Counter Propaganda and You: Preparing for the Portman-Murphy Counter Propaganda Bill

Okay, so I've been seeing quite a bit of panic over this ( bill being passed through the Senate, and I'd like to really dig in and set Holla Forums straight on this one. This has been passed around as a sort of internet/media doomsday, but it's actually quite the opposite. If anything, this looks like a sort of Cold Meme War immediately after the Great Meme War that we just won.

The bill explicitly states that the name of the game here is COUNTER-PROPAGANDA, as in employing propaganda that refutes an adversary's propaganda, in this case, the imaginary propaganda used by Russia to influence the elections and undermine the establishment, and whatever crazy bullshit the Left believes right now. They fucking vex me.

So, what exactly is "Counter Propaganda?

This is a reactionary measure by the government, probably triggered (no pun intended) by their complete and utter failure this election. If you are good at spotting and resisting propaganda, which you should be if you're on Holla Forums, you should also be able to determine what is counter-propaganda, since the two, though different in how and when they're utilized, are based in the same principles. They both serve to influence the public's thinking and actions in a way that benefits the group using the propaganda.

Effective counter-propaganda will always seek to undermine the propaganda its fighting, AND the source of that propaganda. Counter-propaganda does this by establishing itself and its source and the truth sayer, and the adversary as the liar. This was done during the Cold War when the US would broadcast refutations of Soviet propaganda constantly, establishing the US's reputation as truth tellers, and the Soviets as liars.

However, the situation of the Cold War and the situation of today are different in that we have things like Wikileaks constantly exposing the truth. The truth is one the side of the people and the populist uprising springing throughout the West. So, I believe we can expect the same kind of tactics we've seen already from the kikes and Lügenpresse, in which intolerable moral differences between "them and us" are pushed and suggested to the public.

Just because factual information isn't on their side however, it does not mean that counter-propaganda aiming to stress these intolerable moral differences isn't an equivalent, or perhaps even more dangerous threat than the counter-propagandists simply being able to prove the adversary's information as objectively wrong. This is because of how fierce the fight over morality can be, and how, when views of a better society are fundamentally different, they become non-negotiable and firmly intractable on both sides.

The vector that facilitates this kind of conflict is not merely political in nature, but is also one based in culture. Part of the reason why we here on Holla Forums long for racial and cultural hegemony within our nations is precisely because of the fact that people who share the same culture tend to share the same world view, more or less. It strengthens a people against the fracture points that are otherwise blatantly apparent in a multicultural society. Beliefs, norms of communication, and expected behavior within society vary among different cultures until they are fundamentally and diametrically opposed to one another, giving rise to cultural clash.

When two groups have radically different ways of making sense of human life, it is likely that actions regarded by one side as good and prudent will be perceived by the other as evil or foolish

Counter-propaganda relies on these conflicts as well as negative stereotyping, condemnation of a source and all of its supposedly factual information, and the establishment of the counter-propagandists themselves as the truth tellers, and the adversaries as the liars. If something arises from this bill, it will most likely use these angles of attack.

Other urls found in this thread:

you gotta be a nigger or a spic

you're too stupid not to be


If done effectively (which I doubt because the US has a shit history of ineffective propaganda), moral battle initiated by morally divisive propaganda will be fought perpetually.

Because of its deep-roots, moral conflicts tend to be intractable and long-lasting. Parties to such conflict often have great difficulty in describing the substantive issues in shared terms. Because they are arguing from different moral positions, they disagree about the meaning and significance of the important issues. This makes negotiation or compromise extremely difficult in and of itself.

Resolution becomes even more difficult when parties disagree not only about substantive issues, but also about which forms of conflict resolution are morally right, aesthetically preferred, and politically prudent. Parties may have very different ideas about how to gather information, arrive at a conclusion, make a decision, and deal with uncertainty.

Over the course of conflict, the original issues often become irrelevant and new causes for conflict are generated by actions within the conflict itself. This is because in moral conflict, when groups try to act consistently with what they believe is morally good and just, they "prove" to the other side that they are fools or villains. Thus, the means by which the parties seek resolution often just provoke further conflict. As the conflict continues, substantive issues are largely forgotten and "the other side's means of dealing with the conflict is itself the force that drives the interactions among the various conflicted parties." Thus, moral conflicts are self-sustaining.

However, this is all assuming that they manage to produce effective counter-propaganda in the first place, which is hard to do when there isn't actually an adversary in play here.

Captain Nu-Male

No wonder people that actually believe these shit are failures.


You can have california. But don't think Texas isn't going to forget about the Alamo.

I bet you don't even know what a Banach space is.


Where I live anyway in AK is pretty secluded from the world. Though the cost of living is pretty high and you have to work hard to survive.

If anyone says anything anti-racist they are a shill.
We must kill every last jew.


What the hell is with all these posts having nothing to do with the OP?

OP has a very good point and it seems to me that there's bots posting shit having nothing to do with the topic at all…

it's bui, he's a pissed furfag autist who has spammed every board for a while now. if it seems vaguely offtopic, it's probably the bot.

That last one was actually just me using the bot as an excuse to bump the thread. Bui is concentrating his autism furfag bots on good threads, it seems. It isn't just this one. Everything thread is getting hit, but threads about this bill especially are getting flooded with shitposts like the ones you pointed out.

I just hope this thread survives and people manage to read it

See and/or
Long story short, it's a massively rump-ravaged furry that has broken containment.
sage because unrelated to the thread's purpose.

Philip II literally did all of the work. Most shit you hear about Alexander is just propaganda. Even the fucking propaganda couldn't hide the fact that Alexander is a shit-tier statesman with no plan. His empire lasted like two fucking hours before splitting up into faggotry.

There's literally no point even starting. Eventually you get completely tolerant to the initial good effects and just end up drinking it for keks and partial dependance.

THIS. I will always vote for lower taxes. Don't care if it's a blue candidate, red candidate, russian or martian. Keep your dirty hands off my money.

That's because we are better.

It's just her real feelings surfacing for a second there. She wants to shout at and beat Tucker for not capitulating to her whims like a numale. Instead she's stuck there on live tv forced to have a conversation instead. Must be really frustrating.

lmao cuckfield

(The same goes for Romans)

Wikileaks is comprimised

Shitty analogy. Physical assault doesn't compare to burning a cloth that you own.
You conservatives go hardcore SJW mode when it comes to the flag….lmao

May this thread survive this fucking onslaught


Holla Forums has the initiative now. if the government is reacting to what Holla Forums is doing, then Holla Forums controls the government. Now, what Holla Forums needs to do is enact double-psychology etc. keep the gov't chasing after phantoms and second-guessing their own moves… tripping over their own toes

this is amazing fellas. you've hit the bigtime. kudos

I'm kinda curious as to what counter propaganda is when the propaganda is a picture of a cartoon frog pissing and shitting all over a room while looking smug.

During the election we controlled every move the media made, in their recklessness to tie Trump to anything not politically correct in order to send the train off the tracks they only made themselves look like imbeciles for getting everything wrong.

It won't be as easy after the election to get the media to do the same, though they havn't learned it, they just aren't paying as much attention.

But really what more do we have to do, everything is in motion in a direction we want? Should we try to find ways to speed it up? Could speeding it up change the course its on?

The skinny looking uncolored man who has feels because no gf?

That is exactly the plan user. Manipulate the weak-minded outright, and wear down the sound-minded and eventually to win by simple attrition.

Harden up.

Oh so that's why I saw all these weird completely offtopic discussions appear in threads

At this point it's counter-counter propaganda.

Something like this I suppose.

Maybe they'll come out with Billy the Bull, who tells the kids that being a Nazi is naughty