Racism is power + prejudice


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power is racism - prejudice


Someone clearly didn't go to school in a black neighborhood.

That statement is true, but we have to understand that racism only presents itself in its simplest form when its a direct relation between individuals or between simple groups.

But today, in the American context, racism has been institutionalized; not only in the sense that the state institutions (police, all governement levels…) are racist because of their origins being in the slave-owner, bourgoise colonial european population and the developement from that point; but also in the sense that, because of the historical material conditions of African Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities (even "white" minorites, Irish were considered in the same terms as blacks during some time, or Italians during the begging of the XX century) these groups were treated and even legally considered lees than the WASP population.

We must not forget to have material, dialectical analysis when speaking of racism, because it is easy to get corrupt an derrail to an idealist, reactonary and divisive analysis on the racial question.

america doesn't have institutionalized racism, it has institutionalized reverse-racism, or better known as a meritocracy at this point.

So racism is pretty much a secular Original Sin for white americans?

but how does one achieve this?

What am i reading

Convince others to be racist and take advantage of it without caring about the issue yourself.

The racialistion and "racism is power " theory is good but there is some missing links to fix it

This theory somewhat dehumanizes the unruly and don't take into account any reaction from that group and ignore the counter power that happens in the unruly psychology

I seriously thinking of writing an essay on that but my English is pure shit

Write it, it sounds like it could only improve the discussion and possible solution.

The equation is neither wrong nor right, the problem is whether or not it's useful. i.e. if our definition of power is Foucauldian, then the whole thing falls apart on itself.

not sucking dick is homophobic

Institutionalized racism and racism are different things m8. "Racism" is just a general term for race based hatred, prejudice, stereotyping, etc. It doesn't specify scale. Institutionalized racism against white people doesn't exist, but it certainly does on smaller scales in majority black communities or through individual interactions.

tumblr get out.

actually racism is just ignorance and/or prejudice


The KKK is not racist because it has no power

The idea that words have any "natural" or common-sense definition, as opposed to whatever definition we find most useful for the purposes of getting across the ideas we want to convey, is definitely a spook. People who want to define racism as power + prejudice have reasons for this, as I understand it the reasons involve the idea that organized prejudice directed by a more powerful group at a less powerful one can have outsized practical effects on the second group, in terms of economic disadvantage or being forced out of moving to nicer neighborhoods, while the reverse kind of prejudice doesn't generally have such large systematic effects on the whole life of a member of the more powerful group.

Defining racism as both power and prejudice is presumably meant to highlight this point, analogous to how some Marxists might want to define the "value" of a commodity in terms of the amount of labor that went into it, even though this is different from the "common sense" definition that exists in capitalist society. If you don't think this is a good enough practical reason to define racism as power + prejudice, make an argument about the relative benefits of defining racism purely as prejudice based on race, but don't just rely on spooked "common-sense" ideas about what the word "really" means.


You mean to escape accusations of hypocrisy when they advocate racist policies?

A sad pittance that has only helped rich white women get ahead, despite some magical patriarchy?

And rest assured, none of them are socialistic. Even the liberal pansy-asses at RationalWiki have torn this nonsensical idea apart.

The reason they want to redefine terms like sexism and racism is not to include an economic dimension, but to hide it. They want to poison the economic well because they themselves are usually quite class muh privileged.

I'd say affirmative action is something that may harm some white applicants that might have just barely made the cut in its absence, but it presumably doesn't have any large effect on the average white living standard compared to what it would be in a world without affirmative action. Whereas something like systematic housing discrimination against black people has clearly had a significant effect on average circumstances, one good example is that if you take a random poor black person and a random equally poor white person, the poor black is far more likely to live in a neighborhood of "concentrated poverty" where nearly everyone around them is poor too (see for example the graphs and charts a few paragraphs into the article at archive.is/n70PB ). I'm not pointing this out to try to tug at anyone's heartstrings about poor blacks or say you shouldn't feel bad on a personal level for a white person who got rejected from something due to affirmative action, just making the point that there are reasonable strategic reasons someone who wanted to call attention to the role of power + prejudice in explaining the overall difference in fortunes between whites and blacks (or other ethnic groups that are worse off than whites in terms of things like wealth and education) might have for wanting to define "racism" that way.

no they dont already agree with it

Do you think your definition of "racist" is more objectively correct in some sense than the other? What non-spooked argument could you give for one definition of *any* word being more objectively correct than another? Personally I don't actually care about how anyone chooses to define the word "racism" in particular, but I do think that in general, trying to win arguments by treating one's own preferred definition as the obviously correct common sense one is an annoyingly anti-intellectual strategy (look at how careful philosophers and scientists are about defining their terms rather than just relying on commonsense understanding) which is beloved by right-wingers.

go away Holla Forums


Not an argument.

power = class & wealth

prejudice = whatever spooky stereotype of the week floats your boat

There , now you can close this thread.



What is your native language?

And this is why lefties never win.

Stay mad whiny faggot

t. Someone that has no idea how affirmaive action works

There was a thread about affirmative action a month or two ago where leftypol got btfo

racism is still racism
racism + power could be discrimination

Whites aren't the real racists, Asians are.

Just look at how much money they make! And how well they do in school! The US is obviously an Asian supremacist nation, or else there would be equality.


This thread is full of imperialist Americans. As usual they wish to universalize the debate over their own society. Several episodes of internecine strife in recent history clearly show that the redefinition in OPs post does not work and shows that it has been adopted simply for expediency.

Anyone defending that redefinition, "ironically" or not, should be ashamed of themselves.


>when amerian centric liberals think that "white" is a race and therefore ignore racism towards all white nationalities and races

unsurprising tbh