Ok, so, I've been sitting on this story in hopes that some other user would post it, but Joe Biggs is no longer working for Infowars. You guys remember this video from the other day where Alex is saying pizzagate is a "diversion from bigger crimes"? as if literal kiddie fucking and satanic sacrifice aren't big enough Well, the day after Jones posted that vid Joe Biggs quit. Vids here:

Pizzagate is disinfo:
>youtube. com/watch?v=pA65Upo_AEM

Joe Biggs Quits/is fired/whatever:
>youtube. com/watch?v=EpixfzMSIeg

Ok, so what do we know about Alex Jones?
Holy shit, this one gets me. He must've done the research, so there is no way in hell he doesn't know who pulls the strings. If you asked me, I'd say he is compromised by Jewish handlers.

When the pizzagate stuff first started to break, Alex Jones was all over it. He made some good videos and helped to spread the truth, but in the last few days he has done a 180. I think his handlers told him to change his tune, or maybe he's seen evidence pointing to Jews and "oh no way it could be teh chozen!"

Now, this is just speculation, but I think there is some turmoil going on over at Infowars about the pizzagate scandal i wish normies would've called it #PedoFiles, and I believe that Biggs quit because of it. I first suspected a rift in the infowars building when the infowar crew had a roundtable about pizzagate without Alex youtube. com/watch?v=kUBlSHjdUM4, and the firing (or whatever it was) of Biggs confirms it. Biggs has been a big supporter of the pizzagate investigations and I think he quit/fired/whatever because of it.

So there you have it, let's start a discussion, but most importantly, let's keep digging.

Other urls found in this thread:

Infowars fucking up is a good thing, more normalfags will be less satisfied by it and search for more redpills.

What are you doing there anyway, faggot. And before you say "they reach a lot of normies tho!!!" of course they do. They also tell the about flouride and chemtrails and globalist nazis. Shit thread, go back to wherever you came from.

It's controlled opposition m8. I watch it sometimes to stay in the loop with what the babby redpillers are hearing, but if they don't name the jew or talk about race realism its controlled op. Perhaps Biggy Joes found out something he shouldn't have.

The whole "fake news" thing seems like a plan to redirect MSM plebs who are fed up to their controlled op media, to take over the failing MSM. Why else would MSM being naming infowars and co as fake news? They would just black out if they didn't want people going there.

alex is bill hicks

Sorry, I put that last sentence as a joke for getting flamed on the original thread. Everyone knows infowars if controlled opposition, but anons are failing to realize that there is a very good chance some of them are breaking the conditioning over there. How long until Joe Biggs starts to take more redpills?

You are obviously new. Stop posting and lurk, faggot.


YOU JUST POSTED THIS AGAIN?????????????????????????????????????????????


Reminder that Jonestein's close friend (he saw his hernia) Charlie Sheen was implicated by Corey Feldman as part of a Hollywood pedo ring. AJ's divorce also seems to coincide with Sheenie's GRIDS diagnosis.

Good post, user. I wouldn't be surprised if Alex is trying to discredit pizzagate to cover for his friends.

All of us live in a world without certainty. Only some people attach to idols to create for themselves a sense of security and community. This is why Kek, as an idol, is much more honest. Kek is not an idol that can be easily corrupted.

Hanging out one time with Charlie Sheen doesnt mean anything. This thread is pure conspiracy theory with nothing to back it up

guess how I know you're a shill.

hint: it's not because you're skeptical

Jonestein and Sheenie have been close for at least a decade. Charlie even gave Alex the jacket he wore in one of his big movies, that AJ has shown off on the air multiple times.

Alex jones has always been controlled opposition this is not news.


all you had to do was listen to bill cooper.

Is there anyone here that heard what Bill Cooper had to say about Alex Jones?

(It says file already exists, so I can't embed.)

Bought some of his shit when it was on sale, how badly did i fuck up?

Did you buy his penis juice?

Yea I heard what Cooper said about jones years ago.Regardless of why Biggs left jones is a fucking shill and all I need to know this is how he skirts around the issue of the (((rats))) and never names any names when blowing his hole about the NWO.David Duke calls them out and roasted jones not to long ago and aj look like a fucking little sell out bitch.You could see it all over his fat face.

You're not thinking right. Hope you bought some brain force to fix that.


I got the vitamin d and this olive oil stuff. I figured if I didn't like the oil I could give it to my girl.

bahahahahaa my sides!! muh iodine the blue crystals muh male vitality muh super cleanse just like his little spin off lisa haven GET THE TEA!!! ahahaaa!!

HIs asian wife is pregnant, he is probably staying home taking care of her and the baby.

Kike shills get out.


There are a lot of shills around at the moment trying to upset the trump/infowars support base, you've got one group saying Alex is not covering pizzagate, he's a fraud, he's trying to cover it up, all that bullshit and another group saying Alex is pushing pizzagate, it's dangerous, he's pushing fake news and is going to get someone killed. (check the interview with that turd Silmi from the other day)

Pizzagate is a distraction video was about COMET FUCKING PING PONG and everyone getting tunnel vision over this one place and ignoring the wider network.

Shill tactics regarding Jones are always:

1. He loves the jews, is controlled by jews, won't admit that EVERY FUCKING THING is a jewish conspiracy aiming at Jewish supremacy
2. He's CIA, he's controlled opposition, he's a disinformation agent
3. Government shills pretend to be both 1 and 2. It's been going on forever but they're ramping it up to DISRUPT THE SUPPORT BASE as I've already mentioned.

Trump is in direct contact with Alex so probably told him to keep fucking calm about pizzagate until he's in office. Until then….


The solution to this is to buy more water filters

How close of a relationship do you think Trump has with Jonestein?

Trump went on his show once, and might got on a second time, because he knows his listeners are a literal cult of retards whose undying support he would have if he simply spent a half hour talking to a snake oil salesman.

So you don't see a problem with Alex covering for the jews and attributing their crimes to the Nazis?

Hi Alex Jonestein

t. Owen Shroyer

yea its always the nazi or the saudis but he never says it is the (((nose))) then drum roll ……muh iodine,muh colloidal silver.You wanna fight you better believe you GOT ONE!!!

Dude, not gonna lie, if it were $20 I'd buy it just for lulz.

The last thing I like jones did was trolling that turkroach water buffalo with the bill clinton RAPE shirt,that was hilarious and made the young turds election melt down even better.I couldn't stop laughing.

To be fair Jones has reversed himself and been talking nonstop about pizzagate the last few nights. Obviously only because he sees now they want to shut him down regardless, but still.

IMO good indicators for wether someone is COINTELPRO or a shill is wether he muddies the waters or not (are there serious political themes mixed with UFOs, Reptilians and other bullshit?) ad wether appropriate vocabulary is being used or not (are MSM terms being used or the actual terms used by scientific journals for example?).

Take for example Red Ice Creations on youtube. Half the videos are about aliens = muddying the waters = red flag goes up.

Look, the only way we'll know for sure if once Trump gets in and the FBI gets renewed.

I just want so badly that the Trump destroyed hollywood. We know for a fact they are pedophiles and even mainstream media reported they were scared of the leaks for a reason. Trump needs to remember that shitty hollywood stars video where they all bashed him and tried to think they could command people to not vote for Trump. They have to be destroyed.

In a way, I agree with him, at least the part where he says we're ignoring bigger crimes. We shouldn't give this thing up until we can get full confirmation but we shouldn't ignore all the other crimes of the elites and mass media either. We've scored great victories in getting people to disavow mainstream media all together. We can go deeper. A while ago Wikileaks posted on their twitter to GG about who is really behind the unethnical nature of journalism. We need to go after them.

Dick Pill Merchant is in it for money, user. He has to pay off his kike wife's alimony every month, and he's painted himself into a corner with his hysterics. Filter Man is a lolcow. Anons who still think he's anything else are lolcows themselves.

There was a big push in msm the past two days to call pizzagate, 'the story that never was'.

Looks like the Washington Post is leading the way as they teamed up with a bunch of other publication. Very lame hit pieces. Cherry picking facts, ignoring damning evidence, finding retards from websites you never heard of claiming they're the ones who started it. Just pathetic, third world level propaganda.

So with the big mouth faggot actually shutting up and the fat big mouth doing the same, I think someone put the fear of Jebus in them, BIG TIME.

Stop saying he doesn't call out the Jews. He does it regularly, he claimed they were a Mafia for the NWO a few months ago.

This is one thing I never understood about Holla Forums and I have been lurking since the Ron Paul days. Yeah, we all know there are a lot of subversive Hebrews out there, but what about all the fags who go along with them like the Clintons and Tony Blair or lower elements of the American political scene. Seems like you fags have been chasing ghosts instead of attacking TPTB at a manageable level like NSDAP.

PS: It takes money to run a media company and make videos everyday, not that any of us understand that since Kek grants us influence for free. That's why Jones sells probiotics.

No shit. They've been muddying the waters for years.

there's a lot of neets here who haven't confronted that aspect of life yet maybe. imo alex is behaving exactly like a public figure who wants to occupy the exact niche he is occupying, ie a gateway redpiller. people find their way to cuckchan and fullchan eventually if they seek the truth. user is right, a sane user would go out of his way to attack him is preposterous, so in all likelihood it's a shill

actually alex did somewhat recently name the "Jew"
at that point even I thought he is confirmed to be not controlled op, and just some spazzy guy who was allowed to run his show because he made himself look stupid

but then he called pizzagate disinfo, and i guess he only named the "Jew" to make the likes of Holla Forums and Holla Forums trust him, possibly just so that he'd be trusted when he called pizzagate disinfo
remember #spiritcooking ?

also he is controlled op

All I'm hearing is a bitter asshole harassing a wellness salesman who's a more popular eceleb than he is.

He also has something to say about Alex Jones. I'm more surprise why this wasn't brought up as well.

vid of Alex screw up during livestream….

well i can't deny what i saw there

Revenue generation must continue.

Infowars must now pivot to a stance that sits in opposition to the current administration.
Anyone that has observed this media company in action can clearly see the con games
being played. To be successful in todays click bait net economy you must remain like
liquid and shift positions frequently.

It always pays to oppose, slander, criticize and sway to generate interest thus $$$

google Alex Jones disrupts gun rally

Basically he disrupted a pro-2nd amendment rally back when Sandy Hoax had all the normies screaming for MUH GUN CONTROL. Whether he did it because he's cont-opp, or because he was a showboating asshole looking for money, we'll never know.
In recent times he has been more based. Ever since his divorce from his wife (the main source of suspicion that he is cont-opp) he has become more and more useful.

Jones was a shill. Might still be. But he is useful at present. And for the time being he appears to be an uneasy ally. Tread cautiously.

also this

This is the kind of 12 year old newfag shit that is making this place intolerable right now. There has been all kinds of evidence over the years, but this is nothing.

That's evidence. Not a screenshot you get when looking up a website.
So are we supposed to not go digging at kike websites for evidence of kikery? In my experience, they usually wind up admitting to everything they call "antisemitic canards" when the prying eyes of the goyim aren't around.

agreed user, this is the only way to vet someone. add the alleged stratfor connection to the list.

they don't advertise him directly, that's probably the radio or satellite network

who the fuck is that

he's close to trump so who's jewing who?

To fill this lack of knowledge within you user, I shall answer. All e-celebs are targets for derision, the greater the e-celeb's reach the greater the hate. Then you add in the individuals politics/actions. Some Mathfag could probably express it as an equation.

i had not seen that site before thx user

So Alex Jones doesn't want to report on swirly logos at Chipolte that anons refuse to find supportive evidence for other than cognitive bias.

No shit, we have known this since Bill Cooper outed his fake ass.

Where have all the Holla Forumsacks who know about Cooper gone? An user on halfpol (before the exodus) introduced me to him, years ago…but it's so rare to even see him brought up any more.

so existence of aliens is taken for granted at 8/pol/ or no? i'm still working on my doctrine here

No idea, nowadays it seems far and few but I remember learning about him when Holla Forums was actually more decent in content. Minus the constant fucking nigger dick spam and regular shit posting.

I outgrew that shit, Cooper, Maxwell, Bell. Entertaining stuff but surprisingly didn't keep me interested enough after i discovered race topics and jews jewing.

Pretty sure you mean space kikes

It was all downhill after the Zimmerman trial. I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed.


Good goy

Right back atcha!

It's true, the Zimmerman trials were nice and comfy but it attracted a lot of newfags. It's a constant cycle of something becoming more popular and falling down due to how stupid the average really is.

not full time anymore but I don't see anything on his Twitter account that leads me to believe he hates Alex Jones or Infowars, it still says "Army Vet. Contributor to Infowars"

Learn how to read nigger, the title is: "Pizza Gate Is A Diversion From the Greater Crimes in Podesta Wikileaks"

You sound like a bigger conspiratard than Alex Jones. ALEX JONES KNOWS EVERYTHING BUT HE LIES EVERY DAY! If you think Alex Jones is smart and he knows everything you're a dumbass. Are you the sucker who still thinks he has an elite squad of researchers working for him?

It's all speculation and this is a slide thread.

Exactly what I was saying.

What year did Alex get bought?

Was it 2010?

This is part of the anti-pizzagate disinfo narrative.

Since the fucker started he pretty much was disinfo, Bill Cooper exposed this.

Alex Jones has constantly spread a ton of bullshit mixed in with a little bit of truth along with his outlandish fucking behavior that discredits our fucking cause. Fuck that guy and anyone not smart enough to see through his stupid fucking facade.

The last straw for me was "Sharia Law Christianity"
They took the faggots' side over the bible and based Pastor Anderson

tl:dr of the backstory

I've been following the Pizzagate threads from the beginning. They've turned up some interesting circumstantial things that could be seen as suggesting child prostitution, but zero in the way of concrete evidence. Every time one of us urged caution and skepticism, we got shouted down as shills by anons who were certain their inferences were correct and wouldn't hear otherwise.

Jones is far from perfect, but until somebody can actually connect him to CIA personnel or funds, there's no grounds to conclude he's an intelligence asset. Every conspiracy investigator has his biases and blind spots. You're just pissed because he isn't on board with your favorite theory.

I thought he named the jew at least twice.

Bullshit. Bill was way more popular than Alex back then. Don't reference everything by what you see today. Jones was a nobody who Bill tried to lift up because he thought he was honest. When Jones had his Y2K meltdown trying to start panic and civil unrest Bill called him on.

Jones has Jewish handlers, and a family member that is CIA. Jones is an asset and nothing more. He attaches himself to a truth and either destroys it with his childish antics or turns people away from it… right now he is telling people to stay away from pizzagay.

Plus normies are hardwired to shut down the moment "the jews" is uttered. He wouldn't have the base he has if he screamed about the jews all the time. Instead he acts crazy in public (draws attention to himself), sells pharma (who knows if it works), and then he redpills are the goys who stop to look. I've learned from experience you have to start slow, you can't really mention the jews until someone's heavily invested in the idea of shadow government.

Don't forget the mods doing that as well.

Keep moving the mile marker fucker. I don't blame a person for skepticism and hell, I encourage it. But we have lived with enough bullshit lies from the government that we cut them no slack. Enough has come out to be true to make Pizzagate worth looking into and keeping an eye on.

Jones is a piece of shit. Just as good movements like the tea party (started as a great idea) and Occupy (before it got infiltrated by hipsters and the left), Jones has done a lot to discredit investigations into 9/11 and Sandy Hook. He is a walking, talking straw man to make people who question the official line look like a buffoon. So him saying that Pizzagate is a bad lead makes it that much more apparent that there is probably something worth looking into.

TL;DR fuck him and his water filters

He's claims there's a "jewish mafia" who "aren't really jews" and "hate the Talmud" who are comparable to the Italian mafia. That isn't calling out the jews.

Why are you here when you could have gone back to groom the Reddit icon?

GCN is owned by Midas Resources, selling Gold is one of the main reason it hand his show exists.

Trump fired him because he was using the campaign for self-promotion.

But he was fine reporting on the "hidden 666" in the Taco Bell logo.

Funny how Jonestein was selling Anderson's DVDs that didn't name the jews before that.

"Marching to Zion" is probably why he decided to have them do that report.

You obviously only looked at Bill's book and never bothered to listen to his years of shows which culminated in him admitting ufos are just black ops and that he was used. The guy created a legendary civilian intelligence operation that is likely still functioning albeit quietly all while calling out pedos murderers fagmasons and generally shitting on the elite. He even predicted 911 so go back and actually listen instead of playing Xbox while it plays in the background, fag. You obviously didn't listen.

Very sad thing indeed. If people would actually listen to him, he explains the history of the zionfagkikes and how they got to this point. Hint: Temple of Solomon and the 3rd degree initiation rites. Anyone who hates likes needs to listen to Bill, he is the onlypersonI have yet found who creates a realistic framework for the origin of the kikes and correctly states that these elite fags are not just high level kikes but fags of every denomination.

I listen to his podcast. He's talking about pizzagate, he's mentioned it every day for a week so far and admits it has credibility. He doesn't like that the media acts like it's all about Comet Pizza, and thinks it's only a small part of a larger national pedophile network. Where are you getting that he tells people to stay away?

Said no man ever.

really nigger?

Alex Jones owes David Duke an apology.

At this point pizzagate is pointless. We moved too slow, reddit spilled the beans. All the conspirators have been tipped off to our citizens investigation for nearly a month now, all the real evidence has been destroyed for weeks.

Youre lying, he never said this. He said that all the focus on just comet ping pong is a distraction

I can't believe there are people here who still trust Jonestein.

As an infotard, how do you feel about his recent lie that the 9/11 truth movement was "always about how the Saudis did 9/11"?

What about how is "smoking gun" about Sandy Hook was because they (like all schools in the district) changed their website url?

He said its a waste of time because most of those same assholes have solid evidence of wrong doing already, we just have a corrupt doj who won't persue.


Alex Jones is part of it. His best friend is child rapist and GRIDS patient Charlie Sheen

Except Saudis are crypto kikes.

Stay new

He made a video that he claimed was his "final comment" on Sandy Hook based around the idea that a lack of wayback machine archives proved the school was closed, or something else was up. It turns out all the schools in the district simply changed their URLs.

That's irrelevant to Jonestein's lie.

I think jones is a shill whose whoke shtick is 90% truth 10% misdirection. I watch from time to time because he often has good guests on (trump went on his show too)

Im not an "infotard" but i watched the show last night and he was talking about pizzagate

Didn't you know? The Zionists are just puppets of the Satanic Nazis, that's all.

1000% that last paragraph.

Are you legit saying Saudis are innocent? Lol fucking kill yourself.

Are you trying to say Sandy Hook was real?

Bill Cooper, you mean the good goy who stole research from real redpilled guys like Michael Collins Piper and then made it kosher? The guy who said "it's not the Jews, it's the ayys?"

Kek confirms the unfortunate truth with our digits.

I doubt they had much at all to do with 9/11, but even if Jonestein and Cernokike are right about the Saudis controlling the media, that doesn't change the fact that he was lying when he said they were always the focus of the 9/11 truth movement.

I'm only pointing out that Jonestein used false "evidence" that either proves he's incompetent to the point where nobody should be taking him seriously, or knowingly lying to his audience - I think it was the latter. But yes, Sandy Hook did happened and the idea that it was a hoax is psyop to discredit the movement.

Sandy Hook was fake you fucking retard. Go watch "We need to talk about Sandy Hook" and come back when youve learned a thing or two

Watched it when it came out, it's shit.

If Sandy Hook was a conspiracy, why wouldn't they just have somebody kill the kids instead of hiring hundreds of actors and creating what would probably be the biggest conspiracy of all time with almost no payoff? Do you think killing children is something kikes won't do?

OP can't inb4, faggot.

I've had pink pills stuck down my throat my entire life, and it wasn't until Holla Forums started naming the jew that I believed any of it. In fact, Holla Forums did more for white people and goodness in the world in 3 short years, than jonestein did in 25. There's no substitute for the truth, and no matter how you spin it, jonestein is spreading disinformation.

I'd like to listen to his Mystery Babylon series a 3rd time, honestly. I actually keep my 8 of Diamonds Path of Light card in Behold a Pale Horse - just out of respect.

He really was an inspiration. It would have taken me much longer to get my head around the Mystery Schools; if not for him. The plebeians really need to be introduced to the many different flavors of kikery. They can't just keep getting away with it!

Technically he does indirectly name the jew, and considering criticizing (((International Bankers))) is now anti-semitic there's not really much of a difference…

The payoff was going to be a massive gun-grab, which failed, or possibly the failure was intentional and they had previously invested in gun stocks. Either way I don't think everyone was acting, and just because crisis actors were mixed in doesn't mean they all were hired actors. Keep in mind people weren't allowed inside the school and we still don't have proof there were any actual bodies.

What sticks out to me the most is we all know how much the media loves to use children to push agendas, so why didn't we see even 1 body? Ya know? That single picture they will put on air for months until they manage to get their gun grab?

Not going to get into all the other inconsistencies but there is way too much not to draw skepticism here.

Why couldn't a cabal that was capable of orchestrating such a big and bizarre conspiracy get gun control legislation to pass?

You almost never see pictures of dead victims after shootings…

He claims they're fucking Nazis.

underrated post


the issue that can unite everyone is the fucking federal reserve note. obviously the shills here are the ones trying to divide us about who names the fucking jew or not.

The problem with Cooper is that he became fully woke at the very end when he realized he was being played, so it is impossible to tell how much of his anti-Alex stuff was just deception being fed to him by the intelligence community.

Cunt. Kill yourself.

Did Alex Jones got Bill Cooper offed?

Bill has been dead for well over a decade you moron, holy shit you are stupid.

He turned on Jonestein long after he realized he was being fed disinfo, and based most of what he said about him on his broadcasts.

Is this disinfo?

Do you have a timeline for that? It could be as simple as showing the episode where he realized he was being played and then showing his first mention of Jones. I have been listening to Bill Cooper for a long time and I have never come to that conclusion. I have suspicions about GCN, but I don't want to be wasting my time writing up the proof and conclusions without more circumstantial evidence to back it up. Evidence of Jones being outed by WMC after he (WMC) is awake to his own dis-info would be damning, considering my other sources.

I'm old enough to have been an adult when 9/11 occurred (I was 18 at the time), and it was 9/11 that lead me to Alex Jones around the same time. This is before YouTube and social media and his focus was on selling his movies and water filters. I use to listen to him daily via the stream and it was interesting as fuck but what I learned about him over the years that AJ is the epitome of a broken clock. He fires off so much bullshit that he's bound to be right some of the time, and anything he was wrong on gets memory holed.

He's a snakeoil salesman interested in controversy so that he can interject himself and his products into the discussion. He appeals to the lowest common denominator and doesn't care about objective truth unless it can be used to his benefit. He has, for decades now, projected himself as David vs Goliath.

The same goes for people like Mark Dice, who use to work for Alex Jones until they had a falling out. Once Mark Dice started to gain some popularity, AJ was only too happy to work with him to further his own agenda (making money).
They find MSM articles and exploit them to their own benefit. That the truth is often brought to light is just a side effect and now the main motivation.

I doubt AJ is a jewish agent or CIA or any other that, he's just a really shitty person who is greedy as fuck and has a massive ego, which is so large he can't cope that anyone but him is the leader of alternative media hence his covering of Holla Forums and alt-right related topics, it would shit him to no end that people like us don't see him as the authority figure of alternative media. He's happy for you to do the digging though because it makes it easier for him to place his branding over all your hard work so that you buy some of his bullshit supplements.

We'd all be better off to ignore him, not discuss him, not acknowledge him and continue to develop our own media sites because that's how you snuff out an attention seeking egotisitical fat faggot like AJ, you don't give them an ounce of attention.

Cooper came to the conclusion that he was being fed disinfo in around 1997 (embed), all of his anti-Alex Jones shows were post-Y2K. And he said the information was fed to him during his time in the navy in the late 1970s, so it's a non-issue when it comes to what he said about Jonestein.

But forget Cooper, forget Khashoggi or ABC or wherever you're going with GCN's connections. Why would you think a guy who never names the jew and tries to project their crimes onto the Nazi was legit?

Thank you for the information. As for your question, if you cannot answer that for yourself you may be too close to the issue to see the big picture. Or, to put it another way, you may be too awake to see the fuzzy image that someone who just woke up might see. What I would ask you in response is; are you naive enough to believe that any one man knows the whole truth, and if he did would he be naive enough to tell the whole truth?

Solzhenitsyn named the Jew and was blackballed a second time, but he was a man who had lost everything before and thus was truly free. What he revealed was also more damning, that the Jews didn't act alone.

There are questions we do not ask and answers we dare not utter due to the ramifications that may come and/or implications it may raise.

Uhh anyone? Cooper was a plant apparently.

Does anybody remember that "20 Minutes with President" hoax that Sheen and Jonest pulled in 2009 where they "accidentally" left out the disclaimer that the interview w/ Obongo never actually happened?

Pizzagate is the trap they'll use to crack down on alternative websites as fake news.

Alex Jones saw it.

Satanic rituals and pedophilia is too fucking juicy as a story, it's too good to be true and you are falling for it.

It's fucking obvious as it is:
-Hillary loses election, mainstream media lose credibility
-create fake news narrative
-lack elements to make it credible
-Pizzagate pops up

It's a fucking bait and you guys don't see it. They are baiting you into doing something stupid, then they'll have evidence to disqualify our discourse, crack down on any alternative news website, demonize us as 9/11 truthers and reclaim the credibility of mainstream media.

And you are still falling for it.

When has Alex Jones ever had a problem repeating hoaxes and publishing literal "fake news".

He's no better than the rest of the jewish press, you cucks need to realize that.

So The Franklin Cover-up never happened? So Dutroux or whatever never happened? So Savile never happened?

No, crackdowns won't work. See: Streisand effect.

They never need evidence. If you think that, you are real new to this whole thing.

They have been doing this ever since their numbers started falling, now they have to mention the sites by name just to try and maintain some viewers/readers.

You are as naive as they are if you think that will work.

You are falling for THEIR spell, you think they have power still. You are hiding your head in the sand.

there wasn't a war against fake news like there is now

I don't even watch Infowars, nor like Alex Jones, but this is clearly a media war; they are getting desperate because a) their numbers are collapsing b)their candidates are losing

so they are:
-attempting to discredit us, see the shitton of articles from WaPo, academics etc against fake news
-limit the funding, this has happened, see German cuck companies withdrawing ads from Breitbart

they are literally waiting for a good reason for government crackdown, seizing servers and jailing people

If you guys do something stupid, they'll paint you as terrorists, declare you a security threat and it'll be downhill from there.

Not on this one. This won't be censorship. This will be mass jailing you guys.

They stopped caring about evidence and that's why they lost credibility .

For the sake of it, you are free to discuss whatever you want, including Pizzagate. However, be careful; do not jeopardize what we've done so far.

both are true
welcome to multi-dimensional chess

Jonestein has promoted false stories since that "war" started.

i'm getting tired of this pizzagate shit, keep it in one thread


Joe Biggs was an absolute mongoloid who brought NOTHING to the table.

His mind is full of rocks, he literally probably has a sub 100 IQ

That would only prove us correct. Being jailed by the establishment is a badge of honor. Not only would it NOT jeopardize what we have done so far it would ignite curiosity of those wondering what information got people jailed. I only wish the government was as stupid as you think it is.

You can be right overall, but if you push the wrong story, you still disqualify yourself.

Being jailed and branded as a liar for the latter is for fools.

Alex Jones is a C.I.A. agent. We have the documents. This is all admitted.

They don't set the rules. If you think they can disqualify anyone you are in the wrong year, friendo.

First they would have to make a law that makes lying punishable by jail time. Then they would have to prove in court that you lied, which wouldn't be easy as their is a legal definition for lying which is almost impossible to prove. Since it would be in court, that means we could subpoena witnesses and documents for our defense. They don't want that.

You know nothing of how the world works. You think the government is stupid, you think they would jeopardize their plans by tipping their hand this hard. You lack any sense of historical context and legal knowledge.

You are scared of your own shadow.

what a lot of people are missing is that the whole "fake news" narrative is a great opportunity to use memetic jujitsu is demonstrating to normies just how fake msm news is.
use their own weapon against them
skip to 2:23:37


if being jailed was a badge of honor, why wouldn't snowden and assange turn themselves in?
you live in a fantasy world.
just look at what (((they))) did to bradley manning. once they had him trapped in a military prison, they started using mkultra-tier techniques on him (sensory deprivation, drugs, hypnosis, etc.) until he was convinced he was a tranny, thus fully discredited in the eyes of the public. no one pays attention to him/her/it anymore

opinion discarded

I stopped reading right there. We are done, you and I.

Anyone with half a brain knew alex jones was Co Op many years ago.


don't let the door hit you on your way out, kike

Why does he surround himself with so many former and current RT employees


You took the big blue cuck pill, Herschel. How does it feel falling for (((their))) narrative because it fits your cognitive biases as if it was made for you? Feels real snug, like your custom butt plug.

Here, have a hotter waifu.


meant for

Thank you, based Rockefeller.

so is 8pol but by "pure coincidence" whenever someone says something about it their post is deleted or banned

doesn't matter. even literal government agents can be pressed into our service as useful idiots. everything can be directed or misdirected, depending on what's most expedient to our goals.

stay mad, moshe and eat a white man's turd.
we will win the battle for the hearts and minds of normies.
removing oneself from the battlefield in the name of "honor" is durka (((semetic))) tier thinking, and advising a natsoc to do so is obvious taqiyya and zionist d&c

.t .pl spammer

Nope, your a bolshevic shill who believes the official narrative about Assange and Snowden. Your brain has been cucked by the CIA psyop and you don't even know it.


Stay illiterate, youtube scholar.


As far as I can tell it's disinfo. It's "big revelation" was that Bill's father was a Mason and that he was ex-naval intelligence (which he has never denied; that should tell you enough). There is a lot of shilling against Milton William Cooper these days, but one thing is for certain - he died after naming names (and many previous attempts on his life); trying to stop the Patriot Act…months after predicting 9/11.

I don't know about you guys…but none of the "Bill was a shill" shills have been able to make a single point. One thing that should be telling to every one of you - Bill is dead and Jones is still shilling. Look into how Bill died, and why, and if you have any questions yet…you're an idiot.

Got news for you, my illiterate friend, you're wrong.

nice damage control, kike
misdirect all you like, but anyone who highlights your posts will clearly see you advising anons to get themselves jailed as some kind of badge of honor which will get people more interested in us.
our goals reach much farther than exposing a bunch of boy fucking kikes, and you'll soon realize that on dotr

You are telling people they will get jailed for non-existant laws. You are a liar.

Ah, LARP'ing. Got it :^)

just leave quietly back to your homeboard

Then who would give you your (You)'s that you have been trying so hard to get all thread long? It seems your shitposting would get lonely.

Because the C.I.A. is working with the G.R.U.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Get a therapist.

cry moar bitch tears, kike

Nice try, Fatboy.

quality thread

wew lad

did i really upset you this much?

I love it when kosher conspiratards think they have it all figured out.

Go read Vatican Assassins or The Biggest Secret again.

Cooper died because he couldn't take off his tin foil hat long enough to pay his taxes. And rather than be arrested peacefully he decided to get into a gunfight where he shot one of the officers in the head.

If his death was truly a government conspiracy, they sure could have killed him hundreds of much easier ways.

Honestly, I don't have much of a positive of negative opinion on Cooper. I find it interesting that in ways he saw 9/11 coming. Alex Jones is mostly comedy entertainment. There is a lot of truth on infowars but they have no problem pushing snake oil and complete bullshit alongside the truth.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Ill start dumping stuff eventually. Keep this thread alive until then.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Der Heiliges Römisches Reich auf dem Deutsches Nation

I prefer the name
The Roman-Teutonic Reich of the German Nation

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
It probably lasts a little longer than usual before collapsing, but not before killing 1/4 of the worlds population.

say that to musclebob buffpants over there

Jones is far from perfect, but until somebody can actually connect him to CIA personnel or funds, there's no grounds to conclude he's an intelligence asset.

Looks like (((they))) are fully unto him, especially with the pedo finds. They may even be keeping CTR shills on extra budget.

Thankfully, these d&c threads will have no effect here on Holla Forums other than show us your way of operating.

If you guys want to fight to the right, do it against obvious infiltrators like actual jew Stefan Molyneux.

Report this thread.

OP is a faggot, and so is every fucking gullible idiot in this thread
Most here who shit on AJ are either shills or concern-and-defeatist trolls doing heavy duty damage control over the fact that AJ MERELY MENTIONED pizzagate and feintly alluded to ping pong at once

That doesn't mean he outright ignores them, even someone like AJ would know NOT to name the nose if he wants to keep his news (and himself) from getting secretly ((bankrupted))/scrubbed/manhandled or outright ((((accidented to death)))) by the establishment and hillary goons, why do you fucking idiots think he lasted this long?

>do it against obvious infiltrators like actual jew Stefan Molyneux.

Yawn. That weak meme again. You're pathetic.

Not naming the jew would be one thing, but Alex attributes their crimes onto other groups, mainly the Nazis.

double wew

Flower shaped makeup brushes
rather unpractical, but darn cute

Not just because Bill denounced Jones
But because he showed what the real deal is

no shit

how much does alex jones pay you to shill that blog he owns?

Shill tactics failed in the election and will continue to fail throughout the duration of the emperor trump era. We can do this all day and all night.

Just take a vitamin D pill

There have been a couple of people who mysteriously committed "suicide" very soon after appearing on Alex Jones' radio show.

A prime example would be the so-called "D.C. Madam" Debra Palfrey, who committed "suicide" a mere two weeks or so after appearing on his show.


If there have been more than one, why is she the only person any of you infocucks ever mention?

Who else died mysteriously after being on Jonestein's show?

What? Look, if Jones would just not mention the jews, that would be acceptable. Cowardly, but acceptable. Instead, he actively shills, while putting the blame for their crimes on others, including those who stood up to them. There's no defending that.

If there have been more than one, why is she the only person any of you infocucks ever mention?

Who else died mysteriously after being on Jonestein's show?

What? Look, if Jones would just not mention the jews, that would be acceptable. Cowardly, but acceptable. Instead, he actively shills, while putting the blame for their crimes on others, including those who stood up to them. There's no defending that.

Sayori is cute.
I saved all images of her.

ctr pls

Saying and actually doing stuff are two different things, he only did that simply to keep ((them)) off his back at the time
Slightly cringy as fuck for you to say that, the term ((((nazi)))) is a derogatory term made by the allies and their bolshevik compadres
((((nazi)))) is a slav word for 'thug', which also originated from the name of a jewish group, the ((((ashkeNAZI jews)))) which is much older and well used to call out these 'jewish thugs' long before they use it to ((((label)))) Germans of the Third Reich as thugs (i.e. projecting their jewish thug nature to germans who they have a grudge against because of muh holohoax)

What are you on about? You think someone in the entertainment industry would do a industry level piece for $100 just for someone to print? Jesus fuck what happened to this board.

Goebbels used it in the title for the Nazi-Sozi, and it's an autistic argument regardless.

When Jonestein talks about Nazis, he's not talking about "AshkeNAZIS" or "National Zionists" or whatever other way you want to justify it, he's talking about German National Socialists.

He's still doing it…

Vladimir Putin is truly our greatest ally.

Is a new compilation of the best stories but with small changes

Oy vey! There is nothing wrong with the water government provides, silly goyim! No hormones in the milk, that's just a ridiculous conspiracy since it won't affect you at all! Caring for your health and that of your children is just a distraction!!

"Jonestein" only mentions the Rotschilds and Soros in half of his videos, he doesn't even tell us to go kill them so we could send him to jail and shut down his channel! Oyyyyyy Gevalt!!

gas yourselves shills.

And he claims they were both involved with the Nazis…

There is no Pokemon called Marshadows.

You're trying too hard to fit in, InfoWars shill.



"Nazi" also has another meaning:

classic crap thread, OP starts it then contributes nothing, expects the Universe to just leap up and entertain him

That fucking shoop lol top right

Terribly. Absolutely terribly.

It barely has games to speak of.

The level of shilling in this thread is quite interesting. Last time I've seen this much here was when feds were tor-posting about finicum or we were getting D&Ced over the Fed protests. We may never know why jones does what he does, but he is clearly not honest.

Just based on a gut feeling, this sounds right.

When did they change the captcha system?

My point was more that people here could find millions of good references without using his shit pic with shit lighting.

Infowhores = Trumpwhores

Sad but true.

she reminds me of my grandmother so I hope so.

The Jew's and Holla Forums have teamed up, the jews love our nazi shit and we need them to [redacted]

just trust

Typical skeptard fallacy
You're shit