The Dutch government has presented a long-term energy plan that stipulates that no new cars with combustion engines may...

The Dutch government has presented a long-term energy plan that stipulates that no new cars with combustion engines may be sold from 2035 on. In addition, all houses will be disconnected from the gas grid by 2050.

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If Europe doesn't have these resources in abundance, it's probably in their interest to force the market to seek available alternatives.

Hi Elon.

If Europe doesn't have enough oil domestically, why should they be in a position to need to import it from Arabs and Russians who will demand concessions in the form of mass immigration and foreign policy?

If the car moves when you press the peddle, I don't see how it effects the end use consumer whether its using petroleum fuel, biofuels, electric motors, or a steam engine. If your home is warm, I don't see how it effects the end use consumer whether the boiler is being fed with natural gas or biomass.

checked but that's not the motivation, thus it's eyerolling.

this. why stay dependent on Russia and the Middle East when there are alternatives?

Putin go home ur drunk

checked, this

what if "muh environment" is a ruse and the superduper secret motivation is the material, geopolitical one? did you ever consider that?

And 'green' energy is still 5-6 times more expensive than good ol' fossil fuels. Prepare to get reamed, Dutchfags.

Depends on the application. For heating your home, I'm pretty sure biomass is less expensive for the raw material. It's just when you buy a home, the overwhelming majority of the time it's already been fitted with an oil or gas boiler. Many municipalities have a habit of moving to condemn your home and take your children if you try to get off of their gas hook up.

And it will be repealed when the EU collapses.


That they like to turn off in the winter whenever would-be client states aren't falling sufficiently in line. Being self-sufficient in energy to whatever extent that is possible should be a primary goal of any nation-state.
It doesn't have to be wind or Tesla. Stop getting bogged down [or should I say, purposely bogging the discussion down] with specific companies you've been trained to react to by competing corporate interests.

Peat moss in Ireland and Finland, nuclear energy in France, pellet stoves burning agricultural waste like corn cobs, cherry stones, saw dust, and crops like hemp or switchgrass that can be grown on marginal land.


Stop being uppity little ZOG bitches and overthrow their friendly regimes.

Definitely a triggered Russian. On the bright side, I'm sure there will always be a market for your nickel and timber.

smell the musk.
le stench.

wat de kanker

i thought it was not even allowed to be disconnected from the gas grid in kankerland, though i might confuse it with water or electricity

By then it's very likely electric cars will have taken over anyway. Sounds more like propaganda than useful legislation.
That's even worse. Maybe electricity will be cheaper than gas, maybe houses will have some new heating tech, or maybe the robot army will have killed us all so heating is moot. That's so far in the future you can't even take a guess.

If you care about climate change that legislation is too little, too late. If you don't there's still ages to repeal it. Either way, it's useless.

Fuck off with your nanny state socialist bullshit. Free market FTW.

Personally, I think it will drive innovation. They will have to improve the performance of electric cars or risk the populace chimping out. Especially now that the populace is chimps.

It's not really a "free market" when the supply is controlled by foreigners and the municipalities are in bed with the utility companies to hook up every home to their product, is it?

I'd suggest you drift back over to Breitbart where the discussion would be more your speed. You can use canned phrases and simple words to your heart's content and you'll get the positive feedback loop of upboats to reinforce your worldview.

Dutch government: only EVs and hydrogen cars from 2035, phase-out natural gas
The Dutch government has presented a long-term energy plan that stipulates that no new cars with combustion engines may be sold from 2035 on.
December 8, 2016 by Karel Beckman


Economic suicide

Where do they think electricity comes from?

Why not just take all the native Dutch people and force them to walk on treadmills that power turbines all day?

I want those headphones

That's retarded. In case anyone still doubts that muh global warming is just a trick to make Western countries commit economic sudoku, here's your proof.

And it'll work - again.

So annex those lands again and kill all the natives. Problem solved.

Our government treats us like complete shit, the people tolerate it not because we are cucks like the Germans or Swedes but mostly because Dutch people tend to be nihilists and don't really care anymore about what descisions their government makes as they know it will end up with them getting fucked in the ass anyway.


Not trying to fling shit here, but that still makes the Dutch cucks. Germany/Sweden are nations of people who are brainwashed into wanting to raise their wife's son (like my nation, Canada); the Dutch (according to you) will raise their wife's son because they're just tired - still makes them pretty cucked.

Regardless, both situations are fucked up.

Ridiculous, it's impossible to meet our energy needs without fossil fuels. Fucking retarded hippie faggots.

The solution is to invade Saudi Arabia etc. and annex their oil fields.

You have no idea what you're talking about. For fucking YEARS Ukraine was a PRODUCER of Natural Gas, they exported to the EU.

There is one tiny problem: they don't actually have a gas production in par with their exports.

How Jewkranianism works
The destination country pays on delivery.
See Russian sends 100 units of gas to [EU country], EU gets 60, pays Russia for 60, Russia ask where the remaining gas went? Ukraine says pipes are leaky. Ukraine export 35 units of gas to EU, 5 are lost to actual leaks.

Worked like that until Russia managed to pressure Germany to conduct the inspection of the Ukrainian pipes, meaning both sides now know that if 100 units are sent 95 should arrive in Germany.
-This led to the Orange revolution.

See Ukraine pays it's gas 1/4 of what it's worth in Germany, because Russia considers them Russian and actually don't want them to freeze to death just because they're poor as shit.
So poor jewkrainian oligarch does a coup, that way they can just order more gas from state to state to Russia than what Ukrainian domestic consumption actually need, then sell it full price to Germany via their company.

Russia is obviously not happy about it, so they say fuck if that's how you're gonna play it, it's gonna be market prices.
-First Ukrainian gas crisis, Moscow cut off the gas until ukraine yield, led to Yanukovitch election.

Oy vey! How does a poor jewkrainian oligarch is to earn it's shekels without stealing from bad goyims!

Now see since it's a pay at delivery, system all jewkrainians have to do is pretend their gas isn't delivered, Germans don't give a fuck since it's not theirs that goes missing it's the one for the Ukrainian market.

Russia gets tired of their shit (for the third time), ask to change from payment at delivery from "payment at the border", gov is agreeing (in exchange of a discount).

Oy vey, let's make a coup (again). Moscow turn the gas off again until ukraine yield.

But wait there is more, for no-one has kept an honest jewkrainian from making shekels.

Now Ukraine went to cry that evil ruskies are bullying them and can't make shekels, so they gas from Germany, which buy it from Russia other pipelines, sell its back to Ukraine with a loss (EU taxmoney at work).
Which promptly sells it back to Germany.

That's what's happening right now. I can't wait until evil Germans cut the gas of poor little Ukraine.

Russia like bully Ukraine so much they basically went "fuck it, let's spend $20B and build the longest undersea pipeline in the world to avoid Ukraine, you know what let's build three of them".

But hey it's totally because they want to bully them, not wanting to sever them from the transit grid because they're stealing on an industrial scaleā€¦

but why?
you just like to kill people?
there are numerous other benefits to going full eletric, not just energy independence

even if you used gas as a power source in a power plant, you don't need to gas connection anymore if you just heat with electricity

It is important to set goals, just not stupid ones like the Dutch government did.






Nah, I've seen some new ones. Threads seem to die once you point out the coffee. Bizarre.

I get a strong feeling this exact thread wit this exact image was posted months ago.

So where is all this new electrical capacity supposed to come from? Those fags hate nukes which is ok because the fuckers are so expensive they can never even break even. So what then? Some cheap ass Chinese solar panels on the roof? So I guess today for instance, they freeze and starve? hahaha say hello to the third world, fuckers.

Oil and gas rock and Dutchies are poor shits the way it is now. Do this and their economy dies.

Unless they're going to build nuclear power plants out their ass or fission becomes available. It's very unlikely that electricity will be cheaper then NG. If you need to see what happens when those "green energy" projects run amok, you only need to look at Ontario. Where their FiT program pays upwards of $1.50/kWh towards people who have windmills/solar/etc. Top that out their their energy costs per kWh have gone from 0.07kWh to 0.18 in less then a decade? Pretty expensive pretty damn fast.

Who let Holla Forums in here with their marxist Agenda 21 bullshit?
Electric cars are being phased in because you can control them completely via remote control.
All the green and global warming propaganda is here just to fool you and destroy the economy even further by strangling the free market with EUSSR regulation.
No fucking gas my fuckign ass. Gas is the cleanest of them all. What did the ZOG offer as an alternative? Solar? Wind? That shit's 5 times as expensive. Conveniently some tribe will be happy with providing needed loans for all that overpriced shit.

Why the fuck shouldn't we cooperate with the Russians, instead of putting sanctions and other bullshit on behest of the US ZOG?
The only reason why Russians cut the gas the last time was the Ukrainian puppet that the kikes put in, tried to jew them and EU out for cheaper gas.
Russians are stable suppliers and they WANT to do business because it makes them money and Europe is the largest trading partner.. I really hope Trump allies with them and stops this bullshit white on white conflict and focus on glassing and subduing OPEC and the rest of the cryptokike countries.

More expensive actually. These are the prices that are paid in Ontario for "green energy." Along with "green energy is driving electricity prices through the roof" from the left-wing media(aka CBC) no less.




Don't have enough oil and gas? Nigger, do your research before you spew any bullshit.

There are oilfields in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Norway, the North Sea and the list goes on and on.

After they finish importing a population from the 7th century they're going to make them feel at home by getting rid of any technology more recent than the 7th century.

basically this. Their environmentalist bullshit is driving their costs of production up while their standards of living will go down because there will be no jobs and everything will be more expensive. Meanwhile America and China do not give a single shit about it and manage to stay competitive.

The reason why oil and gas are so important is because they are cheap sources of energy, easy to use and widespread/established. Good luck filling your electric car battery in a rural part of your country. Electric cars might be good for large cities with smog problems but forcing it onto the population because of muh ecology is retarded. Global warming is a lie as well. Only established to destroy the west and tax people for breathing.

Yurop can only substitute oil/gas with nuclear energy or coal if they want to stay competitive for business. But as we all know, yuropoors do not want coal / nuclear power plants neither because it is not green enough for them. Solar panels and Wind power are out of question and they have not enough rivers for supplying all of yurop with energy from hydroelectric power plants. The swiss have shitloads of mountains and rivers and they only manage to supply 70% of their energy which is for 8 million people only with water power. 20% come from Nuclear plants and the rest from various sources like gas or burning garbage.

So whats the fucking point of even saying anything with a time scale like that? By then we'll either all be dead, or have flying cars than run on our own farts.

This kills the economy.

This and nuclear energy is still way out of the picture here. This isnt going to end well

Capitalism is Jewish.

It is too late to pass a long term energy plan, elections are in 3 months and this is not the time to pass a large energy plan. Likely the new government will rework this plan to their desire.

Why is this likely? Pvv is projected to get around 40/150 seats. Then you also have socialist party projected at 11/150 and 50+ party projected at 9/150. So it will be near impossible to form a similar coalition, or even form an establishment coalition.

This means that green energy plans are likely to be adjusted or will go off the table.

Fuck off Ivan, no one wants to buy your commie gas.

It isn't, data shows that there is a trend that global warming is occuring and not slowing down at all. You might want to put question marks around wheter or not the cause is manmade. I very much think after reading various research papers that it is not manmade.

Therefore governments are actually using false information to justify policies that they're making. HOWEVER a lot of these 'green' policies just serve as a means of extracting extra tax from people. Funny thing is that Dutch government added an extra fly tax a while ago that if you were flying out of EU you would need to pay the tax, even in the EU. In the EU it was like 20 euro extra so not that bad, but outside EU it was like 100 euro extra. Result was that people transported from Dutch airports dropped dramatically because people were going to fly from Belgium or Germany. Amazing solution right there!


Capitalism in free market economy is most effective system of resources allocation. Fuck off commie shill.

Headphones are Jecklin Floats user, the OP got that image from Head-Fi.

like Jesus Christ, do the math. 90% of their energy generation comes from fossil fuels. When the goal is just basic fucking space heating, burning fuel in your house is close to 100% efficient, since the only waste is whatever heat escapes with the exhaust gasses, which can be minimized through efficent heater design.

While an electric heater is more or less 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat, and big generators these days are pushing 98-99% efficiency, the overall efficiency of a very modern combined cycle power plant is about 40-60%. A basic coal plant, which makes up the bulk of energy generation won't get past 40% Some of that energy is lost on the way to people's houses.

Heating with electricy is basically using massive infrastructure to waste half or more of the energy.