America has a great criminal justice system

America has a great criminal justice system.

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there are literally people who have been in jail for years in Georgia now just because there are no fucking public defenders and they can't even go to trial. They're being indefinitely detained without trial in our great, fair liberal system.

I can't believe that shit. No fucking way. That is just too much
here's a story about Louisiana that I found with a quick Google. This is really par for the course, though. Louis Theroux did a good video on Florida Superjails, where people get murdered and raped and wait for years to see their trial.

America literally has debtor's prison again.

then they shouldn't have committed an offense in the first place. DUH!

I know you're joking but it's too grim to be funny tbh

nothing is. that's how i live from one day to the next.

I'm a Holla Forumsack and this genuinely upsets me

Yeah because Soviet show trials and Chinese organ harvesting are sooo much better


At least the courts in China are efficient, and do not imprison nearly as large proportion of the population as the ones in US.


No system is perfect but some are much better than others. The great thing about America, is that you are free to criticize and free to voice your opinion on how to improve things. There are far more productive ways you could utilize those rights than this.

Absolutely delusional. You should move to China, commit some fraud and experience the efficiency of their justice system first hand. It would be very educational I'm sure.

Fuck, I didn't even think about the fact they were niggers. Still, people (even niggers) going to jail for years for minor traffic citations and whatnot seems way too excessive

ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

the dude in the story in OP is white, though he's probably a prime example of why the notion of a "white master race" is a total joke

Seriously hope…

I already live here comrade, is this seriously what the imperialist propaganda machine feeds you with? Organ fucking harvesting courts?

We got that too!

For Offenders Who Can’t Pay, It’s a Pint of Blood or Jail Time

It's not propaganda


Coward to the fatherland who fled the country for his reactionary views is really trustworthy source.

Your country is committing crimes against humanity on an industrial scale. I don't know what you think you're doing here but you are not a leftist if you support the current Chinese government.

Market socialism was the only solution left to the party following the passing of chairman Mao. It was the only viable option to keep the party in charge without sacrificing everything that he had build.


Fam, the PRC is literally the most capitalist nation on Earth. It actively sacrifices its own populace to try to appease the beast even faster.

I am well aware that the party values its self preservation above all else

Not really, since the party is in charge of the productive forces at large via committees that appoint boards of directors for corporations and largest ones are state owned and operated(+ coordinated in accordance to the 5- year plans).

That doesn't even sound like something that someone could mistake for socialism.

Mixed economies might seem like that way to the unsophisticated eye. Idea is that party holds the agency of the people, thus that control is theirs via democratic centralism and state apparatus is run by their will, along those corporations that are allowed to operate within our markets.

When Chinese factories no longer require suicide nets I might start to consider it socialist.


Party has been considering allowing non-party controlled trade unions to be allowed to form, since it is generally seen as necessary action to improve working conditions(lot along the same lines of multi-party national congress that we currently have).

Trough honestly, I don`t think that these improvements are likely to take place before next 5-year plan due the inherit paranoia within the party towards non-party affiliated political organs.


obviously, the chinese state has the final say on most economic matters and will in general decide what is and what is not allowed. this does not make the chinese economy socialist, as industry is still privately owned. even firms abroad are allowed to purchase wage labor for their cheap trinkets and produces. are you trolling, absolutely delusional or am i missing something important here?

Either a very boring shitposter, or just a high caliber retard.

They are only allowed to operate within designated economic zones, foreign capital does not have stranglehold on Chinese means of production.

then that indicates that china has a (temporary?) marriage between the state and private sector, making it corporate capitalist.

i am willing to accept the possibility that the CCP will one day maybe act outside of its materialist interests and in some sort of planned fashion introduce actual socialism (market or planned) after long periods of corporatist capitalism to build up the chinese national economy, but no more.

Socialist market economy*
I just need to stop fucking these terms up


*clapping intensifies*