Slate: “Sleeping Giants” Is Borrowing Gamergate’s Tactics to Attack Breitbart

I know it's an article from Slate and they're
pozzed, but I'm bored and I was just looking at random articles. So the article describes some leftie group called Sleeping Giant who are convincing companies to remove their advertisements from Breitbart because they're "ebil waycist" in order to loose money, The same shit Gamergate did to Gawker. So I'm wondering will they be successful or fail at their plan?

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Was GG successful?

That's a gay logo

GG cost Gawker seven figures in ad revenue and depleted their legal defense fund, allowing Hulk to smash them into the dirt. Yes they were fucking successful.

However, this isn't a GG tactic, it is a leftist tactic that got used against them.

I know, it represents gay fisting.

The soros fist… lmfao

People advertising on Breitbart likely already know it's a right-wing site, idiots.

Nice gamergoob Holla Forums circle jerk spin you got there. Hogan would've buried Gawker with or without Operation Disrespectful Nod.

Liberal logic, folks.

Also the reason Gawker got its shit pushed in is because it went to a fucking jury and they lost their appeals. Peter Theil had way more to do with it. Also another reason GamerGate lost is that Kotaku is still alive and shitting on games, and now the GG thread is full of retards who just masturbate over Gilda Mars and furry cartoon characters instead of doing anything.

The number of followers doen't match the retweet rate, which would indicate a high level of bot followers. - 187 followers
All the people thay have signing up saying they won't donate to Breitbart are small fry.

They are also retweeting BMW, and others with whom they had no influence.

Make me want to start a twitter account called Woke Midgits that calls for boycotts on the boycotters.

This is exactly what I read 2 weeks ago in ZH. SJeWs are copying the gamergate tactics against Kikebart

This isn't a new tactic to the Left at all. They were doing the same long before Gamergate. It is usually a few dozen to several hundred young Leftist activists who repeatedly call the relevant advertisers threatening boycotts and similar action until the advertiser ends their contract.

Boycotts never come if an advertiser maintains their contract, but the threat alone is enough to scare away many if not most.

While he's not a popular example here, an example from shortly before Gamergate was Glenn Beck's show on FOX News. He got very high ratings for his time slot from 2009 to 2011 on FOX News, but there were only a handful of advertisers willing to stick around after he said he believed President Obama had "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture" and "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." in 2009. Regardless of the high viewership, his show was a black hole for advertising dollars and was eventually cancelled as a result.

There was no boycott of the advertisers who stuck with Glenn Beck. It was only a few hundred people organizing to repeatedly harass advertisers. But it was enough.

For the Left to claim they are borrowing the tactic from Gamergate is a blatant lie. Gamergate borrowed the tactic from the Left. The Left will continue using this same tactic until the end of time.

Literally a communist salute.

Bring it on lmao

Their plan will fail when Trump starts trashing the advertisers who fold on Twitter.

GG was fuelled by righteous indignation. These jokers do it for the shekels they receive from their decrepit Hungarian puppet master.


sign up for their communist fisting club, then pr-cuck them into oblivion. same tactics will work against them that were used on gamergate.

i bet even 10 dedicated anons shitposting can completely disrupt this group.

Holy shit the hivemind…that's exactly the name I thought of

Well, Breitbart has nothing to worry about, because GaymerGayte never shut down a single publication.

No, Hulk Hogan destroyed Gawker, and Gawker's retarded business practices destroyed Gawker, GG had nothing to do with it.

I'm pretty sure that was organized by David Brock / Media Matters

GG didn't destroy Gawker but it did cost them a lot of money. If Gamergate had been bigger it could have had a bigger impact. Now we're not talking about gamers but the general population so the potential of hurting Breitbart is bigger but on the other hand Breitbart themselves hurt Kellogg with their boycott of their products. So it's a double edged sword. I can see smaller companies telling libtards to fuck off and keep on advertising on Breitbart and make a lot of money.

Yes. How often do you hear about Anita and all of them nowadays? Not only that, but there was the cancelled movie and, if you haven't noticed, now tech review sites almost always have a disclaimer about being provided with free shit and mentioning that they may be getting paid for their links.

No it didn't. They did that themselves. Their insurers refused to pay for their legal defence because of some complex reasons relating to Hogan.

All the time. Especially here. Also the cunts spoke at the UN
You mean the movie that was never, by any reasonable expectation, going to get made?
Which they think excuses them from other, more horrendous, ethical practices

GG made them afraid and gave them an eternal bogeyman. But aside from that it accomplished nothing practical.

No, this is pretty much par for the course for the left. GG just adopted their method of attack.

On that note, their weakness will be their attempts at maintaining positive PR


they can disrupt their message and action, but not their group, they're corporate PR with a top-down structure, the disruption and redpills are prevented from getting up the command chain
it will be useful to sever them from their base however, they consider their lowest members as expendable fuses when they're the only ones through which they have a contact with the outside world
a nice pr-cucking will wreak havok in their wageslaves shiptosters and their campaign will lose traction, if it had any in the first place

send them this and they will close their account

Exactly, if anything, Gamergate was borrowing their tactics.

The guy behind the article likely is just triggered still over gamergate and wants an excuse to think that somehow gamergate is finally being foiled by having the leftist tactic used by gamergate being used by leftists some more in a deranged tautological delusion.

It's true that Gamergate did some damage to them, but it was miniscule compared to the financial elbow drop that Hogan unleashed - it would have destroyed Gawker regardless.

You're right about it being a leftist tactic that GG stole, though. What's important is the reason it was so much more effective in GG's hands - and that's, simply, that people have had enough of the SJWs. The same reason nobody wanted to fill Gawker's empty ad spaces after GG emptied them, and that Breitbart got so big in the first place; the pendulum is swinging back. More than half the US population has come to their senses and turned away from the dark side.

Besides, they already made a brutal example of Kelloggs. Any company that pulls out for this reason can expect to lose money as a result.

Either they're lying or they're winning.

It's very nice of them to be giving Breitbart's millions of readers a list of companies to boycott (and to write letters telling them WHY they're boycotting them). Something tells me they probably outnumber these little "giants".

ya think? i wonder if they have any high-placed allies in the trump administration?

Nigga wat? Bannon is Trump's right-hand.

Goddamnit I hate half chan and plebbit

The American left is now firmly behind the curve on the culture wars. They're reduced to fighting this year's battles with last year's strategies. While I still wouldn't underestimate them (rats are at their most aggressive when cornered, so it's still important to keep increasing the pressure on them until they are conclusively crushed), they are nowhere near the threat they used to be.

It's the Marxist symbol for "Please fuck my ass with all this death-gold I got from my slightly wealthier neighbours."

The major damage gamergate did was push the debate into more web forums regarding the nature of journalism as it exists today.

People went from being indifferent to the state of the media or thinking it worthless, to thinking it was actively harming society and/or the entertainment they consume. You no longer had things like the video game media seen as just blindly praising games that paid for advertising, but rather as a group of manchildren that try to push their politics whenever possible because they loathe the medium and their own audience.

This killed the goodwill that most people had towards the media where they thought these were just people wanting to do their jobs, so that now they see it all as political bullshit that they're attempting to shove down their throats.

The change in rhetoric throughout almost all web forums was staggering and for that I see gamergate as a wildly successful operation and as one of the forces that helped point internet culture towards Trump.

I've never heard of any of those things and I don't know what they'd matter.

Don't you have better things to do than be a goon here? I get that you get paid to cry whenever the word GG is brought up, but its getting to be kinda sad.

They're not even hiding it, anymore.

Face it, Holla Forums. Since the little false flag at CPP, the beast has effectively awakened, and now it's coming for the heart of the resistance. Now is the time to act, and be ever prepared for the breaking of peace.

Be vigilant.

They have been awake and active since the 1900s you faggot.

Hey Soros, whatcha doin'?

Whi the fuck are they? Stop giving these fucking nobodies attention

You are not from around here

Are leftists capable of a single original thought?

They're trying to repurpose Holla Forums memes at the moment.

Stay salty, Denton.

Paid? They do it for free.

These aren't gamergate's. They are the left's own methods that they have been using for decades. Part of the reason they were so butthurt by gamergate is that they used these leftist methods against the left. They are used to cuckservatives who have "principles" (i.e. losing) and will not "stoop to their level" (i.e. fight to win).

Gawker's owner directly said that gamergate was largely responsible.

if nothing else, gamergate caused asshurt from leftists for years to come, they just can't get it out of their heads

Breitbart sponsors often laugh at these groups as a hobby, so no. GG worked because there was actual fraud going on which impacted advertiser association. Their definition of "racist" and "sexist" is far too broad to be taken seriously outside the campus lesbian cat lady drop in centre.

This. It was like watching a dam break and the 2014 midterm elections where the GOP dominated was the first indication. THAT was what got Trump's attention no doubt. It certainly got mine.

You have to remember that Gawker was not even the main target, it was only when Biddle chimed in that it became one and it was one of the first ones to really catch flames in nary a few days, hell even from companies that didn't partner with Gawker but which Gawker claimed they did.

It was all focused on gaming rags at first. Actually the Gawker thing kind of sidetracked hitting the others sites.

Yeah, seriously. Has Slate forgotten how organized outrage from lefties was targeted to get people like Brendan Eich ousted, get people fired, generally wrangle grovelling apologies out of all and sundry? Pretty short fucking memory Slate.

That never happened. Stop making shit up. And I know the article you're referrring to. The people left in GooberGate are so sloppy they don't even know their own shit anymore.

Nice deflection. Go back to your Gilda Mars LARP thread.

You don't even know what a goon is apparently. Also GamerGate ended when you let a tranny neckbeard run the thing off a cliff. There's no one shilling it anymore, because you let total retards leaderfag it to death. You may as well still be talking about Occupy Wallstreet and pretending people are conspiring here to take it down.

BTW, Gawker's reputation was hurt a lot more with the media by outing homosexuals. The GG bad PR over the bullying tweet, etc. was successfully countered because the bluepilled retards in your ranks where dumb enough to think you would be platformed by the media.

Ass-mad lefty-cunt detected.

Ahahahaha. Stay mad, bitch.


I wouldn't mind if they took out Breibart, because normies will eventually find even independent and redpilled outlets like TRS.

You can't kill ideas, you can only transfer them into another entity.

Good write up user. Nails down why there is so much bleed over across the net with Holla Forums's views now.

I was a preGG pol/a/k and was watching the slowly rising tide of our views pushing back in the wider web bringing redpills aplenty to the normalfags across the world and forcing the system to shut down more and more forums to try and contain us. GG while it may have failed its half assed goals, it brought in to our fold a way to win this war. Many of the cross overs from Holla Forums continually pointed out why GG shouldn't do some things and what was going on, but generally were ignored on that front. But the movement brought down the reaction we warned about and proved us right to the wider group.

It seemed from my point of view it was one hell of a win, huge numbers of Holla Forums's target audience (white, young, disenfranchised men) got a massive slap across the face from our shared enemies, and a forceful redpill was laid bare. You cannot hide from our enemies, they will chase you down no matter where you flee in their quest to destroy us. It opened the way for Holla Forums to go mainstream, for gamers are utterly mainstream and beat the fuck out of normalfag culture.

And the best thing about that? It infused Holla Forums with gamers whom played to win. Whom refuse to get beat and take it. People that practice all types of war for fun, every waking moment of free time they have and refuse to take a beating from inferior faggots. And pol became all the better for it. Before that infusion Holla Forums was in a rut, masters of spreading redpills, breaking down of false flags, and general happening centralizers of information, but we couldn't seem to actually fight back effectively as a group. GG gave us that ability. Hell, you user's even brought forth fullchan for us to shelter against the subversion going on at halfchan.

The people of GG that became Holla Forums are in my view, the best of us in many respects. Warriors of the net whom have taken our preaching's and become an army. And are pushing directly back against our enemies in ways new or pol could only have dreamed of once upon a time.

GG failed its initial goals and lost that battle. But I'll be damned if you are not well on your way to winning the fucking war stronger from your initial loss as a lesson learned. It has been my pleasure to shitpost and troll with you all.

Stay triggered goon.

Kikebart is cancerous. The comments are filled with idiotic Jew-brained faggots praising Shapiro and Milo for pushing "cultural libertarianism".

Hopefully it's the latter.

Nice retort, Acid Man.

Triggered AF!

If I'm the leftist, then why did you give a tranny the power to destroy GG from within?

No one from here would write such a gay sounding blogspot where you argue that GG contributed more to Holla Forums than Holla Forums contributed to GG. This is another PR thread from people on another board, the ones who shit on Holla Forums every single day in their thread. Like when they did threads here saying GamerGate got Trump elected and then cried that anyone who disagreed was Revolt.

There are enough of us now with disposable income to crowdfund websites to make up for any ad revenue drops in right-wing news.


GamerGate's real accomplishments aren't measured according to whether or not the corrupt journos are still in business (although it COULD be). What's more important is the culture it created. Quite a few gamers ended up being redpilled, and it made life difficult for the establishment.

Kotaku, Polygon, RPS, etc. might still be in business, but they're generally greeted with revilement. And the antipathy they continue to sew is reinforced by uncooperative consumer base.

false, Gawker also admitted their brand got tarnished beyond salvation by gamergate, they did not find ANYONE willing to buy them to sponge off the hulk victory

Noble Sam Biddles bring back bullying tweet also ended up anally raping Gawker.


Ah but if the left does it, then it's for the greater good and the progress and the right side of history.

I was never a gamergate guy, and made fun of a lot of their PR crap, but the media is still bitching about them now however many years later so they must have done something right.

Targeting advertisers was only part of what GG did.

Even so, GG had topical points to argue as to why advertisers should have avoided Gawker whereas these guys are complaining that these "racist" republican websites should be blacklisted for being to the right of them politically.

Nothing they'll accomplish will last I don't think, unless the company is Target or Kellogg or some soon-to-be dead company.

Where any of those advertising with Breitbart anyway?


GG cost Gawker eight figures.


That turned out to be false. Denton was talking about the opportunity cost of doing controversial stories, not GamerGate specifically.

I'd fuck the blonde, maybe.


These faggots are going to find out in a hurry what happens when you go after a member of Trump's staff.

Do they not realize that the reason it worked for gamergate is because the people filing the complaints bought their products?

The one on the far left is probably the only natural blonde in the group.

I'd do her or the black haired girl with Bettie Page bangs in the back. She looks like she's into being dominated.

No one seems to know or care, so I'm guessing that this is just impotent flailing.

And this. Advertisers know what Breitbart is.

Butthurt goobergobler detected


this, to be quite honest family

They're all on the far left, user

GamerGate showed us just how much energy needs to be expended by those in power to keep us down. It unveiled the enormous power of men who just want to play some video games. That's why it has value and relevance. It was a spark for angry anons to realize some of their potential. These Sleeping Giants guys? Who? GamerGate could legitimately point to "look at these assclowns like Anita Sarkeesian insulting your consumer demographics, Mr. Corporation. Are you sure you want to advertise alongside her?". Sleeping Giants has to lie and grossly exagerrate their offended feelings to be heard. They aren't genuine, and advertisers will realize.

Possibly. It might be effective to infiltrate and PRfag. But most of these people are insane and don't care how their movement looks to moderates the way the GaymerGoy "classical liberals" did. Don't forget we're talking about the political faction that, when confronted with the reality that demonizing white people loses elections, doubled down on the white hatred.
These are people that fucking turned on Obama for not starting WWIII at his last press conference.

We don't need kikebert anymore.


you realize Peter Thiel was behind Hogan and the anti-Gawker campaign the whole time, right? He wanted revenge on Gawker for outing him (and others) as a pillow biter.

We need to hit Newsweek advertisers in 2017 so our spastic pal Buchenwald is gassed.