How would Holla Forums respond to this?

How would Holla Forums respond to this?
Inb4 s8 capitalism

Other urls found in this thread:–output_model

nothing to respond to.
tho I'm a market socialist, so the premise of those comments don't threaten me in the slightest.


Anfem is a revisionist. not sure why i'm surprised

Fuck i read that comment wrong

Well then we don't have that problem anymore do we? Computers can do this for us much faster than humans can.


There's like 5 anfems m8.

And if you are really scared of central planning for whatever reason, the Lange Model is your friend.

Each product is its own entity in a computer simulated market, if its demand exceeds its supply, the price increases, if its demand is lower than the supply, the price lowers. A company is managed by the workers and produces as much products so that marginal cost==price, making no profits.

The state then puts a % tax on the added value of everything, which gets used to invest in the industry of the nation, and pay for regular old public services and such.

It would be a centrally planned socialist market system.


OP here, i asked the person if we could do what Cockshott says and he says it's science fiction because there are millions of signals

I don't get it. All this shit's being calculated anyway. Businessess see what prices their competitors are offering and adjust accordingly.


Bussiness do the exact same thing, they use computer calculations too. Which means you can do them centralized, but with more signals it can be more accurate.

By all empirical measures soviet firms were evocatively efficient. What caused shortages was a lack of autonomy and as such an ability to spontaneously entire and exit markets.


I can personally vouch for this article.

The desire to save firms even if they were not performing well with its methodes were bad, and didn't give new people with new ideas and new methodes a chance to improve them. Too much clinging onto what is, seeing failure of a firm as a failure of the regime.

Ironic, really.

How exactly do you figure modern businesses calculate these signals? Magic?

Im doing a little rant now to expand on my post here.

We can simulate physics, we can simulate entire atomic structures, we can simulate fluid dynamics, we can simulate spaceships and buildings, simulate the behaviour of components of cars at high speed.

But for whatever reason capitalist seem to insist that we can't simulate a market that approaches or surpasses the "efficiency" of a system based entirely on trial and error, with massive information disparity on all members. We can't simulate an economy that is almost entirely digitized, because it would somehow be less efficient than a system that needs to get its signals from an unstable system that has innertia built into it? Fuck off mate.

The economy is perhaps the most complex thing in existence. It's a combination of all vague human values and interactions filtered through the availability of all resources on earth and what they combine into through all technologies.

Sure buddy. A system based on a few simple rules is the most complicated thing in existence.

Seeming complexity does not mean it is actually complex at all.

Honestly I take the concept of market signals about as seriously as I take human nature

I mean for real here. You got input, which is demand, you got resources with difficulty to extract and you got labour time in various sectors.

All of these things come together, like explained in the pdf here to eventually form a market.

It doesn't even have to be perfect, it just needs to be better than a free market where everybody is purposefully holding information from each other and fucked each other over, where a change in one sector takes a while to ripple through the chain. It needs to be better than a trial and error guesswork based system.

Made me chuckle.

There is supply, demand and labour time. Those are the rules of a market. Saying a market is more complex than string theory is laughable at best.

The Soviet Union and Mao proved historical materialism right. The technology wasn't there in the beginning, and by the time it was Gorbachev had already dismantled it.



And Derivatives are supposed to make the economy more complex than string theory? I'm sorry, but this isn't true and as shown above the guy in the photo is talking out his ass. Soviet firms were just as effeicent(generally), it was poor management of failing firms that led to the economic issues.

The guy in the photo is basically parroting the SCP by Mises. Nothing new being mentioned here.

I didn't know that Mises wrote an entry in the SCP foundation's files.


With a sage.


You know what I mean.

Would probably be a Keter class because capitalism is a threat to humanity

Funny how he praises decentralized businesses to be "trusted" with accurately assessing their profits since it's exactly that which led to the great depression and the stock market crash. Funny how decentralization also leads to over production due to capital expansion and the need for ROIC and profit margins. Funny how this also leads directly to economic collapse which results in Keynesianism, or revolt.

"Revisionist" only applies to people claiming to be Marxists.

Modern business only have to worry about themselves though, not ever aspect of an entire country's economy.

Economic Problems of the USSR
3. The Law of Value Under Socialism

this never would have happened under market socialism

it happens under revisionism/"market socialism"

read stalin

Really makes you think–output_model
This was done by hand in the USSR(Stalin period), and the economy functioned just fine.


so we are blatantly trolling now?