Friendly Reminder that anime is used to turn men into beta cucks

Holla Forums used to post good infographs like this before it was subverted by TRS lolbergs and before the kike mods took over.

what are you sliding chaim?

Jews fear the samurai

The samurai would of never permitted anime or your faggotry.



Anime is shit and so is your thread O.P.

Who is behind this post? (OC)

This again…

sage anime posts then faggit


did someone just get assassinated or something?



OP is right, got a mate who watches anime on the regular and he's a fucking beta faggot, it's making him effeminate. This shit has too stop, remove anime.

Classic just classic


No shit sherlock.

Stay mad and impotent my friend


This is anime.
What you're attacking is moeshit.