"Black rights" activist Viola Desmond to be 1st Canadian woman on $10 bill

It looks like Canada is getting another dose of diversity. In the form of a $10 bill.

This negress defrauded the Canadian taxpayer in order to save money on movie tickets. Now she will be featured on the $10 bill.


coon doubloon?

coonie toonie

“How would you like it?”
“No 10s, eh.”

Who the fuck still uses cash?

Bump and reported for not even trying.

Exactly, I just the microchip that I got in Tel Aviv.

It was a serious question. Sorry.

This only makes me want to enslave niggers all over again and put them back in their place.

Do you guys think Trump will keep Andrew Jackson on the $20? I do..

I think there’s a non-zero chance that Trump will put “United States Note” on the $20, never mind the rest of them.

literally who

well yes but nobody in the south voted for lincoln and yet he got elected anyway, so it was clear that the south either had to get out of the union or become irrelevant

and since seccesion wasn't made illegal one could reasonably assume that it was in their good right to leave a union which was no longer in their best interests

They really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and then all they came up with, was a coon theif.

Don't use them canucks. Tell gook store owners you want fives and twenties while smirking.

Your mum when she buys crack you faggot autiste.

That's why you shouldn't put people on the bills.

I think this is part of the greater plot to eliminate cash currency

We've gotten so much already, why not this much more? It could happen, fate has been on our side.

I agree. Take people off money entirely, unless it's literal royalty or emperors. People don't belong on money in republics.

Reminder Canadian banknotes are all plastic.


Canada is so cucked. I thought the U.S. was being cucked when they even implyed the idea of replacing andrew jackson with harriet Tubman but this really takes the cake.

I'm hoping he issues a brand new debt free currency like Lincoln did with greenbacks and completely blows out jewry for another hundred years.


All you gotta do is just write 'nigger' on the note, if enough people deface their notes it will either be pulled from circulation or there'll be a news story about it which will be worth a chuckle or two

australian version:

I've never heard of her. I didn't even know that we were planning to change the $10 bill. I'm honestly surprised we didn't put poo in loos on it since everyone had to learn about the Komagata Maru in high school, and Trudeau already cucked out about it earlier this year.

Good goy

checked and kek'd

The last time I was in Toronto, was about a year ago. Going through customs I didn't see a single Canadian (White) face in the whole building. Literally nothing but rude Arabs, rude Indians and rude Pakis. I felt like I was in Abu Dhabi or Islamabad. I hate this new thing the West is doing where if you're White they make it impossible to immigrate, but if you're an ugly dark-skinned Muzzie they pay for your plane ticket and put you on welfare with a free house. South Asians are an insult to genetics. The only thing worse would be Abos.

This image rustles my jim jams fimfams.

literally nobody has ever heard of this nigger

ffs are there even niggers in canada

>because you use cash to buy your vidya, your groceries, pay your bills, etc.

No, you lot are the smart ones. Who cares about a credit score to
Get silver bricks or get out

This nigger ain't got palladium

About 1.5% or so of our population.

Good idea. Could also write CRIMINAL because apparently she is one.

But NIGGER has more legs because media whores will rush to report it.

The worst part is that they're replacing Macdonald, the first PM of Canada and the driving force behind Confederation, with an uppity negress nobody has ever heard of.

Not only that but he was an ethno nationalist and believed in a white Canada


What the fuck, who is Queen Elizabeth fuck you Libcuck government.