seconds to show me that hole, cuz this gorilla dick daddy is hungry, and if you don't blow me right, I might just shoot you before throwing you off of this plane."

Methinks the fags attacked Ivanka not just because she's Trump's daughter, but because she had her kids with her. You should all know that faggots absolutely HATE genuine families and reproduction (in the same way MTF trannies hate real women) so they "adopt" kids like these two freaks that are probably raping them. Shame on a society that enables this.

This I can agree with

In case you are interested:
Ivanka Trump was attacked by Matt Glassner, Prof at CUNY
[email protected]/* */

Thank God these two will cease their lineages in 40 years, given that fags can't bear children.
Look at these disgusting traits.

They adopted a kid and are fucking it into faggotry.

Gays reproduce like viruses man.

Are you gonna pour yourself a big boy drink first?

Fuck, you're right. Your trips don't lie too.

why are faggots on an airplane? they should be flying off a high-rise balcony

What did she mean by that?

I mean, right!?

Surely the jews were behind this

Don't forget about removing the red menace! Down with the red rose!!


Working on it.

Tightwad (((husband's))) idea, no doubt



So, you're calling Donald Trump a… nigger? Really user?

Here's your (you)

fuck off ctr

"I don't say this to every woman I meet, but… can your dad bomb the shit out of my prime minister?"

Not until the system fails. DOTR is when we turn it off and turn it back on again.


he did harass the daughter of the president, I am sure one of those assholes before him put a law in the books that made that illegal


dear god the irony.

President-Elect. If this faggot had tried this bullshit after the swearing in, he'd be finding himself on the receiving end of the first body-cavity probe he didn't enjoy.

Just add him to the DotR list. Which reminds me, is anyone actually working on a DotR list?

For some reason, that name rings a bell to me, something about early days of gamergate come to mind.

She was on Ezra Klein's Journolist.

>he'd be finding himself on the receiving end of the first body-cavity probe he didn't enjoy.



That's not how you pronounce 'running'.

Jessica Valenti, another feminist lolcow. Wrote the 'feministing' blog trying to get teenagers to be good little red guards while she was out getting railed by Chads every night; writes for The Guardian such thought-provoking articles as "Feminists don't hate men, but it wouldn't matter if we did"; has a sexless and unhappy marriage with some boring beta. She's a human lightning rod of unmitigated cuntery.

I feel insulted that it doesn't even rhyme.


This guy is setting back lgbt trump voters. I would personally beat his face in negan style.



You TRS faggots are insufferable


Used to be very sarcastic
Then came the redpills
Now I'm just cynical, and all the sarcasm has an undertone of 'a lot of people will die, and I'd be happy if it's at my hands'.



People should understand that this was not just harassment. It was a message from the Jews to Trump. They're letting Trump know that they can take out his family at anytime. The Jews are threatening Trump's family in an attempt to get Trump to go along with their globalist agenda.

Ivanka the kikewhore should get gangfucked by ISIS.

Let them. They're all kikes anyway.

A jew harassing a jewess with her jew children.

We all of course know that if, for example, Malia or Sasha Obama flew coach someplace that every leftist fuckhead would be jerking themselves off about how great it is that they are so "humble" and "of the people".

Lets not forget that there would coincidentally be at least two journalists with cameras on the plane as well.


As far as Jetblue goes there's only coach but they're the best airline as far as leg space and service goes in my personal experience, though I've only flown Delta, American, Southwest and Jetblue personally.


I would simply slather her feet in rare oils and massage them.

Thanks for the images user. Have any more of these two?

you should start a race war


Better version.




Fart so you can gas her children.

Hmm… I wonder…



thats quite disappointing.