Court: Police can shoot dog if it moves or barks when cop enters home

Court: Police can shoot dog if it moves or barks when cop enters home

Daily reminder that the police are anti-white and kill over 500 whites every year in the United States.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is actually pro white, only niggers have and house dogs LMAO

Who could be behind this thread?


That's shameful. Where I am police smash people's car windows in to rescue dogs from hot cars, and it's the one time public is in agreement they did the right thing. That said, they don't often have guns on them so couldn't shoot a dog even if they wanted to. There'd be uproar if they did though. What kind of heartless bastard do you have to be to repeatedly shoot an animal that is doing its job, and isn't attacking you?

They should just be allowed to pepper spray em ,it's good enough for the mailman


I'll bite.
There is nothing wrong with dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of fucking years from wild WOLVES. They still managed to do it.
If your dog is aggressive it is YOUR fault.

Jesus Christ, they're even in the police now. Is there no rock under which the Jew will not hide?



If your dog doesn't at least start barking when you have a bunch of strangers breaking down your door and searching your house, you've got a shitty dog. Cops that shoot dogs on sight are the biggest pussies alive. That being said they were probably owned by niggers so really they're better off now.


Niggers and spics should just be banned from owning dogs.

Why should retarded animals be allowed to own significantly more intelligent ones?

This is the truth. Women too. White men domesticated dogs, therefore only white men have a right to own dogs. Any dog owned by a woman or particularly a nigger is inherently dangerous since the dog naturally senses it's superiority to the owner.

Pitbulls are complete shit tier and the nigger of dogs.

fatalpitbullattacks dot com

I remember hearing that jews hate dogs.

Reminder that semites hate and fear dogs.

Reminder that dogs are intrinsically white.

That's because most Pitbulls are owned and abused by niggers. A pitbull raised by white people will be as good as any other dog.

Can you blame them? Dogs played a major role in the Shoah.


I fully understand the worry a cop would have, entering a strange house that also has dogs that the owners are not in clear control of, but seriously?
House Burglars can convince a dog to like them. Sure, there are some dogs that you just have to defend against, but give the things a chance. Shooting on sight is by far the most cowardly and undisciplined thing the officer could have done in that situation

Failed to provide evidence. Wow. Yet we have to provide evidence of innocence and are presumed guilty.

Tired of these double standards. Hope Trump drains the civil servant swamp as well.

Only subhumans would harm a dog. Chinks eat them, sand-niggers throw them from bridges and niggers will starve and kick them for no reason. Jews pass legislations like these to allow said subhumans to freely torture and abuse dogs.

Kill all chinks, muds, kikes and niggers. Throw them to the hounds.

Every single anti dog person I've ever met was a spineless coward.

Lurk more newkike.

I can testify. My brother's Pitbull can't stop licking me anytime I come over. She's the friendliest dog I've ever met.

All the more reason to love dogs.

It's funny. The dog my family has is a little ankle biter, but whenever it hears anything unusual like when a car comes up the gravel driveway, or when someone is running in the house it starts to bark until someone tells it to be quiet.
It makes one hell of a good alarm.

Dogs have done more for humanity than niggers and kikes ever will.

Cats are assholes and need to be exterminated anyway. They are responsible for way too many extinctions.

Have you met a nigger? EVER? they are like universally scared of dogs and lack the empathy to care for them properly.


Mudslimes too. Islam despises man's best friend.

Subhuman detected.


Cat-ladies are crazy for a reason user.

yeah fuck niggers, they are all shit because of their genetics. those dumb nogs must just be training pitbulls wrong because all dog breeds are exactly the same.



At least you could wait few posts, kike.


No bait is bad bait if it works

the ATF is gonna love this

It's not their fault they get toxiplasmosis. It's stupid people who don't understand that cats are meant to be pest exterminators for grain silos. That's how cats became domesticated, not as housepets but as co-beneficial mice murdererers.

This is easily prevented.


When people start shooting dead zogbots assaulting their homes to look for muh drugs?

Niggers hate cats.

Mudslimes hate dogs.

Domesticated animals are the friends of whites. The only acceptable animal abuse for a white man is trophy hunting wild animals.

if you dont want to purge pitbulls you are antiwhite

I have one, he is the sweetest dog in the world. Really hurts ne seeing people that hate dogs man.

Are you a feminist user? You said it yourself: exterminators for grain silos. Cats are meant to be on farms, not in cities. Their numbers need to be fewer anyway.

wrong user m8, I'm the kike infiltrator who made first post.

My apologies.

Fuck off, it's my buisness what animals I own. And I think my next dog will be pitbull, just to trigger spergs

Jesus it's obvious sarcasm. Redditors have never been good at telling sarcasm but this is reaching a whole new level.

I have first hand experience with this. I knew a jewish kid when I was younger and whenever he came over to my house he was scared to death of the family dog. Our dog never showed any aggression towards him or anything.

Strange creature.

Poos too, they're scared shitless from dogs. Pretty much anyone not white fears dogs.

Japs love dogs

What about Toxoplasmosis though?

Cats too

I notice this when I walk my small pitt (brother adopted him, dont blame me)

Gooks in particular are fearful.. it's disgusting. I was surprised to see adult/middle aged Poos are also fearful.
And muslim cultures always insult dogs and use it as an insult to people…

what is it about whites and dogs? best friends on the planet

That only truly affects women. So nothing of value
Verified Holla Forums premium user since 2016

Honorary aryans.

I guess northern natives like inuits also like dogs, since most spitz breeds originate from them, as far as I know at least.

Every single instance of cops shooting dogs I've read has been cops executing a legitimate warrant against niggers.

I'm sure you can find a handful of cops shooting golden retrievers owned by white people, but that's the exception that proves the rule.


Google "puppycide". It's not just niggers at all.

Step up your game. Get an assault cat.


The former is the mild channel, with only the mangoworm infestations, the latter is the whole spectrum of veterenary assistance the poor animals in that place need.
And the gambia is pretty high up in "nigger reliability".

Hence the caring owner once every blue moon.
But otherwise?
No empathy.
No common sense.
No care.
No care in the world.
Fucking niggers

Except the Chinese, the Chinese love dogs. They like them with lemon juice.

I see you schlomo.

holy shit, every single fucking time.

Kill yourself jew
Verified Holla Forums premium user since 2016

you have your own board

sure, im the kike here

Kill yourself jew

Fuck off, Nigger.

Fuck off. I have a pitbull. I've never met a dog more kind, submissive, and cuddly. I actually don't allow him up on the bed with me because i'm genuinely afraid he might smother me, because he likes to grab onto you and lay on you.
My boxers have never done anything of the sort, nor has my Blueheeler.

heard it before cuck, to the pound with you

I was sympathetic until I saw it was pitbulls specifically. Those things can go into full attack mode at any time so you can't blame the cops for being hyper-alert.

Literally every person to be mauled by their pitbull says what you've just said.

Can't wait for the day it randomly tares your face off LOL

Your daily reminder that according to BLS fatal on the job injury statistics that being a cop is a safe job, and theyre nothing but cowards. Tradesmen like roofers have a per capita fatality rate more than 4 times cops, and even lawn service/grounds keepers have a higher per capita fatality rate.

The story of Hachiko proves it.

What are some good dog breeds?
German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois work for the military so they are probably a good bet. Retrievers and labs make great family dogs. I've always thought about getting a Doberman myself.

What breed is the white man's best friend?

every time.

How many tradesman and roofers have to encounter violent niggers and drug dealers daily as part of their job?

Oh whats that? 0?
Yeah, my ass bro.
I'd feel more safe on a roof than next to a pack of niggers or their rabid nigger dog.

Cops do shoot dogs, usually when cops are in the wrong place (Such as entering someone's property without permission or warrant) only to find someone's dog start running towards them/barking. THey also shoot dogs that are caged, tied up, too small to be relevant, or just being "annoying" as a barking dog doesn't do anything for the authority mindset and can be irritating in the least.

You'd be surprised. Most of these people live in rental homes (Most likely with a mother or grandmother as the lease holder and permanent resident) while the younger males may or may not be there all the time.

If they're smart, they WONT call anybody, but many times you'll have the mother bitching/complaining about every tiny thing wrong or that they don't like about the rental home (Especially if it's Section 8 housing). During the day time, you may have many people in the area, maybe the rental property owner's handymen, or professional trade men hired by the landlord to replace a water heater, airconditioner, furnace, roof, or whatever else needs to be fixed to comply with local regulations or section 8 regulations.

Many times you'll have a handyman show up after 40 calls about a small dripping plumbing fixture over the past day and a half, to be greeted by the irate mom, while her son and buds all smoke weed on the couch with their glocks on the table watching tv, basically obvious to what's going on.

Usually the career criminals have enough sense to NOT call in for these problems as they don't want the extra scrutiny, but then they're the ones who end up getting their utilities shut off for stealing along with heavy fines and risk evicting for other issues.

I own a Eurasian but if I could pick any breed I'd go Rottweiler or Cane Corso.


the most nigger out of all nigger dogs

Every breed is a nigger breed in the US because your shitter country can't keep your fucking niggers in check.

Now be prepared when Officer Tyrone and Officer Mohamed start shooting chihuahuas and puppies in the vicinity because I'S BE SCARED OF DAWGS, THEY GON ATTACK ME.





I love dogs.
I hate pitbulls, they are literally the nigger tier of all dogs.

Well it just so happens that its mainly spics and niggers that own pitbulls so there you go.

Pic related, europoor


Haven't had one but I'd have a Groenendael. Intelligent, obedient and brave. Just need to be exercised regularly and have activities for it.

Just looked up Cane Corso, didn't know that they are supposedly descendants of roman war dogs. I would give you the source but kikepedia allowed a citation to lead to a page that doesn't exist.
I found this instead.

Kill yourself jew

That's not how it works

Border Collies
I have one and all I have to do is look in the direction I want her to run and she will sprint there and wait for me to tell her where to go next.

I hope you die.

I should add if you are looking for a guard dog, Border Collie isn't the way to go at all.

Sup sup, I iz Roman n shiet.

Latin words aren't indexed properly in jewgle and barely even pop up if you don't know what to search.

The search terms you're looking for are "Canis Pugnax" - war dogs.
Right wingers in Rome often still own these today.

Niggers lie. They never wuz fucking anything other than the same wild beasts they are now.

There's 0 reasons to create a law like this. If cops lives are in danger, they can already use deadly force, either on humans or animals. The only thing this law is going to do is make it so cops can use animals as target practice without consequence. An animal can be executed for no reason at all.

Also here's a case of Cops shooting a CAGED pitbull and then shooting a corgi for barking:

Im from europe tbfam

yes, cane corso was that, frightning dogo, but that is the reason having it right now is kind of niggerish larping, if you are white, you should have a non agressive family dog, GSD/doberman should be the upper tier with agressivity, mastiffs are for criminals and vile degenerates

based, such a funny hyperactive dogo, not a guard dog since it gets frighten easily by sound

kill yourselves


just dont buy a dog that has the impression of a man in midlife crisis that buys a sportscar

murder doggo dindu nuffin - as long as you don't trespass in his territory. Whole world should learn from doggo.

bonus points: has intrinsic hatred for turd-world invaders and romanian gypsies that infest the streets of yurop these days

Though they are pretty damn dangerous, they have literally been bred for war. They'll eat children in a blink if they harass them.

White fluffer is best doggo.

This website I am looking at called k9 history uses the War in Bosnia as it's latest combat reference…
Anyways, some bullet points/quotes:


You'd have to be a total cucked coward like with absolutely no social skills like Canada's RCMP. Those guys can't even talk to children without coming off as unbeliveably creepy and soulless.

is that a Pireneese? those are lit, but need a specific owner since in nature they are workers

border collie seconded
smartest dog on the planet

…also for those shilling for pitbulls: im not going to say they are the niggers of the dog world, but they are over-represented in attack stats big league. either people arent raising them properly (even white folk), or they have a fuck up in their brain that makes them snap for no reason. no matter how good of a trainer you think you are, dont relax around these types.

Confirmed for subhuman.
English Mastiff is greatest doggo. Maybe tied with Caucasian Shephard.

I have an Irish setter. He's goofy as fuck, happy all the damn time, and a mean son-of-a-bitch to anyone who isn't me. Much like any proper Irishman. I'm not sure what I would do if a cop shot him.

Filename's the doggo's name: Pastore Maremmano, or "Maremman Shepherd"

I've had many doggos, can vouch for them being masterrace as far as I know…though they have very good memory, they're intelligent. If not treated well, the males become unfixably vicious (this was the case for the "family" of my doggo, which of this species was a female, her brothers were treated like shit by farmer owner and eventually huge white-lion-doggo ate him. brothers are kill)

If you're now wondering wtf is "Maremma", pic related. It's an old territory subdivision from near Rome, before current regions were in effect.

Had an english mastiff as a kid, cool goofy guys.

In my opinion the amount of animal husbandry in a society really reflects how "humane" that society is.
The color doesn't matter at that point, humanity can only be determined on how you treat your fellow animals.

Also while talking about animals… fuck ponies.
You guys have no idea the hatred I have for ponies.
No, not because of MLP or autists, I actually worked with ponies for about two and a half year in this hotel by the beach.
They are the niggers of the animal kindom, they bite, open doors, escape from electrified fences, break small fruit trees so they can eat from them… seriously, were it for me ponies should be eradicated, it's the one single animal I fucking despise with all my heart.

English Mastiff is an exeption since it has the personality of a Great Dane/Bulldog which means family friendly and goofy, but mastiffs like Cane Corso or Presa Canario are a favorite among the richer trash of the society (=organized criminals) and so are terriers like Pitbulls (=smaller level criminals)

Take the yellow pill.


Old black tris to set dog on a female cop:
youtube .com/watch?v=TqpTXpoxtpU

(Warning - Young Turks Video) Black brings his rot to chat with the cops:
youtube .com/watch?v=a9fCK6Y0bu4


Up here in BC our cops have no discipline, and no humanity in common with others. They react in fear to any dog not theirs, even little baby ones.
That's the least of their sins, but theres worse, like late night car races to Timmies, intentionally abusing the siren to run redlights, theft of personal property during home searches, and taking every report of their corruption as a personal affront.

What the fuck ever happened to your Manifest Destiny?
This really what you had in mind?

Tbh, this is more of an issue with female cops, threatening to cuff the dude for talking to her, idle threats, arguing and negotiating instead of commanding, then getting in the way when the male cops finally do show up. That dog was very well mannered even with the guy being a rude asshole. He even keeps trying to let her take command, and she fails to do so the entire video.

Most people don't understand the nature of the agreements they're getting in to. This would be considered /voluntary/ 100% of the time since it was agreed on by him.

Wanna know how I know you're not from around here?
No one spell it out for this retard

Female cops are some dangerous cunts on a power trip.

Did you really just try and argue for universalism with dog breeds?

My Daddy-o had a Collie as a kid. They seem respectable.

It's a tad different lad. No amount of "good education" or "government programs" can ever make a Chihuahua into a K9-Unit, but dogs are born to serve. Even aggressive dogs can be tamed, just as the wolf was tamed by Europeans.

Even the most unruly dogs can be tamed by man. Niggers are simply less obedient and less civilized than dogs.


Sorry dogger but if I raid your house, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think Texan niggers have evolved somehow. I see them all the fucking time with unleashed half-feral dogs.

They also treat their doggos like shit, beating them on public and taunting them.

Most cops won't actually follow through on that. At least I hope they don't. I'd probably kill in a murderous rage or die trying if they shot mine.

Dogs and (white) man go back thousands of years, perhaps even tens of thousands. We've domesticated these animals and live with them. Horses too. They are loyal creatures and instinctively know to return the favour you give them. Dogs don't just take you for granted, they will protect your home and family when/if it comes to it. They won't abandon you. Dogs are literally more dependable than most people.

you want to ban assault ladders as well? falling has killed ~1.2 million americans in the same time frame

Pitbulls are the most bydlo tier dogs on earth, I couldn't care less if a policeman killed one
pic unrelated

Well it's logical behavior. You know how male dogs will often attack other male dogs to establish dominance. Niggers are lower animals so of course they exhibit similar behavior.

You can't say "pitbull is a religion of peace" nigger, these are thinking individual biological organisms not objects, they're responsible for their nature.


don't be a nigger and avoid shooting doggo.

If you're raiding whatever place you've got plenty of backup right with you and if there aren't immediate hostiles you have no reason to shoot doggo, if there are, you should be shooting them.



Not everyone can handle the master race of hunting dogs, bred in the heart of the Fatherland.

Just the true Aryans.

Mostly just incompetence and used to inflate hiring numbers and statistics (in turn raising funding and more taxes to fund it).

All that dog fearing kikes in this thread.
Best animal.

Niggers hate dog and are obsessed with White people's dog for some reason. They are always say White people fuck their dogs. It is very strange.

To many doggo feels right there.
I'm going to hug my doggo.

Great Pyrenees best breed.

I have a pit mix right now. Love her to death and she's super friendly and calm around me, but every pit that I've met does have a weird tweak. I wouldn't raise kids around her. The problem is that people don't always get dogs for utility or just choose not to train them. I don't care how much you love your pitbull, don't expect an attitude change just because you want it to. If a neighborhood or apartment building wanted to ban pitbulls, people should understand why instead of fear mongering on one hand and being a retarded dogalitarian.

Seconding this. Other dog is a Weimaraner and possibly the sweetest, smartest, and most protective dog in the world. Super high energy though.

I'm interested in this doggo now

The biggest problem with Weimaraners is when low agency owners don't understand what they're getting into.

They need a decent amount of space and will bark a lot if you don't walk them plenty. They (like all giant breed dogs) usually develop hip dysplasia later in life. They are fiercely loyal however and very brave.

Dubs of truth, either don't live in the city or have a big yard with a weim. They're basically super smart and lapdogs that you can teach to do anything. They love to cuddle and just be around you. Also, they stare a lot. They're literally designed as a gentleman's gun dog.

Plus, you can't beat that sleek look.


Pit bulls are the niggers of dogs.


Breed/race is not a social construct.

Certain breeds/races are more sub than others and must be put down.

Get this Russian war machine.

It won't bark, it will just bare it's teeth and kill the fucking cop long before he can kill it.

Fucking wew

That's a gay dog, for gays

Nigger, these are dogs. Not human beings. There's a clear, distinct difference between the sentience of a homo sapien and the domestication of a wild animal.

And before you sperg about houseniggers in slavery days, dogs are still dogs and haven't learned how to use computers, organize and illustrate wide movements against other breeds of dog and use tools beyond their initial function.

I've actually kept one in an apartment before.
I worked from home at the time though, and lived in an area where we could get about five miles of off-leash hiking through the woods in every day.

I read that as "ayylmao can kill the human if they bark or move"

That's a bichon frise you literal nigger

Then it becomes a shoot out wild west style and everyone dies including myself.


Hows the taste of bacon in that mouth? Getting pretty good at playing the pork trumpet there.

The majority of dogs are more precious than the majority of the hominids walking the planet.
Prove me wrong.

Have some faith Anons. It's still up to said popo's judgement whether he chooses to shoot or not. They're not gonna walk up random houses and ring your doorbells and shoot dogs. Still, a bummer.

Killing a police dog is treated the same as killing a cop in some places.

The hominids do the work that keeps you fed/clothed/roof over head.
The dog just barks, poops, and maybe keeps you from being robbed.


good thing I don't live in a degenerate household that requires frequent police visits.

Here is the full-text publication of the case:
opn.ca6.uscourts .gov/opinions.pdf/16a0293p-06.pdf

It was the word of Mark Brown, a guy who shares residency with Vincent Jones who was a gang leader, vs some police officers.

I'd happily shoot yours.
Kill yourself infront of the next million mask march

I never heard of this, and I would jokingly think dogs are scared of Orientals; though this is not to say I think they are wrong, I do not.

That said, I am not neccessarily against this law, as long as it is not federal. Dogs should not be in the house anyways, maybe besides toy dogs, but even that is pushing it for me.

What dogs are good for snowy or temperate rainy forests, and fine with being without another dog? Do some species require less companionship than others, or play? I am fine with regularly going outside with it, or playing with it a bit, but I wish not to get too attached, and especially not see it as family (dog and master).

Get a load of this goy.

A post I agree with. I was going to argue that a pitbulls aggression may not neccessarily be a bad thing, but the other posts talking about or linking to attacks by pitbulls make it seem like a failed breed.

like this.

By the way, I would never overhunt an animal.

They spook niggers in the most amazing way. But like I ranted before this should only be an issue if cops frequent your residence, and if that's the case you are either a shitty person or immediately surrounded by shitty people, both of which are correctable.

This tbh

But that's just a (((coincidence))).


Except that one bitch.. clinton.

Hey, let's completely ban guns too, don't worry, they'll only enforce it on threatening people.

In fact let's say the government can just do whatever they want and trust them not to.

there is no such thing as a nigger dog, all dog breeds were bread by white men. Yes pitbulls ( not a real breed btw) maul lots of people because that is what is fashionable for niggers, spics, and poor genetic whites to own, they see these dogs as a status symbol, beat, starve and chain them, then the dog gets lose and mauls somebody. this would happen to really any large breed, mastiffs,dobermans, rottweilers and even German Shepards

basically this would be a non issue if you had to have a iq over 100 to own a dog

I usually respect police but this crosses the line. If you shoot my dog, expect me to do nothing until everything has been settled. Once I have their name and home address, only god could help them from what I would do.

Dogs are man's best friend for a reason, I will treat my dog exactly as I would a child if someone hurts it.

Typical dog owner, but she forgot to also leave a pile of shit on the ground.

Only niggers ask for cruelty towards animals, specially a strong animal that makes the weak fear him.



it's not animal husbandry if you have inner city pieces of shit own pet animals like they own furniture

I can see it with the neighbors in my new apartment complex, a bunch of them own dogs even though the apartments are way to small and they only walk them maybe four times a day

it's not normal for a white man's dalmatian to act like a nigger dog

Jesus fucking christ, where are the mods? This thread is full of fucking garbage that needs to be purged. Who let cuckchan in here? The posting quality is actually lower than when bui's spam was fucking the site, and that's saying something.

A significant part of domestication is taking the unruly out of the gene pool, by killing if necessary. Pitbulls have a violent streak, so you have to be very careful with them. Since dogfights are not a thing anymore, they need to be re-domesticated if you want to keep the breed. Ban niggers from owning dogs because niggers explicitely select for violent traits

Are you a time traveler before 8 November, you nigger? We the Law & Order country now. We love the police! Don't we, folks?

So are people :^)

I mean seriously officers have been so thoroughly pussified that if I were in charge they would be fired on site. This is clearly a sign that officers hold themselves in such low regards (ie: knowing they are weak) that they need to follow a dog they just shot and finish the kill for no apparent reason. If a dog is actually threatening that is one thing, but when it retreats to try to get away, facing sideways remember, it is clearly not primed for attack. These officers should be reprimanded. Also why the fuck didn't they just ask the owner to kennel them? What dog owner doesn't have a kennel sitting around? The officers are pussies.

Get the fuck out you pig worshiping kikes, the police are not your friend.

Those cops need to be hanged

Yeah I love how cops work so hard to protect us from being murdered by niggers and beat down for expressing our freedom of assembly, oh wait, they don't do any of that

They also shoot more whites than niggers


Seriously, Ahmed?

what the fuck breed of dog needs to be walked this much? an hour a day is enough for even the most active breed, having a large yard and house is meaningless for a dog unless you're playing with them because they suck shit at entertaining themselves, the only thing they're going to do in that yard is lie down and bark at people and cars

leaving a dog outside is worse them keeping them in a small apartment because at least in the apartment they aren't barking and being a nuisance and they get to stay with their owners

Toxoplasma only makes brain-controlled zombies out of already weak willed people with no control over their emotions, like hippies and wymin.

Court: Civilians can shoot Police if it moves or when cop enters home

First one is Made In China.

What a stupid thread and so many replies..
Try putting yourself in a policeman's shoes.
Also: can=/=must

Funny that you mention. My parents' Belgian Shepherd was scared shitless of our tiny Philippine maid while he had attacked and driven away two full grown male gypsies.

your maid is going to be mauled one day unless you correct its behavior, just letting you know, that fear can easily lead to aggression especially if she does something to startle him into snapping

oh just saw "was", never mind

Because retarded shitheads buy them because they think they're "tough" and then proceed to train them to be aggressive and angry. The same shit happened with Rottweilers before it happened to Pit Bulls, and the same thing will happen to another dog breed once it's perceived as being "tougher" than Pit Bulls.

Fuck man I miss/love my dog so much, I'm always at work so I hardly have any time to walk him as much as I'd want but I spoil him with amazing food. He always has inside access and gets to sleep on the couch or any bed. Am I a shitty dog owner?

no one actually knows what the fuck a pitbull even is, most of those attacks aren't even actual pitbulls but either mutts, bullies or mutt bullies

also anyone who owns an actual pitbull should be cautious of their dog aggression tendencies, but they're not really known for being human aggressive


To be honest I would probably just knee the dog in the loose ribs to shatter them at that point, if the fucker was going after my pet. The top of their hip is a weak point too, and a hard jab directly in the trachea does wonders.
I love dogs, but shit owners can create a walking powder keg waiting to happen.

Mine's afraid of lightning :V


Stand out of my fucking sunlight plebs.

no, might wanna hire a dog walker though or maybe get him a treadmill

Agreed, people let them go free range and fuck whole local bird populations and the like.

I can't tell, is Diogenes basically a Jew, or basically an user?

I don't think so

again, urban people shouldn't own pets

My dog just died and it was pretty devastating. If somebody breaks into your house do you really think any dog is just going to sit down quietly? Its their instinct to protect their family.

Cruelty to animals is subhuman, killing a dog for trying to protect its owners is subhuman.

He got kicked out of the banks by dicking with coins, then cast off all worldly possessions and dedicated his life to shit normies.

It's complicated.

How old is this painting, user? Did someone paint it hundreds of years later?

are you all retarded's?

There is nothing wrong with this. If a cop feels threatened, then do it. Same thing with niggers, hopefully.

If you can't get your dog to shut the fuck up it completely deserves to get shot
t. engineer student who can't study in his apartment because my lovely neighbor keeps two dogs that never stop fucking barking

No it was painted 2500 years ago when Diogines was alive. You dumb fucking pleb, do you have no understanding of history?

The dog is dead and probably so is the maid.

"feel thretened?"
A grown, trained man with a gun, by a dog? You are 10x more dangerous to a dog.

Did you even read the OP? He shot the dog because it barked, then he went after it to kill it AND the second dog.
There's not a atom of "justified" in there.

You fuckign nigger deserve to DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE

Fucker, my sisters owned a rotweiler and it was the most peaceful dog I've ever seen.
An aquanitance owns a pitbull female that that had puppies. She never saw me before in her life and I just walked right next to her and played with her and her puppies.

So dont' give me that shit

There was a youtube video about a cop who had killed a dog and the owner confronted the cop with it and the cop got angry and yelled "IT'S A DOG YOU CAN BUY A NEW ONE".
I tried to find it but it's buried beneath hundreds of dog brutality videos.
I'm not sure if it safe to own pets in the current year. Between the corrupt police system and dog-hating mudslimes and kikes, the only way you can assure some safety for your dog is to tape it to your chest.

Isn't it too early in Tel Aviv to work already?
Or are you pulling an all.nighter?

just like black science guy the exeption doesn't make the rule pit bulls are sub doggy of the dog world i like them but they are prone to snap at people Socialize or not good guard dogs but unpredictable around pits don't relax
Islamic terrorists are killing people for Christmas but waitt MUH PITBULLs

Let's face it, most dog owners do a shit job at training and discipling their dogs, and most dogs do not obey their owners. What should the cops do? Let little Fido attack them and bite them?

My neighbour has let his dogs sit outside until 1 am every damn day for two years, and the dogs bark non fucking stop, and there's nothing we can do about it. Same story when I was a kid and still lived with my parents. When you go for a walk you have to dodge all the piles of dog shit covering the ground. When you visit dog owners you have to put up with the dog jumping at you and destroying your clothes, humping you, and sniffing your groin, and if you dare to sternly tell the mutt to stop then the owners will act like you just kicked the dog. Fuck it, more dogs AND their retarded owners need to get shot.

I'll fucking shorten this, because full is being a bitch tonight.
Urban (not by choice) survivalist, white family here. You're a fucking moron. Our dog is the single most valuable tool we possess. Have you ever had a friend who would cover YOUR sorry ass while you reload, fetch your kill without eating it only to sit and watch you eat, who's happy when he's patted on the head or thrown a stick, who keeps the kids entertained while you and "Momma" go lock the door and talk about happy things in the bedroom. Nah, I seriously doubt you've ever even had a "friend"…the rest of that won't make any fucking sense to you then.

Dog=capable of learning and fully able to observe/carry out orders…loyal…psychological distraction…your first alarm…waste down assailant if trained well enough…scares things off so you don't have to waste ammo…

Shiite nigger, get a dog…you're a lonely cuck. (Cops had a right to shoot though, kind of)


where the fuck has your poor groin been?

ha, nice…ours has a similar tac vest…molle webbing and compartments…sand bags for weight training on his walks…handles, saddle bags, carries his own food and gear and first aid (and some of ours)


Now… I'm not saying… You have Down syndrome… But you certainly… Write like someone… Who has it… With all the… Fucking ellipses…

so basically if my dog is not already dead then the police are allowed to kill it


Land of the free my ass.

White people are the only ones who truly domesticated dogs and made companions out of them. Other races just adopted them as convenience tools or source of food.

The dog did nothing wrong except not seizing the vermin by its throat. The reason it didn't respond to commands is because it has a female owner that has not instilled discipline in it.

Poor dogo. The glare of the kitchen (lady) Oriental is one that they have a deap fear of.


Buy a new one.

You forgot

user there's something fucky with you if you really hate ponies and aren't just shitposting.

pitbulls should be banned and if an owners pitbull assault a man or his pet he should be jailed atleast 15 years so people dont fuck around with animals.

I would behead that dog in a minute if he commited that to my cat.

meme it!

top kek.. what a dumb fuckin cat.

cats are isis

look at that fucking power….. i used to own the Staffordshire terrier which is a moar slender slightly smaller pit breed. great dog. tried to kill my mailman one time, tore the metal mail slot out of the door and busted a side-light window out trying to get at him.. the kind of dog you want guarding your domicile.

I know this probably sounds edgy as fuck or whatever, because "lol just an animal bro", but throughout my life I've been treated better by and been closer to the various dogs I've owned than by most of the people in my life. I know cops have a rough job, but there's no surer way to guarantee I become a cop killer than if they bust in my house and shoot my dog. I'd find and murder his kids, no joke.

Dogs are a symbiotic species for humankind, evolving alongside us as complementary creatures, and any human group or people that cannot form a connection with dogs is, in a very real way, not fully human in the modern sense. They're some kind of stunted lesser hominid.


Wow user, how do i buy 8ch premium?

I agree with not keeping pitbulls for private, use, though.

Just like I don't want to see a fucking husky in some apartment in some hot place.

Pitbulls are pretty gnarly war dogs.
They ARE fighting dogs.
And unless you want to do dog fights or sicc the dog on someone, don't keep a fighting dog.
Doesn't matter if yours is super sweet.

Dogs are bred for reasons, many dogs go nuts if they are kept under conditions they are not suited for.

They will be docile because they have a pack instinct, but that doesn't mean a bored dog won't tear up your shit at home and so forth.

In a city with little means of exercise.

If it has not happened yet I fully expect that it will happen at some point.


You can have an animal registered as an emotional support animal and its against the law for them to deny you rent because of it. Just lie and say your dead grandma gave it to you as a puppy before you died or some shit.

I care not what happens to drug dealers, their families or their possessions. They are a blight on this society and will hang right next to the kikes and niggers.

The Muslims across the street from me have this enormous German Shepherd. All it wants to do is play 24/7. All they do it chain it to a tree or in the garage 24/7 and take it for a five minute walk once a day. It's nothing but a security system for them. They left it out in the rain all night a couple weeks ago. Next time I'm calling the cops.

holy crap the audacity of these shills

I don't care for owning animals, cats or dogs. I don't mean that in an autismo way, taking in an aninal is a massive responsibility, and most pet owners can not handle it.

If you're going to get an animal, it is your responsibility to train that animal. And I mean for real, having your animal come running when you shake a bag of food is not having it trained. I know it's anecdotal, but this entire thread is just opinions, so I've got to say, out of the dozens of pet owners I know, not a single one is fit to have thier animals. They bring the animal into thier house and just let it do as it pleases. They jump on people, they knock shit over, they ruin things, they piss everywhere, and they bite. And their owners just let it go on because, "dawww! Wook at his cyoot wittle face! See! Dey jist get exited!". This is every single pet owner I know. Every. Single. One.

Once again, I have to make clear, there is nothing at all with owning a pet and letting it cohabitate with you. But train your animal. Heel. Stay. Come. Go. Sic. Keeping an animal for no other purpose than "Wook at his wittle face! He's my fur baby!" is a waste of what could be a great animal.

Just the conclusion I've come to after what I've experienced in my time. Your mileage on this question may vary.

p.s. As someone that considers themself a connoiseur of audience manipulation, the picture uswd in OP is great. It pulls at the heartstrings because "wook at his widdle face". The entire tone would change if it were a snarling rottweiler. Out-fuggin-standing use of emotional manipulation.

I totally agree user

You can't be upset with a poorly trained animal when it is the fault of the owner to raise it correctly. It's an allegory for society. People don't raise their children well either.

Nigger and spics are the worst, obviously, but almost as bad are the autism faggits with 'Emotional Support Animals'. They are the worst because they get to bring their untrained, and drity pet into places like grocery stores - often times put inside the grocery cart, because they are such a special snowflake that to be without their companion animal they would burst into tears and become a crying sniveling mess.

I live in one of the poshest cities on the west coast, and it really pisses me off that these people - mostly women - bring their toy/pets everywhere. These people show no restraint, and no shame about what they do. Meanwhile, everyone else - people who may have allergic reactions to pets - have to suffer while these entitled cunts stroll their pets with impunity because they've managed to convince society that their emotional support animal is on par with a trained service animal.

Man's Best Friend Tier
German Shepherd
Golden Retriever
Siberian Husky

Man's Best Friend Lite Tier
Labrador Retriever
Alaskan Malamute
Australian Shepherd
Border Collie
English Lab

Attack Dog Tier
Doberman Pincher

Attack Dog Lite Tier
Pit bull

Lapdog Tier
Cocker Spaniel

Will Dig a Shit Ton of Holes in Your Back Yard Tier



well I assumed the walks were actually standard walks of 30 minutes or so, and with all the dog parks around urban people can own dogs if they actually put the little effort it requires into it

I'm not an urban guy, I live in the mountains, but my cabin is tiny with no yard and it never bothers my puppy, but I take him out romping in the forest every day

Underrated post

Besides: niggers never domesticated an animal, nor do they possess the capacity to care for one.

Didn't the feds kill Weev's dog? Fuckers.

I've had more trouble with coonhounds than pitbulls. A well raised pitbull just wants to protect its family. Whether it's a baby or the home. This scares the Jews. Too many people just can't raise a dog right.


and nothing of value was lost

either retarded or shill

Oh you.

I'd have shot the fucking dog, if that were my cat. It's pretty obvious that dumb twat never bothered to instill any discipline into that animal.

As much as this site is enamored with genetic predisposition, I'm surprised you don't see it or refuse to see it in dogs as well.

I thought about that, but the fallout from discharging a handgun on a city street like that would be enormous. You must really love your cat to risk that. Enjoy your toxoplasmosis, faggot. j/.k In most states you'd face arrest, minimum. Even if you're being attacked by the pit; unless it's massive injury or potential death, it's better to just suck it up and press charges on the owner afterwards. In an ideal world you could defend yourself and your property from the irresponsibility (or malicious intent) of another person, but leftys have absolutely cucked this country the fuck up. Maybe it's different where you are, I'm in the northeast.

Hi Schlomo

Pick the shells up, pick the cat up, and GTFO if possible. If not possible, say nothing except that you were afraid for your life and you want to speak to your attorney.

After all, if this clearly dangerous animal already attacked a small, harmless feline, why wouldn't it go for you next?

I would kill that fucking dog, pitbulls are worthless.

And you are a halfcuck nigger.

Hating cats is the newfaggiest thing I've ever seen, I bet you don't even remember caturday threads on Holla Forums

I only know of two families that train their pets, friend's family that has a farm so that results in farm dogs, and my father. I would count myself but my dog has been dead for awhile.
quite literally every other one. they say they've trained their dogs yet it's just typical dog play they call training, worst one I've seen is a guy that lets his dog piss on those puppy mats instead of teaching the dog to alert them that they need out.
extremely basic shit I wouldn't even have to think about when I first get a dog yet they don't even consider it. all their dogs piss in the house a few times a month, the only time my dog had any accident was if she got sick and after she got cancer. they think it's fucking black magic that I never had to clean up piss and shit.

indoor cat owners are the fucking worst, don't get me started on those cunts. entire house smells like a cats gaping asshole AND THEY DON'T CARE.

about as retarded as the people that say they can just put the animal(s) in the basement when you come over. the entire house and ventilation system is covered in allergens, at that point the fucking cat itself isn't the issue.

i would have grabbed the dog in a choke and not let go until dead.

Please try, user. Remove yourself from the gene pool for us.

I bet you are a fat tub of lard.


This is the type of guy who poisons your animals for doing their jobs. Remember this when you're lynching, because, I will.

I have a feeling this stems from Marcus Garvey and the Nation of Islam. Pigs are lovely animals, it's insulting to call the police pigs because pigs don't shoot people for holding video game controllers.

holy fuck these people have smaller amygdalas usually; they aren't under control of some fuckin parasite.

Kill yourself soon, user, or in the very least cut off your hands.

Also I bet you those people beat that dog constantly.

Nobody talks like you except people who speak in absolutes in a fashion that a retarded kid would and also faggot liberals.

Also I want statistics on this, because, otherwise you're an even bigger faggot than you previously were.


They're molossers, none of them is made in china.



Why not both?

Reminder that there's thousands and thousands of videos of cops shooting dogs, most of the time for literally no reason at all and just like the article also says about those two cops that they also tend to go full Punisher on these things as well. It's one thing to support cops when it comes to shitskins turning feral but another to support them killing your pets for no reason, a la supreme bootlicker cuckoldry.

Granted, part of it is to do with the cops themselves. I've only ever had the cops shoot a dog in my town once and that was almost 6 years ago and the cop was a rookie responding to break up a fight and panicked when he saw the dog running towards him. Basically comes down to make sure your cops aren't green as grass, sadists just looking to shoot shit, or power trippers. Common sense shit really. Granted I'm pretty lucky, my city isn't big by any means, more of just a big town, and the cops here are really good people. But there are still scumbags on the force who, when not keeping the shitskins in check, end up fucking other people over

No. It has to be done that way.

It's a bit like Christianity in Europe when it comes to paganism.

If you go full Yeshua then the people reject it.
The church had to bend the knee and adopt pagan rituals to even take off, and that was after countless murder and persecution of heretics.

And they still had to give in.

Same with the picture.
If they used a snarling rottweiler then all the rottylovers would start complaining.
Whereas the harmless version has pretty much nobody complaining.

If you want to get something across, the less people complain during that, the better.

It's pragmatism.

Look at this thread even. I agree that pitbulls should not be owned by private people because dogs re bred for purposes, and pits are dogs used for violent things.

Sure, the pup will be tame, for the most part.
But it's still like keeping a husky in a phoenix arizona apartment without many walkies.

And people defend pits, too.

[spoiler] we have alot of hits from this ip linking back to fake news
This MUST stop. Such degeneration of public discourse through public propaganda dissemination must be stopped.
lets do a welfare check to insure everything is "ok", and resident knows were on to him [/spoiler]
*two shots fired*
your dog winning in pain
*one shot fired*

Good think nothing in you're life was just criminalized today

how did i fuck that up so poorly


right, lol i didn't even

Why the fuck would you want some shit dog like that? If I was the mailman I would mace that dog until he couldn't see any more

It's cool that he was able to fight through the pain and win out against the cops.

dogs fall into classes… working, companion and guard/attack. i want a dog that will kill if commanded and that i know can kill. so i want a stocky dog with a huge jaw and big muscles. the pit fits right into that archetype. i have owned a doberman years ago and enjoyed that breed as well. very disciplined and athletic.

although my next dog after my kid is born will be a dachshund named Ghaddafi. my waifu already said she's down with that name for next pet.

Court: Police can shoot a jew if it moves or offers a line of credit when cop enters home


I love Standard Poodles.

They have a reputation as a sissy dog because of the show cut suburban assholes and the French royalty that started this shit, but Poodles (like almost every dog) are working dogs above all.


Poodles are shit, crazy as a post menopausic women, useless and terrible with children. Dogs for fags.
is me angry at you rawr

Says the "white" kike who's never owned a dog in its life.

My Malinois is about 65-70#. He's an intact male and definitely enough attitude and energy. About a year old now - he's a little dog-aggressive, but it's something we've made a bunch of progress on. He's smart as a fucking whip and a ton of fun. Very emotive - more going on in that little dense skull than a lot of people I've met. Ironically, we call him foxboy or jackalpuppy, or even lionbuddy or kitty cat, since he looks and acts a lot more catlike than any dog I've had. Strong prey-drive, very defensive of the family and our space, and generally a good judge of character - unsavory types don't bother coming near when he's with us. 65# and he puts the fear of God in people 3 times his size. My neighbor is afraid to touch him - I think he's a little soft in the head. He doesn't get that these animals are hard-wired to cultivate and exploit weakness. He's currently learning competition-tier obedience and has started bite work. I never imagined owning a dog would be so rewarding - he's just the right size, and most "dangerous dog" ordinances don't mention Malinois explicitly. Police also can't help themselves.

It's worth mentioning that we feed him almost exclusively meat - we're ketogenic ourselves and see the value doing this has had on him. When we got him, he was practically a rescue - the fleabitten runt in a Mexican puppy mill. Way underweight, we took him home, cleaned him up, started socializing, and got him started on a raw-meat and egg centered diet that's had him growing way beyond anyone's expectations. Counter to the idea I initially had of aggression on the meat diet, he's so gentle when taking even the smallest morsel of food from you, ever so gingerly grasping the tip of a treat with his incisors. If the cops shot my dog, it would behoove them to find a reason to put me away for life.


Wew lad, never go full kike like that.

"The dog waged its tail, your honor, it was self-defense"

user, the cat parasites in your brain are making you defend cats online.

They are absolutely terrified of them, because dogs can sniff out bad intentions and instinctively know if a person is up to no good and causing trouble in the neighborhood. Dogs are master judges.

It's not healthy to project like that.

That thing does not weigh more than 400 pounds, come on now.

tits or gtfo

Absolutely not. Statistically speaking, pit bulls are not even aggressive dogs by any means. They're not even in the top 10, they tend to be pretty average to below average in every study. Some of the absolutely most aggressive breeds are Chihuahuas, Chow Chows, Dachshunds, Jack Russels, etc… starting to see a pattern? Little dog syndrome is a stereotype for good reason. However, when these little shits bite it barely even hurts, so there's not much public fear there. When pit bull bites however, their jaws can literally rip your fucking face off.

Pit bulls were bred for military purposes. Would any military prefer their soldiers to be mad dogs, prone to random, unprovoked violent outbursts? Of course not. They demand obedience, courage, strength, loyalty. In that pursuit, they bred a damn near perfect dog. Pit bulls are extremely athletic, fearless, loyal to a fault, and tenacious like no other. The fuckers do not give up. Their instinct to be a 'good boy' is so strong that they will follow their owners to the ends of the earth and give their lives to protect them and their families without a second thought.

Because of all of the above they don't just make for great guard dogs, rescue dogs, hunting dogs, etc, they also unfortunately make for good fight dogs. The pieces of shit who run dog fights quickly caught on to this. Since niggers do not have souls, they love dog fights, and so now there are niggers with pit bulls all over the fucking country. Pit bulls are no better or worse than their owners. When their owner is a nigger, the dog is effectively a nigger by proxy. It's like guns.

We don't have a pit bull problem, we have a NIGGER problem.