General Questions From a Holla Forumsack

If the revolution were to ever happen, would you expect infighting such as anarchists and communists fighting with each other? or just any for of leftism fighting with another in that matter?

How do you plan to get the majority of people on your side? Are you afraid that they're just going to label you as terrorists that should be taken down?

Do you believe in any form of hierarchy?

How do you make sure that the revolution does not have corruption?

How are you going to get the entire world to try communism at once

Final question, do you think that communism has any real chance of happening, I've always seen it as a "utopia" that sounds great but has so many obstacles in the way that it seems impossible to achieve.

Those are all my questions, I hope to get a response ;—–D

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By reaching for the same goal (aka Socialism), Anarchists and Communists can unite against Capitalism.

By educating people about socialism and it's programs.

It will be necessary, but momentarily


It won't happen at once. It would happen in one country and that would inspire workers from other countries. Or revolutionaries from one country would travel the world to spread their cause.


kill yourself muke

It really depends on who you ask. Anarchists and Marxists form the two broad camps of the left, with market socialists and mutualists being a smaller camp somewhere in the middle. Obviously Marxism and Anarchism don't mix, but there are varying levels of sectarianism, some may be willing to seek co-operation and peaceful coexistence with the other camp, while others may be dogmatic shitheads who want to fight each other like a bunch of Sunnis and Shiites. Obviously the former option is better.

Educate. Agitate. Organize. Three words every socialist should know. I would argue that if violence is to be used at all it should be used surgically and sparingly, and in a way that would offer plausible deniability to the main branch of the left. Our focus should be more on strikes, occupations, campaigning etc.

There is really no way to be sure tbh.

This isn't a realistic goal, so our only option is to do it where we can and try to hold out.

Communism is an impossibility, but it's a useful ideal to work toward. We may never reach it but we can implement increasingly democratic and egalitarian socialism and inch our way towards improvement. It's a race without a finish line.

You speak of revolution like a future event that happens all at once or none at all.
The revolution is in our hearts. Rebellion is our duty.
Your adherence to law and bureaucracy is your own downfall.

Potentially, yes. if we aren't capable of uniting against capitalism when the time comes then we aren't worthy of defeating it.

By speaking to anyone who is willing to listen. Convey the broad ideas and goals of socialism and communism without labelling them as any ism. Simultaneously, by pointing out the contradictions of capitalism without labelling yourself as blatantly anti-capitalist.

Guaranteeing that the workers have the right to overthrow a corrupt revolutionary government and replacing it with one that represents them.

We aren't going to be the ones who cause the revolutionary conditions, capitalism will do that well enough. As labor becomes more and more automated a lot of people aren't going to have jobs or be able to find new ones. How do these people pay for food, for their homes, protect their families when the entire economic system is pitted against them?

Providing that we aren't nuked into non-existence or that the proletarians chose to except subservience, I think it is a very strong possibility.

Yes, oh yes.


Appeal to their interests. We are not terrorists if we don't want to terrorize people, but do surgical assassinations. Its pretty hard to hate people who fight for your interests and take out people who steal from you.

Hierarchy from bottom to top, where the people making the decisions can be recalled at any time.

Try to get it right from the start and not give a small elite the monopoly of violence.

Thats not how this works

No idea, but at least we can achieve socialism and strive to try and get as close as possible to the ideal as we can.

check how the marxist cucks don't answer the question about hierarchy, they all fantasize in being the authoritarian party leader that bosses everyone around.

i wouldn't go and attack leninists or any other group that isn't hostile to us but the ML tend to want to backstab us so we should be ready for them.

It takes a long time to find the right plataform but the core principles we defend are already agreed by a good chunk of people. Like direct democracy for example.

Some forms of hierarchy may be needed sometimes. For example, if i was on a war setting i would want a more experience officer to guide me through the battlefield.

By not implementing any kind of state or power structure that centralizes power in a single entity.

Most people would be tempted by the idea of a decentralized communal direct democracy if we can implement a thriving one.

It happened before and it will keep happening.

Anarchists would certainly be among the first to be sent to work camps.

You all say this shit but anarchists would be ideal to send over to capitalist countries or remote areas to either settle or dislodge the bourgoiesie, while the marxists keep shit running.

Funny you're asking this. I had a dream last night, a vision. Where anarchists, communists and all the left let their sectarianism aside and united take over the world. After a fierce battle against bourgeoisie the united left finally win, and naturally Leninist take over the power and send everyone else to gulags. Gulags, however are simply a fond nickname to an archipelago in the pacific where an egoist post-structuralist anarco-communist for example can live without being bothered.


I want to make a badly drawn comic of this.

It would be cool. I love badly drawn comics.

don't ask questions you fucking idiot, you just make yourself look stupid

when will this reddit meme end

It's about being against unjustifiable hierarchies. Age, sex, property, etc.

Here you go


Can you please elaborate on why those hierarchies are unjust?


Would you rather I shitpost on halfchan on how cool that faggot on the alt-right is!!!!!!

If the revolution were to ever happen, would you expect infighting such as anarchists and communists fighting with each other?

Yes I absolutely expect that happen, Anarchist Ukraine got crushed by the Red Army, The Kronstadt Rebels got crushed by the Red Army too and in the Spanish civil war the Republicans Betrayed the Anarchists in decisive battles against the Falangistas.

Cooperation, Education and Organization but I wouldn’t aim for the majority it would be extremely difficult.

Yes, to begin with these guys just consider me an anti-statist not an actual Anarchist, Ancaps, Agorist and Individualists would begin to be hunted down from all sides, unless we give up our private property.

Yes some is needed to organize labor, hospitals and in the battlefield.

Impossible, I would only appeal to the good principals of the people, while taking security of myself in my own hands.

Setting my skepticism aside on communism, it is a good set of ideals to strive for, but imposing it to the entire world would be impossible.

It would be worth trying but only if we get rid of the state first.
