Empty Your Cup and Sit Down Before Fact Like a Little Child

Popular Raw Vegan, 62 years old, ripped and muscular Youtuber John Rose Loves Hitler!

"Hitler would have turned Germany into a vegetarian country"

He looked at Hitler and realized they lied about him. Realize that as they lied about Hitler, so the meatrix lies about nutrition and poisons us with GMO and animal products. If vegans are now getting red pilled about Hitler, it's the least you could do to try the diet Hitler wanted to put Germany on.

Right Wing…Health Squads?

John Rose is based.

Artist, vegan, environmentalist, animal lover, moralist. If Hitler lived today, the left would love him.

go shill your estrogens somewhere else, fagot

no user, being a retard makes you full of estrogen
probably explains your situation


go shill your estrogens somewhere else, fagot

Transision works bit faster with estrogen pills


99.99% of vegans are pozzed shitlibs, and you know it.

99.99% of fat fucks are meatcucks, and you know it

The mods are too though, so get ready for some bans vegbros.


Health Department of the 4th Reich. Legio Herbivore

Grek statue guys were on the roids too I suppose. Or perhaps his internal organs haven't been destroyed by the typical American diet.

Why does this subject create such volatility here, It triggers people (on both sides of the debate) more than anything else.

Interesting video with a very encouraging comment section.

There are meat and dairy shills here. No joke. They showed up during the election. Also, Jim Watkins, the site owner, is a pig farmer and encourages the mods to ban vegans.

Never heard of him
and braindamaged
I could tell by the snarky attitude and projection shown in the thumbnail.

Fuck off, kike. The video is great.

A kike projects his own insecurities on others.
Kind of like what you're doing right now, cock sucker.

Why can't you meat cucks just listen and believe?

Because I don't live in an Orwellian future where loud n proud vegans run the government.

You're willfully ignorant. This thread can't help you, nothing can. Stop posting and go back to your slave life.

No, I will not leave Holla Forums just because poop tickling vegans keep astro turfing and making bait threads.

Vegans are morons. Meat has been a staple in the human diet for eternity.

Possibly so, I’m not sure why people would really be so threatened by alternative diets. I do have concerns about children being raised Vegan but I don’t spit venom the second someone mentions the V word.

Regardless of diet preference I do hope that no Holla Forumsacks are consuming factory farmed meat. It is the ultimate normalfag-fodder, will turn you into a trap and is morally repugnant.

If this man isn’t pruning his comment section I am impressed. Are Vegans inclined to being redpilled? The ones I have met RL have all be lefties, are these the new gen?

wtf i love waiting to eat meat until its my birthday now

If vegan bullshit brings people to Hitler, so be it, I can't be mad because until kikes ate gone it doesn't matter what anyone beleives as long as they are willing to fight for the white race, and if the jews get btfoed and we invent some super pill to make eating meat inefficient, than whatever. Until then eating meat is the best way to get protein, and the best way for people to be strong for the days to come. Eating "less" meat would be good for the fat fucks out there, considering when you aren't burning 2000 calories a day a steak will just sit in your gut and rot. There could be some truth in eating more fish and poltry and less red meats, but eating no meat for moral reasons is retarded. Fish is amazing for you and so is chickens, those meats give you a lot of energy and protein/vitamins with little fat. Outside of jew controlled farms, there is no moral reason to not eat meat. Someone who has trouble with eating cows for moral reasons would have a hell of a lot of problems with removing niggers spics and jews from our lands, and that's a problem.

Threatened? Try "annoyed by constant spamming".

Not even joking, veganism is what brought me to Holla Forums. Someone told me I was like Hitler for not eating meat and that made me do some research to see if that was true, eventually I realized Hitler wasn't that bad. Eventually I realized the kikes were liars.


It depends. Most of the ones you probably encounter IRL that tell you they are vegan are probably going to be shitlib fad followers. But there is a minority of vegans who do it for the right reasons and because of that they have open minds and are more willing to accept view that are considered "bad-think"

Vegetarianism is a diet, comparable to natural human omnivorism. It can possibly be healthy in a wealthy society, where people have access to a wide variety of plants and processed animal products like cheeses and good milk. There have been examples of vegetarianism working in isolated incidents throughout history.

Veganism is not a diet, it's a cult. It's a newfangled idea that has been going on for only like 30-40 years. It has never been tested before, no human population have ever tried living without consuming animal products. It's basically a big experiment with vegan cultist's children as the lab rats, based only in leftist ideology and new age claptrap.

No. Veganism and redpilling is mutually exclusive. A vegan can never be redpilled in any degree before he breaks with the leftist cult he's a part of and comes to his senses.

The term vegan was coined 1944, the lifestyle itself is much older. Before being called veganism it was called ethical vegetarianism and a Pythagorean diet.

You have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about.

I'm talking about it as a cultural cult phenomena, not as a theoretical tiny fringe you retarded buffoon. Your lack of nutrients are obviously giving you some trouble with your brain here. The Pythagorean diet included milk derived products and was a form of vegetarianism, not vegan cult bullshit.

Eating meat is natural for humans, kikes hate everything that's natural, therefore OP is a kike

Go out in the woods and get mauled by a bear, you dumb hippie.

Oh my, I've never seen a kike hate and fear nature before. This is so new.

Vegans always have very low standards for what constitutes "muscular." I had more muscle than this faggot in middle school.

Vegan and environmentalist are mutually exclusive positions. Veganism relies upon global trade, industrial civilization, and environmentally destructive agriculture.

I like beef. I like duck. I like lamb. Go vegan, whatever. I'm eating pork.

$10 says he's using TRT. Sage because I don't feel like bumping this thread.

I got an amusing idea.
Let's all tell vegans about how Hitler didn't eat meat and that they are similar to him.
See what happens.

75% of them will deny it and then quote Jewish sources that say he had bowel problems.

this meme needs to die



Good to know, another fellow is sure he's on steroids

Hakim Bey, is that you? mfw hearing this realizing we are a Temporary Autonomous Zone, with a third hidden guest…


GMO is in no way poisonous except it makes production dependent on external source of seeds and semen which may end unexpectedly.

Take your tinfoil off.

The obvious flaw in his rant is confusing the 1st and 2nd world war. The Balfour Declaration was 1917 so the 1st World War was when the British gave away Palestine to the Jews. He should listen to the Freidman speech again.





Monsanto could surely afford better shills than this.

Then why do they need to shut down real studies and spend tons of money on paid shills?

You guys are so easily baited into fighting each other, reminds me of cuckchan.

I tried going vegan a couple years back, but I wasn't strong enough.


im only aggreeing with the vegan guy because you are probably a skinny 150 male with an anime folder and anime is disgusting

The molecules in the roundup attaches to the heavy metals in the ground water, if they are primarily radioactive.
See Northern India.
You get terrible diseases which can give you sexual dysfunction, including birth defects and of course even death.

If the groundwater isn't highly polluted from runoff of big factories the molecules will be attached to a regular transition metal and isn't a problem.

GMO's are real problem because some (((Globalist))) could irradiate a country's water supply and boom the entire population would have radiation sickness within a season.

One has to wonder if this is the true reason why GMOs are being shilled. Not even talking about them being an invasive species and patent problems.