Ask a German who has been robbed...

Ask a German who has been robbed, threatened with weapons and beaten up by eastern-europeans/mid-easterns (for absolutely no reason/zero provocation towards them) anything.
I also have witnessed borderline pedophilia shit by them recently. While sitting in the bus I saw a ~early 20s arab man kissing a ~13 year olds girls hand and obviously flirting with her.

Other urls found in this thread:

all im going to ask is in regards to this:

my question is: where's your balls? because I know you didn't do a damn thing about it.

back to reddit.

Sure. How much more will you take?

Go home ahmed, you're drunk

How much do you hate slavs from a scale 1 to 10?

The last time I did something about this was when me and a friend were robbed. 2 mid-east men did pickpocket our phones. I looked for them, found them, and confronted them. It took like 10 seconds till they did swing around a knife in front of my stomach asking me "do we have a fucking problem or not?".
Not fighting against someone like that doesnt have anything to do with not having balls but with rationality. I'm not looking to die by being stabbed by an achmed.

Got a link or image which shows that Merkel is a Jew?

you're non-muslim
you're western
you're white
you're christian
your taxes go towards killing muslims

to these muslims, your mere existence is provocation enough.
to these muslims, you are a fair target of their jihad.

who the fuck likes merkel over there? why hasn't she been mussolini'd?
also, how's the news coverage on immigrant crime? censored? simply uncovered? telling you to feel sympathetic towards the rapists?



In september 2016 there will be the german elections.
If Merkel will win again shit is gonna break loose here.


okay why are you asking advice for what you should do when the only thing to do is violence. Make russian friends ask for a hook up.

You don't even need a gun lad.


I am friends with 2 Russian/estonian(mixed genes) and i have a lot of respect for them. Same for the rest of the Russians I know. Todays Russians have a great sense of honor. Not to mention that Russia is one of the most uncucked countries in the world.
In contrast to that i fucking hate the Soviet Union and am glad its dead. But unlike many americans I am able to differ between Russia and the USSR.

Another fun fact: The families of my Russian/Estonian/Slav friends who live in Germany do fucking hate the mid-eastern migrants.

What did you plan to confront them with, logic and reason?

Those shitskins stole from you, and you just took it like a bitch.

Assuming you are American.

>>>Holla Forums

At least have guns and a great president elect. Germany is going to be cucked for years unless you guys man up and start a race war.

I had no weapon or anything. You can not seriously tell me that you wouldve enganged them and went into a fight with them if they fucking swung a knife in front of you…

I told them something like "ok whatever" and left because i was not interested in having my fucking body cut open.
I then looked for a policeman nearby but couldn't find anyone in time.


Divide and conquer shill fuck off

Be careful with claims like that.
Especially if you dont know about foreign politics. But dont worry, thats normal for US-Americans. You're just the average not knowing shit about foreign politics.

will trade russians for muslims
t. latvian

Beta faggots go into the cambers too.

tbh I just kinda hope everyday I can get a chance to kill someone legally. someone broke into my place once and I jumped up and grabbed my gun but they heard me (wood floors) and ran away by the time I got downstairs. I was so fucking excited it was absurd.

I guess really some people give into the flight response and others give into the fight. It's really w/e but I would have loved to kill a few sand niggers and then say they tried to kill me. Take knife fighting lessons and you'll be able to dominate any 80 iq sand nigger.

Well, if youre a pure latvian I get why you would hate Russians due to your past.
However, trust me. Muslims will DEFINITELY do you no better.
I live with both, russians and muslims, and russians are definitely the better choice.

Pussy, unless your excuse is backing out because you don't want to be racist you should've fought them off, even if they had weapons grab em and use it against them.

*Called racist not BE racist obviously be that

What a fucking meme.

Just hold the knife properly and maintain a fluid arc into the tendons of the person you're attacking, then gut them like a fish. There's no such thing as knife fighting, if you get cut you're gonna die.

Give me your honest word, idiot. Stop memeing for a moment.
What the fuck would you have done?
Even if you owned a weapon you would have gone to jail for just fucking shooting 2 men. Sorry tough dude but you wouldve probably shat yourself.

I'm English and our cities are wrecked by immigrants. I live in the mountains so we don't have a problem here. (pics)
The immigrants seem to be allergic to cold weather, clean air and nice scenery.

I lived in Germany for three years when I was in the RAF. It was many years ago during the cold war in the late 80s and early 90s. RAF Wildenrath near Wassenberg. The airbase has closed down but I remember my time in Germany fondly. I speak German with mistakes because you fuckers have loads of words for the definate article.
It's 'the' in English.

So a question or two. What is the nearest town to you and do you like it there? And why do you have such long words?
It's tram stop in English.


Same for Amerifags by the way. You call Germans "cucked" for not being allowed to just fucking shoot people yet you arent allowed to do so either.
Americans on Holla Forums are literally the biggest cancer.

In sane countries if someone swings a knife at you, then you have legal ground to terminate their life.

I would've totally gone to jail just so I can defend my honor and eradicate scum. Nigger I'm 6" 2' unless you're some manlet you should have taken them on or at least called for help.

Above you said:

So you had time to equip yourself with something to force them to comply with you. And yes, if you are prepared to confront someone, you had better be prepared for a physical outcome. That thief could have been made useful to test the efficacy of a nice collapsable baton.

m8 I live in Brazil. I confronted people with guns. You think you shouldn't have beat him up because he had a tiny little butter knife? Next time don't be a bitch and break his nose with your head. He won't be expecting it.

t. Holla Forums

oh poor you

Nigger do you know what self defense is?

in the moment you don't care, but when you're cought- then it hits really bad

Nice try, butthurt Euroshit.

Putin is 5'7" and I guarantee you he could fuck up at least half a dozen arabs with knives without breaking a sweat.

Why haven't you killed Angela Merkel yet?

I think it's mostly shill posters who hise behind being an American to redirect the anger at them. They know that if they don't post a picture of Trump and say how American they are, they will (probably rightly) be assumed as a jew and told to shoo shoo.
Pic related, confirmed Jew and Redditfag Frogurt using this tactic on 4/pol/.

Still, though.

Putin kowtows to kikes and gets upset over "muh extreme nationalists." True aspie behavior. Don't forget there's over 20 mosques in Moscow alone.

Because then Sigmar Gabriel will be chancellor and he is even worse. Basically the situation in Germany is the cuckservative party has coalitioned with the (more) moderate leftist party. It'd be like if Republicans and Democrats blanda upped and nominated Jeb Bush for president and Hillary Clinton for vice president.

I hope you don't mean to hold the knife out and make a slash like an idiot. Knives are for stabbing. You hold the knife in with your arm and shoot it out when youre in range. You go for arteries not tendons.

I would gladly let you slash my arm so I can move in and stab you in the neck famalam

God help you.

I'd tell you to try some 12ga mouthwash but you're probably afraid of firearms

They need another night of the long knives.

I'm so glad I'm american.

Enjoy your country bro.

He put in jail Tesak, a russian neonazi,after he chased pedophiles and put their humiliation on the internet. His crime was that he critisized Putin's regime.

the guy who posted the videos of it? shame those were great

I do, and we do have self defense laws in Germany as well.
But just shooting someone because he shows you a knife might still drive you into legal problems. No matter whether its in germany or the usa. That's because the question is gonna be whether it was legal for you to carry the weapon in public at all. And you cant fucking bullshit me when it comes to that because I know that in the usa it also is illegal to carry guns in public in a SHITLOAD of states.

This, knives aren't swords

Actually I still do because MY country at least has a culture to lose. Your country doesnt even have a culture. It is the multiculturalism capital of the world. The USA absolutely have no roots at all. They're a country of migration.

yeah, he was also a good propogandist and organizer,

Not surprised. He's still sniffing his own farts from the soviet days.

putin is a nigger faggot and russia will only change when him and his neo soviet butt buddies are driven from power

Here's a wikipedia article of him:
I can't believe for the life of me why people say Putin is "based." He's done a good job in the middle east, but he's certainly far from based.


So? He's still a retard and we have Mike "lock em' and shock em'" Pence.

Yes, exactly, pro putinism is a fucking retarded meme. Most of western nationalists are clueless about the region as a whole.

Because in german, things are usually named by using already existing words to describe them and combining them into new words. They're basically used like building blocks

Strassenbahn = street-train
Haltestelle = stopping-place
Strassenbahnhaltestelle = street train stopping place
It's meant to be precise, pull from experience and easily describe what you're looking at and show what the function is within the word.

Another example of this is Flugzeug (plane)
So a Flugzeug = flying machine. It's function is explained within the word

It's weird you spend all your time in this thread attacking americans. It's also weird you'd let some migrant bully you out of your possessions.

Shame I loved my time when I was in germany in 02. Even went to a fest in zweibruken (sp lol). All whites everywhere.


And? The Islamic state has anti gay laws to. Putin has pro muzzie anti nationalist laws. His government is full of musliums jews and other assorted shitbag mongoloids.

Go to his vk profile, if it's still up.

Read the thread from the top to the bottom and you will see why I am upset about Americans.
It's not like I started this thread saying "I FUCKING HATE AMERICANS AND WILL MAKE THIS CLEAR IN THIS THREAD!".
That's nothing this thread was intended to talk about. It was the Americans who triggered me into this with their shit.

I would like to add the only thing stopping Russia from having a ultra nationalist government over the past 20 years is putin killing or exiling all of the nationalists.

You're from the region? You seem to be too aware to be a westerner


Germany suffers a refugee crisis in which MILLIONS of north africans and mid-easterns migrate to it but it STILL has a way higher caucasian population percentage than the usa has.

Why are you and your peers such fucking faggots?

Everytime someone has pulled a knife on me, I've had to fight. If you have space, you take a couple more steps back while removing your shirt that you wrap around your hand. I could tell you more, but what's the point? You're a shell of a man. Which is why, more shit is going to continue to happen to you.

Jesus Christ this krauts mind…

Yep, that's about it.

So! AFTER you're RAPED. Swallowed half a dozen loads and another a couple shot up your asshole and have some STD hahaha, what then? You'll tell yourself, 'at least I wasn't cut'. Because next time a knife is pulled on you, it will be followed by instructions to get on your knees and open your mouth.

So what's your breaking point? You want to suck some diseased brown dick or get fucked up like a man?

Yeah there is, but once you do it for real it all goes out the window. Blade weapons are the most difficult. You're looking at 10-20 years to be somebody with that.

REALLY? I must be a ghost then, because am covered in scars.

cut and stabbed are two different things. Type of blade, size, location, all matter.

Whoop there it is. This faggot is more concerend with the consequences, then his own fucking life. Also, great fear of the state.

That would be retards like you. Lying, dumb little shits with false arguments. No one, anywhere is allowed to shoot or anything else to another person. But if you aren't able to defend yourself in a life and death situation, you're a slave. You should move tomorrow. Your life is worth nothing.

Oh and not American :) Also been to prison. Sorry to ruin your efantasy, dummy.

not likely. Yes, the cops will probably arrest you but if you shoot a knife-wielding assailant, you probably won't be charged. And yes, open carry of a firearm is not permitted in many states but it's relatively simple to get a concealed carry permit.

I don't know dude. You have all those images saved for that sole reason. I don't have any anti-germany stuff saved. I love the german people and hope one day they start fighting back. Unlike you who is such a loser that some mudnig's little knife scares you off. The future of us whites in this new century will be one of blood. I hope you wake up soon and stop being such a fucking cuck.

Still up:
It's in slavrunes though.

Also he gets out at September 11, 2017. Literally on 9/11.

No im just another westerner talking out of his ass. I have a lot of Russian friends Whenever we talk nationalism the talks about nationalist groups in Russia are always the same the leadership always ends up dead or in jail or fleeing the country before they end up dead or in jail. The mistake I think most people from the west make is they see Russia and think because they have these laws Putin must have pushed for it so he is this awesome based guy. The truth that I have seen is that the Russians themselves are based as fucked and putin needs to be very right wing in his politics or he wouldn't be in power for long all of his laws are posturing for the plebs its not that he gives a shit and his rule has been a sort of soft poz of the nation spanned out over many years.

Dude i wish i wouldnt have to save stuff like that to make americans realize how one-sided their view is even though they should look at their own country first. But it always ends like this on Holla Forums.
I wish I could love the US-Americans. Especially as we, as right wingers, have the same goals and ideologies. However, if you start talking about a subject like this on Holla Forums its always the same shit: "WOW! WHO CARES! YOURE CUCKED! BECAUSE DEMOCRACY IS 1000000% representative of YOUR opinion! literally YOU chose merkel!!! its all YOUR fault!"
If you don't believe me. Just monitor threads started by germans for a while.

That being said, congrats on having Trump elected. No one expected that. And I have no intention in lying if it comes to that.. I congratulate you.

This is why you will live your life as a slave. You don't have the guts necessary to spill them in defense of your life, property, or freedom.

When an enemy pulls a weapon on you, you kill him or die. Either way, it slows down the thieves and killers and maybe saves some trouble for the next victim.

You make me sick.

Still a shit thread. An AMA? Are we on reddit?

So have I and when I read some stories about people shitting their pants in front of a loud rowdy Achmed who I know will run after getting his nose broken by a headbutt or a good punch I'm thinking they wouldn't last a week behind bars.

Not even burger but holy shit are you a cuckold.

My only question is why the fuck don't you man up? If all that is happening to you, then you're a colossal pussy.


America at least has a culture of "nigger threatens me, gets shot" instead of "I am sorry for the Holocaust, oink oink".

I doubt any of the faggots in this thread spamming cuck are actually Americans. You most likely triggered all the swarthy mutants by putting eastern Europeans/mid eastern. Next you will have people spamming snowniggers and cumskins.

Fucking this. Say what you will about us fat faggots, at least we respond to threats with white phosphorous hellfire. Even in cuck central (my state), you can still defend your fucking home and family from rampaging niggers without having to appear before a human rights commission.

Yes we are, it's call self defense. Forget about the cop shit on the news, white people defending themselves are virtually never charged. If it happens on your property even cucked states like CA will let you off.

Interesting article. Of course those are self reported 23andme users who are most likely above the age of 16-18 I'm guessing. The kids younger than that are definitely more race mixed.

I'm not going to shit on you like everybody else but you better start boxing and taking self defense classes etc. and fucking be prepared the next time you are confronted.

You doomed your shit thread by saying this, kiddo. No one gets to insult this protected group of society.

Hard to die in a holy war if there are no crusaders to fight with. What you're talking about is becoming an isolated and forgotten casualty.

The kraut vs burger bashing does get a little extreme. Both our countries have nigh-insurmountable problems and a Holla Forumsacks natural disgust for weakness and cuckoldry leads us to lashing out against each other. On the burger side, it's likely because we actually hold germany in high esteem for its history and (remaining) genetic gifts, so it frustrates us to see what should be a rallying center for ethnonationalism get cucked right and left. On the kraut side, i imagine many of y'all resent burgers for ww2, which is understandable even if i won't jump on nay anti-american bandwagon. Our country was cucked on the federal level over 140 years ago, so we have a lot of ground to make up.

I would actually be curious to see how Americans would have reacted in the event that that they had to face an international kangaroo court and get cucked and occupied by 3 countries like Germany had because of Neuremberg. I'm sure it would have had a different result but would the US eventually have folded?

Lethal force is the most efficient form of self-defense, if the attacker is dead he cannot hurt you.

Well I am a burger and I will tell you that owning guns is about the only piece of American "white" culture left. Probably why we talk about them so much. Everything else is gone.

There is a tv show called the man in the high tower that makes it seems like it would have been for the best lol

What about Nascar?

It would be a shame for someone to point out that the Polish commit the most crime proportional to their population in the UK, literally worse than niggers.

Thats a regional thing tbh and is waning in popularity. Maybe it will pick back up when the working class whites have good paying jobs again. But thats a pretty recent thing. Gun ownership goes back to the founding of the nation.

Yea, I dont know if you are aware what "AMA" stands for. But yea…… "HURRRR YOURE A CUCK!!!!!" is not a question.

It stands for "Ask me anything" and is a common thing on reddit where people like to blog, not on Holla Forums where people are discouraged from useless blogging. What did you think this thread would be good for?


They why did you go all autistic and ruin it?

Because the posts were no questions but only "hurr u cuck" typical Holla Forums shit.

Like I said you triggered all the autistic on here mutants because they hate actual Europeans.

autistic mutants on here~ man I fucked that up hard.

you really need to go back to halfchan with your garbage divide and conquer posting. Europeans are our brothers and we are fighting together for a better future

t. American

Know any fräulein that want to get married and move to Murica? Must be pure Aryan.