What is it with rich black guys complaining about systemic racism?

Both nogs, both went to harvard. He's a legal commentator and she's a vice president at JPMorgan

Elie Ying Mystal
Home Address
32 Ridgeway St
Mount Vernon, NY
(914) 664-4695

Wife: Christine Jean Heather Rose Nyereyegona (39)
(212) 648-0198 (Office)
Work address:
277 Park Ave Fl 13,
New York, NY
[email protected]/* */

They live better than 95% of the country???

Other urls found in this thread:


You could give a nigger not only the Earth, moon and all it's wealth, but the whole of the Virgo supercluster, and they would still be unhappy.

Single parent upbringing, effeminate personality and victimhood mentality are the very few symptoms of black man children in the current year.

Most rich niggers got rich by complaining about whitey and kissing kike ass. It's all they know.

The funny thing is that niggers in their natural state are content with almost nothing. Reduced ability for abstract thought makes aspiration difficult. As the conventional wisdom goes: niggers are like children. And right now niggers are spoiled, so they act like spoiled children, demanding more and more. Niggers have never been particularly well mannered or adept to life in civilized societies, but when they were kept in check they didn't expect nearly as much.

They would have to be content sense crying to the dirt yields nothing but a lion to eat them up from the noise.

Bump for, this coon needs to be taught a lesson.

They are rich only because jews. Who do you think they listen to all the time?



The wife is on facebook as, "Christine Nyereyegona".

A Harvard email and cnyereyegona at gmail.com

Also a phone ending in 23.

In their natural state, only the generosity of mother nature gives them gibs. Africa is wasted on the niggers.

Because, OP, rich black guys, like most rich guys, are operating in the upper echelons of their industries. When operating at that level, they see a genuine systemic bias against themselves. What they don't realise is that the bias is also against anyone named Archer, Smith, Zimmer, Klose, McCarthy, Ravanelli, Gonzalez, Honda. The rich nigger never makes note of the fact that all the "white" men benefiting from the system that holds him back happen to have names that echo. He only sees skin colour, because he a rayciss.

Someone has a propaganda OP to wake niggers up to jews. Called something like "We thought they were white" or something. Anybody have the link?

Tbh it has nothing to do with race imho. It has to do with the fact that their liberal. Find a liberal who isn't complaining about muh racism.

It's a hustle. Plain and simple.


Perhaps include information about Jews owning many of the slave boats, the slaves they owned, and tie it to entertainers who are owned by Jews.

Because successful nigs who try to eschew the nigger mentality are just branded as Uncle Toms who "betrayed the community."


Funny that you're given a pass if you still champion the old nig attitude, even if you yourself are a successful nig by acting like a white guy.


They're probably just bitter knowing that they most likely got their place in harvard and subsequent jobs via affirmative action/reserved minority positions

They are eternally hateful and anti-white. You cannot coexist with them. Like Jews, really; except niggers aren't nearly as good at pretending to not be genocidal demons. Seems they just can't help themselves.

"let me kill this man"


"well then at least give me $100"


"wtf hypocrite"


they are outliers, they look around and wonder why there aren't more smartish niggers at their company and level

also, probably easier to tell their black fambly and com-un-ah-tey, that it's the ebil whitey keeping htem down rather than them just be being dumb as sheeeit

The racial solidarity of elite blacks is actually quite admirable. While white elites (they are not all kikes) take every opportunity to stab their own lower classes in the back, the nigger elites will excuse even the most depraved savagery among their own kind. Kikes will similarly defend their own under all circumstances. A tendency towards racial treachery is unfortunately largely a European disease, one which our enemies have become quite adept at using to their advantage.

There's no way this fag means it. He's just trying to drum up business with blacks (and more fool him; pic related) and get himself some publicity. You can't drag your knuckles through law school and remain this retarded. He knows what he's doing: playing on the SJW and BLM camps who will say "Oh wow! Look at how THIS guy gets it!"

All shitskins disproportionately flock to marxism

The cognitive dissonance is palpable.


Who can blame them? They're niggers who strongly identify with their race. Naturally, they would want to advocate for their own racial interests at the expense of others (whites).

Instead of blaming other races for putting themselves first, we need to convince more whites to embrace white identity and fight for exclusively-white causes. Having multiple racial groups in a single country is the stupidest idea ever because you can never have unity with radically different people fighting for their own hedonistic interests. Niggers can support nigger causes back in Africa, but if we allow them to live in our country we can't be surprised when they parasitize and attack us. It's simply in their nature.

This character probably doesn't have a pot to piss in.

The token blacks need to toe the kike line or they get tossed back to their own kind.

Because they got no real power, there's no rich nigger who doesn't have ((someone)) above him.