Mission description: Over the last 8 years, world events have been converging to create the perfect opportunity that we find before ourselves. We have seen both the rise of radical SJW cultural marxists, as well as the rise of radical Islamic Fundamentalists. Traditionally these groups have always synergized off of each other as they share the common goal of undermining our democratic institutions.

The purpose of this mission is to drive a wedge between these groups via the manufacturing of a new SJW denomination of Islam. Now is the perfect time for this to happen.

With the rise and success of the alt-right in Brexit and the US elections, the constant and reliable drum of muslim terror attacks, the inevitably increasing violence of european refugees, and the ever worsening moan of liberals rallying to the defense of their favorite oppressed religion, we have the perfect opportunity to sew the cognitive dissonance. In the coming years, we can forecast 2 basic things:

1. The muslim problem is going to become worse
2. The liberal echo chamber decrying reactionary oppression of muslims will grow louder.

What do SJW's love more than anything? Being victims. The juicy baited hook of an intersectional branch of islam will become irresistible to the tumblrites as they see this demographic literally suffering the same kind of treatment that they feverishly wish was happening to them. This is the wind that will carry our operation to success.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=social justice&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=794&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXovGwl4TRAhUC5IMKHSBICe4Q_AUIBygC#q=equality&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CQnxc3AWhCZ8IjjGP-MZQvr-U_1QEvqr_1iq8xrIdl-coL40R-xcW91ZsVrv9td2ZE1aNxVgHqsyKhVKdmo01Jmhl9CSoSCcY_14xlC-v5TEcY1Vv1_1ArD8KhIJ9AS-qv-KrzERjjt5r3PxKNYqEgmsh2X5ygvjRBGFCae7kFsGvCoSCX7Fxb3VmxWuEXoXlCMkSG-hKhIJ_1213ZkTVo3ER3mYVsNK5c78qEglWAeqzIqFUpxGpvahU_1YceWCoSCWajTUmaGX0JEf3-g2fFmXCN

1. The denomination is defined by extreme emphasis on the idea that Mohammed was a Mukhannathun (Tranny), and that it is a scholarly crime that his gender has been assumed as male all this time.

2. Extreme inclusion of all ethnic and religious minorities except for cis-white men.

3. Engages in apologism to validate homosexuality and pedophilia (pedophilia being a common ground between the two cultures)

4. Reiterates that the cause of terrorism and all bad things is the west and white men.

5. Possibly explore wealth redistribution as many of the intellectual elites of the muslim world are obscenely wealthy.

- We should also consider designing twitter hashtags. Hashtags that suggest mohammed was gay, a female, a tranny, or that he was the first LGBTQ leader will be particularly infuriating.

- We should explore extreme iconography of the prophet with a lot of images. His likeness should always be shown to be as feminine/androgynous as possible.

- Incorporating justifications of our activities by perverting the interpretation of Quranic scripture, or better yet - unorthodox/unaccepted quranic scriptures (the satanic verses) to piss off actual quran-read muslim religious communities once the train leaves the station.



This is interesting

This could have huge dividends if we can sew this shit into self-sustenance on social media. NEVER forget how rapid the rise of SJW culture was back around the times of occupy wallstreet.

It has been speculated that social justice warrior culture was literally a CIA psyops to neuter the left and protect the corporate interests that their welfare/wealth redistribution programs always traditionally threatened.

If we can psyops a Intersectional Islam into being a thing, it will absolutely fuck both groups up: both SJW's by completing their evolution into a cultural frankenstein's monster, and it will also ignite a simmering cultural war as fundamentalist muslims try to defend their religion from being invaded.

pic very very very related

Can also say Muhammad was a cripple?

Muhammad was Allah in human form, and sometimes when Allah gets tired he creates multiple Allahs to do his work for him and sexually please him

We could suggest that Mohammed's 12 year old wife Aisha was actually named Aishan or Ahmed and was an effeminate 12 year old boy


For initial seeds, we should create some basic hashtags like

#Muslimstogether, #Intersectionalislam, #AllahagainstHate

We push them as a SJW campaign to support the "soon to be" persecuted muslim population in the USA. Like "if Trump wants a muslim registry created, you'll have to include all of us because now we all identify as muslims" kind of shit.

We can delve into the details and start making denominational definitions once we have a good base of rubes self-identifying with the hashtags on social media.



bump for potential


You are no better than the people you sought to remove from power if you begin using their methods once you attain that power.

Show the people of America and this world that you can do better than that. Do not give your enemies and detractors a legitimate grievance or cause to decry you for.

Help regenerate the world's economies, restore and strengthen ties with the global community, and remind the unaligned and leftists just what this country has been missing for ages under so many do-nothing presidents: efficient legislation prioritizing economic fixes and job creation.

We have a long and bloodstained history, already, according to the left and media. We don't need to validate this in the eyes of anyone when we can, and Germany DID, do much better.


It looks like someone was shooting a scene for National Geographic, and decided to take one of the subjects and dress them up as a hipster version of Austin Powers.

You should be shot for wasting dubs like that. And what the fuck is this talk of legitimacy? There's only one factor of legitimacy and that's power. Might makes right. Do you even fash?

The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.

Fuck that, they're trying to kill us.

I don't see how it could work in regards to changing the history of Islam (muhammad was a tranny etc) since muslims find offense in anything involving him, but the other ideas sound viable

The best way to promote this madness would be to push it for the SJWs to ruin themselves but if you start with obvious baits the whole plan would be shut down instantly

Even better if we can redirect large amounts of their murderous rage onto the SJW's rather than the rest of us.


this definitely has potentential. I have always found that one of the breaking points in crazy leftist rethoric was when I mentioned "oh, so if you support islam you also must support women opression, right?"

After a while of "reasoning" with them, I managed to convince a few (imagine!) that I had a point.

Yeah. Skewing history is something that would be hard to do. Having a real chance at doing it would be to find unorthodox translations of the quran, rejected quranic scriptures (there's "quranic" scripture that exists that was never curated into the actual quran), or playing with quranic translations from one language into another to justify aehistorical claims by basing them on misinterpretations/scholarly errors.

Just asserting it without a scriptural foundation will reveal the jig too soon.

I still think it'll take significant traction simply as a hyper moderate SJWy denomination even without tampering with history until we find some kind of juicy literary material to base those claims on.

Interesting. SJWs get beheaded for tarnishing islam while islam gets majorly cucked. Shouldn't be hard to do since SJWs are already starting to push the "muhammad was a feminist" line in an attempt to unify their conflicting narratives.


^^^^ It's true>>8567055

No need to find new writings. Mental gymnastics will do the work. SJWs already have the power to interpret anything to mean anything. You just come up with alternate interpretations of the existing writings and you've got yourself a feminist islam. They're already convincing themselves that wearing a hijab is a feminist act. With a little push, they can go totally off the deep end.

The honest to god truth is that social justice warriors/modern liberals have been expending so much energy incessantly defending muslims in the face of the most HORRIFIC acts of violence since 9/11 that they have already brought themselves right to the precipice of designating themselves as muslims.

All we need to do is nudge them over the edge. They've brought themselves 90% of the way there. The world is waiting for this to exist - it's just waiting for us to start it.


Gotta make it so that Muslims understand it. The "Liwat Jihad" is the "LGBT Revolution" in Arab nations.

They can't argue about pisslam because it goes against everything else they believe. The default I've seen is going into not all mudslimes stance. Link they all the pew polls and studies that show much the the majorty hate non-mudslimes. At this point I've been blocked or the person won't talk to me irl/tries to make me agree to never bring it up again.

I think we need to push prominent female sjw figures to "choose" to wear the burka in solidarity. After all by not wearing it they are triggering muslim men, which is pretty racist. The only people who get offended by burkas are racist whites so they are only going to win by wearing the letterbox of empowerment.

And we win because most of these ugly cunts could do with being covered up.

"Letterbox of Empowerment"





#LiwatJihad is good. It definitely needs to be recognizable and reprehensible to normal muslims.

What does Liwat mean?

Liwat takes place when the glans is inserted into the anus of another man[1]; this sin is one of the greatest sins which the Quran introduces as the sin the people of Prophet Lut (pbuh) that brought about their punishment and annihilation from God.[2] In some hadith, this sin has been seen as kufr to Allah.[3] Great penalties and punishments have been specified for this sin, one being execution in a special manner.[4] At the same time though, clearly, Allah (swt) accepts one’s sincere repentance, but it should always be remembered that there are some inevitable outcomes when it comes to this sin (such as the ruling that states that one can never get married to the daughter, sister nor mother of the person one has committed liwat with); outcomes that will not be lifted even if one truly repents and is forgiven for the sin.[5]


How about this: gay muslims wear burkas, some of the men who show in public with a wife in a burka could actually be a gay couple

Typical pacifist coward: but, but, but if you fight back, then you are just like them!

I doubt that'll work

That's redundant. Lots of mudslimes fuck men and even more little boys. It's taboo when it's too public, dancing boys in afghanistan as an exception, or it's viewed the same as a relationship between a man and a woman. That digression aside, your idea is hilarious and would send mudslimes into full snackbar mode if they were Westernized faggots.


Use the oppression olympics against them. I always ask SJW who is the most oppressed, gays, blacks, muslims or women. Then I watch them fight.

It's dey cultcha rayciss

I like the idea a lot, seems like a solid source for legendary kekkery, but what is the purpose again?

lrn 2 reed gooder

The idea is to drive a wedge between SJW's and Radical muslims so that they stop having each other's support as they try to perpetuate their cultural takeover of the west.

Igniting and inciting hatred and violence between the two groups would be an insane win and open up a whole new war front of salt for us to enjoy.

The main kekkery is the possibility for a perpetual feedback loop as described here

My English isn't very good, is the purpose to aggravate currently existing nominations against the leftists?

thank you


We need to start using SJW sock accounts to push #IntersectionalIslam

we need a cool sounding arabic name for the sect, how about alhubb-alhurr or something

We need our own brand of "Youtube stars and personalities" to make video channels and spread this fork.

I see the division that this can create.

Any arabic speakers here with help on a name that will resonate with arabs?

If anything sounds too phony, it will give us away. We want this thing to grow slow and organic over the next several months.



looks like the chan does not support arabic text

Maybe try putting it in a pastebin and link it here so we can have it on hand

i do not speak arabic, but this may be humorous


apparently it can also translate to "gender of god"

kek. Anything that calls the gender of god or allah into question will be seen as highly haram, and institutionally cause a moslem chimpout.

Imagine the SJW desperate confusion when they see their pet sand-niggers turning on them for simply wanting to be muslims as well.

may try to make fancy arabic calligraphy of it, make it cool all official

Yes a calligraphical representation of the name would be the bomb. Especially if it incorporates the English as well.

We want it to be equally legible to uneducated moronic SJW's who just want to add "muslim" to their victim card, as well as to actual arab muslims who want to cut their heads off.

i hear there are online converters, but the one i found requires an account to be made, will try and put in a burner to test it out

Turnabout is fair play, faggot.

lol kill yourself faggot

This isn't about being better. Fuck being better. This is about winning. Taking the high ground is the philosophy of losers. Go be a cuck somewhere else.

tried the thing, did not work


i have a number of arab friends (the more enlightened ones, not the bougnoules), just give a few hashtags and i'll see if i can get them translated


"Mukhannathun ( "effeminate ones", "men who resemble women", singular mukhannath) is classical Arabic for men who have been castrated, perhaps poorly distinguished from eunuchs. There has been significant mention of "mukhannathun" in ahadith and by scholars of Islam. Outside of religious texts, they are strongly associated with music and entertainment.[1]

Khanith is a vernacular Arabic term used in Oman and the Arabian Peninsula to denote the gender role ascribed to males who function sexually, and in some ways socially, as women. The word is closely related to the word mukhannath."

pic related

can you see if they can make some calligraphy with the words, nothing looks more islamy than some nice squiggledots

Ladyboys, as counterintuitive as it may sound, aren't seen as Haram in Islam. Gotta focus more on the LGB- instead of the -TQ.

good point son

we need to think tank it into being haram in all the most sensitive and nuanced ways.

Just reply with the specific ones, clicked/replied here cause of laughs, but have an exam tomorrow so should be studying

We need a list of distribution list of places that we can sock puppet and dump.

Besides twitter and insta gram and all that..what other platforms can be focused on?

looks like the mongols spread japanese culture to the arabs :^)

Tumblr obviously

I hate it when people get that saying completely wrong. The high ground is a military tactic from Sun Tzu’s Art of War. It’s good because you can shoot down at your enemy. If you don’t attack your enemy, then you are wasting the high ground.


we need calligraphy of this, this is the name of the new sect

what a bunch of tranny lovers.

The high ground as in "muh moral high ground", not literal elevated terrain.

Twitter: We decide on a series of 2 or 3 hash tags that we are going to push.

- #Intersectionalislam should be one of them so that we can begin to define and popularize the term/concept itself.

Facebook: We should create 2 or 3 hub pages for the group to CLEARLY define the ideology as a SJW protest against trump. This protest origin story is the best way to inject the concept into the public narrative.

-NOTE ON FACEBOOK HUBS: They should be written from the SJW lexicon. I personally don't spend much time around SJW's, so I'm not sure how to write copy that sounds like it came from a nutty SJW. Anyone with experience on this should pitch in and start writing the relevant copy to fill the hub pages.-

Tumblr/Instagram: We need propaganda images showing SJW's now self-designating as muslims and flashing their faux muslim faith.

here, how about this as a logo


kek i like that neon pink

bonus round: pigs are pink which is highly haram

super bippity bump

that's the stealth meaning

At this point we have two big groups who are claiming, in pure hypocritical fashion, that they have the moral highground.

By letting them go into conflict with one another purely by pushing on their hypocricy, it's just ousting their own flaws.

I don't see how we're being immoral here.

anybody doubting the potential for success here should read this shit

implanting this into sjw themes is key to getting it to float.

You need to get this to the other groups - but this needs to be kept un-published

The Mohammedans and their Semitic counterparts thought their lorries, car bombs and anthrax would defeat us. Because our guilt would prevent us from acting and annihilating them down to the last child.

But they forget the white man has powers beyond the physical realm. The left will love to see more and more LGBT Muslims and will stack them everywhere, forcing contempt within the Muslim communities. Some Muslims will fight back but they will be easy slewed.

We will confuse them beyond reproach that even the most fervent members of the IS will wonder if he should fuck men because Mohamed did.

Actual quote.
"Narrated by Hisham Ibn Kasim, narrated by Huraiz, narrated by Abdul Rahman Ibn Abu Awf Al Jarashy, and narrated by Muaïwiya who said, I saw the prophet (pbuh) sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him . For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)."
-Musnad Ahmad,Hadith number: 16245, Volume Title: "The Sayings of the Syrians, Chapter Title: "Hadith of Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufyan

It's time to show how gay Semities have historically been.

It's not even divide and conquer, it's "hey guys, you should work together", and just watching it implode on itself.


it really is more not interrupting an enemy while they are making mistake

checked and keked

I think this could touch off the right kind of firestorm between the two groups. If some sjw gets snackbarred…. even better

what the fuck

no keks that's actually a legit passage? LOL

how does this look?

Use purple hair.

I suggest imagery of young females with as little clothes as possible doing disgusting things, with purple hair and other degen themes

yes, this would cause a lot of uproar

best logo so far.

Side note: We should also identify some ally communities that we can seed with Intersectional-Islam threads. We don't want this to die with this thread. We need to seed the idea in enough places that we can keep the train rolling even after this ends. It'll take days/weeks to really get the message out to enough soldats to start making an impact.

Perhaps the_donald, and cuckchan pol

Got my answer, google translate is fucking up

3: hey, you there?
x: hey , whats up ?
3: is this offensive?
x: i dont understand the meaning did u translate that on google ?
3: someone did, i think
x: it basically doenst have a meaning but if u gave me the english meaning i would give u the correct translation
x: this is basically saying "between two gennders allah"
x: so i dont know what the guy who transalted it meant

3: hey hey
3: what does this mean?
✪: it doesnt make any sense
✪: =between
✪: is like gender ,sex..etc

start spreading that logo around, if the imagery is established, then the memes will follow

i do not speak arabic

what is the correct translation

We can put the logo out once we have our translation verified. It's still a little sketch as seen here:

What is the exact meaning you want to transmit?

Something like Divine gender or Gender of allah

once you have it, put it in a paste bin and i'll make something nifty

A better one that I found a while ago.
Holla Forums has tried similar operations in the past.

"Narrated Ibn Shehab: when he was asked about adult suckling he said; Abe Hozaifa one of the companions of the messenger of God has adopted a boy named Salem, then when God descended a verse in his book concerning Zaied Ibn thabet abating the adoption saying: call them after their fathers (meaning that to attribute those adopted sons to their biological fathers) , Salma the wife of Abe Hozaifa came to the messenger of God saying: we had an adopted son named Salem, he was getting into my house while I was wearing one dress , after the adoption was abated , my husband Abe Hozaifa hated to see him getting into my home, while I am in such way, so what do you think?, how can I deal with that? The prophet replied her: then let him suck from you five times, and then he will be forbidden to you (as it was thought that if one sucks from a woman, he will be like her son)? She said surprisingly: how could I suckle him while he is a full grown man? Then the prophet smiled and said: I know that he is a full grown man. She went out and followed that advice and allowed the man to suck from her, she came back to the prophet saying I suckled him, now I don't find anything wrong with my husband any more "
- Sahih Muslim, converse number 3663, 3674

Make sure you read the whole thing.

the issue is that in Islam gender doesnt apply to God, so i think muslims will just ignore it, or get confused.

Considering a lot of people take the Abrahamic Gods to be patriarchical, it's smarter to focus on either Muhammad, or to focus on God is female or something.


Try Divine equality i guess

I think it's easier to slander and transgress against Mohammed because he is clearly recorded as a physical living breathing man.

God is almost like an abrahamic cultural meme where nobody even within the religion agrees on anything concerning god.

but the idea of god makes a better basis for a belief system if modified, maybe the idea that since god has no gender, they value the nonbinary

Maybe we should go straight vanilla and call it "Inclusive Islam"

and associate it with the catchphrase "the religion of love"

IE: a perversion of the slogan "Religion of peace"

Could use this article as a basis :

first comment

http:// islaminitsownwords. blogspot. nl/2009/04/was-muhammad-sexually-perverted-and.html


Why not throw a full gay romance story to it? How Muhammad was the first person to in the mid-east to come out as bisexual, and how he's a hero to the arab LGBTQ community

Pretend that the boys the believers get in Paradise along with the houris are post-pubescent. Use the boys to claim that Allah approves of homosexual relationships between men. Use the houris to claim that Allah approves of homosexual relationships between women because women get rewarded with houris too.

Check out the verses about homosexuality and try to find some way to misinterpret them. Claiming that the verses are really about rape is a good possibility. If you can't manage that, claim that Allah only approves of oral and intercrural sex or that Allah wants that each gay couple has a well-defined uke and seme like in yaoi.

Use Mohammed's lack of children despite high sexual activity to argue that he was really a mukhanathun or transman. Claim that his first wife Khalifa was polyamorous/wanted a cover for forbidden love and that the one remaining child wasn't really his either.

oh lord this is wonderful

What we need:

We need more graphics and images of purported Intersectional Feminists. Start scanning Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram for SJW accounts with a lot of exploitable selfies so that our image-makers can start creating posters and stuff.


Meme this on all angles. If you've got an idea, shit that baby out in any image format you can. Post it up here and we'll spread em all! Scattershot these out there and see what sticks, and thn we push and spread whatever works, refining with success. Praise Kek! Combine and Conquer!

Why not use 'Mithlyy' ?

"Muhammad - LGBTQ hero #QuranMithlyy"

Needs a better slogan though

I really should study my enemy's culture more so I can be a thinker in the meme war and not just a grunt.

how do we work that into a name?

sounds good though

Underrated post


We can definitely do both. Why the hell would we NOT use propaganda and psyops against our sworn enemies?

I concur with
This is about winning and getting the root of the evil out, then we can start thinking about "winning with honor".

anyone who complains about psyops is an obvious shill tbh, not only is it the most effective way of getting things done, it is also the most merciful, and therefore the most moral choice.

Goys, have you noticed people bumping threads from midway or below in the catalog? I think (((they're))) learning.

Moral? Fuck, this is fun! Give me ammo! I will fire all torpedos! Praise Kek! I'll do thjs stoned! Kek rings activate, together smugly, we summon captain shitpost! SJW, Mudslimes, kikes, dindus and commies beware! Captain Shitpost is here!


I'm sure gay muslims are really sad about their inability to have faghags.

Thank you good user for reminding me of my duties. I shall thoroughly ravish my beautiful and loving wife, befofe I take time to shitpost. Prepare the memes though, I shall need the ammo come nightfall.

Shadilay, Praise Kek.

I always think it's good if leftists spend quality time with their pets. You can't really get culturally enriched over the internet

this wouldnt work, the mudslimes would just pretend to "tolerate" this new bullshit like they do with everything that they consider blasphemy and nothing would change

First off, I love this idea. There has got to be social movements in Islamic leaning countries that have already dealt with this issue and so it's possible we could leverage work already done by others.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_Islam

SJW Twitter Accounts for IMG Harvesting:


Probably Turkey.

No need to reinvent the wheel. I'm sure some dick scholar somewhere has already done a lot of the justifying mental acrobatics. There has been building pressure in various parts of the islamic world for liberal reforms for over 30 years now.

Like this

http:// islamandhomosexuality.com/organizations/

A list of islamahomo organizations

someone should make a Facebook page or something, or maybe that would come later of its own accord

As you said, it will come on it's own. Just post the fresh memes and scatter them across the internet. Don't forget to target degenerate boards like 420chan. Slower boards hold memes longer, and are just as valid targets. Also, don't forget that there are still oldschool forums and messageboadds. They get hit by propaganda far less oftsn, but the users are more likely to read it.


Islamic Progressives, Kek.

We need to start manufacturing the memes so there's ammo for our men to start spreading around


The fastest way for us to get this to take off is for us to spread the narrative that this is a SJW PROTEST against Trump. By all identifying as Islamic and changing the official status of their religion, they protect muslims amidst their numbers by grossly inflating the purported number of muslims in the country. THIS is the way to make this thing run away from us.

It means nothing as long as it's just a few dozen of us here on an image board conspiring. Our success is measured in the number of unwitting SJW rubes we get self-aggrandizing on twitter and using our hashtags.

I like that. It's nice and concise, and to the point

We can work the arabic shit in later as the meme evolves


Yes, that's a perfect idea


Those already exist. Quranists and other branches of Islam.

>>>/modernislam/ has been around a while

Not trying to concern troll, but, are you sure you guys aren't being pranked here? You're ironically becoming gay rights activists.

http:// www.advocate.com/40-under-40/2015/12/23/islamophobia-homophobia-both-omar-sharif-jrs-sights

if you think that's what's up, you need to brush up on your reading comprehension

Been looking into research papers from my university, there has been a lot of studies on getting Muslim communities to tolerate gays.

It would seem their parents control prevents us from breaking the bonds but if we can lob memes at their women, the women will do the job in breaking their husbands and producing "tolerant children.

The Israelis broadcast porn on television to areas they are attacking. The Jews do the same across the entire West, even dull media now could be considered a form of pornography. They know its an effective weapon, just as we do.

We know the appropriate containment procedures and understand the risks involved while handling these memes, its similar to handling toxic gas.

Someday we won't have to hide and can just axe their skulls but right now that isn't the most beneficial thing to our cause.

god damn. Israelis use broadcasted pornography as a weapon?

The shit jews do are both insane and terrifying at the same time. i'd never believe it if i didnt see so much proof around here.

Yes, pornography is a tool for the emasculation and manipulation of people by hijacking their sexuality and conditioning it to be controlled by a computer or television instead of having healthy sexuality sublimated into ambition and IRL sex. For conservative Arabs who have never so much as seen a womans ankle hardcore porn on the television is entrancing and addicting enough that they will literally stay inside and fap while their country is being bombed by kikes. I always watch vid related to remove urges and maintain my nofap streak.

Yeah I think that was found in Ramal.
Its pretty old Holla Forums stuff tbh back before 8ch

I put forward that weapons like these may be the future of warfare. Since if you can actively break someone during their free-time you won't have to fight them.

The question becomes are we strong enough to use these weapons without suffering from their effects?
Or should we conclude that such weapons not be used at all.

Useful information for the creation of infographics.

We need more graphics so we can meme around


Kill yourself.

Their is no reason whatsoever not to use the enemies weapons against them. That said I am not sure how we would weaponize pornography against kikes, pushing miscegenation propaganda aimed at Jewish women is cool though, never really meme'd that one too hard but trial runs were successful since kikes got seriously triggered by the "Jewish Women and Black Men" facebook group and tried to shut it down. Virtually all of our weapons are memes and we don't actually buy bullshit like #endfathersday, #draftourdaughters #openbordersforisreal, etc. so nothing to worry about.

Impotent children.

We should try to push for inter-sectional islam to encourage men to share their wives in order to spread their good fortunes of allah

We memed all of this? Damn, it's been a ride.

rough poster. Just throwing shit out there so we have some stuff to start with

did the arabic ever get fixed up?

lol hope that works




looks good!

tfw my shitty OC may become the logo of a religion


Well mainly we just need to push it until we get some fags in here who are savvy with photoshop to whip up some more official looking material. At this juncture, we badly need content that we can disseminate just so we've got feet on the ground reposting shit in various places.

Woah it's time for meme warfare
i'm ready lads and dads
big boy tough guy here

With all shitpost tier ideas, make sure to do sloppy shoops of the mainstream memes we put out. If it looks like we're attacking this, it will lend it credibility.

jewy tactics, i like it

made a little propoganda poster thing

Here's an exploitable, lads

Don't know for sure but shouldn't the shadow of saturn/moon be straight up instead of rotated?

If we want to succeed we need to get the symbology right, these guys are walking calculators.

added a border

False. If a man hits someone with a hammer and then is arrested and sent to jail then another man is hired to use that same hammer to build a house I would say your argument is invalid.

We already are better by not blowing ourselves up or driving our cars into other people. Idiot jackass.

This is an empty statement that doesn't support any of what you said.

Literally projecting your own failings onto others. We know full well of the blood spilled by our opposition. You're an idiot, you're an idiot, and once more you're an idiot. That's four times you're burned and fury within me dictates you earn one more- IDIOT.

Do consider putting these on tumblr sparingly.

You 'PRetentious cunts are the tourneyfag of politics.

Another exploitable

PRcucks get nowhere. Ever.

The tourneyfag fears the rulelawyer.

Oh and maybe something to think about is the amount of faith thrown at Allah.

If we could loosen it somewhat, mix in some masturbation and incest. Hide from allah because of .

That would be great and would spark real fires.

would be a great slogan for Intersectional Islam though

exploitable 3

A good way to exacerbate this conflict would be to reference the apocalyptic writings of Muslims from the past. There is old writing out there that says one of the main signs of the last days is a lack of men. I'll see if I can dig it up.

So on the one hand, gender in islam is being torn asunder. While ancient writings saying this is signs of the apocalypse can be used to make the trad muslims chimp out.


Everybody became a tranny, like Muhammed

Thanks, years of practice. I used to shill for a cult in exchange for booze and free room and board, til they thought I was some kind of antichrist. Guess they'd never met a humble polack before.

We should come up with a funny name to insult this specific sect as that we create. Something hat works on the intersex sound to the name, while being clearly anti-mudslime. The more butthurt the better, but it needs to have giggle factor without the word nigger. That way, they repeat the term when complaining, and we win the lulz, which in turn makes us stronger. or is that cultist think? Either way, good idea.



Looks pretty nice lads, this might be a good bullet that'll spread our western disease to them on a wider scale.

oh my god. you're right

cultist think is useful think user

give us your knowledge

Another random idea: Make up fraudulent internal documents for this LGBT campaign as coming from the US State Department or some sort of NGO that acts in Muslim countries. Similar to this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_Values_Initiative

That way we have another front where Muslims attack our prog enemies in the NGOs. Create a multi-front chaotic battle between SJWs, Muslims, LGBT, CIA, the Jew.


wew checked lad

feels good to be jewyer than the jew

Another funny consequence of operational success:

SJW's dogpiling into the muslim victim train will begin to muddy the waters on Muslims being able to claim racism, since an increasing number of their """adherents""" are privileged entitled white western adult-babies.


Alright, this was my bread and butter. I would pick a target audience, make up a crazy conspiracy theory about our cult that made us sound like baby eaters and whatnot, but at just the level ofextreme that the readers in the group could believe for a moment. They would chime in, all omg thjnk of the childrens! and I'd then ask if they think its as bad as it looks? By that point, other people would come in saying that it was absurd and an arguement would break out. I'd step back, random people who had actually interacted with our cult would evntually pop up (internet is like that) and discredit MY original posted disinfo, people would agree, and sometimes low level initiates (unaware of my existence at all) would even defend the cult in thread, naively.

The end result was that we gained attention, discredited any and all rumors real and fake, and managdd to look cool enough to draw new recruits while raising reputation with a half hours worth of shitposting.

What words should be used in our posts?
You know how jihadist love to throw around the same few words.

What would be some good words?

I'm looking up some sites:

The writing in the first picture google says translates to "Homosexual love and marital homeopathy does not differ much from the mixed marital sex"

We could use the Jews shilling against the Muslims to make inexpensive memes because the language we use should sound as if from a native speaker.


damn, that's slick!

what cult?

maybe we should take that little thing in the top right and make it a star and crescent

Oh fuck that's hilarious.

I was thinking that,

But we should get a drawfag to clean up the logo for intersectional islam so that it doesn't look crudely photoshopped in

I'll give it a go


You're thinking about this from the wrong end, user. Muslims are not the target audience, souless libshit transhumanist sjws are the primary initial target for this op. The rest will join on for gibs, like black muslims, without our assistance.

Look at old commie mottos and the types of bullshit they chanted in the civil rights movements of the 60s. Grab a list of those and run a search for Islamic quotes and sayings that are similar. Any irregularities can be ignored as "That's just how english translates things."

Remember, the enemy is actually not smarter than us. If we overthink this, we will lose. Also, just scattershot slogans at halfchan if it comes down to a coin toss. The boards move fast enough to erace the trace, and you can find out what gets responses.

I will be delivering a daily thread on efforts that are directed in regards to………………
#Muslimstogether, #Intersectionalislam, #AllahagainstHate

title = Int3rs3ction No.#_digit_

link to comment section 1
link to comment section 2
link to comment section 3
link to comment section 4

What is needed from you.

A cell # spoofer
email spoof
Sock puppets on FACE, TWIT, DIS
Fliers left at the library inside books…..

I am a planner. I have no knowledge of what you are going to post or if you are even posting. This is compartmentalized for our safety.

I will not be calling on you to do ANYTHING. You can do as you will.

No $$$ will be moved in my favor or yours.


Threads begin tomorrow

This is



"Intersectional Islam: Because Allah Ahkbar, but you too matter."

Not gonna name, they fell apart and I honestly pity their leadership. As long as they stay out of here, I will not dox them. Even when they thought I was the antichrist figure, they never did me direct harm, and gave me lots of booze. Honestly that was a pretty degenerate time of my life, fight club level degeneracy though at least.



google.com/search?q=social justice&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=794&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXovGwl4TRAhUC5IMKHSBICe4Q_AUIBygC#q=equality&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CQnxc3AWhCZ8IjjGP-MZQvr-U_1QEvqr_1iq8xrIdl-coL40R-xcW91ZsVrv9td2ZE1aNxVgHqsyKhVKdmo01Jmhl9CSoSCcY_14xlC-v5TEcY1Vv1_1ArD8KhIJ9AS-qv-KrzERjjt5r3PxKNYqEgmsh2X5ygvjRBGFCae7kFsGvCoSCX7Fxb3VmxWuEXoXlCMkSG-hKhIJ_1213ZkTVo3ER3mYVsNK5c78qEglWAeqzIqFUpxGpvahU_1YceWCoSCWajTUmaGX0JEf3-g2fFmXCN


oops, sorry, wrong thread.

do not click this link

Oh yeah, put a mason symbol in there, too. Either teensy as fuck, or faded to the point where it's barely visible. Hell, both even.

here we go lad

i'll try and change this one up to

nice trips

also it's a google search for equality posters. You can probably reverse image search some of my posters that i posted above and get the same results if you don't trust the link above.


maybe hook it in into an existing trending hashtag to help spread our own?

can't tell if new or potato



I guess, but i'm not well versed in twitter memetics, so i wouldn't know

dammit… I keep posting in the wrong thread.

sorry guys, pls no bully.

Throw that intersectional feminism symbol up as an exploitable son

what symbol?

i guess

could serve as an exploitable

er fuck. The intersectional islam sign

pic related

i'll just throw it on this one


Why does that flag have a bunch of penises on it?

To help resonate with LGBT, of course!

Did you know: islam is the most progressive faith, accepting 31 of the 63 genders? 8 accepted in the time of Mohammed.





To people with nothing but cocks on their minds, the word "Allah" in Arabic looks like a penis/balls.

That's not a pic of Muhammad. That's Husayn ibn Ali.

Too blatantly subversive. Needs to be in a SJW deviant artist cartoon-ish style like so. A little more mature-like but that's the jist of it. Maybe find a draw thread and make a request for "deviant art style lgbt sexually ambiguous prophet mohamed." lots of decent artists that could replicate the style if you give them proper reference

You guys know what liberals love?

Celebrity endorsements.

It would be a real shame if we started finding celebrities in hijabs and turbans and making it look like the movement of #intersectionalislam is coming from the top down.

OH! That reminds me. Iran pays for trannies to transition. Not makin' that up. The Shi'a accept that some people are transgender and the Iranian government foots the bill for snippity-snips.


the only thing that is funnier than it taking it off, is launching it and then slowly nudging an already highly haram version of islam towards shia ideologically speaking

it's the double troll

Looks to me like the three tits of a Martian whore.

Does Kek approve? Rolling again for digits with shitty OC as offering.

I always thought it looked like a dude riding a camel if you flip it over. It's an odd looking language all around, but English is the only language I know.

Here you go

looks great user!


I'm a bit lost here, the original idea was that we fuck over the SJW's through letting them anger the Muslims

So at which point does the latter come into play?

as funny as #thedeportables is, it would probably be best if it was removed

that's the plan lad

The muslims are the reactionary party in the affair. They are already so sensitive so subtle slights that pissing them off will naturally happen at later phases in the operation.

The first phase, and the principle thing we have to do, is begin to sell the idea to SJW's. It isn't possible for us to really farm any muslim tears until we have created a self-sustaining population of SJW's who are identifying as muslim.

Once we have a population of SJW's calling themselves muslim, we can steer and guide their movement towards highly haram theological/cultural concepts via more psyops and steer them directly into conflict with the reactionary muslims whom have been waiting out there the entire time.

Those muslim men really are emotional as all hell, aren't they?

Yeah you're probably right. The joke came to me and i just couldn't resist.

there already is a population of SJW converts, which will create a helpful cushion to grow the community

looks good!

You genius motherfuckers, i'm off for like an hour and we're already three layers deep

Side note: Make sure you fuckers are saving all of this shit. We're going to have to harass the boards by creating Intersectional-Islam threads every day or so for the next month just to keep the momentum up. The images and such will make restarting new threads a lot easier.

We want this to grow beyond any of us as individuals.

Also we need to tap into some people who are savvy with social media sock accounts so that we can start infiltrating the communities as described here:

Should change both hands to shitskin. Can't go furthering the subliminal race-mixing narrative. Don't worry, they won't get mad about it unless both hands are white.


I actually think having a white hand is good, as it reaches out to their white guilt and wish to redeem themselves

I have a proposal. We should distribute this and then begin to oppose it from "alt-right" or natsoc (etc.) accounts to give the SJWs someone to defend it from. People will catch onto it and hold it close to protect it from the danger of out criticism and thus adopt and spread the propaganda even more effectively. I frequently do this on a smaller scale with social circles, works like a charm and tricking people into adopting ideas.

this is an excellent idea.

Everybody loves an underdog, and the leftist media narrative has already effectively framed the alt-right as the new collective enemy of the free world in the eyes of our SJW targets.

They'll buy it without scruple.

that's the tactic that

is advocating. If you want to do that, you should follow his advice. It's a good idea though.

Kek blesses you with dubba-dubs.

We should be able to push it without it, once the SJWs pick up the propaganda they will make their own memes with white people that will only bounce around within their deeper, already cucked echo-chambers.

Just keep it away from the likes of (((Milo))), since he's a known troll to the SJWs.

Should we be taking these OPs behind closed doors to work on? Shills and lurking SJWs can easily find and spread proof of these OPs to discredit our efforts. I'd suggest moving to an IRC and trashing the thread.

unfortunately we need the hivemind spewing out OC for these things to work

Unfortunately the exposure is a risk that we need to take at least in healthy doses. As mentioned above, we need the constant influx of new participants to help keep the momentum up. But having a centralized IRC channel for our OPS is a good idea. It'll guarantee that this doesn't fizzle out.

My proposal is we do #Intersectionalislam on Mibbit's main server just for ease of access.



Say no more fam

if anyone gets my woo references kudos

Yeah on second thought I see the necessity. Let's get people in the IRC regardless.

Might look less shooped if you replace all the subtext with the same typeface.


Shouldn't it be rainbow color?


^^^ All soldats click this and join the main mirc server

channel #intersectionalislam


If you put two extreme pearl-clutchers together in a locked room, one of them will die.

Just so I'm getting this right, the goal here is to bait SJW's into converting (or pretending to) convert to Islam so the muslims will then turn around and slaughter them for being haram.
Am I reading this right?

What's scary is I made this back in 2012 when we we're all joking about "xD These new tumblr? It's so weird lol do they believe this?"

Now we're about to go to war.

That seems to be the basic idea. I'd also be happy with a bunch of radicalized SJWs suicide bombing Starbucks.

basically. Or at the very least, to ignite a cultural firestorm between the two groups.

We want to get Muslims and SJW's attacking each other and investing the same kind of intellectual capital that we see in their attempts to fuck with us (IE: sane democracy loving people)

Kek. If we ever pull something like that off we will have reached an entirely new level of memery that was never supposed to be possible for mere mortals to reach.


Dude, if you don't know anything about arabic, don't produce arabic pics … The letters aren't even connected, this doesn't mean anything…



this is perfect

Another title card based on this gem

Hey since some Arab women are difficult to know whether they are male or female at first glance we could focus on images of #TransArabs.

kek this is good. abuse those manly broad-shouldered gender bender chimp traits to call things into question.

Also reminder to join the Operation IRC for organizational purposes

^^^ click this and join the main mirc server
channel #intersectionalislam


Tumblr: Oh, so you hate trans

Arab woman: No! I just don't have a dick

Tumblr: Gender is a social construct we're all trans.

Arab Woman: [Allahu Ackbar Intensifies]


roll for god


The moral high ground you dozy cunt

Kudos, sir


Instead of saying that Allah has no gender, we say that he is non-binary.

That can be their big debating point while we pump them with more bullshit. Let them fight for scraps while we ruin them.

There's a series of very good short books explaining islam but i forgot the name of the writer. Will look it up

It actually looks similiar!

It looks fabulous!

This idea is genius, the Salafists already believe mainstream Pisslam is compromised, so we need to drive a wedge between them and SJWs in a way that makes it look as though the left/SJWs are the main source of corruption - political allies actively trying to subvert their religion

Most haram thing to Mudslims is polytheism, - could we spin this around somehow so that it suggests Allah is a multiplicity? Given how strict their notion of monotheism is, the multiple gender thing might be triggering enough (many Mudslims think the Christian Trinity is somehow polytheism)

Very good idea, make it look as though "islamophobes" are being triggered over SJWs and Mudslimes getting closer to each other, a rise of Islam + lefties "taking it too far" and outing themselves - it will seem like a natural outcry and give SJWs the opportunity to virtue signal
Some rightists might think it's real and give genuine reactions, driving their enemies to support the cause

Bump for interest. Keep this going you brilliant bastards

After witnessing what Holla Forums has done with memetic warfare, I feel like we might be able to do this.
I remember when the normies tried to take Pepe from us, and then we memed him into a hate symbol and awoke Kek.
Taking back a meme on the internet is like turning back time. Impossible. But we did it.
I really do believe that Occupy was neutered by the CIA. We could possibly pull off a similar operation.
I doubt that we'll be able to do much about a religion with a billion fanatical followers and a thousand years of history.
But we can certainly shift the energy of the SJW movement, which has maybe at most 300 million supporters worldwide, and only a few million die hard supporters. All we have to do is start the fire, and then the fire rises.

What we need:
Posters, propaganda, exploitables, SJW sounding copy for group hub profiles, and social media sock puppet accounts.

Where we need it:
Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Facebook

Any sock puppet accounts must be at least a year old. Twitter/Facebook are starting to hardcore put the clamp down on "newfag troll" accounts.

kek wills this operation

We need to get a facebook group hub active. We need one to create the veneer that this is actually some kind of legitimate campus-activism group.

We also are going to need the copy to fill the group profile. Anyone here know how to write like a bleeding heart SJW?

We're gonna need to use all the buzzwords/zingers that are common in their circles.

By infiltrating the circle of facebook SJW activism, we might be able to play diplomacy with other legit groups and get them to adopt/endorse our agenda.


Yeah have fun being banned for hate speech. Facebook needs to be dismatled and we need to do what user has always done and succeded with, use the power of numbers and anonymity to disrupt the functions of leftists.

The problem is that currently this operation is still in it's infancy and hasn't taken any hold within the community beyond this thread. Once this thread phases through the catalog, this is likely going to result in a dead end.

Until this psyop takes hold in the hivemind itself and we have people self-perpetuating Intersectional Islam threads just for the luls and continuing to churn out content and score wins on a thread-to-thread basis, we're in real danger of fizzling out.

Right now we have a small but decent body of people watching this thread, and it's important for us to try and utilize our manpower as efficiently as possible. The best way to capitalize on the resources we have access to is to doctor up some Intersectional Feminism trojan horses for us to roll out into already established and gullible SJW communities. Each unwitting convert becomes a drone of the psyop, working for us diligently independent of our activities here in other similar chans/boards.




there need to be more lad

here's an exploitable

Nice lad, always need exploitables

Make the enemy replicate it. Just post up the meme on halfchan and twatter and such, pretending to be a postmodernreligionistlgbtq liberal. Once posted, the rest of us troll it hard, letting pepes fly wildly. The shitposting keeps the thread high, and then the real sjws come in to defend the OP. I usdd to do this all the time.

Example text.


Let's identify Mosques across the country that are known hotbeds of Islamic extremism (the kinds of places that the FBI has covered in wiretaps and bugs), and then we make up professional looking media content aimed at SJW's and Leftists inviting them to come over for holiday events and protests as a sign of solidarity against Donald Trump.

first we gotta make em muslims

Good idea. Just convince them to visit all the mosques, in their usual everyday attire, and be complete pieces of shit like always they will destroy themselvss. With luck, the mudslime and hipster will become mortal enemies.

When these threads are posted in the public all you're going to do is get a white knight to appear and reveal your plan. Next time, when you prepare a raid, please go through the effort to at the very least set up an IRC channel, and vet the users who are permitted entry? And don't spell out the plans in detail for all to see on a public imageboard.

White Knights have always existed and always will. OPs must always happen in the dark.


anglin led the whole mizzou psyop in public and it turned out fine though.

Wahhabi Mosques/Communities to target





Addresses and other relevant info contained within each link

target for what?

We manufacture content for SJW's inviting them to holiday anti trump protests / solidarity demonstrations so that we can trick SJW's into showing up at Mosques during prayer time with hardcore Wahhabi "I want to stone gays to death" muslims.

would be funny, but it seems like it would be better to not make the SJWs hate muslims this early in

Quote from the guy who runs the NY Mosque:

He has also said:

“If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the Prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger—nothing personal.”


main channel #Intersectionalislam


You know, Islam would be a step up for most leftists at this point.


Is "you shall not produce images of god" explicitly stated in the koran?
Or is this from their "what would mohamed do" scholastic disciplin wich name i forgot.

If not we can put forward some kind of conspiracy by the patriarchy to hide the fact that mohamed was a faggot.

Faggots are lumped in with in together with thieves and murderers not just in the OT but in the new testament too, but that doesn't stop cristcucks from embracing them.

this has already happened. missed all those feminist converts?
muslims already lie 24/7 to gullible libtards about how inclusive and tolerant their religion is
this accomlishes nothing
always the first sign of a forced/subversive meme

Go back to sucking off pakis in man-dresses, Trudeau.