Culture thread

Revolutionary/counter-revolutionary culture both have one thing in common: They are not "necessarily, always" the direct result of any and all types of capitalist influence. People who have bad experiences in life generally just become lumpens and violate their own class.

Disorders such as PTSD and Skitzophrenia usually develop, leading to aggression against random-ass people. "Getting really, really pissed off at the person who hurt you" is actually quite rare among human reactions to other humans harming oneself, in most cases.

Were any actual cops hurt in the 1992 LA riots, for instance? In fact wasn't it mostly Koreans who were targeted and not even whites?

The way the human mind works: People who are attacked don't usually care about "getting back" at the people who attacked them. They just care about getting back. (I don't work this way for some reason. Not bragging.)

We have to verbally remind them who their enemies are. That's part of what I mean by "creating revolutionary culture".

Creating revolutionary culture is NECESSARY for destroying capitalism. So to say "culture will never change until capitalism is destroyed" is asinine. To assume bad capitalism will lead people to hate capitalism is a misunderstanding of how rage works within the human mind when aggression is not channeled by more intelligent (leftist) humans into a more revolutionary direction.

Pic unrelated. (Her name is "Lena" and something from her past will help us in our struggle against the SJW…details later, if I feel like giving them. Would tap, admit it you would too.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is that?

I refuse to respond to anyone who does not address the main points of my diatribe.

yeah, well fuck you too, buddy

yes, user, yes
I'm wholeheartedly agree with you…

now… about this Lena girl… got any more pics? preferably not censored

I know people with both and they don't do that. They have more an issue with their own selves more than others.

You're over simplifying. The target of aggression has to have symbolic meaning or association in many cases and is not really random.

Why people dont blame capitalism is because they are taught to either blame themselves and are just not capable of imagining a world without capitalism since its pretty much everywhere. Being everywhere makes it so it's not even noticed.

how about a cultural revolution thread instead ?


That's what I'm building up to.

welp, she sure got nice tits and big ass.
and that's all I need

i'd fuck her

if i was drunk

and had lowered my standards

also she would have to be the only woman left alive on earth

I've met plenty of skitzophrenic people who threatened to harm me, including one death threat from my own skitzophrenic best friends, because they thought killing me might get the aliens/demons to leave them alone.

Anyways, maybe I just got that from reading an article that blamed a lot of gang violence on "PTSD" but I"ve had people with that disorder lash out at me too. I get a disproportionate amount of aggression from people…until recently (Started doing steroids to give myself confidence. Bulk helps out a lot when I get into physical confrontations).

friend* not friends

Didn't the cultural revolution happen after the communists had already taken power?

Not all are like that. Schizophrenia varies a lot. Also culture influences schizophrenia. In the East voices schizophreics hear are more often friendly instead of mean or screaming like they are in the west.

Black people had issues with the Koreans too though (justified or no), it's not as simple as them destroying their own stuff

(came out months before the LA riots)

Mao felt scared of the right wing in his country so he made the cultural revolution to cement the communist partys power.

are we being raided by /r/autism?

riots are a form of catharsis for the lowerclass, but as most of them are also uneducated its just an excuse to loot.
Blacks usually riot and tear down their own neighborhoods, something pol laughs about a lot.
They dont go to Beverly hills or wallstreet or the whitehouse and if they did the tanks would start rolling in.

Black people resent asian immigrants for being successful and educated even though they just got off the boat and blacks have been here since Washington and still live in ghettos.

And lena dunham is a useless ball of meat with the body of a 12 year old boy at fat camp

Is there any research as to why this is?

asian people have the stereotype of being a model minority, and they have discipline, their parents will also beat them if they get an a- in math, also their dads dont run off on the first sign of pregnancy.

Blacks have developed a culture, encouraged by white liberals and the media of anti intellectualism, speaking correctly, succeeding at stuff that isnt running fast and throwing a ball in a hoop, is seen as being white, and therefore losing being black.
So blacks are trapped in this cultural negative feedback loop where its bad to not be a stupid nig

Black people are genetically predisposed to low intelligence and violent,antisocial behavior. They know this on some level, but Asians make the claims by blacks that their lack of success is due to being an oppressed minority look like bullshit (which they are) because of the success Asians have had. Also, brown people can, infact, be racist.

I've always believed this. Except its really the entire "urban poor" of all "races" influenced to be this way and the attitude extends to the lower middle class.

Captain Ahab, we are ready to sail!

You'd have to be a stupid nig to get trapped in that cycle in the first place.

Plenty of Holla Forums poster neets like yourself apparently meet your criteria.

All you stormfags STFU plz. You fuckers are the reason SJW exists to begin with.

It is apparently to me, from visiting the minority of "ghettos" which are white, that the problem is culture, not race.

Go to the white ghettos on the westside of Cleveland (unless they all got pushed out by hipsters by now) and you'll see for yourself.

An admitted child rapist.

Yes. Lena Dunham is a great tool for destruction of the SJW. Never let them forget about her and her pedophilic endeavors.

What did she actually do? Since that is pretty vague and I don know what your idea of rape is in this case.

She shoved foreign objects into her little sister's vagina after grooming her for years.

Wasn't she a child as well when that happened?

17 at the youngest.

Statutory rape is one thing but if you forcibly insert objects into someone's vagina you're a rapist regardless of your age.

Anyway trying to keep on subject. Although this might not be ethical technically you could take a mentally unstable person and put ideas in their head to radicalise them but this is pretty bad since it is what terrorists do. I think a better approach is just making sure people simply understand their lives can be improved most through political change because social change i something people have very little control over.

I dont trust the term " grooming" to have any real value. Ive heard people just having natural escalation of sexuality as grooming but if that was the case every sexual relationship of anyone is grooming. Hardly anyone spontaneously jumps into sexual situations with someone. I prefer more accurate terms like blackmailing, threatening, or taking advantage of naivety. Also depends how old her sis was and if it was done forcibly or if she consented to it.

The term statutory rape trivializes real rape. I wish people would give up using that term.

Her sister was six years old.
That's not even the worst of it.

Those alone arent really bad although culturally we can all see it as creepy but using those same kind of methods taken further then yeah that is pretty bad and how she worded that shows a pretty messed up mentality. Although it's not as bad if she actually regrets it and feels bad about it at least but it's also possible she doesn't.. At least I know now in case this comes up in the future so I dont run through the same benefit of doubt defence. .

Grooming means you're doing sexual escalation on someone who doesn't know better and it fuck's with kids' understanding of relationships. Kids who were abused can end up not understanding how normal social boundaries work.

Statutory rape is an important concept because children don't typically have much understanding of sex. It does get overused for things like people in their mid teens seeking out relationships with adults though.

There was a whole debacle, trust me, she doesn't.

I know you don't know much about it, but this isn't the hill to die on. Sometimes it really is as bad as it sounds.

Just make sure noone forgets about it.

We should make anime incest porn of her and spread it like fucking wildfire.

even in 2D, I don't want to see that shit

And keep spreading that screenshot, let noone forget ever. Let it never be forgotten, ever.

The SJW refused to abandon her and this has been known for awhile now.

This is worse than the fact that Planned Parenthood officially states that it is "your choice" to decide when to reveal your HIV positive status to sexual partners.

Lena is another great way to destroy counter-revolutionary culture…the SJW side of it!

Just make sure that noone forgets what she did.

Don't let ANYONE forget how Al Sharpton and other black male SJWs have defended black male rapists AGAINST black female victims. This of course feeds into "thug culture" by creating a mini-system of privlege (Word used correctly) of black thugs over normal black people.

Which I wouldn't mind if those thugs were fighting bourgies.

Fed* into, thug culture is mostly dead.

Also, while we're at it, how else can we destroy counter-revolutionary cultures? I think there may be a link between right wing "redneck" culture and daughter molestation, based on conversations I've had with dozens of women and girls who I will never name and who's words I will never share.

Evidence is the problem. We'd have to reveal it right around the time of the destruction of the SJW or SJW would just use it for white male hating fire.

Leftists need to have more kids so that these kiddy diddlers and druggies can have a standard of secular morality imposed around them, rather than degenerate youth culture as its been for the past however many years.

This is an anti-natalist board, friendo.

That should bring out the slime and the confessions. Dig up dirt on police departments which are lenient on these upper middle class rednecks and ignore obvious signs of sexual abuse.

I still won't reveal what was told to me because it was revealed in trust…but digging up information by force, I don't mind.

We know her father did it but we need her word, lets say. She goes on about PTSD and flashbacks and doesn't want to talk…that's when we tie her to a chair and get out the pliars. We won't hurt her sexually, just pry a few of her teeth.

I'm tired of this degeneracy and the signs are usually quite obvious by looking at their eyes. The way they stand together…etc. You can tell one of these incestuous weirdo families from a half mile away. I'm tired of being slowed down in life by mentally unstable people who were molested as children.

How can we deal with such drama and mental illness during the revolution? It would DESTROY us!


We will infiltrate neighborhoods. We need odd jobbers working with gangs working with unions working with politicians and others. We need to destroy all these closed off little neighborhood cultures if they get in our way.

can you go roleplay somewhere else

So we continue to allow rural conservatives and lumpens to breed us out of existance?

What are other options?

ideology isn't genetic you tard

It is when the parent beats it into them. Which rural conservative christians and urban lumpens usually do.

Yeah, if you teach them to use critical thinking to come to their own conclusions about things they might disagree with you.

usually though when schizos threaten violence, its out of fear. people will do a lot of crazy shit if they feel their life is in danger

Yeah I dont like it because it gets used to describe older ages. Understanding sex isnt really a clear boundary so that means grooming is a a term without a clear boundary so I find it to be difficult to discuss.. Statutory rape isnt a legal term and it refers to those who know exactly what they are doing (usually tees), not small children. Ive never heard someone use. the term statutory rape to refer to little kids. Usually people just call it rape or child rape and the legal term I think is sexual misconduct with a child or rape of a minor under (so and so age) or something. It usually has a weird wording like that.

Yeah I don't want to defend people or acts that don't deserve it. It's just that so much people make a big deal over the wrong things and that shoves stuff like this away from public conciousness taking awareness away from the actually bad people and acts. It's like people cant handle it so they focus their energy on something tame instead.. Which in turn leads to people like me not sure if its okay or legitimately wrong things going on since some people always act the same for both which leads to a lot of confusion in discussion.

I don't think it always works like that. Ive known a few people who went religious and right wing to rebel against their secular left wing parents. I dont think you can teach morals to sadists. Your best bet is using purr logic that appeals to someone's own best interest instead of emotion.

Pretty sure that is illegal. to use a likeness of a real person

stop lying commie scum

This is worse than the fact that Planned Parenthood officially states that it is "your choice" to decide when to reveal your HIV positive status to sexual partners.
You got a source on that? Because that's legitimately horrible.

Maybe it meant " potential/future sexual partners" since it's actually a crime to knowingly infect someone with HIV.

No. It meant what I said it meant or I wouldn't be typing about it.

I found some idiot conservatives' websites which report on it but I'm looking for something more trustworthy.

Or, hoping they changed and updated it.

Their excuse was something about "fear of physical abuse" because apparently some people get beat up when they reveal HIV to their partners.

And yeah that's a risk you take, but same with doctors who have to announce to patients ("He didn't make it".) There's a lot of things in life that put you in an increased risk for violence.

The source of this bullshit seems to be a brochure entitles "Happy, Healthy, and Hot: a young people’s guide to their rights, sexuality and living with HIV"

OP here: This is partly my bad. I read about it almost a year ago and they HAVE changed slightly since then.

People must have got on them about it.

(Page 5 of Healthy, Happy, and Hot)

Tips for telling sexual partners
your HIV status:

Consider things like the best time to tell
the person. When dating, some people tell
their partner when they first meet while
others wait till later. Do whatever makes
you the most comfortable. If you are in a
long-term relationship, try to find a time
when your partner is calm and has time
for a long conversation. "

"If you think your partner(s) may get violent
or angry, try to tell your partner in a safe
environment and have a plan in place
for your safety. The counsellor at your
local clinic may be able to help you fi
out how to do this, and can also provide
advice on how best to disclose"

It sounds like they're trying to be proactive rather than what it read on that brochure a few months ago, which kinda just adamantly implied "Some people receive violence from their partners after disclosing…so you don't have to disclose, ever!"

It still kinda sorta implies that, or does it? They definitely STRONGLY SUGGEST now that you report your status and, if need be, find a secure location, rather than just shrugging and saying "I might get beat up so I"ll just not tell".

Kinda the same arguments theocrats use in favor of the burka. PP must have realized how stupid they sounded.

That's still deeply troubling, because their partner might have already contacted HIV unknowingly. The earlier you catch HIV the easier it is to treat. Knowing early enough can prevent it turning into AIDS and possibly infecting more people.

Would you say leftists are "semi-utilitarian", at least?

I try to make sure all my beliefs have at least some utilitarian value. It always bothers me when people with extreme inheritable disorders have 3, 4 kids who all have that disorder. We can probably agree with the right wingers on this.

Actual right wingers, not the "conservative" morons who try to create as much literal human life as possible and force dying people to stay alive for 20 years hooked up to machines. Those types seem to love illness and lowered living standards.

I believe in taking care of people once they're born. PROPAGATION of illness, on the other hand, is degeneracy which must be crushed.

Eh, the issue there is that the line where something becomes a disease is blurry. Being gay used to be considered a mental disorder that people were castrated for. If anything, the way to fix this shit is to get people better educated so they understand the ramifications of their actions.

Lumpens and Christian conservatives keep having all the kids. They beat it into those kids and, while some people might know kids who rebelled against their parents,

This is uncommon in closed-off communities who feel like "outsiders" as is. They cling to their own kind, "right or wrong" as the saying goes.

No black man from Detroit is going to rebel against his mother in front of white society.

Same with Appalachian towns who feel like they're "outsiders" to the status quo as is. They're all they have with each other.

This is an "anti-natalist" board? Sounds like a plan for defeat to me! Explain why not, someone, please? How is the birth rate among "conservative" cultures NOT a problem?

The birth rate among conservatives is a problem. The board is ant-natalist as a philosophical position. I don't personally agree that it's always immoral to reproduce but I'm p sure most people here do, because of the whole life is suffering thing. Unilateral ant-natalism is short sighted tbh.


"Skitzos threatening violence is something that NEVER HAPPENS"

"Skitzos threatening violence is something that happens out of fear"

My life is really rough and I"m sick and tired of being denied all the fucked up shit that actually has happened to me. One day all you internet retards will see me on the news and see that I was for real.

See people like you make me hate ALL Skitzophrenic people. Just like SJWs who stand up for ALL black people make me resent black people.

And what if I DID do some psycho shit?

Why should I have to? To prove some shit to immature troll retards? Life is so fucking worthless. I shouldn't have to do anything crazy to "prove myself"

But I guess I will? This is fucking stupid.

Losers shoot shit up all the time…this is really fucking stupid. It wouldn't prove anything "good" about me but somehow I know it would shut you all up.

My own best friend threatened to drown me in a hot tub. Reading your words make me want to find a random homeless skitzophrenic person and beat him half to death JUST TO HURT YOU.

God damn it I'm becoming totally lumpenized at this point. Fuck me. And these aggresive skitzos haven't helped. Yeah my own friend (skitzophrenic) threatened to drown me WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THE FUCKING 911 CALL LOG FROM THAT NIGHT YOU PIECE OF SHIT?

Add to that me getting jumped 6 times over the years.

And don't anyone DARE say I must be a pushover. LOTS of people in my neighborhood have been jumped 6 times.

And no I'm not saying I live in the "roughest" neighborhood mine isn't even that bad. SEE? I'M NOT EVEN SAYING I COME FROM A "REALLY ROUGH" NEIGHBORHOOD. Just not a preppy perfect rich neighborhood, that's all.

Neurotypicals have to turn everything into a dick measuring contest. Yeah I'm the same guy who created the thread against lumpen gang culture in case you can't tell. Try plopping a nerdy aspie dude in the middle of the ghetto and see what happens…maybe you'll create the next dictator (I'll probably just end up being another lumpen alcoholic but eh)

SHIT ok so I said I live in "the ghetto"…I can't prove that. I take it back: "Low income neighborhood"…better?

Fucking NTs everything has to be a brag to you people.

Asians that immigrated tended to be literate professionals or have relation-ties to families back home that could provide some sort of financial support to help them get started, or came from backgrounds where they had some sort of economic skill even if it was just farming.

Black people were constantly denied the typical means of wealth accumulation that their white and asian counterparts had access to because until WW2 the vast majority were concentrated in the American South were the political establishment did everything they could to keep them "in their place," while Asians settled in the (relatively) more egalitarian American West.

Well I live in a "mainstream ghetto culture" neighborhood inside of a redneck town. Ghetto culture is an independent problem, 30% of it is white.

Everybody sorry for flipping out I'm over it for now. I hear that shit IRL all the time every time I talk about having basically the same problems that other people in my position have documented. I've been threatened my skitzophrenic people MORE THAN ONCE and yeah I notice trends.

"usually though when schizos threaten violence, its out of fear. people will do a lot of crazy shit if they feel their life is in danger"

WELL I'M SORRY THEN I'LL FUCKING KILL MYSELF SO THEY DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ME "JUDGING" THEM ANY MORE. Skitzophrenic people aren't the only ones who feel suicidal, aspies who have no friends who live in neighborhoods full of angry lumpens feel suicidal too sometimes.

I remember EVERYONE at my high school had "respect" for "thugs" who would physicalll assault me because they "protected the neighborhood" or some shit. Nowadays SJWs online have sympathy for them when I tell my story. I hate my fucking life.