Let's have bets on whether capitalism's gonna ruin this for everyone else


Let's have bets on whether capitalism's gonna ruin this for everyone else.

To be completely honest if this shit is going to be banned in the west I might move to china just for this.

I dont bet, betting is bourgeois.

Someone will make a superorganism that kills all the bacteria in the oceans and the ecosystem will collapse and then we will all die.

So all I need to do is to make a few cash grabs and I could become a god before I'm 50?


That one nigga with the bat wings.


Maybe if he said fuckin 1910 or something but the economy was already partly computerised in the 80s and a home desktop was like $1000. Granted the internet was still in its infancy but I hardly think people would find it unbelievable. Is this shit just pandering to millennials who think we only moved to an electronic society in 1993 or something?

You should have told that to IBM.

What was it like seeing one of the first computers? Did something in your head say "This is going to get fucking mental"?

Just because I like being right here we go

The stock market was computerised in 1986. As much as I dislike the 'oh previous generations, they were so ignorant compared to us techno-gods who have solved all problems' talking point, if he had said 1950 he might have sort of had a point. But I don't think the growing role of IT was some kind of secret in the 1980s

Kys nigger

Nice, finally we can get rid of brown skin disease.

But if everyone has designer genes what'll be the point in racial politics :-DDDD

sorry, i didn't realise this was a highly contentious issue

Will everyone have individual designer genes? More likely that it will lead to more conformity rather than more individuality.

That's what I meant. Black people will probably have the same dick size as everyone else, so what will be the excuse to be spooked by them.

But there will be different gene style packages, ergo different races. It will increase racism and it will make identitiy into a commodity that you can purchase.


If your parents can pick your identity, then identity becomes a choice and those parents who pick non-conformant identities for their children will be bullied. Probably their children with the non-conformant identity, too. Trouble makers and dissidents will become extinct, because their parents will be bullied into choosing the "docility and obedience gene".

Why would the docile and obedient gene become popular in the first place?

Because docile and obedient children are easier to raise for their parents.

Why should parents have the right the choose the identity of their children to begin with anyway? Children are not the property of their parents. They are their own persons.

Only a fascist could have so many evident issues. I hope you never have kids.

Dito. I am an antinatalist.


Stormniggers are just 'born this way' faggots in denial everytime

Choosing a skin colour is not choosing the identity of children. If anything, it is the least impactfull thing a parent does on the childs identity.

Religion, personal beliefs, etc etc are all much more impactfull on their identity. Hell, most children identify as what their parent identify as.

If you're an anti-natalist aren't you contributing to white g.enocide?

I have nothing against the white race going extinct, just like the japanese are slowly going extinct due to low fertility rates. And i don't think that white states need to survive, thus that immigration is completely unnecessary. The japanese also are slowly going extinct due to low fertility rates, yet they don't let immigrants into their country and thus have a much higher quality of life.


I am extremely skeptical towards this type of thing. I can only envision a dystopic future where humans rule each other and are enslaved even worse than now.

It will be like Gattaca

You are a Nigger.

I can only envision a dystopic future where humans rule each other and are enslaved even worse than now.

t.60 year old grandpa that reads too much science fiction

That's because of capitalism, you mongoloid.

Immigration is because of capitalism, yes.

I'm 20 and don't read science fiction. You must be very naive and optimistic. In this capitalist society, you really think people will all be given the same opportunity? Especially those in poorer countries? It'll probably be the rich who empower themselves even more and this time, truly become superior as they rule the world.

It's like expecting the kings to hand things down to the peasants.

Did you mean nigger in an endearing way or a derogatory way?

So then shut the fuck up about people immigrating, you dumb-ass skinhead.


So both?

The STEM MASTUH RAYSE circlejerk over this on reddit is in full effect.

Sounds like the the future of humanity is super saiyan neko girls.

Realistically I'll be dead before this would be widely available to fix my issues.

Also, it would take forever for this to trickle down from the hands of porkies all over the world.

Oh, all the super spooked people would be against it too.

I have no problem with this.

This is a very boring and worn out issue.

Liberals will go "but muh individualism"

Right-Wingers will go "It's against human nature"

And lolberts will be all for it because "master of industry master race who will have a carapace shell to resist privately owned hydrogen bombs and will be able to live for thousands of years in exploiting workers"

There is no real argument on why this is needed or not wanted , other than scientists pushing it as scientific novelty perfectly in line with bourgeois Spencerian ideology. The popper socialist answer would be to use bio-engineering to stop easily preventable health issues, not to eliminate all weakness and observable differences. Which is why "everyone to his ability, and according to his needs" still stands even in this case.