Tucker Carlson collects another scalp...

Tucker Carlson collects another scalp, this time exposing the ludicrous claims that Russia was manipulating US elections for Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, not too shabby Tuck. Glad you've decided to join us.


I don't know about this 'us' thing, but the Russian story is so stupid on its face, and so obviously an attempt to sway public opinion with no facts whatsoever.

Tucker is just calling a spade a spade by calling this bafoon on his BS.

He could and should start dropping big redpills. The funny thing about Fox is that their talent has them by the balls. Looks like Tucker is quickly joining the ranks of the untouchables like hannity and bill.

That congressman was pissed



You know we all have access to youtube, right OP?

This one is important. It's been pinned my wikileaks. It demonstrates the claim against Russia has no basis. halfchan is being shilled like crazy over this non-story. It's not a shitpoast.

Important for what? To prove to us, the most redpilled people on the planet? We don't tweet shit anyway, take it cuck chan. This place is on it's last legs. No one even gives a shit anymore. Every thread is full of cartoon pedophile porn, 90% are about getting pissy at SJW or celebs, our board mods sink redpill threads, all the old guard has left or become lazy, it's full of bots.

Why would halfchan be shilled like crazy over this? This isn't HUGE, it's funny, but it isn't anything massive.

If that's what you think then that makes me think that the shills are doing this on purpose to mislead people into thinking what is and what isn't important. Do not pay attention to shills. At all. What shills are doing is completely irrelevant and acknowledging them at all is giving them power over discourse.

The Russian hack story isn't aimed towards us. It's aimed towards normies.

8ch isn't in charge, user. Whoever sways the normies is

I mention it because it's the narrative they're pushing. I'm not signal boosting the Russian hacking narrative. I'm pointing out this is the card they are playing, and Tucker just shredded it (if enough normies watch the video)

Tucker's proud of his work and wanted to share it with us. No need for rudeness.

I don't think you are, I'm just skeptical that they'd mobilize like that for something like this. I'm probably just underestimating the shill stranglehold on them though tbhfam.


They're pushing this current Russia narrative HARD. I don't know about cuckchan, but it's coming through just about everywhere they control.

It's not going to get them anywhere though. They come across as poor losers. The only people who are really biting the bait are people who've hated Trump from the start.

been doing the shit all night user they are fking shills in full force ignore them and dont worry I almost had a convo with a bot so sit back relax and stay frosty nigger.

Has spamming science gone too far?

Dude, what rock have you been living under? Wherever it is, you have no internet or TV and there are probably a lot of rodents.

mod switch some shit up like dum asses with nothing better to do now we have spam IF IT AINT BROKE DON"T TRY TO FIX IT RAT!!!!!!

oh and forgot to say FUCK YOU!! there i said it

What'd they change? Also, I saw that Holla Forums had a much higher post-per-hour number than we did. I took a look, and it looks like they're getting hit way harder by the bot than us. or they're just crying more which seems reasonable.


We have better moderation than Holla Forums. Admins didn't change anything, some faggot autist got pissed off because somebody on Holla Forums wouldn't sext with him.

This guy has minor case of crazy eyes several times in the conversation.

He also has a bad case of the jew

Minor? That faggot is crazyeyes all day every day. It was even worse during the benghazi/platteriver probe when he was running interference and trying to run out the clock at every goddamn opportunity. Name is Adam or Adams I think.

When a loser like Schiff says this it doesn't have any weight

how can you tell the difference between a Holla Forums regular and these bots?
no punchline. serious question.

The Spam bots only leave (1) message per IP IIRC

It's funny you say that. I actually saw one of their users say it was a good thing because now they would have to really pay attention and be sure they weren't arguing with a robot. It's funny because it seems not even they can easily tell themselves from the bot.

Very hard. I have never seen so many forty year old cat ladies scream about fake news and Russian agents out to get them. They don't even realize they are coming off as crazy to the average disinterested normalfag. If you come into contact with one call them a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist nut job, it makes their blood boil, they can't stand being out-grouped (it's twice as effective on women).

Does anyone else think this bot spam is like having a bad case of digital fleas? This is what you get for having furfags around.

Demoralization helps no one. The one thing this board had during the campaigning was positive thinking. Skip the shitpost-bots and carry on. Or kvetch about it and get nowhere.

Come on goon, can't you go 5 seconds without blowing your cover?


Tucker does it right. Politicians just talk and talk and say nothing.

There really isnt any.
The intelligence agencies said that the hacking used methods Russia has used in the past. That's a truckload of assumption.

The DNC leaks were most likely internal and the most likely person that leaked them in the now deceased Seth Rich. This was hinted at by Assange (youtube.com/watch?v=jEhKr0JLS4A)
The Podesta leaks were because John fell for a phishing scam that his internet security people warned him against.


tucker for the win

Wew can't cuck the tuck

it shouldn't take them too long to make a forgery of a russian document and call it evidence

How did the talent get to that position again?

seriously, it is so easy for them

all they have to do is take a CIA document template, replace the watermarks with pictures of the russian flag or their coat of arms if they have one, and then write literally ANYthing that would indicate hostility against hillary clinton if it were a legitimate document; they could include anything from putin raping babies and putting them in blenders then using their shredded corpses to power experimental war-robots to "this politician in America[who we want to character assassinate] did something that we and other fellow left-wingers don't like", or even "Donald Trump charged this guy 5 million dollars to rent a room in Trump Tower in his tower for 2 nights, made him pay before going in the room, then never let him in the room; it turns out he's been doing this to people multiple times a month for decades"
the left-winged hillary supporters are still gonna believe it; they are that gullible

then they just write articles about the document on every MSM website and show a picture of it too

at least 98% of people who completely believe the MSM right now about everything that they say would completely believe that fake document too

Exactly right. It's like putting a "needle clinic" in your neighborhood and becoming surprised when cars start getting broken into. If you attract degenerates with free needles or a board for furries, don't be surprised when they make a mess of the place.

All furries should be banned from Holla Forums and life.

So, Tucker Carlson threads are allowed here almost daily but not Richard Spencer? What the fuck has become of Holla Forums?

I'm unironically convinced this is true. We're not some obscure mongolian shitposting board anymore, very famous people know all about us and find themselves strangely drawn to us. They are drawn to our apparent influence and freedom, and our anonymity makes them feel comfortable posting here. We've harassed enough in the media that we're now notorious and some very famous people are covertly switching to our side.

TRS spams us and constantly insults us. Why should any of their ilk expect to be welcomed? When Tucker starts insulting us, calling us losers while simultaneously demanding that we join their club, then I expect the reaction to Tuck to be the same as the reaction to TRS.

its fucking hysterical how they ran with the fake news and russian hacker story after that bullshit already had been thoroughly memed against. This is PURE FUCKING DESPERATION. Period. There is nothing more to it. And judging by the comment sections of articles and on goybook… kek. The kikes are making such foolish mistakes now that we have gotten the truth up on its own two legs. Its like the old saying "a lie can travel around the world before the truth gets its shoes on but the truth is always defeats a lie eventually"



Hillarious. Setting the stage for jokes is all these Hillary worshippers were ever good for.

I don't give a fuck about TRS, and this d&c between Holla Forums and them is retarded. I simply don't believe you that they are "constantly spamming and insulting us." I've seen oe instance where they tried to do a raid here two months ago, and they got blown out over it. Forget it. It's over!

We are both pro white, and that's what matters. Tucker is not pro white. He just slams some faggots on MSM. Spencer, who is not a part of TRS management to my knowledge, is hitting the mainstream with pro white arguments. It's a much bigger deal.

Here's a recent interview he did with Al Jezeera. It was quite good since the interviewer wasn't hostile to him.

It's their Hail Mary. They know if they do nothing, they're done for. Going all out balls-to-the-walls is the only hope they've got, despite how unlikely and self-destructive it is.

thats a salient point. Its hysterical that they are so fucking incapable of thought that the irony of their mindless talking points is irreconcilable from the spamming of a prefabricated bot made by some autist.

Fuck off. You shitheads come here and post shit threads like this:

Then act terribly wounded when we don't like you.
TRS cries out in pain as they strike you.

I don't care about TRS, you god damn nigger. And it's even besides the point, as Spencer is not affiliated with him.

You either directly engage with my argument, which was why is pro-white Spencer not allowed here yet cuckservative Tucker is (and no, Spencer is not part of TRS), or you can be a malicious kike and ignore it, which is what you're doing.

agreed. I find it comical that this is their "throw it as far as you can and hope for the best" plan. Is it a tell that their overall agenda is so shit because they actually are dumb as fuck and thats why their last ditch plan is a stupid one? Is it that they are so greedy about achieving every one of their evil goals that they have to go with a batshit plan because anything else would mean theyd have to capitulate on some aspects of their agenda? Or is it that they are so lacking in foresight that they honestly dont see that this plan was already defeated long before it was put into play?

>I don't care about TRS
>waaaaa why don't you like our e-celebs?!?
>We don't even spam and insult you
You TRS niggers argue like kikes.

New tack: "Untrusting" Trump won't listen to intelligence reports:



I know I made some spelling mistakes, but do you have comprehension problems?

Forget about TRS. I'm talking about Spencer, who is not part of TRS. Why are his interviews and activism deleted and yet Tucker stays? That's my only question. You brought TRS into this, and I don't know why since Spencer isn't a part of it.

You are so disingenuous.

Probably a bit of all-of-the-above. I think many of them are true believers who are unwilling to compromise on any point because they genuinely believe they are right about everything. Some of them are more cynical and realistic, but not evidently not much more intelligent.

You seem desperate for us to believe you arent trs. Why would you give a shit about that if you werent a trs shill?

TRS is cancer. It showed promise at first but that didnt last so long. I could give a shit less about you faggots trying to shill here.. for what ever retarded reason you are doing it, but the one thing that bothers me about you idiots is your refusal to take a step back and think "hmm maybe this quasi-organization I am so beholden to has been corrupted by my enemies and is leading me astray"

Who gives a SHIT what Ronald Reagan would be doing?
Why can we not get past this shit?

Ronald Reagan was a HORRIBLE president.
He was shit.
He did basically nothing right, and, motivated by muh feels, created the situation that is threatening to QUITE LITERALLY destroy the United States of America from the inside today.

Fuck. Ronald. Reagan.

Enough with this cuckservative bullshit, with pretending your shitty pick in the 80s was somehow something pine for, you fucking boomer filth, for fuck's sake.
The Simpson-Mazzoli Act was the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States of America.

Spencer is a well poisoning crypto kike.

Former UK ambassador calls the CIA out on their bullshit:


More kike argumentation. Spencer sure as shit isn't Holla Forums, seeing as that's what you're bitching about. Who shills their shit on Holla Forums? TRS. Who denies it as they do it? TRS. Who doesn't belong here? TRS.

I can handle that one.

I actually don't mind TRS, and I've listened to most of the shit they put out… They're meh, tbh fam.
But Spencer?… Spencer is another matter. He's a bit of a shifty fellow, if you know anything of the behind the scenes… But that wasn't your question, which was, why is Tuck the Cuck allowed while Spencer is not.
Very simple answer there: The moderation on Holla Forums doesn't consider Tucker a threat, but they consider Spencer a threat.

See, this is what you have to understand about 8/pol/:
The people who run this board are not our allies.
They might like to think they are, some of them at least, but they're just genuinely kind of retarded, all of them, and they show it via their actions as moderators. What is more, they engage in BLATANT (esp. as of late) narrative crafting, trying to push the board one way or the other via anonymous posting and liberal application of bans/deletions.

And that's the core of it: Cucker Carlson is a safe agent of the controlled, established order, and so the shifty pseudo-traitrous mods have no issue with allowing a thread sucking his balls, but Spencer, who calls for Whites to take action and defend their own interests, he is a perceived threat on behalf of the moderation staff of Holla Forums (at least 2 of whom are not White), and so he is blacklisted.
They even have the convenient excuse that TRS was caught discussing promotion on Holla Forums, and due to Spencer's association with them, the mods can just fall back on that tired argument.

This place is shit, tbh fam, and will remain so as long as those who control it continue to do so.
But, its not a Faceberg clone, so its still better than what most alternatives provide.

Also, protip: That faggot you're arguing with is irrelevant - either a moderator in a mask, or a useful idiot following the narratives that were crafted for him. Filter and ignore.

I think you answered your own question

Why is this thread turning into a TRS bitchfest?

The media is forming a united front against Trump calling him "Untrusting" because of this Russia bullshit and you're bickering among yourselves like a bunch of whores on a slow day.

What a blathering nitwit, how pozzed does a district have to be to elect a man who didn't even learn in kindergarten to be quiet when other people are talking?

Holy shit really? Wow I'm so fucking scared right now!

See this?
This is how you know this person is either disingenuous or a complete retard.

Whenever someone starts talking about someone 'sticking out like a sore thumb' or 'not belonging here', its a sure sign of a mod or one of their dim-witted drones.
This faggot believes he knows what Holla Forums "is", implies that TRS is not but one-in-one-million media outlets that shills their shit here (many doing if with FAAAAAAR less transparency than TRS has ever shown), AND implies he knows "who belongs here".

Nigh-adorably retarded, or subtly deceptive with a hint of nefarious intent.

Spencer isn't a threat, Spencer is an irrelevant faggot.

Said the user who can't convince a single normie

Thank you, good god, an actual user, and your answer is what I was afraid of and see as well. The catalog is filled with nothing but commentary on current events, and all self-improvement, literature, and thought-experiment threads are getting outright deleted. It really pisses me off to see what they've been able to do to Holla Forums, turning one of the most unique places on the internet into just another gutter.

even brought the tor shills in for this one

Its textbook derailing. This topic is a/the major narrative push of the day. And so it will be shilled, derailed and the threads that get too much good info slid.

This is the point of it all:

This narrative they are pushing is already failing so they are fucking desperate to get it going. We need to continue to hit them and hit them hard on goybook, twitter and article comments sections. People are already buying this shit less than they believed any of the bullshit about Trump during the past year.

Keep up the good fight and dont let the concern trolls sway you from the dankness.


If that were true, you wouldn't be here bitching that Holla Forums doesn't like Spencer. Your primary thesis disproves you. Good job cowardly moron.

Says the moron who was convinced by the MSM that Trump is in trouble this time!

Ignoring my better judgement since this is obviously the topic they are trying to derail to… I will add this. Fuck TRS but, remembering that (((they))) have used this tactic in the past, what are the chances that this shilling isnt TRS but shills posing as TRS?

Who the hell do you think I am user?

this user is a giant faggot, but he has a point, dont let the fucking concern trolling affect you, you goofus'

Says the mod, or the drone following their narratives.
If the guy is getting national media coverage and discussion these issues, he's doing a fuckload more good than you're giving him credit for.
Hell, I watched that retarded lil thing he did down in Texas at that college, and I'll give the man credit: It takes some balls to get up before a crowd of hooting boons and traitorous cucks and debate them.
Anyone willing to do so? They're a threat - to those who don't want to see us achieve victory… And that's we have faggots like you, either pushing the mods' narrative, either being one of them or buying their tripe.

This board is lost, m8.
I only keep coming here because I was there for Holla Forums harbor and I'm not going back to cuckchan (even though I'm forced to admit it has a much larger audience and probably accomplishes more in the overall than we do here), and there's few other alternatives that have any sort of active traffic on-going (if TRS had any fucking brains in their skulls, they'd shift focus to allow the creation of an anonymous format instead of/in addition to their lil faceberg clone forum shit, which I found generally cancerous based on my time there, for the same reason faceberg is cancerous).
The moderators have completely mindfucked the board population during the election, to the point where we are now basically at the same point we were pre-The 9 Rules of Cuckolding on cuckchan…. except a large portion of the population thinks its a-okay here. I don't think there's any coming back from the current state of tihngs, barring a massive administrative purge (unlikely).

See? He just keeps doing it.
I never said that, I laughed at you for thinking you know, or get to determine, what is or is not Holla Forums.
This suggests you're either a moderator, or one of their dopey drones who fell into the mindset of muh sekrit klub shit, and I'm not sure which is more pathetic tbh fam.

And just to clarify: "Holla Forums" isn't saying they don't like Spencer, "/pol" isn't bitching about Spencer - YOU are bitching about Spencer.
So, its obvious, that you believe YOU are Holla Forums…. Which, again, adorably retarded, or reeking of nefarious intent. Take your pick.

My thesis - which is that you're a shifty mother fucker, of the lowest order, and very-likely one of the moderation staff on this piss-poor excuse for a political discussion forum (formerly Vietnamese claymation enthusiasts symposium), trying to push a narrative which either you crafted or which you've chosen to take up, which does not benefit the goals and motives which most of Holla Forums claims to espouse in one form or another, while proclaiming yourself the one to determine what is or is not "/pol" no less - stands quite firm.
Thank you for your assistance.


>he's allowed to say that, but if I say that it somehow proves that I'm the shill
Why are you using Tor? I bet it's because the mods have banned your faggot ass for shilling TRS.

And the hits keep on coming.
Never said what you said I said.
I certainly never called you a shill - I called you a mod, or a servant thereof. At least get your narrative right, Christ.

Moderator fucking confirmed.
Have you been to /polmeta/ lately?
I doubt you have, otherwise you'd know that imkampfy is averaging something 25-50+ permabans per day, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with TRS (or any bannable offense, for that matter).

As I said: You're either a mod, or towing the mods line, and you're only making that thesis stronger with each post.

Stop trying to make this a TRS vs Holla Forums thread. Nobody cares about your e-drama.
This is about discussing the meme of "RUSSIA DID TRUMP'S ELECTION".

so are they still in the bargaining stages of grief to try and disqualify trump's victory, or are they trying to agitate for the war with russia they wanted to have if shillary won?

You assholes are fighting amongst yourselves while this shit is going on.

We need to come up with some memes fast

They're throwing a temper tantrum. Did anybody here really expect them to be gracious losers?

Get a hold of yourself man.

I had a call from a Guardian journalist this afternoon. The astonishing result was that for three hours, an article was accessible through the Guardian front page which actually included the truth among the CIA hype:

But only three hours. While the article was not taken down, the home page links to it vanished and it was replaced by a ludicrous one repeating the mad CIA allegations against Russia and now claiming – incredibly – that the CIA believe the FBI is deliberately blocking the information on Russian collusion. Presumably this totally nutty theory, that Putin is somehow now controlling the FBI, is meant to answer my obvious objection that, if the CIA know who it is, why haven’t they arrested somebody. That bit of course would be the job of the FBI, who those desperate to annul the election now wish us to believe are the KGB.






Yeah, only if you think Project Mockingbird is dead

Forgot archive link: archive.is/nOdE3

wew lad. Good thing she lost.

It's clearly not over. They're pushing this Russia Attacked the USA for more than partisan reasons

It certainly isn't. Anderson Cooper is CIA and they barely even attempt to hide it. Unless Chuck Johnson is to be believed (archive.fo/ZeMqD) but I don't put much faith in him at all.

What I want to know is why can't they get along with Russia? Why blame Russia? What does Russia have that a war needs to be started against them?

It's over, they lost. They're throwing a temper tantrum but at this point they're impotent. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Right now they are further alienating a large portion of the public, proving themselves to be distrustworthy crybabies.

Thanks doc.
These democrat kikes are really pushing the "this isn't a partisan issue, we have to work together" thing. Can you imagine if during Obama's presidency a republican was saying "we have to stop gay marriage. This is a non-partisan issue. We have to work together"?
It's a slimy way of dems trying to retain power even though their brand of bullshit was voted out by the people.

But is it working? I don't talk to normies a lot, are they falling for the propaganda?

They are pushing it because they are all out of cards to play. Its hysterical that they are going with this fucking bullshit when the goyim were already primed by our memes and Trumps speeches to not believe it. And its already obvious that the shit is failing. Sure they are pushing the fuck out of it and the shilling on this topic is highly determined.. But check out the comments sections on articles and on goybook and twitter. The only idiots buying this shit are cucks and marxists.


It is not working at all. Although concern shills would have you think otherwise.

They're acting like cornered animals so their not going to just roll over and die. So whats their next step?

Russia isn't playing ball with the globalists. Russia is turning the tide in the Syrian conflict. Russia is stopping the EU from swallowing the Ukraine whole. Russia is going to secure Iran's pipeline to the west. What rock have you been under?

The way propaganda works is you keep repeating it until it does work. Currently there is zero pushback because we're posturing around like we won already.


Watching this made me realize humans are just overgrown infants fooling each other by putting on an air of sophistication.

Even these people who spend their days plotting against the common man barely have a grasp of what they are doing.

It's a very comfy rock don't mock it!
I see, really made me think.

An user in another thread pointed out that them going with this narrative is akin to them throwing up a hail mary. They failed to pick up enough yards to convert the first down and in their greed of not wanting to punt they went with a play that was highly unlikely to succeed and will result in us beginning the next push on a very favorable yard line. excuse the niggerball analogy

Yes. But the difference between memetics and propaganda is that propaganda has to be repeated, over and over again, because it is at face value a lie and the only way to get people to believe a lie is for them to hear it enough without hearing a rebuttal from the truth. Whereas memes, once they are created, take off on their own because of the truth they yield within the dank lulz.

With this fake news/evil russians propaganda and how it is fairing currently a twain quote comes to mind "a lie will travel the world before the truth gets its shoes on"

Well they tried to send this lie out around the world after the truth had already donned its chainmail and drawn its sword.

Im not saying we should let up. But look at the comments sections on goybook, twitter and articles. This desperate play by (((them))) already has no legs to stand on.

Basically what I am saying is:

Keep memeing We should never not be memeing
Keep redpilling in comments sections and shit **We should never not be redpilling
But stop letting the concern trolls fucking get to you. Only newfags let such obvious shill tactics get to them


So what I am thinking is war with russia was the establishments plan all along, it was a goal they were planning to accomplish, for whatever reasons, threat to globalism, whatever. Since they lost the election, it finally sank in their master plan wasn't going to happen since Trump isn't a warmonger. There step now is to fear monger the american people and induce another "red scare". It's honestly frightening.

Putin is a nationalist. Not a white nationalist, or an ethnic russian nationalist what would that even be?, but a nationalist nevertheless. He stands in the way of globalization because Russia is a global power and has no intention of ever not being a global power. That's why the elite like Hillary hate Russia. They want to kill Putin just like they killed Qaddafi, and just like they want to kill Assad.

Economically, Russia is a problem to them because of natural gas. Russia has a natural gas monopoly in much of Europe which elites want to break. They meant to do this with a natural gas pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe, but Assad said no to that…

Crimea spooked progressives because progressives like to think they live in a "post-history" world. Progressivism boiled down to the fundamentals is nothing more than a political manifestation of Whig History. They believe that the CURRENT YEAR is necessarily more progressive and wonderful than anytime in the past, by virtue of being the CURRENT YEAR. Russia doing typical Russian things conflicts with that world-view. They don't expect old-fashioned 20th century annexation in the 21st century, they thought that was a thing of the past. When you tell somebody to "learn from history", it seems obvious what conclusions they should draw. But that's not what happens. Some people look at history and think "This is how humans have behaved for thousands of years, there is little chance of the fundamental nature of humanity changing." Others look at history and think "We won't do that again!" I believe that the difference between these two mutually exclusive conclusions is hubris. Progressives, blinded by their hubris, believe they can play god and change the fundamental nature of humanity. Russia annexing Crimea proves that it isn't working. They hate Russia for this.

The rank and file leftists hate Russia because they've been fed the line that Putin's regime are far-right fascists who want to holocaust all the gays. Talk to any leftist about Russia and they'll all tell you the same thing; Putin hates gays. I'm sure Putin isn't a fan of faggots, but the idea that faggotry is anything other than an irrelevant sideshow in Russian politics is pure delusion. Ditto w.r.t. Pence for that matter. Nevertheless they unironically want nuclear WWIII because Russians aren't sufficiently into social justice.

More normie programming

Fuck off with this concern trolling bullshit. This narrative has zero legs to stand on. They deployed a desperate "Iraq has nukes" tier lie to a population whose trust in them was already broken. This narrative is failing in real time.

Keep the energy high and the memes dank and we got this shit in the bag.

They already expended all their effective lines of attack before the election. They didn't hold anything back. All they have left is shit they know won't work, but it's all they have left so they go with it anyway because the alternative is being gracious losers.

Just look at the Jill Stein thing. They fell for her scam because what other option did they have? Admit defeat? Their egos wouldn't allow that. They had to fall for her scam because they've run out of other ideas.

Maybe that's exactly what Republicans should do. No honor among thieves. If the Democrats play dirty with slimy arguments, the Republicans should respond in kind. Trying to rationally debate somebody who has no interest in rational debate is just foolish.

Yup. Although I think, considering how they were building up the russian hacker and fake news lies before the stein bullshit and then dropped the russian hacker/fake news and embraced the failed recount effort and after that failed going back to the russian hacker shit..

I think they originally saw this as their last plan but then saw steins dumbassed kikery as a potentially better option. And if Im right it just further shows that they have no actual plans left and are literally just ad libbing.

In a year or two the left will be reduced to what it was in 2002, sniffling morons licking their wounds, consoling themselves with the latest Green Day album.

From November 4th:


This script was written a long time ago. Again, this goes beyond partisan bullshit. This isn't just the DNC pushing this narrative. That's all smoke. This is about geopolitics

Which, BTW, was highly effective

It could actually be argued that stopping gay marriage is a non partisan issue being that the strength of the family unit is directly related to the strength of a society… But only if it could also be argued that demoshits care about the strength of the society.

Well then let's kick it down.

The "Iraq has nukes" lie was deployed without any truth to oppose it. This russian hacker/fake news shit was deployed after the truth had already been in the open and accepted by the majority 3 months ago.

This gives me an idea… why don't we create real fake news that gives them false hopes, only to dash them against the rocks once again?

Maybe turbocharge their secession memes, give them false hopes for California leaving the Union? Worse case scenario, it actually happens. Pretty much a win-win for us. They've already talked about that though so maybe it would be difficult to get them back onto that topic. Maybe something completely novel would be better.


yes lets.

Goybook is ripe for redpilling on this, save for the obvious marxists and cucks no one is falling for it. Same with fucking yahoo news and pretty much everywhere else ive looked.

If we signal boost enough on this issue that Drudge kike will be forced to stop tiptoeing around merely hinting that its all a fabrication and outright point to the lie.. and from there I believe we will shortly hit the event horizon.

not a bad idea. Especially if they are dankly memed.

ya know what would be really really good

oy fucking vey I got it. We need some master memecrafters for this though… We need to meme up evidence that the hacker is not russian but is infact an israeli who was using a russian vpn.

Use all the anti-Trump jew shill memes to make the case that Trump is in bed with the Israelis. Tell them Trump cut a deal with Netanyahu to rig the election. Point to them to articles like this: jpost.com/US-Elections/Exclusive-Trump-beats-Clinton-in-Israeli-absentee-voter-exit-poll-471561

Also make the case that Jews hate Muslims, hate Palestinians, and that's why Trump wants to kick Muslims out of America too. Convince them that Jews are very powerful politically, while at the same time positioning the left to be accused of antisemitism once they start rolling with this narrative. Leftists being accused like that can only help us; either it will wake them up to the jewish menace, or it will make them shrink back in horror and doubt themselves. Win-win.


Fuck I can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing about this. I've been going to Holla Forums for years and even now I'm still finding Redpills.


Thank God.

They die. The outcome for hunted animals has always been death.


Forgot to add:


either you need to stop flocking to shill threads or you are lying about how long youve been lurking

Sounds legit.

Graham's twitter comments…feel the cancer:


The bots try to have a conversation

(checked and keked)

Never forget all the American Sailors that Mccain killed when he negligently fired a rocket aboard his aircraft carrier

Never forget that immediately, and resulting from no duress, after he was captured by the NVA he complied with the enemy giving out vital intel that lead to the deaths of uncountable soldiers and Marines

Explain it to them this way:
>Not a single respectable Republican has come out against Trump.
Then when they cite McCain or Graham, laugh in their face for saying that they're respectable. Mock them viciously, make them feel positively bullied for saying that they respect McCain.

TRS is shit because they're controlled opposition, a den of degenerate faggotry and alt like cuckoldry that make a point of punching to the right. Not because they attacked "us." No one thinks you're betraying "the team" to browse Holla Forums's "enemy" - you're just cancer because they're controlled opposition and you're new enough to fall for it. All their shilling did was destroy their last shred of credibility here forever, driving them into total irrelevancy.

The POWs imprisoned with him nicknamed him "Songbird". Don't forget to mention that.

They really want that war huh? Are they thirsting for it? So much that if Shillary failed to get into office, they'll persuade the public that it's MUH RUSSIANS.

There's no boogeyman anymore Murikah, your own boogeyman is yourself.

Shit, I found the evidence they were talking about. Man, it was a good run, but we're fucked.

John "Stray Voltage" McCain

they will persuade no one that wasnt already persuaded by them to vote against trump. period.

So Anderson could have seeded a story about himself being CIA to build credibility.
His fake pass story is eerily reminiscent of Literally Who.


I actually wish we had political party breakdowns of the "trusts the MSM/distrusts them" polls

I'd almost guarantee that the overwhelming majority who trust the MSM are democrats/liberals right now, and only because they're telling them exactly what they want to hear and have been for years

So really all this (mainly*) is, is an attempt to stir up further hatred of Trump on the left and keep them parading around screeching about him (*theres also the attempt to divide Trumps base and give them reason to doubt him, so they're less likely to revolt when they try to jew him out of the presidency in the coming weeks)

I suppose time will tell how effective their narrative vs our memes ends up, best be revving up those memes into overdrive right now to counter their bullshit (which is likely why we keep getting raided and see so much shilling and botting even now that the election is over, you'd THINK they'd have slacked off, but there is still a game afoot, dont let your guard or your memes down)


Anderson is either CIA, or a fraud who made himself seem like CIA. I'd say it's a tossup, but I'm more inclined to believe he's CIA. It seems obvious to me that the CIA would want somebody like Anderson.

Well said, user.

The only reason people watch FOX is because of the based dudes like Hannity and Tucker, so FOX leadership knows that if they fire them the channel is done for. It would cost them a lot of profits.

The military loves Trump, Mattis and will clean house at the CIA

It's reasonable to assume the smallguys would benefit from a man they could deploy anywhere to gin up a narrative.


80% of CNN's content is on this fake news


Oh, this one is really telling.

"Putin is playing Trump like a fiddle!"

They're scared of a Russa-USA alignment, or in other words realignment in geopolitics.

"B-b-but Russia is murdering Allepo…" compared to what we did in Iraq? The chutzpah of these people

Prove it.


This is a good one. Spicer blows the egghead the fuck out.

Do you have a youtube link for that mp4? It should be re-ripped properly with youtube-dl so that the progress bar isn't in it.


Ah, I didn't see that one. I was screen-ripping these from cnn.com


Does anyone trust the CIA or the FBI?

This is like the whiniest CNN corespondent I've ever heard.

Good watch. Names Israel

They make a big deal about Trump's praise of Putin, yet leave out the fact that he says the same thing about literally every other country's leaders in comparison to US officials.

Good point, I've heard him praising the intelligence of Chinese and Mexican leaders at the least. Somebody should make a "supercut" of the media kvetching about Trump calling Putin smart, then dozens of clips of Trump saying the same about Mexico, China, Japan, etc.

McCain and Graham, sucking Jew dick, again.

So much autism

Prove it.


not only that but hannity's radio show would prove just as profitable for him if they decided to shitcan him so he has "i dont need you, you need me" status with the saudi's at fox.

In fact if they shitcanned him I bet he could show glenn beck what a successful spin off network looks like. I kind of want to see that happen so glenn beck would finally kill himself already.

Hannity should make a deal with OAN. Maybe half-ownership in exchange for being a host. They're already on TV so they could really go toe-to-toe with CNN/Fox/MSNBC. I mean, radio is great and all, but television shouldn't be surrendered to the enemy.


this shit gets more ridiculous every fucking day

Actually user I was alive when it happened but I never really figured it out until decades later.

Actually what he did was "hot start" his jet they used to have a manual fuel valve and pump and you could pump a bunch of fuel into the hot section of the gas turbine, then when you hit the ignitors a big flame would shoot out of the gas turbine (jet engine). When that happened he flamed the jet behind him and it set off a rocket attached to that jet which quickly cascaded into disaster on the ship.
The reason he got shot down was he was flying way to low and violating his mission protocols other wise there was no fucking way the NVA could shoot down our jets.

MFW Emperor Trump puts traitors like this weaselly faggot into the gulag.

Here here. 8pol won't be great again until imkampfy is removed.

Where where?

But he's still a retard, right?

Let me guess, a newscaster is "eceleb" now?

Need a meme to go with it.

Same here. Of course, we didn't have the internet back then, and depended entirely on mainstream sources (and neighborhood gossip) for the news.

8pol, fellow channer.

bye bye yid


dubs, Russia also has oil. Russia also is a threat to Israel so, you know what means.

Of course he is a fucktard of the highest order.
But I always like to ensure accurate Holla Forums history lessons whenever I can.

McCain was well known as a "hot dog" aviator by his fellow airmen.
He had an admiral father which kept his retarded ass out of trouble most of the time.
Remember when Trump said I like soldiers that don't get caught?
Then a few months later someone dug up national archive video of him, it was not flattering but I can't quite remember the content.
Maybe some user can help me here.

Best I can do at the moment. 6 million years in mspaint

well put. hoping for better days.

NO FUN or discussion of the Russia meme ALLOWED

It was recordings of some of the anti-American speeches he gave for North Vietnam.

this shit is so transparent and you're all gullible retards falling for "le based fox news" these people are all traitors and they're doing this so their remaining "credibility" is unstained and viewers retained.

Wesearchr dredged them up, I think

Pretty sure webm views don't get counted by neilsen m8.

Crazy to see the Testosterone injection Tucker has taken. Must be lifting on the regular.

Tucker's turned into a fat fucker if that's what you mean, sucker.

get rekt yid your kike plans unravel before they are even played now. The holocaust never happened but it will.

What's this autist yapping at me about?


HuffPaint on cue…


I cant wait to see exactly how this backfires for them

Load your mags Faggots.

How you are a massive faggot, how you should not be here, why you should leave, and why soon enough persons that are like-minded in regards to yourself should feel afraid that as time gradually passes on into the oncoming years it will be more and more unacceptable to have and share your views, this process of which will eventually culminate into a very real and powerfully massive worldwide


wtf i hate trump now